15 best fabric softeners

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Conditioner (aka rinse aid) for clothes and linen is a useful tool in everyday life that will give washed things a pleasant elusive aroma. It is often used by experienced housewives during machine or hand washing of children’s and adult clothes. However, there is such a wide range of fabric softeners on the shelves of hardware stores that choosing the right option is often difficult. Therefore, Healthy Food Near Me experts analyzed the household chemicals market, ranked the best conditioners and rinses for machine, hand and children’s clothes.

The composition of fabric softeners and their effectiveness

Modern fabric softeners contain various components that are responsible not only for the freshness of the smell of things, but also perform other equally important functions:

  1. Surfactants that may be labeled as surfactants on packaging.

  2. Silicone.

  3. Lemon acid.

  4. Additional components – dyes, thickeners, preservatives, etc.

Manufacturers claim that the unique properties of fabric softeners are due to the synergistic action of the components of the preparations. This means that the substances in the composition of the funds enhance the effect of each other. Due to this, rinses have a complex effect on fabrics:

They give things a delicate aroma that lasts for a long time – from 1 day to 2-3 weeks. However, people who have an individual intolerance to various synthetic odors can buy fabric softeners that do not contain any fragrances and fragrances, so that the laundry acquires a simple neutral smell of freshness.

Gives fabrics extra softness. This is especially important in the case of washing underwear and bed linen, children’s clothes.

  1. Disinfect fabrics. Not all fabric softeners have these properties, but you can find suitable options.

  2. Retain the original color of fabrics, including after several washes.

  3. They shorten and simplify the process of ironing things, as folds and creases are leveled with an iron more efficiently.

  4. They have an antistatic effect on fabrics.

  5. They prevent the appearance of pellets and the “looseness” of fabric threads.

  6. Prolong the period of wear and use of things.

  7. Gives dirt-repellent properties to clothing fabrics.

All fabric softeners, which are representatives of the products of major world brands, are completely safe for human health. Firms that value their reputation, use only permissible substances, develop drug formulas in accordance with the requirements of not only their own specifications (technical specifications), but GOSTs, that is, state quality and safety standards. But the products of small or little-known manufacturers may contain potentially dangerous additives, such as petrochemicals, benzyl alcohol or chloroform. However, in most cases, the amount of relatively harmful additives in cheap air conditioners is minimal. Therefore, you just need to strictly follow the instructions for use, do not exceed the recommended dosages, so that the likelihood of negative effects on the body tends to zero.

How to choose the right fabric softener

The most important step in using fabric softener is the selection process. You can, of course, start from the price, following the rule – the more expensive, the better. But experts recommend paying attention to other factors, since a relatively low price is not always an indicator of poor quality, and the high cost of household chemicals is often justified only by the reputation of the manufacturer.

What to look for when choosing a fabric softener:

  1. Prescribing the drug. There are separate air conditioners for washing adult and children’s clothes; colored and white/black fabrics; universal conditioners that can be used in any conditions. Usually such information is the first thing that catches your eye when looking at the packaging.

  2. Compound. Not many users understand which substances are neutral and which are harmful to our body. Moreover, the composition is usually indicated on the packaging in Latin. But if you see that substances such as chloroform, benzyl acetate, terpineol are present in the list of components, and not in the last place, it is better to refrain from such a purchase. It is also desirable that surfactants are not in the first places in the composition of the drug, and their concentration does not exceed 20% of the total mass of the components.

  3. Packing volume and ease of use. It is recommended to store an open air conditioner for a short time. Therefore, a large container is suitable for a family of 3-5 people. A more compact package can be purchased if you need to wash a small number of things. You also need to pay attention to whether the bottle with the drug fits comfortably in your hand, whether there is a narrowed spout or a dispenser cap at the end, which help to correctly measure the right amount of liquid for one load of laundry.

  4. Can be used for machine or hand wash. Everything is a little simpler here, since most manufacturers are focused on the production of universal rinses.

  5. The color and odor of the liquid. It is desirable that the fabric softener does not contain bright dyes and has a light, unobtrusive smell. If the drug has a sharp aroma, then when using the conditioner, health problems may arise. In addition, people who use perfumes may find it uncomfortable to wear strong-smelling things, because one scent will override another. In the event that washing of children’s things is to be done, the color and smell should be generally neutral.

