15 best glued beam manufacturers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

More and more future homeowners, when choosing a material for walls, prefer glued beams. It combines environmental friendliness and convenience in work, durability and durability. Thanks to advanced technologies, manufacturers manage to preserve all the advantages of natural wood, while offering the consumer a wide range of products. Leading European and domestic companies are fighting fiercely on the Russian market. Many of them not only produce glued beams, but also prepare house kits from it, and also provide log cabin assembly services. Our experts will help novice builders choose glued laminated timber, starting from the thickness of the wallet, taking into account the requirements for the performance of the material.

Recommendations for selection

Geometrical dimensions. The search for glued laminated timber should begin with the geometric dimensions of the material.

  1. The thickness of the beam for the walls varies between 150-280 mm. The warmer the region, the thinner the logs can be used, which will save a lot of money. Experts recommend taking material with a thickness of 150 mm or more for a country house. If the house is being built for permanent residence, then this figure should be at least 200 mm.

  2. The height of the produced timber is also varied. For the construction of walls, the optimal value is 170-200 mm. Some builders prefer to work with taller logs (220-240mm).

  3. The length of the glued beam is selected taking into account the overall dimensions of the house. Without problems, it will be possible to pick up logs up to 12 m long. Many manufacturers, armed with modern equipment and advanced technologies, make longer elements, but there are additional costs for transporting such a beam. By the way, experts believe that if a manufacturer has mastered the production of glued laminated timber with a length of more than 6 m, then everything should be in order with the quality.

Beam quality. Since glued laminated timber is a prefabricated structure consisting of thin boards (lamellas), its quality directly depends on the uniformity of the constituent elements and the reliability of their fixation.

  1. It is generally accepted that the timber is of better quality when using lamellas of minimum thickness. But with length, the reverse pattern is obtained. The best timber is the product of connecting the longest planks possible.

  2. The only non-natural material in laminated veneer lumber is glue. The environmental friendliness of the log depends on what composition the manufacturer has chosen. EPI adhesive composition is considered the most harmless today. Eco-friendly products include polyurethane and melamine adhesives. The cheapest timber is glued together using phenol-formaldehyde resins, but such material is only suitable for outdoor gazebos or outbuildings.

  3. Each composite log must be made from lamellas of the same wood. Otherwise, there is a high probability of cracking during operation.

Our review includes 15 best brands of glued laminated lumber. These manufacturers have a reputation of reliable partners. When distributing positions, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of experts, taking into account the feedback from Russian users.

What is better glued or profiled timber

Type of timber

Advantages Disadvantages


+ variety of standard sizes

+ no cracking

+ preservation of geometry

+ no shrinkage of the log house

– worse environmental friendliness due to glue

– difficult air circulation

Solid profiled

+ lower cost

+ harmlessness

+ natural look

+ good breathability

– shrinkage of the log house is observed

– the beam cracks and twists

Rating of the best manufacturers of glued laminated timber

Nomination Place Manufacturer Rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of glued laminated timber      1 Lameco Lht Oy      5.0
     2 Fin lamellae      4.9
     3 ACCOUNT      4.8
     4 Timber Frame      4.7
     5 MANHON      4.6
     6 WOOD HOUSE      4.5
     7 KLM ART      4.4
     8 Tree Module      4.3
     9 Honka      4.2
     10 GK Priozersky Lesokombinat      4.1
     11 BECOME      4.1
     12 Vishera      4.1
     13 Glavstroy 365      4.0
     14 Art Holtz      4.0
     15 Evlashevsky DOK      4.0

Lameco Lht Oy

Rating: 5.0

Lameco Lht Oy, a Finnish company’s laminated timber, has excellent performance. Experts consider it the standard of reliability, beauty and durability. The young Scandinavian manufacturer quickly won recognition not only in his own country, but also in many countries of the world. The chip of the brand is the supply of ready-made kits for the construction of a wooden house. Residents of our country are showing increasing interest in Finnish products. Thanks to the careful selection of coniferous wood and advanced gluing technologies, the output is an environmentally friendly high-quality timber. The brand becomes the winner of our review.

Russian consumers highly appreciate beauty, harmlessness, high workmanship. The only deterrent when buying is the high cost.



