*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
How to choose the best coffee for a coffee machine?
Can’t imagine your morning without a cup of freshly brewed invigorating drink in the coffee machine? We will tell you how to choose the best product for making tart espresso and delicate latte, the use of which will charge you with tone, excellent mood and delight your taste buds:
Composition of the product. Arabica and Robusta are the most common varieties of coffee, while the ratio of the former usually dominates in blends and is used to make single varieties. Arabica is very picky to grow, which explains its high cost, and depending on the place of growth, it acquires unique taste properties. So, Brazilian grains have a subtle chocolate-nutty flavor, Jamaican varieties have berry shades, and the use of Mexican, Kenyan or Ethiopian Arabica will bring sour cheekbones! The cost of Robusta is very democratic, as it is easy to grow, but contains a lot of caffeine and is characterized by a strong bitterness that not everyone will appreciate. For the vast majority of coffee lovers, Simplerule experts recommend purchasing single varieties, Arabica blends or blends with Robusta in a ratio of 90:10, 80:20 and 70:30;
Roast degree. Can’t stand acidity? In this case, you will appreciate the dark roast coffee variety (French, Italian, Spanish). In this case, beans processed at temperatures up to 250 degrees lose their inherent acidity, but acquire a slight bitterness and caramel nuances, with a glossy oily sheen. If you are just starting your acquaintance with premium varieties, give preference to monosorts and blends of medium (Viennese) roast, because saturation, astringency, sourness, aroma and bitterness are balanced in them. Light (Scandinavian, American) roasting is the most gentle on grain, so it retains subtle chocolate, smoky, spicy and nutty overflows. The downside is pronounced sourness, so coffee of this roast in Russia is in demand only by special connoisseurs;
Grinding degree. The strength of the brewed drink depends on this characteristic of the product, as well as in which devices it can be used. So, a coarse grind is ideal for a French press. Medium grinding is suitable for household appliances, and fine for Turks. Coffee beans are ideal for a carob coffee machine;
Date of manufacture. When purchasing coffee, be sure to check the date of manufacture of the product. Ideally, if it does not exceed 2 months by the time of purchase, because by brewing such grains, you will fully experience the taste halftones. A drink made 5-6 months ago loses many nuances, being suitable for the average consumer, but not for the gourmet. Refuse to buy premium coffee produced more than 1 year ago, as you will not see any difference between it and budget brand products;
Type of coffee machine. Undoubtedly, the choice of brand and type of coffee depends on what kind of coffee machine you have! For carob machines, a product of medium grinding or in grains is suitable. Capsule devices are more budgetary than the first ones, but they have limited functionality and require the purchase of suitable monodoses. If you don’t want to waste time looking for capsules, give preference to Nespresso and Dolce Gusto systems. Coffee in filter tablets is suitable for automatic pod machines. Again, to avoid problems with finding the right product, choose ESE systems, as the standard pod diameter (44 mm) is designed specifically for brewing in such devices.
Rating of the best brands of coffee for a coffee machine
Nomination | Place | Brand name | Rating |
Rating of the best brands of coffee for a coffee machine | 1 | Danes | 5.0 |
2 | Molinari | 4.9 | |
3 | The gates | 4.8 | |
4 | Illy | 4.8 | |
5 | Julius meinl | 4.7 | |
6 | Cafe Diemme | 4.7 | |
7 | Lavazza | 4.7 | |
8 | Kimbo | 4.6 | |
9 | musetti | 4.5 | |
10 | Lucaffe | 4.5 | |
11 | Paulig | 4.5 | |
12 | house brand | 4.5 | |
13 | Segafredo | 4.5 | |
14 | Company of Arabica | 4.4 | |
15 | Pellini | 4.4 |
Rating: 5.0
Opened back in 1905 for the sale of espresso, the Roman coffee house Danesi, a century later, transformed into a mastodon brand that exports the product to 20 countries of the world! The range of the brand includes traditional Arabica and Robusta, as well as exquisite blends of coffee varieties of various roasts, brought from Brazil, Kenya, Guatemala, Ethiopia, America and Colombia. Today, to start the morning with a cup of Danesi coffee is preferred by gourmets all over the world, among whom there are representatives of the aristocracy, members of the government and royal families!
