14 Best Laundry Detergents for Whites

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

White things look very elegant, but, unfortunately, any pollution on them immediately catches the eye. Also, light-colored linen may begin to turn yellow or gray over time, which looks untidy. Manufacturers of household chemicals, in an effort to solve the problems of their consumers, are developing special preparations for cleansing white things. The best powders and gels in this category, selected by experts, are presented in our rating.

Rating of the best washing powders for white laundry

NominationPlaceNamePrice per kg.
The best washing powders for white laundry     1BIOMIO Eco-friendly washing powder BIO-WHITE, for white laundry, with cotton extract     390 ₽
     2Frosch Citrus concentrated     725 ₽
     3Lion Beat Econo Max     265 ₽
     4Attack Multi-Action     730 ₽
     5LV Concentrated for white laundry     700 ₽
     6Persil “Premium”, for white linen     240 ₽
     7Eco-friendly Garden Kids washing powder, with silver ions, fragrance-free     350 ₽
     8Dalli Med     1030 ₽
     9Duo Active     330 ₽
     10Phosphate-free washing powder BELIVE BABY     360 ₽
The best washing gels for white laundry     1ATTITUDE Mountain Essentials 2 в 1     2080 ₽
     2Frog Zero Sensitive     300 ₽
     3BioMio Bio-2in1 with cotton extract     330 ₽
     4Persil Freshness by Vernel 360 Complete Solution     280 ₽

The best washing powders for white laundry

Washing powder for white linen will help preserve the structure of the fibers, get rid of stains and yellowness, and make things snow-white. It will also save the family budget, since such washing products are in most cases used at low temperatures.

BIOMIO Eco-friendly washing powder BIO-WHITE, for white laundry, with cotton extract

Rating: 4.9

BIOMIO’s eco-friendly detergent concentrate ranks first because it’s safe and versatile. The manufacturer claims that BIO-WHITE contains almost 88% natural ingredients. Therefore, the powder does not smell of anything, does not irritate the skin or even in people with hypersensitivity to household chemicals.

The concentrated formula guarantees an economical consumption of the drug, which effectively removes a variety of stains and dirt without adversely affecting the fibers. Also, the powder does not contain optical brighteners, which are not only harmful to the human body and the ecosystem, but also create only the illusion of purity and whiteness.

According to user reviews, the powder has average whitening properties, but it copes “excellently” with stubborn dirt on white linen. Stains from coffee, soy sauce, sweat, etc. disappear without a trace after the first procedure.

The product is universal, suitable for hand and machine washing, as well as for cleaning baby diapers and clothes. One package weighing 1,5 kg. should be enough for 30 procedures at a temperature of 30, 40 or 60 degrees.



Frosch Citrus concentrated

Rating: 4.8

In the second position of the ranking is the washing powder for white things from the world famous brand Frosch. This is a concentrated detergent based on active oxygen bleach with citrus extract. According to user reviews, the powder effectively removes persistent and stubborn stains, for example, stains from fruits and red wine, herbs, coffee, and tea. There is a slight whitening effect – gray and yellowed linen becomes lighter. But the drawings do not suffer at all, do not fade, so many housewives use this powder to process colored things. Also, the tool copes well with the unpleasant odors of sweat, cigarette smoke, etc. At the same time, the product does not cause irritation or allergies, which is confirmed by the expert opinion of the FBUZ TsGiE in Moscow.

Washing powder can be used for soaking things, hand and machine washing (automatic, semi-automatic). Boxes of the drug weighing 1,35 kg. enough for 20 or more procedures. The manufacturer recommends using the powder at temperatures of 30, 40, 60 and 95 degrees.



Lion Beat Econo Max

Rating: 4.7

The third place in the ranking is occupied by washing powder for white linen from a Korean manufacturer. A distinctive feature of the drug is that it is effective even in cold water. Hot water can ruin things: the fibers of the fabric become thinner, the bright colors of things are washed out and fade. As a result, even relatively new and clean things look faded, worn, washed out. Yes, and the size of clothes after exposure to hot water can change noticeably.

