14 Best Tricycles for Kids

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

As the child grows, a situation arises when it is already inconvenient to carry a child in a stroller, and it is too early to transfer to another “independent” transport – a bicycle, a balance bike, a scooter or a skateboard. And at this moment, adults begin to look for alternative options that can replace the stroller, but at the same time ensure the comfort, safety and development of the baby. One of the most popular vehicles that parents of children 1-5 years old choose is a tricycle equipped with a convenient control handle, like a regular stroller. Such a product will provide the kid with an interesting pastime, comfort during rest, will help to learn how to maneuver and concentrate on driving a vehicle. This is a great option for a smooth and gradual transition from infant to adult transport.

How to choose a tricycle for a child

Choosing a tricycle with a handle is a responsible matter. This is not a cheap purchase, so it will be a shame if the purchased model does not meet the needs and demands, turns out to be of poor quality or unsafe for the child. When choosing a vehicle, you need to consider the following aspects:

  1. Place of purchase. It must be a reliable and trusted store to which you can return the goods within 14 days from the date of purchase and / or under warranty. When buying, you must definitely ask for a certificate of product quality, as such products are often faked.

  2. Materials, which were used in the manufacture of a tricycle, the quality of the mounts and assembly. It is desirable that the frame be welded metal, in this case it is less likely that at some point it will simply crack and fall apart under the weight of the child. The best wheels are made of foam rubber, and inflatable rubber ones have proven themselves well. Plastic wheels are very noisy, besides, the child will feel every hole and bump on the road.

  3. Wheel sizes, seats, parental controls, footboards, baskets for toys. The wheels should be large enough to overcome curbs and other obstacles without any problems. The seat should also be roomy, because three-wheeled vehicles are often used in autumn, snowless winter and spring, when the child is dressed in warm bulky clothes. The parent handle must be adjustable in height, otherwise it will be inconvenient for a taller or shorter adult to drive the transport. If there are footrests on the frame, they should also be large so that the child’s feet do not slip off them. Ideally, if the three-wheeled model is equipped with an additional pair of footrests for very young children. The size of the basket also matters, the larger it is, the more things you can fit in it and the less you have to carry in your hands.

  4. Seat and back design features. The seat should be comfortable, soft, the back should be high. It is very good if the backrest leans back, allowing the baby to doze, and the seat itself can be turned towards the adult pushing the bike. An additional plus is if a child sitting in a three-wheeled bike can be moved to the steering wheel and pedals, or vice versa, moved away.

  5. Child Safety Measures. A tricycle must be equipped with at least seat belts. The most budget option is a waist belt. Better – a three-point belt (plus a bumper), ideal – a five-point belt with soft pads (plus a bumper and an inguinal limiter). Also, the tricycle must be equipped with traffic blockers on the rear wheels for safe parking.

  6. Hood and other accessories. Almost all models of tricycles are equipped with hoods. Only their size and the degree of “closedness” of the passenger from the outside world differ. It’s good if the hood has a viewing window and the ability to fasten a second sun visor. Additional useful accessories are bags, baskets, cup holders, they definitely will not be superfluous.

It is better to choose a tricycle model in a stationary store. In this case, you will be able not only to read the description and see photos, as in MI, but also to “feel”, check the reliability of parts, textiles, “try on” the product and understand whether it suits your baby 100%.

Rating of the best tricycles for children

The best tricycles for children with a handle from 1 year     1Bentley BN2     12 300 ₽
     2Lamborghini L2N     8 990 ₽
     3Smart Trike SmarTfold 300 Plus     8 991 ₽
     4VIP Toys Luxe     16 990 ₽
     5Mars Mini Trike Transformer T400/2019     8 066 ₽
     6Formula FA3 Formula 3     4 630 ₽
     7Chapel S-511     4 499 ₽
     8Pilot PTA1     3 750 ₽
The best tricycles for 3 to 5 year olds     1Bentley BN1     11 450 ₽
     2Moby Kids New 360° 12×10 AIR Car     8 750 ₽
     3McCan M-10     4 600 ₽
     4Capella Action trike (A) (2020)     3 200 ₽
     5Farfello TSTX-021     2 400 ₽
     6McCan B.Fine     5 999 ₽

The best tricycles for children with a handle from 1 year

A tricycle with a parental control handle is a great alternative to a stroller. The child in it can not only learn to pedal, but also relax, doze off while walking in the fresh air.

