14 simple foods to cleanse the liver

14 simple foods to cleanse the liver

All toxic substances entering the body are deposited in the liver. Its task is to neutralize allergens and toxins. And our task is to help our inner “filter” from time to time. It’s easy to do – you need to choose healthy foods.

Symptoms such as bloating, upset stomach after eating, bulging stomach, frequent infections, dark circles under the eyes, skin problems, pain in the right side can indicate that the liver is not quite coping with its duties. But before you diagnose yourself, and even more so to carry out treatment, you must definitely consult a doctor. Our list is the right diet of the right foods for a healthy person. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, then the menu must be agreed with the doctor. 

Physician-therapist, candidate of medical sciences

Its leaves have four times more vitamin P than citrus fruits, more carotene than carrots, and so much vitamin C and E that the body gets a real health-improving and rejuvenating effect after a cup of freshly brewed drink. Vitamin cocktail has blood-purifying properties, polyphenol removes carcinogens, heavy metal salts.

And in China, green tea is prescribed for obesity: the drink helps to break down fats and remove toxins from the body. True, it is impossible to abuse the tea drink, a high concentration of benefits can affect the heart, but it does not need such bursts of energy. But if you observe moderation, then we can say that green tea is a great friend of the liver and our well-being.

In fact, no detox goes without citrus fruits. Because these fruits are low in calories and packed with super healthy vitamin C and organic acids. And we advise you to take a closer look at grapefruit – there is something in it that helps the liver to cleanse itself of all impurities. The secret ingredient is naringenin, or flavonoid, a vitamin that helps the liver cleanse the blood and break down fat cells. And naringenin hides in a dense shell, which is shrouded in each grapefruit slice. It is because of him that citrus has a bitter taste. Therefore, for health benefits, grapefruit pulp should be eaten together with a film. The norm is 1-2 slices per day.

This bright yellow oriental spice is endowed with a separate mission: healing. It became clear to mankind so long ago that it is already difficult to say how crushed turmeric root is used more often – as a seasoning or as a medicine for the liver. It’s all about the chemical composition of the plant, saturated with rare essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Curcumin (active ingredient) triggers regenerative processes in the liver, restoring damaged cells, removes excess cholesterol, promotes bile production and cleansing of toxins. And some experts attribute turmeric to the list of fat-burning spices, for which it is a separate plus.

Do you know how many healthy substances are contained in the sweet fruit familiar to us from childhood? Take my word for it – a lot! And the most important “achievement” of a pear is the presence of a large amount of silicon, iron, copper and cobalt in it. These microelements at the biochemical level help the body to carry out metabolism, all redox reactions and remove toxins.  

If you do not get carried away with the amount, limiting yourself to two teaspoons of oil a day, then the body will be immensely grateful. Cold-pressed vegetable oil (by the way, not only olive oil, but also corn, sunflower or flaxseed oil) contains fatty acids, vitamin E of youth, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and many other compounds that lower cholesterol levels. oil is a choleretic agent and prevention of obesity, cleansing the body of toxins. Oil, despite its high calorie content, is considered a dietary product, because the oleic acid in its composition helps to process fats.

If you grate fresh root vegetables, add a drop of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil, you get a vitamin salad that is good for the liver. Beets and carrots are rich not only in minerals and fiber, but also in beta-carotene, a substance that fights free radicals, helping to eliminate the effects of electromagnetic radiation and intoxication from poisoning. Beetroot and carrot juice improve blood flow, increase hemoglobin and stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, including bile.

It would be more correct to say that plants that are sources of chlorophyll are useful for the liver: greens, especially parsley and spinach, wheat, oat and barley sprouts, broccoli. Chlorophyll is a green pigment, a natural stimulant of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, helps to eliminate toxins and naturally cleanse the liver. The easiest way is to introduce fresh herbs into the daily diet – only about 50 grams, and the body will receive its portion of detox.

Yellow pulp has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect, which means that it easily copes with the absorption and excretion of harmful substances from the body. And it is just as easy to be mistaken for recovery processes. Pumpkin is a dietary product, light and healthy; it is recommended for those who suffer from cirrhosis or hepatitis. And they prohibit diabetics and patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

The fruit of this overseas evergreen tree has many virtues. And now avocados are experiencing a peak in popularity and popular love: everyone who adheres to proper nutrition includes avocados in their diet. And rightly so, because in the chemical composition of the fetus there are compounds that activate the work of glutathione, which in turn relieves the body of traces of intoxication. And other components – omega-6 acids, protein, minerals and vitamins – restore the liver after infections.

Ascorbic acid, phytoncides, minerals and essential oils can be found in the berries. A multicomponent natural elixir that helps to cope with many ailments, for example, facilitate the withdrawal of bile, rid the blood of toxins or harmful substances, relieve inflammation, strengthen immunity and saturate the body with useful biological compounds. Take it in the form of a decoction or infusion.


Sweet and juicy watermelon is not only an excellent dessert, but also a natural prophylactic agent for the functioning of the hematopoietic organs and endocrine glands. The pulp of watermelon, having a diuretic and choleretic properties, helps to cope with the effects of alcohol or drug poisoning. Bonus: watermelon is also considered an aphrodisiac. True, we will have to wait for the summer.

It is rich in organic acids that trigger tissue repair processes in the body. Tannins activate the outflow of bile and have an antibacterial effect. Both red and black chokeberry are considered a natural hepatoprotector – a means that has a beneficial effect on liver function.

No diet is complete without this vegetable. Cabbage is high in vitamin C, and it accelerates the production of enzymes for digestion and improves metabolic processes. Fiber – in cabbage of all varieties, in excess, as an absorbent, it easily absorbs harmful substances, cleansing the liver, and eliminates them from the body.

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