Fin lamellae

Rating: 4.9

Another company from Finland, Finnlamelli, presents a wealth of standard sizes of laminated veneer lumber on the Russian market. This manufacturer has not only ready-made house kits, but also specialists who provide services for assembling them at the customer’s site. The experts appreciated the originality of the proposed projects. The Finnish company uses spruce and pine in its work, the tree goes through a rigorous selection process. Green technologies help to obtain environmentally friendly glued laminated timber with a wide range of standard sizes. Thanks to 30 years of experience, the brand successfully competes in global markets, and in our review it takes an honorable second place.

Domestic users have no complaints about the quality of the timber, environmental friendliness and durability. But there are certain complaints about the collectors.




Rating: 4.8

KONTIO has been engaged in woodworking for over 45 years. The accumulated rich experience of the Finnish manufacturer is complemented by its own developments. Experts highly appreciated the latest achievements of the industry introduced into production. Therefore, each house becomes the standard of engineering knowledge. Of particular interest is the double insulation, the unique design of the corners. Arctic pine is selected for the manufacture of glued beams. It is harvested, as in the old days, only in the winter. The connection of the lamellas is carried out using the German adhesive system. The brand’s catalog includes both ready-made houses and a variety of timber.

Russian consumers are satisfied with the variety of standard sizes, timber durability, and unique developments. The high price becomes an obstacle to buying.



Timber Frame

Rating: 4.7

Timber Frame was founded in 1995. From the first steps of its existence, the Finnish manufacturer has focused on the manufacture of wooden houses. Due to the timely response to customer requests, the company is at the forefront of log housing construction. Today, the catalog contains glued and profiled timber, as well as a log rounded using a unique technology. The role of the raw material is played by arctic pine, which enters the enterprise after strict control. The experts liked the combination of environmental friendliness and excellent thermal insulation qualities, the variety of standard sizes.

Domestic homeowners highly appreciated the quality of glued laminated timber, environmental friendliness and a rich assortment. The only drawback is the high cost.




Rating: 4.6

The company MAANHONKA has a full production cycle for the manufacture of wooden houses. In the workshops of the enterprise, wood is prepared, lamellas are glued together, and house kits are prepared. The products have received European quality standard certificates. Production sites are equipped with the most advanced equipment. The experts liked the attentive attitude to customers, the manufacturer implements the most daring projects. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in the winter, which favorably affects the durability. In addition, the lamellas are not deformed during the drying process.

At thematic forums, MAANHONKA glued laminated timber is praised for its high quality, individual approach to customers, and modern technologies. Users have problems with the assembly of houses.




Rating: 4.5

The largest manufacturer of glued laminated timber in Russia is HOLZ-HOUSE. She adopted Austrian technologies, introducing European quality standards at production sites. 3 factories have been built in our country, they produce over 10 thousand square meters. m per month. Experts list thousands of assembled houses as an asset to the brand. Glued laminated timber is not inferior in quality to competitors from Finland, but the cost of production is high. The catalog contains a wide range of standard sizes, the company provides services for the development of projects and the construction of houses. The role of raw materials is played by pine and spruce, harvesting is carried out in the northern regions.

In Runet, a lot of flattering words were said by users about the quality of the timber, the variety of standard sizes. But delivery times are often postponed.




Rating: 4.4

KLM ART is a young player on the Russian glued laminated timber market. However, over the 10 years of its existence, the brand has managed to increase production volumes and acquire a wide customer base. The parent company is located in the forest-rich Krasnoyarsk Territory. Unique species of wood (larch, Siberian cedar, Angarsk pine) are sent for processing. The harsh conditions of Siberia had a favorable effect on the density of wood. The experts drew attention to the modern equipment in the factory workshops, thanks to which high-quality wood processing and assembly of glued beams are achieved. An ecological composition from Finland is used as glue.

Domestic consumers praise glued beams for their high quality and unique properties. But there are complaints about the assembly of houses.



Tree Module

Rating: 4.3

In the shortest possible time, it will be possible to build a house from glued laminated timber, if you contact the Russian company Modul Drev. The manufacturer promises to design, manufacture and assemble a house within 3 months. The choice is offered as a glued beam, and solid, past chamber drying. The harvesting of raw materials is carried out in the forests of the Arkhangelsk region, pines and spruces are processed for processing. For the high quality of its products, the brand received the right to mark the timber with the Arkhangelsk Forest sign. You can also order bathhouses and gazebos at the enterprise. Experts praised the manufacturer for a competent pricing policy.

The strengths of the domestic company, consumers attribute reasonable prices and accurate fulfillment of contractual obligations. But the range of glued beams leaves much to be desired.