Bentley BN2

Rating: 4.9

The first position in the ranking is occupied by a beautiful and stylish tricycle, which is equipped not only with a handle, but also with a bag for parents, seat belts for a child, and a hood to protect against wind, rain and sun. The product costs a lot – more than 11000 rubles, but, according to user reviews, it fully justifies its price. The range of models of four colors – red, fuchsia, black and blue, textile color – from light to black.

The bike has inflatable wheels with a tread and an indication of the direction of the rubber, the disks are beautiful, with the company letter “B” in the middle. Above all the wheels there are wings, on each rear there is a brake. The pedals of the tricycle are thick and wide enough, comfortable for small feet, and have anti-slip inserts. The model has two removable footrests – for very young children of 6 months and for older children. The footrests can be changed or completely removed when the child learns to pedal independently. If the footrest gets in the way while driving, it can be folded down.

The seat of the bike is very comfortable and soft, there is also a company logo on the headrest. The backrest leans back, not too much, but for a child who fell asleep on the road, it is quite suitable. At the same time, the seat is swivel, it can be turned 180 degrees, that is, place the child facing the parents or shelter from the wind. The seat has a durable five-point safety harness with shoulder pads. Also, to prevent the child from falling, the bike is equipped with a removable protective bumper, soft, made of ECO-leather, stitched with white thread. The steering wheel is simple, the handles are upholstered in the same material.

The bike has a hood with a viewing window, it is removable, made of dense quality fabric. The hood has an additional visor, which is fixed with a zipper, if necessary, it can be removed in one motion.

The parent handle on the bike is very comfortable, rounded, upholstered in eco-leather. It can be adjusted in height in two positions. The tricycle comes with a small, stylish and comfortable bag with a company logo. It is attached to the structure with Velcro. Below the handle is a small but roomy toy basket with a lid.

This tricycle is very easy to handle for both children and parents. If you read user reviews, it becomes clear that walking with a child sitting in it is a pleasure.



Lamborghini L2N

Rating: 4.8

In second place in our ranking is a tricycle for children from the Lamborghini brand. There are five color variations of the product in the model range – red, yellow, green, orange and blue. Wheels are inflatable, with a diameter of 10 and 12 inches, on bearings. On the frame there is a headlight with light and sound signals – warnings, emergency lights, turn signals. The bike even makes a real sound of turning the ignition key, just like in a motorcycle or car.

The frame of the tricycle is made of steel, it is durable and reliable. The wheels are on aluminum rims, for the convenience of the child, folding wide footboards are provided. There are brakes on the rear elements, so you can set the bike on the track and not be afraid that it will start an arbitrary movement. There is also a “free wheel” function. This means that the child can pedal whenever he wants, this will not affect the convenience and speed of driving on the part of the parents.

The backrest of this tricycle can be adjusted in inclination in three positions. The child can even fall asleep during a walk, he will be comfortable. The five-point seat belt holds the baby, as well as the reclining bumper bar. Parents do not have to worry about the fact that a child, even a very small one, will slide off the seat.

The height of the canopy on the tricycle is easily adjustable. The cover can be set in one movement in accordance with the growth of the baby, thus protecting him from wind, rain, bright sun. Or fold down completely for more visibility while walking. The bike is also equipped with a convenient telescopic handle for comfortable parental control of the bike. Additional accessories include a large and spacious trunk for toys or groceries, as well as a bag with the Lamborghini logo, in which parents can put the necessary small things.



Smart Trike SmarTfold 300 Plus

Rating: 4.8

In the third position of our rating is a multifunctional tricycle, which can be used from 6 to 36 months from the birth of a child. The model is foldable, it can be packed in a case if the product gets very dirty during a walk (the case is included). There are several color options for children of different genders – red, blue, green, etc.

The tricycle is equipped with Y-shaped seat belts. A solid lifting bumper, upholstered in soft, mechanically resistant material, protects against slipping and too active actions of the child. A soft removable cover is put on the bicycle seat, which, if necessary, can be easily washed in a washing machine.

The tricycle is controlled in two modes. The first is that the parent completely controls the movement of the bike, while the baby can pedal, but they do not interfere with the movements of the leader. The second – the kid himself rides a bicycle (steers the wheel, pedals with full rotation of the wheels under easy control by an adult).