Thanks to MSD technology, the powder instantly dissolves, penetrates between the fibers, splitting and removing impurities. The enzymes contained in the composition of the detergent act on proteins and fat, so even old, stubborn organic stains on clothes do not leave a trace after treatment. It also eliminates odors that have eaten into clothes – the smells of sweat, perfume. At the same time, the powder itself smells very weakly, has the aroma of a quality household chemical product, no artificial fragrances. According to reviews, most users really liked this preparation for cleansing white linen, they do not intend to look for alternative options.



Attack Multi-Action

Rating: 4.6

The next hero of our rating is a Japanese universal washing powder for washing not only white, any laundry. The manufacturer recommends using the drug in cold water, which will help prolong the period of wearing things. And also will reduce the duration of the procedure, reduce the cost of electricity. However, it can also be used at temperatures of 40-60 degrees.

Attack Multi-Action is a concentrated cleaning product supplemented with a safe oxygen stain remover and conditioner. The active components of the preparation (enzymes containing air) penetrate into the deep layers of the fibers, break down and lift the ingrained dirt to the surface. They also eliminate stains, grease and odors.

The manufacturer claims that the detergent has a complex effect – it removes stains, makes colors brighter and more saturated, disinfects fabrics, prevents the smell of dampness, and softens linen.

One package of the drug should be enough for 23 procedures. However, many users say that in order to get a really high-quality result, the dosage needs to be slightly increased. Therefore, the powder is enough for an average of 15-17 washes.



LV Concentrated for white laundry

Rating: 4.5

At this step of the rating is the washing powder for white linen made in Finland. In user reviews about this drug, much attention is paid to its hypoallergenicity, safe composition. The powder is perfect for treating children’s clothes from birth, for gentle and gentle cleaning of clothes and bed linen for those with sensitive skin.

The LV brand powder was developed in cooperation with the Finnish Asthma and Allergy Association. The composition of the drug has been studied and approved by the Scandinavian Ecological Association. All components and their interaction have been tested at the Russian Department of Allergology and Clinical Pharmacology. The product has been tested by the Society of Children’s Allergists of St. Petersburg.

According to user reviews, this product does an excellent job with any pollution, even old ones. Additionally, it perfectly whitens white things, removes dullness and yellowness, and makes fabrics simply snow-white.

The preparation has no smell, at the same time qualitatively eliminates unpleasant “flavors” from fabric fibers. Things after washing smell of natural freshness and cleanliness, there are no notes of mustiness even when dried indoors.

Packs of powder with a volume of 750 ml. enough for 15-20 washes (depending on the hardness of the water).



Persil “Premium”, for white linen

Rating: 4.4

Another participant in our rating, who took sixth place, is a preparation for washing white and light-colored linen from Persil. The manufacturer claims that the best Persil formula was used in this product for radiant cleanliness and amazing long-lasting freshness of washed clothes. Any stains are removed flawlessly, as it contains a highly effective stain remover. The product is not intended for colored and black linen. According to user reviews, it really should not be used for this purpose, as it harms textile paints, although it does not leave streaks.

Persil Premium is suitable for products made from cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics, as well as fabrics made from mixed fibers. It can be used for washing in automatic machines, as well as for soaking and manual processing of clothes. The drug dissolves completely, even in cool water, rinses out perfectly, does not leave a powder coating on clothes. After the procedure, the linen smells pleasant and absolutely unobtrusive. The scent lasts up to 4 weeks.

Packages weighing 3,645 kg. enough for about 27 washes.



Eco-friendly Garden Kids washing powder, with silver ions, fragrance-free

Rating: 4.4

The next place in the ranking is occupied by eco-powder for washing children’s or light-colored linen, diapers, clothes. Suitable for use from the first days of a baby’s life. Often it is bought for the treatment of adult things, if the family has allergies, asthmatics, people with sensitive skin prone to irritation. The drug can be used for hand and machine washing at a temperature of 35 to 60 degrees.