Rating of the best fabric softeners

NominationPlaceName of productPrice
The best conditioners for machine washing     1Leo     360 ₽ 
     2vixen     116 ₽
     3Frosch Almond Milk     166 ₽
     4Lenor Aromatherapy     150 ₽ 
     5Ecover     322 ₽
The best conditioners for washing children’s things     1Eared Nian     69 ₽ 
     2vernel     119 ₽
     3Lenor     130 ₽ 
     4cotico     115 ₽ 
     5Frog     140 ₽
The best conditioners for hand washing clothes     1Econel Comfort     135 ₽
     2Parex Active Exotic flowers     129 ₽
     3Flower Feeling from the brand Minel     495 ₽
     4Dosia Spring awakening     63 ₽
     5Synergetic Garden of Eden     160 ₽ 

The best conditioners for machine washing

If you use a washing machine, then the air conditioner must be of the appropriate type. In this case, it will not contribute to wear or damage to the mechanism of household appliances. And it will also be well washed from the fibers of fabrics, and have maximum efficiency.

Air Conditioner

Rating: 4.9

The preparation from the Japanese company Lion opens our rating of air conditioners for machine washing. In user reviews, you can read that the product is available in several versions with different aromas – citrus and vanilla-jasmine, the smell of meadow herbs. All fragrances are unobtrusive and very pleasant.

Experts approve this air conditioner, as it has an almost completely natural composition, does not harm nature and human health. Among the components of the product there are substances with antistatic and antibacterial properties, as well as natural vegetable oils. Trace elements of the active substances of the conditioner penetrate deep into the tissues, making the fibers softer, eliminating unpleasant odors, even the most persistent ones (old sweat, tobacco, caustic cologne).

After washing clothes using this conditioner, the fabrics become soft, silky, pleasant to the touch and well receptive to ironing.



Viksan fabric softener

Rating: 4.8

This Belarusian drug occupies a position in our rating, as it is very popular with the Russian consumer. Especially a lot of positive feedback is left about the product with the scent of Provencal Meadows. The conditioner is suitable for all types of fabrics. With regular use, it makes things resistant to static electricity, preserves the brightness of colors and protects against stretching, spooling, and transformation of threads. The softness and freshness of fabrics is preserved for a long period of time.

The concentration of active substances in the conditioner is increased, so it should be used in strict accordance with the instructions. In this case, it will last for a long time, since a thick liquid is economically consumed.

The composition of the drug contains pigments, but they do not contribute to changing the color of tissues. For those who want to use the products of this brand without dyes, there is an alternative – the Viksan baby “Gentle Touch” conditioner.



Concentrated fabric softener Frosch Almond Milk

Rating: 4.7

The German company Frosch, whose products take the next place in our rating, has positive ratings from specialists and consumers from all over the world. This air conditioner has a special marking “ECO”. This means that this household chemical product is absolutely safe not only for human health, but also for the environment. There are practically no harmful components in the composition, the presence of phosphates and formaldehydes is completely excluded. The fragrance (or fragrance) is completely natural. And at the same time, the drug has a high efficiency.

Regularly rinsing your laundry with this product will promote a light, natural almond scent. For those who do not like the smell of almonds, an alternative is provided – conditioner with rosehip aroma. The product can be used to rinse different types of fabrics – cotton, synthetic, viscose. Things retain their original shape, do not fade, do not become more rigid to the touch.



Fabric softener Lenor Aroma therapy

Rating: 4.6

This drug could not be included in our rating, if only because it is one of the “oldest” products on the domestic household chemicals market. He is known and trusted by millions of housewives over the past decade. And at the same time, the manufacturer does not stand still, improves the quality of products in accordance with modern requirements.

The creation of an innovative formula of the drug contributed to the fact that the conditioner can remove all foreign odors from the fabric in one wash, even those that have eaten into the fibers. And at the same time, the pleasant aroma of the conditioner will last for several days, even weeks if things are in the closet. Linen after washing becomes soft, easy to iron, does not wrinkle, does not become electrified. The fabric acquires dirt-repellent properties, so things stay clean for a long time.

Since the product is very thick and is used in a minimal amount, it is considered economical, according to user reviews.



Fabric softener Ecover

Rating: 4.5

This Belgian-made drug completes our rating of machine wash conditioners. The tool is widely used in all EU countries, as it gives clothes freshness, softness, and also has an absolutely safe composition. The fabric softener contains no bioaccumulative substances, it decomposes quickly and naturally, without causing any harm to the environment.