According to user reviews, useful additional elements in the design of the Smart Trike SmarTfold 300 Plus tricycle are a bag for small items and a hood that can be removed and put in a bag at any time. Additional functions of the product – the handle is thrown, the child can be led towards you; the handle is adjustable in height; the back reclines, the baby can comfortably take a nap on a walk; there is a footboard; there is a basket for things, which can become additional space for placing the child’s legs in a horizontal position. Also, the parental handle of the bicycle can be strongly drowned down, then the grown-up kid will be able to ride it, like a full-fledged tricycle without adult control.



VIP Toys Luxe

Rating: 4.7

At the next position in our ranking of the best tricycles with a handle is a model from the Chinese company VIP Toys. This is a comfortable and safe mode of transport, both for the baby and for his parents. The model is equipped with a high soft seat with an ergonomic back that can be fixed in several positions, including lying down if the child dozed off. The seat can be adjusted by changing its position relative to the bicycle pedals. This useful feature allows you to adjust the transport to the height of the child, the length of his legs. The seat is removed with one click on the latch, and also rotates 180 degrees. Thanks to this, the baby can be carried both with his back to his parents, and facing them.

The VIP Toys Luxe tricycle has folding footrests under the frame. They are designed so that the child puts his feet on them when he does not want to pedal. Footboards have a wide embossed surface that prevents slipping of shoe soles. The footrests, if necessary, can be easily removed under the bike frame.

The three-wheeled model from VIP Toys is equipped with five-point seat belts with soft pads that prevent chafing of the skin of children. The straps are easily adjustable in height, adjusting to the height and physique of the baby. Additionally, the child is protected by a durable plastic bumper.

The bike has a telescopic parent handle. It is installed at an ideal angle, its height can be adjusted from 81 to 110 cm. Therefore, driving a vehicle is convenient for people of any height. The manufacturer also took care of the little sisters-brothers of the baby. The lower level of the handle is designed so that even a short assistant can push and carry the bike on their own. The handle can even be completely removed, making the bike a means for the independent movement of the child without adult control. The crossbar on the handle, according to user reviews, is very soft and comfortable. It can also be adjusted to any 360-degree position with a few pushes of a button.

The frame of the bike is made of durable and reliable aluminum alloy. The design is ergonomic and comfortable. The quality of the bike does not differ from European analogues. The frame is equipped with an LED flashlight, which facilitates movement and ensures safety at dusk.



Mars Mini Trike Transformer T400/2019

Rating: 4.7

The next place in our ranking is occupied by the tricycle Mars Mini Trike Transformer T400. It has excellent characteristics, users leave good reviews about this model. Let’s start with the wheels – they are inflatable, diameter – 10 and 8 inches, fit a regular car nipple, so there are no problems with pumping. Despite the fact that the diameter of the wheels is somewhat smaller than in other models, it is enough to overcome uneven roads, drive over curbs and low obstacles. On the front wheel there is a plastic fender and a stopper that fixes the pedals, turning them into footboards. There are locks on the rear elements that prevent arbitrary movement of the vehicle. The tricycle is also equipped with a footrest that can be adjusted in height.

The bicycle handle extends, is fixed in two positions, equipped with a cup holder for a bottle or a drink of parents. At the bottom of the bike there is a basket for small things, but it is not equipped with a lid, dust and dirt get into it. The steering wheel has 2 positions: normal – vertical, and horizontal. Also on the steering wheel there is a headlight and two buttons. The first turns the headlight bulb on and off, the second turns on the sound that imitates the sound of a roaring car engine.

The bike has a large protective hood made of dense material with water-repellent properties. For better air movement and observation of the child, there is a viewing window with a mesh in the hood. The hood has many positions that regulate the angle of its opening. It can be completely removed, or you can almost completely hide the baby from rain, wind or sun.

The seat in the bike is high, soft and comfortable, there are three-point seat belts and a detachable bumper with soft upholstery to fix the child. The shoulders of the bumper are moved apart by 180 degrees and rise up for the convenience of boarding and taking out the passenger. The back of the bike is fixed in three positions for comfortable sleep and wakefulness. The seat unfolds, the child can ride the bike facing the parents.

