Let’s make a reservation right away: here you will not find a single sensational life hack or dizzying idea that will help you change your life overnight. Only extremely simple and banal tips that really work. But this is the case when the strength is in simplicity.
1. Go in for sports
Ideally, you should exercise 5-6 times a week, of which 2-4 should consist of cardio workouts. Yes, this is a lot, and it may seem that you cannot pull it off, but the result is worth it. You will not only feel better in the moment, but will remain fit and active for a long time. This is a bar to aim for, but you can start with at least half an hour of physical activity every day.
2. Drink clean water
Most experts agree that 1,5 liters a day is the absolute minimum, but it’s best to drink three liters, adding one more for every hour of exercise.
A 10-minute practice of silence, peace and self-absorption is more than enough to drastically change your life.
4. Plan your day
Include in your schedule not only work tasks, but also everything that you would like to do. This is the best way to start managing your time properly.
5. Analyze
Every evening evaluate how the day went. What has been achieved and what can be improved to make tomorrow more productive and more enjoyable? From small adjustments and improvements, global changes are formed.
6. Read
It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 100 pages, the main thing is regularly. Start with 15 minutes and gradually work your way up to at least an hour.
7. Take care of your own hygiene and order around
The former is good for your physical condition, the latter for your mental well-being.
8. Dream big
You can write down your dreams in a notebook or visualize by creating, for example, a “wish map”. Collect illustrations or favorite quotes – anything that will remind you of your desires and motivate you every day.
9. Make your dreams come true
Try to set aside time each day for work that will lead you to your goal and help you become who you want to be. At least an hour a day. This is your life, and it is foolish to rely on chance, hoping that everything will magically turn out the way you want.
10. Rewrite the narrative
The Buddha is credited with saying that “we are what we think; who we are arises with our thoughts; With our thoughts we create the world.” Indeed, our thoughts largely shape reality. If we have a high opinion of ourselves and value our life, this is reflected in the way our every day goes, and vice versa.
So take at least a little time every day to write down everything you think about your life, and be sure to write down what you would like to think (and if you forget, you can set reminders for yourself). All this will help you turn your greatest enemy – the mind – into your most faithful ally.
11. Learn to believe
Behind every great success lies a person’s belief that they will succeed. In most cases, faith requires practice and evidence. So every day, write down at least one fact of your biography that will help you believe that in the end you will have everything. In the past, you must have had successes – remind yourself of them as often as possible!
12. Be grateful
In everyday fuss, deeds and worries, we forget about how beautiful and amazing life is. Remind yourself regularly of what you love and appreciate her for.
13. Laugh
Life is not only amazing, but, alas, too short for us to afford to spend our days in sadness and gloom. Look for reasons to laugh – publics with funny jokes and funny videos will help you!