This eco-powder contains 30% baby natural soap, 60% soda, sodium citrate and silver. Silver ions destroy pathogenic microorganisms, prevent their vital activity for 30 days. At the same time, the composition does not contain phosphates and optical brighteners, zeolites, chlorine, artificial dyes, strong fragrances.

Soap as part of the eco-powder helps to effectively eliminate fresh and old dirt, naturally whitens. Thanks to this component, there is no need for pre-soaking things. Soda helps to activate and enhance the washing properties of other ingredients. Sodium citrate softens hard water, prevents the formation of limescale on the internal parts of the washing machine.

According to reviews of this preparation for washing white linen, it does its job perfectly. The agent is odorless, does not dry out the fibers, does not leave powder dust, streaks and any other traces of use.



Dalli Med

Rating: 4.3

The next drug that our experts decided to include in the rating is Dalli Med from the German company DALLI-Werke GmbH. This product is distinguished by traditional quality and high efficiency in cleaning the most persistent and complex contaminants. At the same time, it has a safe composition, which includes a detergent concentrate with bleach, as well as enzymes. There are no phosphates or fragrances in the formula. The product is intended for people with sensitive skin and allergic reactions, can be used to wash children’s clothes.

According to user reviews, the tool has proven itself well. It removes dirt and at the same time whitens things, eliminates stains, yellowing or gray tint. Things look like new, they are fresh and clean, soft to the touch, even if the conditioner has not been used. Clothes are very easy to iron, do not wrinkle for a long time if they were washed with Dalli Med.

Detergent can be used at different temperature conditions – from 20 to 95 degrees. At the same time, it should be enough for 18 or more washes.



Duo Active

Rating: 4.3

The next hero included in our rating is a concentrated powder for processing white, light, and colored linen from the Australian company Duo. The tool is used for different fabrics, except for wool and silk. They can also wash children’s clothes, but only when the child is 12 months old.

The powder can be used for washing by hand or in automatic washing machines. It does not produce a lot of foam, does not irritate the skin of the hands, and copes well with heavy soiling (tea, red wine, ink, fruit) even without pre-soaking. At the end of the procedure, it is perfectly rinsed out of the fabric fibers, does not require additional rinsing, does not leave streaks and soapy films. According to user reviews, with Duo Active, white bedding remains snow-white, and colored items do not lose their brightness.

Packages weighing 1,8 kg. hostesses have enough for more than 70 washes. Very economical and beneficial if the tap water is not very hard.



Phosphate-free washing powder BELIVE BABY

Rating: 4.2

The last place in the ranking is occupied by a preparation for cleansing white and light-colored linen from the company BELIVE BABY. Detergent made from natural ingredients contains 30% soap and soda. Phosphates and A-surfactants are absent in the formula of the product. Therefore, things washed with this powder will not cause allergies or irritation on delicate baby skin. In addition, it contains substances that protect the internal parts of the washing machine from scale.

The detergent can be used for both automatic and manual processing. The optimum temperature is 30 degrees. Thanks to this, things will retain their original appearance for a long time, will not look worn out, will not decrease in size (do not “sit down”). And they will always be clean and fresh. Detergent based on natural soap is designed specifically for cleaning children’s clothes and underwear, so it copes well with strong, stubborn stains that constantly appear on children’s clothes.

According to the information provided by the manufacturer, as well as user reviews, one package of detergent weighing 1 kg. enough for 29 procedures (the number is indicative, you need to take into account the hardness of the water).



The best washing gels for white laundry

Gels have many advantages over powder mixtures. They dissolve faster in water, do not generate dust, they are easier to dose and load into the washing machine. Liquid detergents have a more gentle effect on the structure of the fibers; they can often be used to care for delicate fabrics.