The tricycle Mars Mini Trike Transformer T400 transforms quickly and easily. It can replace a stroller, a bicycle for beginners learns to pedal under the supervision of adults, as well as a full-fledged racing model without any handles, baskets and hoods.



Formula FA3 Formula 3

Rating: 4.6

The Formula FA3 tricycle will be an excellent means of transporting a child who, at the age of 1-1,5 years, no longer wants to ride in a stroller. It is also convenient to operate it, like a regular walking “cane”, it does not weigh much (about 10 kg), the kids get great pleasure and benefit from traveling on such a vehicle.

This model is presented in several colors, some of which will suit both girls and boys, for example, models with bright orange textile upholstery and the same frame color. The bright and eye-catching color of the vehicle increases the safety of its operation, as it attracts the attention of motorists. There is a bell on the handlebar that alerts pedestrians to the advance of the tricycle.

The wheels are of high quality, stable, durable. If necessary, once every 2-3 months they can be pumped up. The rear wheels have stoppers to prevent uncontrolled movement of the bike. Also, the model is equipped with footrests for the child, which will definitely come in handy when the little passenger gets tired of pedaling and wants to give the legs a rest.

In order for the product to be controlled by a parent, a comfortable handle is provided, adjustable in height. It gives control over the front wheel, allowing you to maneuver the bike without much difficulty. On the handle there is a small mesh pocket for a bottle or small things, as well as a handbag.

The back of the bike leans back, if the child falls asleep during a walk, he will be almost as comfortable as in his own crib. From the sun and wind with rain protects a large visor, descending almost to the knees of the baby, made of durable, resistant to moisture and fading fabric. The visor can be fixed in different positions. If necessary, it can even be completely removed. At the top of the hood there is a mesh window for ventilation and observation of a small passenger.

For the safety of the child, there is a waist belt and a bumper with soft upholstery, which is disconnected in the middle. The seat is spacious, soft, with a high back, it is comfortable for a child under the age of 3-3,5 years, regardless of body size. At the bottom between the rear wheels there is a wide capacious basket for toys or a small shopping bag. Unfortunately, it does not come with a lid.



Chapel S-511

Rating: 4.5

The next place in the ranking is a tricycle that little boys will love. On the steering wheel, it has a music-light panel that mimics the dashboard of a motorcycle. There are two buttons for turning on the turn signals, when pressed, the corresponding sides of the headlight light up, as well as a button for turning on the emergency gang and music. The buttons are locked and unlocked with a toy “ignition key”. The bike has large inflatable wheels that do an excellent job with obstacles and bumps. The frame is long and strong, one-piece, welded. Removable steps are screwed to the frame, which, if necessary, can be quickly folded.

The seat of the bike is large enough to accommodate a child of any size comfortably. For the safety of the passenger, there is a belt with a latch and a bumper upholstered in soft fabric with a fabric jumper between the child’s legs. The bumper opens with a button in the middle, the hangers are bred to the sides. It can also be completely removed when the child grows up. There are buttons on the rear wheels that block movement.

The back of the seat is fixed in three positions using plastic brackets located on both sides.

The bike has a large, durable hood that can almost completely hide the child from the outside world. This is very convenient, especially if the baby fell asleep during the walk. The hood has a zipper that allows you to fix it in 2 positions. The hood has a viewing window covered with a mesh. It is also designed for additional ventilation.

The handle is adjustable to the height of the parent, making it easy to control the bike when the child is not pedaling. There is a bag on the bike control handle, it is small, but the reviews say that it is quite comfortable and roomy. The crossbar of the handle is comfortable, lined with soft material. At the bottom of the frame there is a basket for toys and bags with things.



Pilot PTA1

Rating: 4.5

The last tricycle in the ranking for children from 1 year old with a parent handle is Pilot PTA1. This model is equipped with large removable inflatable wheels, so the movement will be smooth and comfortable even if the road surface is uneven. Thanks to the size of the wheels, the bike easily overcomes obstacles, drives over curbs and steps. The front wheel has a freewheel function that allows an adult to steer the vehicle unhindered.

Parental handle extends, adjusts to the growth of an adult. The big hood protects the child from adverse weather conditions. If necessary, it can be easily folded or completely removed. The seat is ergonomic, soft, with a headrest, it can be deployed so that the child is facing the road or the person carrying him. A sliding bumper with an intergroin limiter is attached to the seat. Folding footrests under the seat. A small bag for small items is attached to the back of the parent handle, and there is a plastic basket for toys between the rear wheels. There is a bell on the steering wheel.