Rating: 4.2

The Finnish company Honka is considered an authoritative manufacturer of glued laminated timber. She has been in the woodworking industry for over 60 years. Ready-made house kits and glued beams are supplied to many countries of the world, official representative offices of the brand are open in 30 states. Experts believe that the Scandinavian manufacturer should be proud of the successful production of a house for the Queen of Great Britain. The assortment includes both glued beams and rounded logs assembled from lamellas. However, the range of timber is represented by only 5 standard sizes.

The reviews are dominated by positive assessments of the company’s activities. The quality of the timber deserves praise. Buyers are dissatisfied with the high price and assembly of houses.



GK Priozersky Lesokombinat

Rating: 4.1

The main area of ​​activity of the Russian enterprise GK Priozersky Lesokombinat is the production of glued beams. The company boasts large volumes of supplies, thanks to large-scale production, it is possible to maintain an affordable price level. Annual deliveries of house kits reached 150 pieces. One of the reasons for the success, according to experts, is wood processing using modern European equipment. Finnish technologies have been adopted, and environmentally friendly glue and impregnation are supplied from Sweden and the UK. An attractive service is the painting of timber in the workshops of the plant.

Russian users praise the manufacturer for the rapid construction of houses, environmental friendliness of products, affordable prices. But over time (4-5 years), cracks appear in the timber.




Rating: 4.1

TULLA is a serious player in the domestic market. It has an impressive annual package of orders for the supply of laminated veneer lumber. The company also provides services for the construction of wooden houses. The manufacturer has adopted Finnish technologies, and strict quality control has been established at the factories. Raw materials are supplied from different regions of the country; Karelian spruce, Siberian cedar, Angarsk pine get into processing. Experts appreciate the transparency of work with clients, the estimate is full of detail.

The brand was prevented from taking a higher place in the review by some critical user reviews. The houses are assembled by hired workers; not quite high-quality timber comes across in the kit.




Rating: 4.1

For more than a quarter of a century, the Russian company Vishera has been engaged in wooden housing construction. During this time, more than 1000 houses from glued laminated timber were built. All of them meet modern quality standards. The manufacturer has its own production site in the Moscow region, where wood processing is carried out. The company is ready to produce about 100 wooden houses annually. Experts note the high level of production automation, from design to assembly. The hallmark of the brand is the production of premium quality products.

In Runet, the company is praised for the high rate of assembly of houses, the high quality of glued beams. But the high price and miscalculations in the design did not allow her to rise higher in the review.



Glavstroy 365

Rating: 4.0

The Russian company GLAVSTROY 365 bribes potential customers with openness and transparency. Employees of the company provide the customer with a detailed estimate for the manufacture of a wooden house. Approximately 70% of the total volume of housing construction falls on individual design. In the workshops of the plant, high-quality glued laminated timber is obtained, from which houses are subsequently completed. Before shipment, the products are packed free of charge in a film to protect them from negative influences. Today the company offers projects from glued beams with a thickness of 90-200 mm.

In the reviews, users report the high quality of glued laminated timber, accurate fulfillment of contractual obligations, openness and transparency of calculations. They consider a poor range of products as a minus.



Art Holtz

Rating: 4.0

The Russian company Art Holz began to take its first steps in woodworking in 2001. Starting with the simplest machines, by 2011 production had acquired a modern look, dominated by automated lines. The high quality of glued beams is ensured by equipment from leading European manufacturers. The manufacturer offers its customers the manufacture of ready-made house kits and their assembly at the customer’s site. For the manufacture of glued laminated timber, Finnish technology is used; cedar, pine and spruce are used as raw materials. Experts have added to the brand’s assets the environmental friendliness of products, a wide geography of supplies.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the combination of price and quality of timber, timely execution of orders. The disadvantage is the modest choice of design solutions.



Evlashevsky DOK

Rating: 4.0

Yevlashevsky DOK became the oldest woodworking enterprise in our review. The plant began its activity back in 1958. Today, automated lines play a dominant role in the renovated workshops. The experts were surprised when they learned that Yevlashevsky DOK was the first in the world to purchase a Hundegger BHM-2 machine (responsible for the manufacture of corner joints). It provides an accuracy of 0,5 mm. Glued laminated timber is made from spruce and pine, which are supplied from the forests of the Perm and Krasnoyarsk Territories. The manufacturer is ready to take on the most complex projects of houses, baths and gazebos.

Unfortunately, a large number of orders has a negative impact on the speed of execution of contracts. Therefore, users complain about the postponement, sometimes disputes are resolved only in court.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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