ATTITUDE Mountain Essentials 2 в 1

Rating: 4.9

The first position in the ranking is occupied by Mountain Essentials 2 in 1 gel for the treatment of white and colored linen from ATTITUDE. This is a very economical all-purpose concentrated detergent suitable for any color of clothing made from a variety of fabrics, including wool and silk.

Gel Mountain Essentials 2 in 1 perfectly washes different types of dirt. It effectively removes stains from grass and chocolate, wine and ink. Additionally whitens whites, making them fresh, soft to the touch and more pliable for the upcoming ironing. It well eliminates odors (sweat, perfume, cigarette smoke), but does not give clothes an obsessive chemical “aroma”. Linen smells just natural freshness, even if dried at home. The gel can be used for manual processing of things, in washing machines of various types.

Bottle containing 1,8 liters. Detergent, the hostess should be enough for more than 40 procedures. According to user feedback, if the water hardness is low or normal, the gel is indeed used very economically. It contains conditioning substances, so the laundry after drying becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.



Frog Zero Sensitive

Rating: 4.8

The second position in the ranking is taken by the washing gel, suitable for allergy sufferers, people with sensitive skin and sense of smell. The drug has an environmentally friendly composition, which includes 5-15% non-ionic surfactants, soap, <5% anionic surfactants, enzymes, urea. It is almost completely odorless, after drying things smell of natural freshness, even if they are dried at home.

The gel from the German manufacturer Frosch is suitable for any linen – white, colored, black. After it, things do not shed, their color becomes brighter. It can be used to clean all types of fabrics, including cotton. According to user reviews, the tool qualitatively eliminates pollution, pre-treatment with gel and soaking of things will help to cope with persistent stains. The gel is suitable for both hand and machine washing.

The package contains 1,5 liters of detergent. This amount of gel is enough for 22 procedures at temperatures from 30 to 95 degrees. However, the manufacturer recommends using cool water whenever possible.



BioMio Bio-2in1 with cotton extract

Rating: 4.7

Another hero of our rating is an eco-friendly gel for white linen, including delicate fabrics made of wool and silk. It is an excellent choice for families with children, for those who suffer from allergies or skin sensitivities. The gel is odorless, does not contain essential oils, which makes it absolutely safe for children’s clothing. The detergent is made from 95,9% natural ingredients, does not harm the environment, is not tested on animals. The gel does not contain phosphates, aggressive surfactants, SLS/SLES, EDTA, chlorine, petrochemical dyes and artificial fragrances.

This gel does not cope with such complex contaminants as stains from grass, prunes, berries, wine, blood. But the manufacturer does not guarantee this. And the drug removes ordinary household pollution qualitatively, refreshes things, makes them soft and pleasant to the touch. In addition, according to user reviews, the gel does not have a negative effect on fabrics, does not destroy fibers, does not contribute to shedding of paints, and prevents the occurrence of pellets.

The package contains 1,5 liters of gel, which should be enough for 40 procedures. The amount depends on the hardness of the water, the amount of laundry and how dirty it is. The manufacturer recommends washing at low temperatures and a full load of the machine to reduce energy consumption.



Persil Freshness by Vernel 360 Complete Solution

Rating: 4.6

Our rating of gels for cleansing white linen is completed by Persil products. The gel is also intended for light clothes, it is a concentrated product of increased efficiency and economy of use. The composition includes a stain remover, thanks to which the gel washes stubborn dirt well. If there are stubborn stains on the clothes, you need to apply the gel directly on them before starting the washing machine. The product is intended for use in automatic washing machines, water hardness does not affect the quality of cleaning fabrics. It can also be used for hand washing.

The composition of the gel includes Vernel conditioner-conditioner, thanks to which things smell amazing, do not lose their shape, become soft, iron better and wrinkle harder.

In standard packaging Persil Freshness from Vernel 360 Complete Solution 1,46 l. gel, which should be enough for 20 procedures, because it replaces 3 kg. powder. However, if you read user reviews, it becomes clear that the detergent may be enough for more procedures – for 30+ washes.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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