The Italian brand Danesi offers grain and ground coffee for carob machines, French presses and Turks, as well as products in capsules and pods for making an invigorating drink in the Caffita System and ESE. Thus, coffee for use in capsule systems is sold in packages that include 10 single doses , each containing 8 grams of Prezioso, Coproso, Delicato and Intenso ground powder. Filter tablets, 7 g each, for pod coffee machines, are on sale in packs of 150 pieces in the “medium roast” and “decaff” varieties. No matter which type of Danesi coffee you choose, in any case, you will experience true pleasure from the amazing aroma, rich and tart taste of the drink, getting a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day!
Rating: 4.9
This Italian brand, founded in 1804, was originally engaged in winemaking, selling spices and delicacies! Having been successful in this field, the ambitious leaders of the Molinari company expanded their fields of activity in the XNUMXth century by opening the first coffee shop. During the process of roasting the beans, the bewitching aroma exuded outside the bar, attracting visitors who remained impressed after treating themselves to an invigorating drink. The idea of founding a coffee shop was a huge success, so the Molinari brand subsequently abandoned the production and sale of other products, concentrating on the coffee business and founding a specialized factory!
In the manufacture of products, Molinari uses high-quality Arabica and Robusta grains purchased in various countries. Raw materials processed on high-tech equipment undergo a unique pressurization process, thanks to which the original aroma and taste properties are preserved for 3 years already in the package. The range of the brand includes ground and grain arabica, blends with robusta of various degrees of roasting, as well as flavored options with ginseng, chocolate, orange, hazelnuts and Irish cream. The owner of a capsule and pod coffee machine will also be able to indulge in all variations of the drink, because they are duplicated in monodoses for Lavazza and Nespresso machines, so you can easily choose the right option. Molinari brand coffee is an elite product with a high price tag, the quality and richness of taste of which will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmet!
The gates
Rating: 4.8
The Malongo brand, having existed on the market for less than a century, has undergone a grandiose rise, collapse and victorious rebirth! The company, founded in 1934 in Nice by Maurice Longo, was engaged in the roasting of Robusta and Arabica, realizing absolutes and original blends. The sales volumes of the product were incredible, so another instance was born in the brand’s assortment – a decaffeinated drink for people who care about their health. The 80s were critical years for the company, as the price of coffee skyrocketed and sales fell. Not despairing, but revising the concept, in 1995 the brand again rapidly broke into the market, developing a pod machine, innovative 1,2,3 Presso technology, founding coffee cities and expanding the range of drinks offered!
The modern collection of French coffee brand Malongo is represented by grain, ground, instant and pod versions of the drink based on Arabica coffee of various degrees of roasting. Coffee pods from the company, which brought fame and the title of an innovator to the brand, are intended for use in special coffee machines of the company, with the help of which in just a couple of minutes everyone can prepare an invigorating drink, like from a coffee shop. Each package contains 12 or 16 monodoses of 6 g each, based on Arabica, tinted with caramel, chocolate, citrus and vegetable notes. There is a version and Deca Aqua for people who have contraindications to caffeine! Capsulated coffee, unlike the above brands, Malongo does not produce, but for innovation, fidelity to the concept and high quality of products, Simplerule experts gave it an honorable place in the TOP 3 best coffee brands for a coffee machine!
