- 1. Drink enough water
- 2. Add magnesium to your diet
- 3. Eliminate alcohol
- 4. Get adequate sleep
- 5. Limit Foods Containing Histamine
- 6. Use essential oils
- 7. Take B Vitamins
- 8. Try a cold compress
- 9. Take CoQ10
- 10. Drink caffeinated coffee or tea
- 11. Try acupuncture
- 12. Avoid strong odors
- 13. Drink ginger tea
- Instead of a conclusion
Headache is the most common problem that some people face every day. It can cause temporary inconvenience, or it can make everyday life unbearable.
All types of headaches are divided into:
Tension pain – occurs after excessive emotional or physical exertion.
Cluster headache – occurs in the form of attacks (clusters).
Migraine is persistent pain that can range from moderate to severe in intensity.
In pharmacies, there are a lot of pharmacological preparations that alleviate symptoms. People suffering from chronic headache should pay attention to natural methods of treatment.
Let’s look at 13 simple remedies that effectively and naturally relieve headaches at home.
1. Drink enough water
Water deficiency can be a factor that provokes the appearance of a headache. Several independent studies have shown that chronic dehydration leads to the development of headaches, migraines from overexertion. Drinking water alleviates painful symptoms in most people who are dehydrated. Improvement is observed in the period from 30 minutes to 3 hours. [1]
Brain dehydration affects concentration, causes irritability, and exacerbates pain symptoms. To prevent the development of a headache due to dehydration, it is enough to drink more water during the day, eat foods that are high in fluid content.
2. Add magnesium to your diet
One of the most important minerals for the body is magnesium. It ensures the smooth functioning of internal organs, controls the level of glucose in the blood, and the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium preparations are an effective, harmless remedy for getting rid of headaches.
The results of studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is more often recorded in people suffering from chronic migraines than in those who do not experience them. Patients were asked to take 600 mg of magnesium citrate per day. These measures made it possible to reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks of cephalalgia*. [2]
* Cephalgia – frequent attacks of headache.
When taking magnesium preparations, one should take into account the likelihood of side effects in the form of diarrhea, impaired functions of the digestive system. It is better to start the treatment of headache with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it.
3. Eliminate alcohol
Most people who drink alcohol do not experience headaches. Separate observations suggest that a third of patients suffering from a systematic headache, after taking alcohol, note a migraine attack. [3]
In addition, alcohol provokes the appearance of tension headaches and cluster type headaches in a large number of people.
Alcohol is a vasodilator. It causes blood vessels to dilate, facilitating blood flow. For a certain category of people, such mechanisms cause a headache. Alcohol acts like antihypertensive drugs, which can cause headaches as a side effect.
When alcohol is consumed, its diuretic effect is manifested. It leads to the excretion of a large amount of electrolytes with each urination. Fluid loss inevitably leads to dehydration, which exacerbates the pain symptom.
4. Get adequate sleep
Insufficient sleep at night can harm the health of the whole body. Sleep deprivation leads to headache attacks in some people. One study examined the frequency and intensity of seizures as a function of sleep duration. It turned out that subjects who slept less than six hours a night were more likely to experience cephalalgia than those who slept longer. [4]
Too much sleep can also cause headaches. In order to prevent seizures, you need to find the right amount of nightly rest. Sleep is considered optimal for seven to nine hours a day.
5. Limit Foods Containing Histamine
The chemical substance histamine is present in the body in a physiological form. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous, digestive and protective systems. Histamine is found in dairy products, aged cheeses, wine, beer, and smoked meats.
Excessive histamine content in the daily diet may contribute to migraine attacks in individuals who are highly susceptible to it. This is due to the lack of enzymes that contribute to its breakdown. Eliminating foods high in histamine from the diet can be a significant preventive measure for those who suffer from headaches. [5]
6. Use essential oils
Essential oils are obtained from various plants. They are a liquid with a high concentration of active aromatic compounds. Due to their various medicinal properties, oils are used topically, some of them are suitable for ingestion.
Peppermint and lavender essential oils give good results in the fight against headaches. They are especially important for patients for whom traditional medicines are contraindicated, such as pregnant women. Tension headache symptoms are relieved by rubbing peppermint oil into the temples. Lavender is an effective remedy for migraine attacks. It is applied to the upper lip or inhaled. [6]
If you create a mixture of essential oils, they will complement each other in properties. Let’s give concrete examples. Use cold compresses. They are placed in several places:
Back of the head.
100-4 drops of special essential oil are dissolved in 6 ml of water. It is made up of 4-6 drops of lavender oil, or – a few drops of lavender and the same amount of peppermint, or – 3 drops of lavender, 2 – chamomile, 1 – lemon.
Soak a handkerchief with a few drops of lavender and inhale the aroma for several minutes. And 2 drops of lemon oil can be rubbed into the temples and other indicated areas if a migraine begins.
Peppermint oil has been used for headaches since ancient times. In ancient Greece, this method was already known. Acquire an aroma lamp and add the following mixture to it. 2 drops of lemon, 2 – chamomile, 1 – peppermint, 1 drop of marjoram oil, 2 drops – lavender.
