15 best films about the future

Which scenarios of the future to inspire, and which, on the contrary, to be horrified – in the selection Trends

1. Time (2011)

Фото: Twentieth Century Fox

What is interesting: before us is a world where, after 25 years, people stop aging, and everyone has a timer on their hand, counting time back by a second. At the same time, it becomes a real currency, which is paid everywhere – in cafes, restaurants or transport. As is often the case, this world is unfair: wealthy people become almost immortal, and those who are less fortunate are forced to fight so that the timer does not rise to “0”. True, one person can still challenge the system.

IMDb rating: 6.7

2. Hell (2007)

Фото: Twentieth Century Fox

What is interesting: 2057 year. The sun has almost lost its power and will soon go out, threatening the existence of all life on Earth. To prevent this, a team of eight people is trying to go on the Icarus 2 spacecraft with a nuclear charge straight to this star in order to bring it back to life. All goes well until the crew intercepts a weak distress call from the Icarus 1, which was launched several years ago for the same purpose and was presumed dead.

IMDb rating: 7.2

3. Interstellar (2014)

Фото: Melinda Sue Gordon / Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures Corporation

What is interesting: On the Earth of the future, humanity is on the verge of a food crisis. Ordinary people are forced to become farmers in order not to die of hunger, and to fight constant dust storms. A mysterious new pathogen is not only killing crops, but is gradually replacing the oxygen in the air with nitrogen, threatening the survival of people on Earth. The government and scientists see only one way out – resettlement to a new planet suitable for human existence. A group of researchers is sent in search of her, using a recently found space-time tunnel, which allows to reduce the flight time and conquer vast distances previously inaccessible to man. At least three planets were considered potentially suitable for life, but already during the study of the first it turned out that everything is not so simple.

IMDb rating: 8.6

4. Ready Player One (2018)

Фото: Jaap Buitendijk / Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Village Roadshow Films North America Inc. and RatPac-Dune Entertainment LLC

What is interesting: The action takes place in 2045. The land is not in the most attractive form: dirt, garbage and slums. The bright computer game OASIS saves you from thinking about reality, giving you the opportunity not only to immerse yourself in virtual reality and fence yourself off from problems, but also to earn real money. The eccentric creator of the game, James Holliday, after his death, bequeathed his entire colossal fortune and control of OASIS to whoever first discovers the “easter egg” hidden by him, to which three keys lead. Not only ordinary users want to find her, but also a large corporation, which employs a whole staff of analyst players trying to complete quests. But only those who really understand the creator’s train of thought will be able to find the “Easter egg”.

IMDb rating: 7.5

5. Beside myself (2015)

Photo: Focus Features

What is interesting: in the future, which is described in this film, one of the main dreams of futurologists is realized – victory over death. The scientist came up with a way to transfer consciousness into a young body created with the help of genetic engineering. Of course, the development is not available to everyone: the procedure is very expensive and is known only to a narrow circle of initiates. Among them is an elderly businessman Damian Hale, who found out that he has cancer. The transplant is successful, but after a while, Damian begins to hallucinate, which he was warned about as a temporary side effect (and given the necessary medication), but which turn out to be surprisingly very realistic.

IMDb rating: 6.5

6. Prometheus (2012)

Фото: Twentieth Century Fox

What is interesting: 2089 year. Two archaeologists discover more than 35-year-old rock paintings in a cave on a Scottish island. The pictures show people worshiping humanoid beings. Later it turns out that similar images were found in other places around the world. They all have one thing in common: the drawings show the same part of the sky, which the creatures point to. Archaeologists believe that this is a message from powerful alien inhabitants who once created all life on Earth. And the figures indicate the constellation in which they can be located. After a while, archaeologists with a group of other scientists and a humanoid android are sent to the Prometheus spacecraft to a small planet in a distant galaxy. But what meets them there does not look like “gods” at all.

IMDb rating: 7.0

7. Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Фото: Twentieth Century Fox

What is interesting: The action takes place in 2563. 300 years ago, the Earth suffered from a devastating war. At the same time, the world is divided in two: the rich live in the sky city of Zalem, and in the “lower world”, Iron City, the poor steal from each other and look for cyber-implants in landfills. There, Dr. Ido finds the remains of a cyborg girl with an intact human brain. The scientist decides to fix her and name her Alita. The cyborg does not remember anything after the restoration, but very soon he discovers that he knows how to perfectly use combat techniques.