Rating: 4.8
The history of the Illy brand begins in the 1920s! The ambitious military Francesco Illi, who returned to Italy, with the support of his wife’s father, opened a coffee shop with a bean roasting workshop. The young man not only led the process, but also stood behind the counter himself, preparing coffee for visitors and studying public opinion about individual taste preferences. Thanks to this, the coffee house prepared not only traditional Arabica, but also unique blends of various roasts. The decline of the enterprise fell on the Second World War, but Ernesto Illi continued the work of his father. In 1965, he opened a coffee laboratory, after which he created the personalized ESE coffee machine, which brought him fame, and subsequently the brand’s products began to be exported throughout Europe. Later, Andrea Illi, who also has an entrepreneurial streak, took over the reins of the family business. So, from a small coffee shop, the company has transformed into a large-scale concern, which today exports its products to 141 countries, has registered coffee shops in 30 countries of the world and participates in collaborations with Coca-Cola!
The Illy range of coffees includes dark and medium roast monoarabica, blends of up to 9 coffee beans, and decaffeinated products. On sale, brand products are present in grains and ground form for carob machines, as well as in pods and capsules. To enjoy the gourmet drink of the last 2 types, get the right coffee machine! Thus, products in filter tablets for espresso preparation are compatible with ESE system devices. Yes, this brings some inconvenience to the consumer, but true connoisseurs of this noble, rich and aromatic drink, tinted with chocolate and caramel notes, know that it is worth it!
Julius meinl
Rating: 4.7
Julius Meinl brand products have long been dubbed the “Ambassador of the Viennese-Austrian culture”! The family business, born in 1862 as a small spice and coffee shop, has grown to impressive proportions in over 150 years! From the first half of the XNUMXth century to this day, the company has been the undisputed leader of the Austro-Hungarian coffee market and a reputable European importer. Today, Julius Meinl has its own coffee shops in Europe and America, and the iconic Mauritanian in a fez, enjoying a cup of hot drink, which is the label of the brand, will be recognized by coffee lovers all over the world!
Until recently, the Julius Meinl range included only grain and ground Arabica, Robusta, blends and blends of Arabica with Robusta in various degrees of roasting, as well as a decaffeinated drink. In 2015, the brand introduced products in pods in packages that include 50 filter tablets with a diameter of 44 mm, suitable for ESE machines. Each pod contains roasted and crushed Arabica, which in a couple of minutes turns into an exquisite drink with a lush and stable foam and creamy taste without acidity. In 2016, the brand’s range was replenished with capsules for Caffita System coffee machines. Each package contains 96 sachets with crushed Arabica absolute or blend with robusta of various roasts! Julius Meinl products are one of the best representatives of the Austrian premium class coffee, which has an adequate price. Thus, the estimated price of 1 kg of grain product is 1000 rubles, a drink in pods is 1800 rubles, and in capsules it does not exceed 2200 rubles. For the best value for money, Simplerule experts awarded Julius Meinl the 5th place in the ranking of the best coffee brands for coffee machines!
Cafe Diemme
Rating: 4.7
The history of the Venetian premium coffee Caffe Diemme begins in 1927. A small green bean roasting company created by Giulio Dabbini has been transformed into an industrial complex, which today is run by the grandchildren of the founder. Beans for making coffee are purchased from elite plantations and roasted in roasters. Each technological process is under strict quality control supervision. Thanks to this meticulous approach, Caffe Diemme coffee is now exported to various parts of the world and served by the best baristas in 250000 cafes and restaurants in 47 countries around the world!
The coffee assortment of the brand is represented by 12 types of grain, 3 varieties of ground and 8 types of capsule products for Nespresso and Lavazza Espresso Point coffee machines. Products in capsules are sold in packs of 10 and 50 pieces, each of which includes 7 grams of crushed and roasted grains. So, in just 1 minute, the owner of a carob or capsule coffee machine, like a virtuoso barista, will prepare a delicious drink, tinted with chocolate, nut and vanilla notes, which will become a delight for the mouth of a gourmet!