If there is a vial of smelling salt, another mixture is prepared. To 1 drop of peppermint add 5 – lavender, 1 drop – lemon, 1 – essential oil of nutmeg, 4 ml of sunflower oil. If headaches are often disturbing, a mixture of 3 of their types is rubbed into the area of u0,5bu3bthe temples, forehead and back of the head. The composition is created from 3 l of ordinary water, 3 drops of mint essential oil, XNUMX drops of lavender and XNUMX drops of wormwood essential.
Bath lovers can also indulge themselves by fighting headaches. Helps composition of orange, geranium and mint in a ratio of 2:4:4.
7. Take B Vitamins
B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the body. They help transform food into energy, synthesize neurotransmitters. B-Complex is a group of water-soluble micronutrients that help relieve headaches.
Studies show that riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) and pyridoxine (B6) help reduce headache intensity. The complex, consisting of 8 B vitamins, is recognized as an effective and natural way to naturally treat attacks of cephalalgia. [7]
The advantage of B vitamins is that water-soluble elements are easily excreted in the urine. It’s almost impossible to get an overdose.
8. Try a cold compress
A cold compress can relieve a severe headache. Applying frozen compresses to the neck or head area relieves inflammation, constricts blood vessels, inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses – all this reduces pain during attacks. Observations on 28 women showed that the use of a cold gel pack relieves migraine. [8]
At home, you can fill a waterproof bag with ice and wrap it in a towel – the compress is ready. Place it on your temples, head, or back of your neck to reduce pain.
9. Take CoQ10
The body itself synthesizes coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) to convert food into energy, protect cells from oxidation. The additional use of Q10 supplements is a natural and effective way to treat headaches.
An 80-person study found that CoQ10 supplementation at 100 mg per day significantly reduced the frequency of migraine attacks. Coenzyme helps to relieve and reduce the duration of attacks. [9]
Observations of 42 subjects suffering from frequent cephalalgia showed that taking CoQ10 at 100 mg three times a day eliminates the feeling of nausea during a headache, and reduces the intensity of pain.
10. Drink caffeinated coffee or tea
Sipping coffee or tea slowly helps with headaches. Caffeine has a positive effect on the emotional background, gives a feeling of cheerfulness, constricts blood vessels. All these qualities have a positive effect on a person’s condition during a headache attack. [10]
What is the effectiveness of this public tool? Tea contains substances that stimulate the central nervous system. The impact is mild when compared with coffee. More oxygen flows to the brain. As a result, the patient feels calm, acts as a relaxing. Vessels cease to suffer from spasms. The process of blood circulation improves and normalizes, bringing relief. Often a headache occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood cells, and when this deficiency is replenished, everything returns to normal.
Those who have a habit of drinking a cup of real coffee in the morning know what effect can be obtained. This substance is contained in special capsules, they are taken in medicine in the fight against migraine, and also if it is necessary to increase the physiological or mental tone.
Caffeine is found in many headache medications. Among them are Caffetin, Panadol, Pentalgin-N, Citramon. There are more than 50 titles in total. When an attack develops, it is better not to drink a cup of coffee, but to choose tea, which, by the way, also contains caffeine and take medicine.
Green tea for headaches should be taken at the first symptoms of an attack. It is prepared a little differently than black. To feel the result – add a pinch of mint to the cup.
This is an excellent remedy for many headaches that cause overwork, fatigue, PMS, vasospasm in the brain system. As a preventive measure, it is drunk with a small amount of honey at least once a day on an empty stomach. The effect is similar to black tea.
The recipe is very accessible. Green tea is brewed in a clean porcelain teapot, then it is poured into a cup and a little honey is added. No need to go overboard with additives. Note that green tea reduces the level of pressure, it is dangerous to drink it in one gulp.
11. Try acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment involves stimulating biologically active points on the body through the intradermal injection of needles. The traditional Chinese technique has proven its effectiveness in many experiments.
At least 22 studies involving more than 4000 people have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture during migraine attacks. [11]
In another study, acupuncture was found to be as effective and safe as topiramate, which is prescribed to treat migraines. [12]
For a large number of people suffering from headache attacks, acupuncture has become an effective and safe treatment option.
12. Avoid strong odors
A pronounced perfume aroma, a strong smell of household chemicals can provoke a headache in some people. Observation of 400 subjects showed that persons prone to migraine attacks, tension headaches, are susceptible to strong odors, especially perfumes. [13]
Refusal of concentrated perfumes, avoidance of strongly smelling products, tobacco smoke reduces the likelihood of a migraine attack.
13. Drink ginger tea
Ginger root is rich in beneficial elements that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger has a pronounced antiemetic effect, helps to get rid of nausea, alleviate the symptoms of a headache.
A study of the properties of ginger in 100 subjects showed that 250 mg of ginger powder was as effective as sumatriptan, a drug for the treatment of migraine. [14]
You can take ginger in capsule form or make a rich tea with the fresh root of the plant.
Instead of a conclusion
A large number of people suffer from headache attacks every day and are looking for an effective way to get rid of suffering. Natural ways to relieve pain include vitamin supplements, essential oils, dietary adjustments, and avoidance of strong odors. Simple but effective methods that can improve the quality of everyday life, alleviate pain, and eliminate the symptoms that accompany intense headaches. All these methods can be followed every day, in between attacks, and also combined with the use of traditional pharmacological agents for a more lasting effect.