IMDb rating: 7.3

8. The Martian (2015)

Фото: Twentieth Century Fox

What is interesting: in the near future, people are already flying to Mars, however, they have not yet created a colony there, as Elon Musk would like, but research teams are already working with might and main. During one of these missions, a severe sandstorm began, forcing the expedition members to return home. On the way to the ship, one of them, engineer and biologist Mark Watney, is blown away by a satellite dish element, which damages his suit. The rest of the astronauts, believing Watney dead, leave Mars. The scientist, however, is alive – alone on the entire planet, without communication, but with a fully working habitation module with a supply of food for a month for six people. The main character is faced with the task of holding out for several years on the available resources until the next mission arrives, and also trying to establish a connection with the Earth.

IMDb rating: 8.0

9. Upgrade (2018)

Фото: Stefan Duscio / Universal Pictures

What is interesting: according to the plot of the filmmakers, very soon people will implant chips and all kinds of implants everywhere. But the main character, auto mechanic Grey, is not too fond of technology, he does not use chips, but earns his living by repairing old cars. One of the customers of such a machine is the owner of a large technology company. On the way from him, the hero and his wife have an accident in a dysfunctional area, in which unknown people in masks attack the couple, as a result of which the wife dies, and Gray remains paralyzed. Then the rich client offers the technoskeptic to implant an experimental Stem implant, which will allow him to regain mobility. The procedure is successful, but soon Gray begins to hear a voice that claims that he is Stem.

IMDb rating: 7.5

10 She (2013)

Photo: Warner Bros. picture

What is interesting: this film touches on the theme of the relationship between man and machines, which can even be romantic. At the center of the story is the writer Theodore Twombly, who is in divorce proceedings and who bought an operating system with a smart AI that can choose a voice and name and which follows all the instructions of the owner. The protagonist calls the system Samantha and, imperceptibly, begins to get involved in communication with the computer. This, however, is not a soulless machine, but, so to speak, a self-sufficient person, endowed with a sense of humor and real “human” emotions. Soon a romance develops between Theodore and Samantha.

IMDb rating: 8.0

11. Last Love on Earth (2010)

Photo: IFC Films

What is interesting: a film for those who, in our turbulent times, are not afraid to watch films about epidemics. The action takes place in Glasgow against the backdrop of a strange phenomenon: the population of the whole world began to lose their sense of smell. The mysterious “disease” at first does not scare people too much: you can adapt to everything, and even to this. But then the hearing begins to disappear, the rest of the senses are next in line, and this already makes everyone nervous. How to live, having lost all feelings? The whole gamut of emotions from what is happening is experienced by two – chef Michael and epidemiologist Susan. At first, they do not perceive their romance as something serious, but the unfolding events strongly unite them. In addition, the loss of feelings over time shows that the main thing – love – no one can take away from them.

IMDb rating: 7.1

12. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Фото: David James / Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

What is interesting: according to the scenario of this picture, people should be seriously afraid of aliens. In the not too distant future, they attacked Earth, successfully taking over part of Europe. The aliens are so strong that countries decide to unite their armies in order to at least in this way strengthen their power in the fight against the enemy. Among the fighters is Major William Cage, who is not eager and not particularly able to fight, as well as Sergeant Rita Vrataski, who destroyed about 100 opponents in the exoskeleton alone and received universal recognition for this. It is they who are destined to find the “Achilles heel” of enemies and save humanity.

IMDb rating: 7.9

13. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)

Photo: STX Entertainment

What is interesting: 2700 year. The main characters – Valerian and Laureline – are space special agents whose duties include performing secret missions and ensuring the safety of the planet. As part of the latter, the partners are instructed to confiscate a unique creature from the destroyed planet from the smugglers. But what initially sounded like something simple turned out to be equally opposite: the heroes find out that they were involved in a cosmic conspiracy, and the authorities deliberately concealed information about the case.

IMDb rating: 6.5

14. Moon 2112 (2009)

Photo: Martin Ansin

What is interesting: by 2035, judging by the film, people will learn how to extract minerals on the moon. Sam Bell is an astronaut who alone (except for the talking robot GERTY) makes sure that the station for the extraction of rare gas is working properly. His three-year contract is nearly up and he is already looking forward to meeting his wife and young daughter, who are still on Earth. But three years is a long time that cannot pass unnoticed: it is increasingly difficult for Sam to deal with the pressure of loneliness on the psyche. He begins to suffer from hallucinations, and two weeks before returning he meets a shift who claims that he is Sam Bell.

IMDb rating: 7.9

15. Mr. Nobody (2009)

Фото: Magnolia Pictures

What is interesting: 2092 year. 118-year-old old man Nemo Nobody wakes up in a new world in which people do not die, and he is the only remaining mortal person on Earth. His last days of life become the subject of a TV show watched by the rest of the planet. As he narrates, he reveals the confused facts of his biography, which add up to several parallel mutually exclusive stories. What is it – real events from life or hypothetical forks that never happened, the psychiatrist and the journalist who made his way into the ward are trying to find out.

IMDb rating: 7.8

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