- 13th week of pregnancy – course
- 13rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development
- 13th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body
- Especially important in the 13st week of pregnancy
- Tests in the 13st week of pregnancy
- Taking care of yourself in the 13th week of pregnancy
- An interesting fact about the 13nd week of pregnancy
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The 13th week of pregnancy opens her second trimester. Many women mention this time as the best moment in nine months. Check how your baby is doing at 13 weeks of pregnancy and what you can expect from your own body.
13th week of pregnancy – course
Finally, you can breathe a bit – you are 13 weeks pregnant, the risk of miscarriage has significantly decreased and some of the troublesome symptoms of pregnancy have subsided. This is usually the “easiest” trimester of pregnancy. You feel good, you look beautiful, you are not so tired anymore. The situation will change when you enter the last trimester and your stomach is big enough to cause you some trouble. For now, however, enjoy the wonderful moments.
You will probably have reasons for this more than once, because in the 13th week of pregnancy, libido often returns with doubled strength. Unless you have had a miscarriage or premature birth before, having sex at this stage is completely safe for your baby. Better yet, let your partner know about the sensitivity of your body. Larger than usual breasts can hurt you a lot.
Your toddler’s CRL is usually around 7,5 cm, but at this stage these values may be slightly different, so if your test shows a slightly different length, don’t worry about it. Your toddler’s rapid growth is due to the fact that the placenta is fully functional and now has easy access to all the nutrients he needs.
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13rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development
Until about the 10th week of pregnancy, all healthy embryos develop almost identically, so that based on the size alone, it is possible to estimate their age with a high degree of probability. Later this changes a bit, and by the 13th week of pregnancy, the differences in the size of fetuses at the same age may already be significant.
It depends, among other things, on his genetic predisposition, the amount of growth hormone produced by the miniature pituitary gland, and whether the mother cares for a proper diet that provides it with all the necessary ingredients. If you are taking care of yourself, don’t worry too much if your little one turns out to be slightly smaller than his friends of the same age.
In the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby moves very intensively. This is due to the constantly developing muscular system. Your toddler exercises all parts – both the smooth muscles in the intestine and the respiratory muscles. The spinal cord also sends signals to the skeletal muscles, which keeps the fetus moving intensively. But that’s not all – the baby even moves some facial muscles!
What may be keeping you awake at night is the gender of your baby. We have good news for you – in the 13th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound may already show the external genitalia. However, the results at such an early stage should be approached with a distance, as there is still a good chance of an error in the assessment.
An interesting thing is also happening in the baby’s digestive system. Until now, part of his intestines has been shifted to the umbilical cord. This is because the rapidly growing intestines do not fit into a belly that is too small. Usually, in the 13th week of pregnancy, they go to their rightful place. So if you hear the term “physiological hernia” on an ultrasound scan, don’t worry. The word “physiological” here means normal, correct.
The endocrine system is also very active. The pancreas is working to produce insulin, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands. In boys, the testes also produce hormones.
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13th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body
The second trimester of pregnancy is also pleasant for a completely different reason. Perhaps it is in the 13th week of pregnancy that you hear for the first time that you are radiating. Indeed, your skin and hair may look better than usual, and the more intense blood circulation will leave your face with a healthy flush.
On the other hand, changes in skin pigmentation may appear during this period. In addition to the dark line on your belly, your birthmarks may also turn darker than usual. For aesthetic reasons, many women complain of additional spots on the body, but it is worth bearing in mind that they will disappear a few weeks after giving birth.
Another noticeable symptom in the 13th week of pregnancy is clear veins. This is due to the relaxation of the vascular wall and the increased amount of blood. They can appear on the extremities, breasts and even the abdomen. The veins should also become less visible after childbirth. Unfortunately, varicose veins can also develop during pregnancy. To reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, try to improve your circulation. Take care of light physical activity – for example, walking. Try to change position as often as possible. Do not wear tight clothing.
You will also be accompanied by an accelerated heart rate. This is due to the increased work that is performed during pregnancy by the entire circulatory system of the future mother, including the heart. Blood volume in the body increases by 30-50%, as does the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute.