Rating: 4.7
Surely, a native of a farming family, Luigi Lavazzo, opening a grocery store in 1895, did not think that he laid the foundation for the most famous brand of coffee, the annual turnover of which in the 1,9st century will exceed 1927 billion euros! The unremarkable work of the grocery continued until 80, after Luigi began to buy coffee beans from Brazil, roasted them and packed them in parchment paper, selling them to those who wished. Things went uphill, but was complicated by the Second World War, but in the 50s. successors opened a branch of the company in Paris. In the 6st century, Lavazza hit the jackpot several times by teaming up with Denmark’s MERRILD and France’s Carte Noire, KICKING HORSE COFFEE! Today, the Lavazza coffee brand is 90 training centers teaching the art of making espresso, 3000 enterprises in Italy, France, Brazil and India, branches in 27 countries, XNUMX employees and XNUMX billion cups of an invigorating drink consumed annually by coffee lovers!
The brand’s assortment includes 18 types of coffee beans, including 9 representatives of Arabica absolutes and 9 blends with different ratios of robusta. Ground Lavazza products are diverse in 7 blends with any grinding. Coffee in Lavazza pods is represented by a blend containing 80% Arabica and 20% finely ground Robusta, which are brewed in specialized devices. In each package you will find 150 pods, 7g each. The range of encapsulated Lavazza coffee is much richer! 10 types of products with crushed Arabica or mix with robusta in various degrees of roasting and a decaffeinated version. Each package contains 100 Nespresso capsules, and the preparation of an aromatic drink will take you only 1 minute!
Rating: 4.6
The founders of the Kimbo brand were driven by an ambitious goal – to revive the taste of authentic Neapolitan Arabica, forgotten in the 1950s! The premium coffee brand, the brainchild of Café do Brasil, was founded as a family business. It is noteworthy that only Latin American raw materials were used for the manufacture of products, since the founders of the company believe that Arabica, which grows in this sunny area, is more delicate and fragrant, which makes it ideal for blends. Today, Kimbo coffee is in great demand in its native Italy, Canada, America, France and Russia!
In the variety of products, there are 8 lines, each of which is represented by original copies. So, the line for the office has 4 options, including traditional Arabica, Robusta blend for espresso, barley coffee and decaf. In addition to grain and ground coffee, the brand also offers products in pods and capsules for budget coffee machines! Pod options are presented in packs with 18 filter tablets containing crushed roasted grains. The product for Nespresso coffee machines is sold in packages containing 10 capsules. Both pods and capsules are available in 100% Arabica, Espresso Napoletano, Decaffeinato and Espresso Aroma Italiano varieties!
Rating: 4.5
Surprisingly, the founder of the Musetti coffee brand, Luigi Musetti, was originally a technician! Already in adulthood, left without a job, the man showed the talent of an entrepreneur by founding a small business selling coffee in 1934. The heyday of the company came in the mid-50s, when Luigi became interested in creating gourmet blends based on various varieties of Arabica from South America, which were successfully sold in Italy. Having received the capital, the entrepreneur invested it in his favorite business, building an advanced coffee production enterprise with his own bean analysis laboratory, which soon allowed the brand to enter the international market. Today, Musetti, run by Luigi’s grandchildren, is a huge modern factory with many workshops and high-tech equipment, whose products are exported to 60 countries!
The Musetti brand sells ground, grain and capsule coffee for carob coffee machines and Nespresso systems. The flavor variations of the product are very diverse, because it is not in vain that Luigi devoted so much time to creating blends! In addition to traditional Arabica, Robusta blends, flavored drinks with amaretto, vanilla, Irish cream and chocolate will also be a gourmet treat. One of the best brands of coffee for coffee machines offers the customer 3 types of capsule products with Arabica absolute, as well as 20% and 30% medium roast Robusta additives. Each package contains 10 capsules, 5 g each. The price of pleasure in Russia is about 450 rubles, which is quite affordable for premium brand products!