The formula of the drug contains mainly herbal ingredients, which makes it safe to use for people with allergies and skin diseases. Experts did not find dyes and fragrances in the gel, so it can be used for washing and rinsing children’s clothes.

According to user reviews, the main properties of the air conditioner do not differ much from the properties of similar preparations. After using the rinse, things become soft, smooth and silky to the touch. And also easier to iron, more difficult to wrinkle, less attract dust and dirt.



The best conditioners for washing children’s things

The choice of air conditioner for washing children’s clothes should be approached especially responsibly. Such products should not only have a mild pleasant smell, but also be made on the basis of the safest substances that cannot have a negative effect on delicate and vulnerable children’s skin. Our experts included in the rating just such household chemicals for rinsing clothes.

Conditioner for baby clothes Ushasty Nyan

Rating: 4.9

This product of the Russian brand occupies the first position in our rating, since the Ushasty Nyan company positions itself as a manufacturer of household chemicals specifically for children. The conditioner with a light aroma of lavender or aloe vera can be used to rinse the clothes of the smallest children, literally from the first days of life. Adults suffering from allergic reactions can also use this product to wash their clothes.

The conditioner contains aloe vera extract, so users note that after applying the product, there is no irritation on the skin of babies. At the same time, there are no dyes and strong-smelling fragrances among the components of the product. The drug has an antistatic effect and facilitates the ironing of children’s things. Opinions of dermatologists regarding the admissibility of using a conditioner for rinsing clothes for babies are the same – the product is safe for the health of newborns.



Conditioner for baby clothes Vernel

Rating: 4.8

In the second position of our rating is the product of one of the market leaders – the Henkel company. The conditioner well eliminates the static effect, softens the fabric, so that the baby does not experience any discomfort when the skin comes into contact with the washed things.

Dermatologists were unanimous in favor of using this remedy for children of the first year of life. This was facilitated by the absence of dyes, heavy fragrances and other components that can cause allergies in the preparation.

User reviews are also mostly positive. Young mothers are satisfied with the absence of a harsh aroma, the fact that the conditioner is suitable for rinsing different types of fabrics. At the same time, the drug is perfectly washed out the first time, without requiring a long rinse. With regular use of the conditioner, things begin to dry much faster than usual, the process of ironing is reduced and simplified.



Lenor baby

Rating: 4.7

On the next position of our rating is the product of the popular brand Procter and Gamble. This drug is also dermatologically tested, so its use is absolutely safe for sensitive skin, including children’s.

A distinctive feature of the product is that it copes well with the removal of the specific smell of pets. Therefore, if there is a cat or dog in the house with which the child or his things are constantly in contact, Lenore is what you need.

According to the reviews of young mothers, the fabric softener initially has a rather sharp aroma, although quite pleasant. This is due to the fact that the product is produced in a very concentrated form, it can replace three bottles of similar products. In the process of application, the sharpness of the smell decreases, and it does not irritate the olfactory organs.


  1. High concentration – economical consumption (up to 28 washes).

  2. Opportunity to buy a less concentrated product.


Conditioner for baby clothes Cotico

Rating: 4.6

It is not in vain that this air conditioner takes its place in our rating, as it is a product of the joint work of domestic and Israeli scientists. The drug stands out from the crowd in two features that may be important to you. Firstly, it has a very safe composition without the content of phosphates and fluorine. Due to this, the product is biodegradable, does not have a negative impact on the environment. Secondly, there is a network icon on the packaging indicating that the air conditioner is kosher.

Other than that, it’s a regular baby rinse that lasts for more than 30 washes. The conditioner neutralizes static electricity, protects the fabric from wear, fading and pilling. According to user reviews, the product can be used to rinse any type of fabric, it facilitates the ironing process and gives the linen a light scent of sweets or baby gum.



Frosch Baby Fabric Rinse

Rating: 4.6

At the last position of our rating is fabric softener from the leading German company Frosch, which specializes in the development and production of environmentally friendly household chemicals.

The conditioner passed dermatological control, it is recommended for washing of diapers and children’s things from the birth. The drug is developed on the basis of natural ingredients, does not contain dangerous dyes, preservatives, has hypoallergenic properties and gives clothes, bed linen a light fresh scent. Using the product will rid things of any unpleasant odors.

According to the reviews of the hostesses, after rinsing clothes with the use of this conditioner, the fabrics become soft and delicate, dry quickly and are easy to iron. The wear resistance of the fibers, which are protected from deformation and shrinkage, increases, the brightness of colors is preserved and maintained.



