14 strange things that happen to us after we die People have no idea about it

The making of strange noises and the movements of the limbs are just some of the body’s reactions that can be observed after death. What happens to the body of a deceased person between a declaration of death and a funeral? Are all of these processes normal and do everyone have? These and other questions are answered below.

  1. The first sign of human death is the appearance of so-called postmortem spots, which can move as the body moves
  2. Not all internal organs degrade at the same time – which is why some of them can be used for transplants
  3. The loss of muscle tone after death causes the limbs of the deceased to move and his vocal cords make strange sounds
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Usually a few, sometimes several days pass from declaring death to burial. This time depends on the date of the funeral, the cause of death and many other factors, including political or pandemic situation in the country. During this time, various processes take place in the body of the deceased. Some of them may seem natural, while others may seem strange and unusual. Here are 14 surprising things that happen after death – most of them people don’t know.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Change in skin color

Death spots are one of the earliest signs of death in an organism. They appear in the form of local changes in the color of the skin to red, while other shades may suggest the cause of death. Pink or vivid red color indicates poisoning with carbon monoxide or cyanide, while brown – contamination with highly oxidizing compounds, such as nitrates.

There must be a sufficient amount of blood in the body of the deceased for precipitation spots to form. In case of complete or partial bleeding, the colors on the skin will be lighter or will not appear at all. Moreover, changes in body color do not occur until about 2 – 4 hours. from death. However, when the position of the body is later disturbed, the blood then moves to the lowest places at a given moment, and the previously formed discoloration becomes paler. Moreover, after 12 hours. they are completely fixed – they cannot move.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Weird sounds

Many people report having heard the breath or saw the deceased’s chest move. This is partly true – in many cases, the vocal cords vibrate following CPR or gas release from bacteria in the body. According to Westmed Medical Group pathologist Mary Lachmann, postmortem sounds resemble moans or squeaks. However, he says that it is not worth worrying about, because they only happen when you move your body or apply pressure to your chest.

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What Happens to the Body After Death? Smoother skin

The human body changes dramatically after death – this also applies to the external appearance of the skin. Many specialists jokingly compare death to final Botox. Why does the deceased look like after visiting a cosmetologist? A few hours after death, muscles begin to tighten, straining the skin tissue, making wrinkles appear smoother. It is impossible to completely eliminate them – they always remain subtly visible.

What happens to the body with a person after death? Hair and nail growth

One may also wonder why hair and nails continue to grow after death. It turns out, however, that this is only an illusion. From the moment of declaring death, the human body begins to dry out, causing the skin and other soft tissues to recede. During this process, the hair and nails remain intact and may therefore appear slightly longer.

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Moreover, at the time of death, the entire human endocrine system dies. It is responsible for the actual growth of hair and nails, therefore stopping it is tantamount to stopping the growth process. This is perfectly normal and is confirmed by the regular exhumation of the body.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Drain gases

At the time of death, the body begins to cleanse – it releases dirty and unnecessary air through all possible openings in the body. Why is this happening? The accumulated excess carbon dioxide causes the rupture of cell membranes and the release of enzymes. They are the main cause of the production of unpleasant gases.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Getting rid of impurities

After death, some parts of the body stiffen, while others completely relax. This is what happens with the sphincter, the muscle that makes your bowel movements. In this way, the body of the deceased releases all urine and feces that remained in his intestines and urinary tract. This is an inevitable and natural process, since the brain can no longer control internal organs by itself.

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What Happens to the Body After Death? Gradual cooling of the body

The human body loses heat after death. This process is quite fast – at a rate of about 1 ° C per hour until the ambient temperature is reached. Depending on where the corpse is stored, it takes from 20 to 30 hours. What’s more, initially the limbs remain flexible, they can be lifted and arranged as desired.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Body stiffening

The body of the deceased becomes completely rigid after a while. This occurs due to the so-called rigor mortis – the concentration after death, which occurs as a result of the loss of muscle energy stored in the body in the form of ATP and phosphocreatine molecules. This process takes 12 hours, but it is not final – after a few days the body slackens again.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Moving the limbs

Why does a dead body retain the ability to straighten and bend the limbs for some time? Muscles can twitch and contract for several hours after death due to the tempering of the postmortem concentration. The gentle movement of the deceased is one of the most terrifying sights.

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What Happens to the Body After Death? The production of an unpleasant odor

After death, the body gives off an unpleasant odor as it begins to rot. This process begins when cells and internal organs die, approximately 2-3 days after death. During this time, the body of the deceased produces two chemicals – putrescine and cadaverine, which cause an unpleasant, overwhelming odor.

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What Happens to the Body After Death? Longer life of some organs

Some parts of the body are quickly rendered unusable, while others may continue to work for many hours after death – it all depends on the cause of death. Intact parts of the body decompose more slowly than completely damaged ones. According to Judy Melinek – a forensic pathologist – organs such as eyes, heart, bones and skin are capable of being transplanted for 15 hours. from the moment of death. That is why they are so often used in transplantology and emergency medicine.

What Happens to the Body After Death? Change in eye color

Tache noir is one of the signs that form on the eyeballs after a person dies. Most often it appears in people who have died with their eyes open. Their proteins, exposed to external conditions, begin to dry out and slowly turn blue or gray. This process is used in commission forensic examinations because it is very often confused with a medical condition or poisoning.

Man after death – unfolded from the inside

The process of breaking down the human body is by enzymes and bacteria digesting cells. Moreover, it starts very quickly depending on the cause of death. In the case of sepsis – a bacterial infection of all body systems – rotting is immediate due to the fact that it started while the vital processes were being maintained. A similar rate of decay is shown in drug addicts who overdose on drugs that raise their body temperature.

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The human body can turn into soap after death

According to Judy Melinek, human bodies placed in cold and damp rooms can take part in adipocere – a chemical process that turns fat into soap. Instead of decomposing in the traditional way, the bones turn into a sticky, light yellow material, commonly known as grave wax. Saponification, as this is how the process is described in Polish, lasts from a week to several months.

At what temperature does the human body decompose?

The time it takes an organism to completely degrade depends largely on the geographic area in which it is located and the integration of environmental conditions. The human body decomposes most quickly at high temperatures – at 10 degrees C it takes about four months, while when the thermometer shows a higher value, the time may be shortened to two months.

The occurrence of all the phenomena described above depends on many factors. Some of the dead have only some of them, while others may not appear at all. Deaths occur for various reasons, therefore in everyone the processes after death proceed in a different way and with a different intensity.

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