Rating: 4.5
The brand, founded in 1996, despite the short period of its presence on the market, pressed the eminent Italian coffee producers and continues to conquer the world with enthusiasm! The small factory founded by Jean Luca Venturelli didn’t even have packaging systems in the beginning. Today, this large-scale enterprise, equipped with modern equipment, supplies premium products to many countries, demonstrating the reference quality of Italian coffee. Why is the Lucaffe brand doomed to success? It’s all about exquisite blends based on Arabica and Robusta, the exact recipe of which is kept secret, but thanks to it, a strong, slightly astringent drink with a dense body, light bitterness and a chocolate aftertaste is achieved!
Under the trademark of the brand – a cheerful dark-skinned man holding a pack of Lucaffe, today 9 types of grain and ground coffee are produced. Products in pods for ESE devices are represented by 4 varieties:
Il Jamaica Blue Mountain – a highly concentrated drink based on Jamaican coffee beans;
Columbia – traditional Colombian espresso coffee with tropical sourness;
Nocciola – a delicious blend with nutty notes for dessert lovers;
Verde – green coffee with a pinch of roasted arabica coffee for weight-conscious people.
Products sold in packs of 150 pods, the manufacturer recommends brewing in their own LaPiccola coffee machines, but in fact it is compatible with any ESE machine!
Rating: 4.5
The activity of the oldest producer of Finnish coffee begins in 1876! A small grocery store, opened by German immigrant Gustav Paulig, was originally engaged in the sale of food and green coffee. In 1926, the founder mastered the art of roasting coffee, and the turnover of such beans exceeded that of green beans. In 1931, the brand began to produce ground products as well. In the future, the company expanded by opening the Coffee Institute and its representative offices around the world, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and even a coffee roasting plant in the Tver region. Today Paulig is one of the most popular coffee brands in Russia, and despite the premium quality, its products have an affordable price!
The Paulig range includes 11 pieces of ground and bean coffee for carob coffee machines, French presses and Turks. Paulig Cupsolo is a recent addition to the brand’s range, designed for preparation in coffee machines manufactured by the brand and the Nespresso system. The choice of capsules is very diverse! As many as 9 copies, among which there are classic Arabica-based espresso, cappuccino powder, decaf and mixes of Arabica and Robusta of varying degrees of roasting. A package of Paulig Cupsolo contains 16 capsules, costing about 500 rubles, so even a budget-conscious consumer can enjoy the amazing taste and aroma of premium coffee. By the way, today Paulig Cupsolo is not only coffee, but also mixtures for making tea and hot chocolate!
house brand
Rating: 4.5
One of the largest Italian coffee brands in Italy was founded in 1892 with the light hand of Hermann Hausbrandt! The brand’s products favorably stood out among their competitors by the presence of a sealed metal container, which retained its original taste properties for a long time, unlike bags. True lovers of Italian espresso appreciated the quality of the drink, which is not surprising, because the best beans from Africa and Latin America were used to make Herman blends, which were subjected to complex processing under scrupulous control at every stage. Hausbrandt coffee beans have long been the brand’s top seller behind ground products, and recently it has competitors in pods and capsules for coffee machines!
Cafe in Hausbrandt pods is sold in packages of 72 pieces, the issue price is about 2500 rubles. The line is represented by 7 varieties, among which there is a decaffeinated sample, classic Arabica, blends of various roasts with robusta and original fruit, smoky, tobacco, cinnamon and chocolate aftertaste. Hausbrandt coffee capsules are on sale in packs of 50 and 10 pieces in various flavors! So, in addition to Arabica, decaf and cappuccino, there are blends with the aroma of ginseng, spices, chocolate, fruits and a nutty aftertaste. Another advantage of the brand is the presence of 2 types of capsules, so owners of Gourmet and Nespresso coffee machines will be able to enjoy the unique taste of Hausbrandt coffee!