The best tricycles for 3 to 5 year olds

Most children over the age of 3 already consider themselves old enough to walk in a stroller. They look at their peers and want to cut through the alleys of the park on a bicycle in the same way. Parents of three-year-olds also tend to give the child more freedom. And at the same time, they want to be able to control the situation, taking control of the vehicle in their own hands at the right time. Therefore, most tricycles for children from 3 to 5 years old are equipped with a parent handle and other accessories, which at the same time can be removed at any time. The best models of this category are presented in our rating.

Bentley BN1

Rating: 4.9

The Bentley BN1 Tricycle is the number one vehicle for ages 3 to 5. This is a universal and practical model, which the baby can ride on his own or under the supervision of an adult. With independent movement, the baby controls the bike with the help of pedals and a steering wheel. If you use the product as a summer stroller, it can be controlled by an adult, pushing it in front of him with the help of a handle. The handle is adjustable in height in 2 positions, it has a soft lining made of eco-leather with branded stitching.

The wheels are large (10 and 12 inches) and inflatable, have protectors. The front wheel has an idle function, so that an adult can fully control the movement of the vehicle. There is a parking brake on the rear elements.

The seat is ergonomic, soft and comfortable. It rotates 180 degrees, so the child can be facing the parents or the road. The back of the seat is inclined, it can be fixed in two positions. The headrest is removable, has a soft pad. If the baby does not pedal, he can put his feet on the footrests, which are removed if necessary. The hood is large and foldable, with a detachable visor. There is a viewing window on the hood, covered with a transparent PVC film.

The safety of the baby and the inability to leave the vehicle on their own are provided by five-point seat belts and a removable, detachable bumper with a soft lining. The straps also have padded inserts. Additional accessories – a small bag in a corporate style, a flat basket with a tight-fitting lid. According to reviews, the accessories are made with high quality in the corporate style of Bentley.



Moby Kids New 360° 12×10 AIR Car

Rating: 4.8

The second position in the ranking is a modern multifunctional tricycle equipped with a parent control handle. The seat of this model can be rotated, placing the passenger facing in the direction of travel or in the direction of the parents. The seat is comfortable, large, wide, suitable for children of any size. The backrest can be adjusted, raised and tilted when the child is resting. For the safety of the child, a five-point safety harness with soft shoulders is provided. There is also a bumper with soft upholstery, it is sliding.

The bike has a stroller hood, it closes the child almost to the chest. The hood can be extended with a zippered peak. There is a transparent viewing window for monitoring the baby. The parental handle is adjustable in two positions, it is comfortable even for people with large stature. The handle has a cup holder for a bottle of food.

The wheels of the bicycle are large, the vehicle easily overcomes obstacles, low curbs, bumps, does not shake on potholes. There is an idle speed control that allows the child to pedal and not interfere with the adult to control the bike. The rear wheels are locked with two buttons.

One of the features of this model is a very comfortable large footrest. The child can not only put his feet on small “pedals”, but even extend them and straighten them. It turns out that the stand is like a continuation of the seat. And it is adjustable in inclination, and can also be completely removed. There is also a second pair of standard footrests.

On the steering wheel there is a musical panel for the entertainment of the child with buttons, lights, indicators, etc. In the mother-facing position, the steering wheel can be lowered to adjust the back of the seat. At the bottom between the rear wheels there is a basket for small things.



McCan M-10

Rating: 4.7

The next nominee of our rating is a tricycle for children from 3 to 5 years old McCan M-10. This modern model with a bright appearance will appeal to both children and their parents. A child on a walk can pedal himself and control the bike with the steering wheel. And when he gets tired or wants to take a nap, adults can drive the vehicle, as a convenient telescopic handle is provided for this, on which a cup holder is attached.

The wheels of this model are large, rear with a lock, front with an idle function. A folding footboard is attached to the frame. There is a small basket for children’s little things on the front of the steering wheel, and a larger plastic trunk between the wheels at the back. It has a surface on which, like a footboard, a second child can stand.