The best conditioners for hand washing

If you do not have an automatic washing machine, you wash by hand or use a semi-automatic model, this is not a reason to refuse a conditioner. In the assortment of many companies there are household chemicals that are not at all intended for use in automatic washing machines. Or can be used for hand and machine washing. These conditioners can be used to rinse all types of fabrics. Including those that can only be washed in a delicate mode.

Air conditioning Econel Comfort

Rating: 4.8

In the first position of our rating is fabric softener from a Russian manufacturer. Using it, you can enjoy the combination of excellent quality and reasonable cost of the drug, rinsing things by hand. Linen will be protected from shrinkage, deformation, will not fade and will retain the original richness of the color scheme.

The composition of the product contains silver nanoparticles that penetrate deeply into the fibers of fabrics of any kind and texture. As a result, unpleasant odors, allergens, pathogenic microorganisms and detergent residues are destroyed. Things are disinfected, acquire natural softness, freshness and a pleasant delicate smell. The safety of the product is ensured by the low content of surfactants of cationic origin. The composition contains only 5-15% of these substances.

As an additional advantage of the product, users note the low consumption per wash cycle. And even with minimal dosages, the use of the product has the desired effect.



Fabric softener Parex Active Exotic flowers

Rating: 4.6

The next position in our rating is the budget and economical Parex Active conditioner for hand washing clothes. According to user reviews, the use of this tool gives an excellent result, and at the same time, 1 liter of liquid is enough for 35-40 washes. The fragrance of the conditioner is floral, intense. But after washing, things do not have an obsessive smell.

The components that make up the product are well washed out of the fabric, do not leave streaks or plaque on it. After rinsing things, they become soft, iron well, and their susceptibility to static electricity decreases. The fabric is protected from destruction, deformation, thinning. Clothes perfectly retain their original appearance and color even with regular washing. It also gets less dirty and does not wrinkle so much during wear.

Experts can’t say this conditioner is XNUMX% biodegradable, but for the price, it’s a great budget option for daily laundry.



 Minel Flower Feeling

Rating: 4.5

The next place in the ranking is occupied by a German-made product. This universal preparation has a unique formula, thanks to which any kind of fabric after washing becomes amazingly soft. Things are pleasant to the touch and comfortable to wear. Linen is not covered with spools, the fabric is not shaggy and remains smooth. The ironing process is also facilitated, the drying time for things is reduced, which, after rinsing, are additionally protected from static electricity.

This conditioner is suitable for washing, rinsing colored and white fabrics, for adult and children’s clothes. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause complications in the form of skin irritation.

After using the conditioner, a slight floral scent remains on the fabric, which will last for several days, but will not be intrusive.

One of the distinguishing features of the conditioner is a concentrate that can replace 4 packs of a similar, but non-concentrated laundry detergent.



Fabric softener Dosia Spring awakening

Rating: 4.4

On the penultimate step of our rating is a product made in Poland. A distinctive feature of the product is a large volume (1 liter) combined with a low cost (from 65 to 110 rubles). According to user reviews, the air conditioner performs its functions perfectly when washing small and medium-sized items. They become soft and fragrant, easy to iron, do not wrinkle for a long time.

At the same time, there is an opinion that this product is not suitable for manual rinsing of large items – euro plus or king size bed linen, jackets and coats. There may be streaks on the fabric, as it is difficult to rinse the fiber product well by hand.

The product is universal and suitable for washing, rinsing clothes made of any fabrics, including wool. It can be used as a conditioner for delicate items that require gentle handling.



Synergetic Air Conditioner Garden of Eden

Rating: 4.4

This domestic product completes our rating of fabric softeners that can be used at the final stage of hand washing. On the packaging of the product it is indicated that it belongs to the ECO category, that is, it does not harm human health and the natural environment. The conditioner contains components of plant origin, in particular, natural oils of jasmine, patchouli, rose, neroli, vetiver.

The conditioner is suitable for rinsing clothes made of different fabrics, including if they belong to people with sensitive skin. An additional advantage is the disinfection of tissues, the destruction of persistent odors due to the effect of silver ions. The aroma of the product is light, fresh, floral-citrus, it will not cause discomfort in people who cannot tolerate strong odors.

According to the reviews of the hostesses, the product has an excellent concentration of active substances in one serving, which is measured using a measuring cap. One pack of conditioner is enough for an average of 30-33 washing cycles.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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