Rating: 4.5
Segafredo brand coffee is a symbiosis of Italian heritage and high-tech US quality control! A relatively young company, founded in 1973 by Massimo Zanetti, is notable for the fact that it does not purchase, but grows its own raw materials on the plantations of Brazil and Costa Rica. Starting with an annual turnover of 1 ton, today Segafredo sells 62 tons of coffee in more than 000 countries, serving 100 restaurants, and this is just the beginning of the history of this enterprising and ambitious brand!
The range of Segafredo brand is represented by 5 types of espresso blends and 5 original blends for true connoisseurs, whose taste buds will enjoy hints of blackberries, mountain herbs, cherries, black currants, chocolate, almonds and smoke. Segafredo’s San Marco coffee pods are sold in 6 variations, including 100% dark and medium roasted Arabica beans, as well as gourmet blends. There are in the assortment of the brand and 7 types of products for owners of Nespresso coffee machines! Among them are Costa Rican, Peruvian Arabica medium and soft roast, as well as South American mixes with robusta of varying intensity, sold in compact packages of 10 capsules each. With excellent quality and excellent taste properties, the price of Segafredo coffee is significantly lower than its compatriots included in the TOP-5 rating of the best coffee brands for a coffee machine according to Simplerule experts. If you are just starting to get acquainted with premium fragrance products, it makes sense to start with the assortment of this brand!
Company of Arabica
Rating: 4.4
This brand is one of the leaders in the production of coffee in native Italy, specializing in the manufacture of single-varietal products. The family business, located in the center of Florence, has been managed by Corsino Cosini since 1994 to this day. The mission of the company is not only to produce a high-quality product, but also to spread coffee culture around the world. The brand cannot boast of a huge turnover, since its products are intended for narrow circles! Thus, 40% of the coffee produced is distributed to boutiques in Italy, and the remaining 60% is exported. Compagnia Dell` Arabica has been available to Russian coffee lovers since 2002, who appreciated it for its richness and softness of taste, achieved by careful roasting of the best Arabica.
Today, the Compagnia Dell` Arabica coffee range is represented by ground, grain varieties and products in pods. Among them are Kenyan, Brazilian, Jamaican, Costa Rican, Indian and Colombian Arabica coffees of various roasts and decaf. Products in pods are produced in packages containing 18 single doses of 6 g each, made from Supremo class coffee beans. Such an exquisite absolute will be an ideal base for making espresso, cappuccino, latte and other variants of an invigorating drink, the taste properties of which will be appreciated by ordinary consumers and sophisticated coffee lovers!
Rating: 4.4
Another representative of Italian manufacturers in the ranking of the best brands of coffee for coffee machines according to Simplerule, begins its history in 1922! The young Pellini brothers, who lived in the sunny town of Bussolengo, opened a grocery store. After 25 years, a decision was made to deal only with coffee, and it was crowned with tremendous success, because in the post-war years, Italians were ready to sell their souls for a cup of strong espresso! In addition to entrepreneurship, the Pellini brand has been and continues to carry out educational work, informing the population about the properties of real coffee and taking them away from low-grade instant surrogates. The modern motto of the brand: “every day – a dream espresso”, and the inherent enthusiasm and focus on high quality and informing the society have led to the fact that the company’s annual turnover reaches 72000 tons, financial turnover exceeds 75 million euros, and in the treasury of awards there is a kosher and the title of “Fragrance of the Year”, awarded to several blends at once!
The range of the brand offers 5 varieties of coffee beans based on Colombian, Ethiopian and Brazilian Arabica and Robusta of varying degrees of roasting. In 7 variations of ground products, there are monoarabica, original blends, blends for espresso machines and decaffeinated coffee. Capsules for Nespresso coffee machines are sold in 5 varieties! Among them are the recognizable 100% Pellini TOP Arabica, Armonioso with a chocolate and honey aftertaste, Absolute clove blend, Supremo coffee with citrus sourness and the incredible richness of flavor combining pepper and fruit notes – Magnifico. Products for coffee machines are sold in packs of 10 capsules, and this format is ideal for getting to know the brand!
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.