14 tests every man over 40 should do
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We all know the saying that prevention is better than cure. And yet Poles, unlike Polish women, avoid doctors like fire and decide to undergo medical examinations only when they feel pain. We advise what and how often needs to be checked at a 40-year-old …


We know men faint when they see blood, but you can make sacrifices once a year. The morphology allows you to assess the general health of the patient, as well as detect disturbing signals that indicate the development of the disease. In the blood taken from a vein, not only the concentration of hemoglobin or the number of red and white cells is measured – you can determine some of their properties (such as the size of blood cells or the degree of oxygen saturation), but also detailed proportions between them. This only allows us to answer the question of whether the patient is anemic, how he responds to the treatment of infections, or whether he is nourishing properly.

The concentration of glucose, i.e. sugar in the blood serum

It helps to determine the risk of diabetes. High blood sugar (called hyperglycaemia) is a sign of diabetes. Normal blood glucose levels should not exceed 100 mg / dL.

Urine test

This is another simple study that can reveal a lot about the condition of our body. Normal urine is acidic (pH 4,8 to 6,9), or neutral (pH 7). An alkaline reaction may indicate a bacterial urinary tract infection. Its color is also important – the correct one is straw-colored and transparent. Normal urine does not contain glucose, protein, ketone bodies, bacteria, and bile pigments. A red color indicates the presence of red blood cells (red blood cells). If the urine is cloudy, there may be crystals or leukocytes (white blood cells) in it. Glucosuria is a typical symptom of diabetes. On the other hand, foamy urine may be associated with excessive protein secretion indicating nephrotic syndrome. The test also includes the relative density of urine. Elevated values ​​may indicate dehydration of the patient or the presence of abnormal substances in the sample. In turn, decreased density may be a symptom of renal failure.

Lipidogram, i.e. the lipid profile

The lipid profile is the result of a laboratory test that checks the concentration of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density (LDL) lipoproteins, and triglycerides. By marking the so-called bad LDL cholesterol (the norm is 115 mg / dl for people without heart and vascular disease), the threat of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction can be detected. Men after the age of 40 should have their lipid profile checked every two years. On the other hand, people with a family risk of cardiovascular disease, who are overweight or obese, and who smoke cigarettes, should perform a lipid profile every year.

The concentration of uric acid in the blood serum

Its excess is deposited in the blood serum due to an innate predisposition, but it is favored by eating large amounts of meat. This is called hyperuricemia. If you neglect your treatment and do not change your diet, a so-called gout. It consists in the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. It is often confused with rheumatism because all joints and bones hurt. Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood plasma (normal range 3,5–7 mg / dl) may indicate the onset of cancer, kidney failure, psoriasis and some liver diseases.


The diseases that collect the bloodiest toll among Polish men are cardiovascular diseases! If you want to be a friend of your heart, don’t give up on EKG. This short, non-invasive and painless cardiological examination is the basis for the diagnosis of arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, coronary artery disease and infarction. Men over 40 should perform an electrocardiogram every 3 years.

Testicular self-examination

This is one of the tests that should be performed by every man, regardless of age. Self-examination can be carried out while bathing or showering, it is enough to spend 3 minutes each month. A healthy testicle should be soft, flexible, smooth, and should not be painful to touch. If during the self-examination you feel a thickening, fibrosis or a lump, be sure to see a urologist. Note: your testicles should be checked by your doctor every 2-3 years. He will also decide whether it is necessary to perform additional imaging tests (USG) or laboratory tests.

Prostate antigen (PSA)

Another important, typically male test is prostate monitoring. One of the most frequently used tools for diagnosing prostate disease is a blood test, which measures the concentration of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Its too high level indicates disorders within the organ. The cause may be a cancer of the prostate gland, but also its infection or mild enlargement. PSA norms change with age, but in general the result should not exceed 4 ng / ml. Remember: prostate cancer is a dangerous enemy – 5 Poles die of it every year! 15 percent cancer cases are detected in our country only in stage IV, and instead of saving life, doctors only fight for its extension.

Chest X-ray

This is one of the most important checkups – quick and painless. It allows you to visualize the respiratory tract, lungs, parts of the spine, heart and chest bones. Chest X-ray is helpful in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, as well as true killer among cancers, i.e. lung cancer. For men over 40, a chest X-ray is recommended every two years.

By right

It is fearsome, embarrassing and resistant, but is almost painless and only lasts a few minutes. What is very important, it is used in many fields of medicine. It is a routine urological procedure in men – it allows to assess both the prostate gland and detect its possible enlargement (which is important both in the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer), as well as to examine the vas deferens and seminal vesicles. Rectal examination is used in proctology (diagnostics of hemorrhoids) and cancer prophylaxis (colorectal and rectal cancer).


Just thinking about it, many of us have goose bumps … And yet, after the magical forties, endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) should be performed every five years. Although gastroscopy is not the most pleasant one, it brings many diagnostic benefits and often saves lives. The test helps to diagnose gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, cancer of the esophagus and stomach cancer.

Fecal occult blood test

After XNUMX, you also need to check that there is no risk of colon cancer. For this purpose, a fecal occult blood test should be performed, which helps in the diagnosis of unexplained rectal bleeding and in the diagnosis of diseases related to disorders in the digestive system. The test is non-invasive – it only requires the sample to be submitted for laboratory evaluation. Its positive result confirms bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract, but is not yet a sign of any serious disease. Further diagnosis is needed.

Ophthalmological examination

With age, the risk of eye diseases also increases: cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. As early as 40, each of us will suffer from presbyopia, i.e. deterioration of eyesight due to stiffening of the lens and deteriorating ability of the eye to accommodate. The so-called We can correct presbyopia with glasses, multifocal lenses or laser vision correction. You should visit an ophthalmologist once a year for a visual check, fundus examination and intraocular pressure tests (tonometry).

Dental examination

The fact that the dentist’s office should be visited once every six months, and not when it hurts, we do not even need to mention. The periodic visit consists of two parts: checking the presence of cavities, plaque and tartar, and cleaning.

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