All of this makes your heart beat much faster than it was before the pregnancy, and you can feel it clearly. Increased heart rate may also be associated with anemia or a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Keep in mind, however, that the mere acceleration of your heart does not have to be a cause for concern. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness or shortness of breath, or if you have had any heart problems before, you should see a specialist doctor.
The first stretch marks may also appear in the 13th week, but this is such an early stage of pregnancy that women who are not pregnant for the first time and those who are prone to stretch marks should expect them.
The baby grows, the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus increases, and the uterus itself grows. It makes the organ stick out of our pubic symphysis. What’s more, you may feel an unpleasant pulling in your groin. This pulling is a natural occurrence and should not be a cause for concern.
You don’t have to worry about your baby’s health because the end of the first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the greatest risk has passed, and the risk of miscarriage, in turn, is small. You gradually begin to enter the most beautiful period of your pregnancy. If you become a mom again, now is the best time to let your older siblings know that a new family member will be joining you in a few months.
You may still suffer from unpleasant eating problems. It is mainly about heartburn and constipation, although some women also feel nauseous in their 13th week of pregnancy.
The 13th week of pregnancy is also a period of fatigue and malaise. These symptoms, just at the end of the first trimester, and mainly related to hormonal changes, should slowly disappear. However, if you are constantly feeling tired or irritable, and you notice a large increase in weight, you should see a doctor.
You may need to check your thyroxine levels, and more specifically a hormone that your thyroid produces. Thyroxine is very important not only for your well-being, but also for the proper development of your baby’s brain between 10 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Its deficiency can be dangerous for the baby, so such symptoms should not be ignored.
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Especially important in the 13st week of pregnancy
Now that your pregnancy discomfort is not so persistent, you can take better care of your body. Rest whenever you need it. Actively prevent the formation of varicose veins. Take care of your skin, which will reduce the likelihood of stretch marks.
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Tests in the 13st week of pregnancy
Remember that you must have the first genetic ultrasound performed by the end of week 13. If the fetus has not yet been tested for malformations due to genetic mutations, an appointment should be made immediately.
Additionally, it happens that doctors often propose to pregnant women a test increasing the detection of defects in the fetus. This is called the double test, which is colloquially called the PAPPA test. This test is non-invasive and is performed after your blood is drawn. If you are instructed to do this test, do it as soon as possible. It is best to do them on the same day as the ultrasound examination. After the ultrasound examination, the next appointment with the gynecologist should be scheduled for approximately the 16th week of pregnancy, approximately 4 weeks after the previous visit.
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Taking care of yourself in the 13th week of pregnancy
In the 13th week of pregnancy, you should save more. If you feel well enough to go to work, you can do it, and the employer, who has been informed by you about your pregnancy, is obliged to plan your duties so that they comply with the Labor Code.
The employer has no right, inter alia, to require you to work at night or overtime. He cannot employ you in the interrupted working time system or delegate you outside your permanent place of work without your consent. Do not forget that you do not have to take part in the “race” for the title of employee of the month. You must now exercise caution when carrying out your job duties. Don’t overexert yourself, and if you feel tired, rest.
It is also a good idea to eat more fruit during pregnancy, which is an essential part of the diet of every pregnant woman. In spring you should eat Polish strawberries, and in summer you should be eager to reach for raspberries, currants, cherries or blueberries. Consume plums, pears and apples throughout the fall period. Remember to choose seasonal, native fruit, bought in a local greengrocer or at a nearby market, rather than in a supermarket.
Nothing prevents you from eating citrus, bananas or avocados, but always choose the fresh ones. Remember also that strawberries, which are available in the supermarket in December, probably have few natural advantages and it is better to give them up. Also, never forget to thoroughly wash the fruit you bring from the store before eating, you can also peel it.
According to specialists from the Institute of Mother and Child, women in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume about 300 grams of fruit a day, and in the second and third trimesters, 400 grams.
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An interesting fact about the 13nd week of pregnancy
If your baby is a baby girl, her ovaries already contain millions of immature eggs. This is amazing considering that 11 weeks ago it was in your body that you fertilized such a cell. Of course, the cells are still not ready, and it is only after your daughter starts menstruating that one of them will mature each month and leak into the fallopian tube as she ovulates.
Also read:
- 12rd week of pregnancy
- 14rd week of pregnancy
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