The reversible seat of the bike allows you to seat the child both in the direction of travel and facing the mother. It is high and wide, has a soft overlay. According to user reviews, the seat is comfortable, children can fit on it even in winter clothes. To prevent the baby from getting out of the vehicle on his own, there are three-point seat belts with soft pads, a detachable bumper with an inguinal limiter.

The bike is equipped with a wheelchair-type awning with an additional visor. The hood is easy to fold, made of durable fabric.



Capella Action trike (A) (2020)

Rating: 4.6

The next position in the ranking is occupied by the Capella Action trike. It looks very modern, users leave mostly good reviews about it. The model is considered an excellent alternative to a stroller.

The wheels are not inflatable, but are made of foam rubber, so they do not rattle on the road. They are large enough to easily drive over curbs and overcome other obstacles. On the front there is a fender that protects the frame and the passenger from dirt in bad weather, on the rear there are blockers. Under the seat there are good wide folding footrests – the main feature of this model, since even short children can reach them with their feet.

The seat is comfortable, with a soft insert and a high back. The back is wide and high, if necessary comes unfastened. The distance from the seat to the steering wheel can be adjusted in two positions, closer and further away. There is a good comfortable bumper that protects the child from falling out. Snaps on and off easily with the push of a button. Seat belts are not included with this model.

The parent handle is large and comfortable, upholstered in soft material. It is adjustable in height and, according to user reviews, allows you to easily control the bike. A small bag hangs on the handle, below, at the level of the tires, there is a basket for toys and things.

The hood of this bike is large, if it is fully expanded, it closes the child almost to the waist. The hood is easily fixed in several positions, folded and removed, has a viewing window with mesh for ventilation. The steering wheel has soft padding and a bell.



Farfello TSTX-021

Rating: 4.5

The penultimate participant in our rating is the tricycle of the Russian company Farfello model TSTX-021. This vehicle, even in the minimum configuration, is quite reliable and functional, allows you to carry out exciting walks in the fresh air. The child can freely pedal and control the steering wheel, and parents can gently guide the bike in the right direction using the telescopic handle. The crossbar in a soft case made of neoprene is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Attached to the handle is a cup holder for a bottle of food or water.

For children who are not yet on the pedals or just want to relax, there are large folding footrests. The seat is ergonomic, without a soft insert, but nevertheless very comfortable, with a small back. It has built-in two-point seat belts.

Bicycle wheels are large and reliable, they are made of durable material, resistant to punctures and cuts, perfectly absorb all the bumps in the roadway. A fender is installed above the front wheel, protecting the child from mud splashes. The steering wheel is upholstered with soft non-slip material, a bell is installed on it to attract the attention of passers-by to a moving vehicle. On the lower axis of the structure there is a small but roomy luggage basket for the little things you need on a walk and your favorite toys.

According to user reviews, this tricycle model is very easy to clean and maintain. There are no fabric elements, nothing needs to be washed, it is enough to regularly wipe the product with a damp cloth from dust and dirt. It is convenient to carry the bike, as a special hole is made in the back of the seat.



McCan B.Fine

Rating: 4.5

The last place in the ranking of tricycles for children aged 3 to 6 years is occupied by the B.Fine model from McCan. This is a beautiful, stylish vehicle that can easily replace a stroller. Children can fully control the bike by pedaling and turning the handlebars. If the child is tired or just not yet grown enough to reach the pedals, but can put his feet on wide comfortable footrests. For greater comfort of a small passenger, a second pair of footrests is provided, which are, as it were, a continuation of the seat. On them, you can fully stretch the legs. In this case, the steering wheel can be locked, after which the control of the bike completely passes to the parents. For this, a parental control handle, adjustable in height, is provided. The crossbar is wide, has two “horns”, so you can control the bike with two hands.

The wheels are made of durable rubber material, they have protectors, above the front one there is a protective fender against mud splashes. The rear tires have involuntary movement blockers.

The seat is wide, comfortable, the back is high, it provides support for the cervical spine. It is swivel, the child can be positioned facing the road or an adult carrying him.

There are three-point seat belts with soft pads, a detachable bumper with an intergroin limiter – the child will not be able to get out of the bike without permission. A folding hood with a viewing window and a detachable visor has three positions: you can open it completely, partially or fold it. It is large enough to protect the child from the sun and light rain. The bike is sold with a small bag for parents and a spacious trunk for storing toys and necessary things.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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