13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Many people believe that their lifespan is determined by genetics. In fact, the state of the environment, daily routine and food preferences are of no small importance. In order to increase the duration of your life, you need to acquire 13 good habits. It has been proven that they help to feel healthy and vigorous until old age.

Get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Overeating is dangerous to health. The more extra kilocalories a person receives, the shorter his life expectancy. Recent animal studies have established that for this you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 10-50% [1].

Scientists became interested in the results of this experiment and decided to study the eating habits of centenarians. They found that most of these people consume fewer kilocalories per day compared to the average for the population as a whole. [2], [3].

Eating in moderation helps prevent weight gain. Especially dangerous is visceral fat, which is formed in the waist area. It has been proven that such fatty deposits are the cause of many diseases. This is another reason to stop overeating. [4].

Include nuts in your diet

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Nuts are high calorie foods. They are a source of protein, dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements. They are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and other beneficial compounds.

The beneficial effect of nuts on the cardiovascular system has been proven [6]. They help control blood pressure and metabolic processes in the body. They are useful for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. [7]. In recent years, information has emerged that nuts prevent the development of certain cancerous tumors.

For example, one study found that nuts reduced premature death rates by 39%. To do this, they need to be eaten at least 3 times a week. [8].

Two global analyzes of the dietary habits of 350 people suggest that nuts do increase life expectancy. It is the higher, the more often a person includes this useful product in his diet. [9].

Eat turmeric

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin.

This antioxidant has the following beneficial properties:

  • Protects the brain from age-related changes.

  • Helps the body to destroy abnormal cells.

  • Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

  • Helps maintain lung function.

It has been experimentally proven that turmeric helps to increase the life expectancy of insects and rodents.

Such studies have not been conducted in humans. However, this spice can definitely be considered safe for humans, as it is consumed in large quantities by the entire population of India.

Include plant foods in your diet

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

To stay healthy longer, you need to eat plant-based foods more often.

This recommendation applies to:

  • Fruit.

  • Nuts.

  • Vegetables.

  • Seeds.

  • Cereals.

  • Beans.

There have been many studies that prove the benefits of plant products for the body. Such food helps to avoid premature aging of the body, prevents the development of cancerous tumors, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the brain. The most popular diet of this type is the Mediterranean diet.

Scientists attribute such properties of plant foods to the fact that they are rich in antioxidants, namely carotenoids, polyphenols, folates and vitamin C.

There are a number of studies that prove that adherence to a vegetarian diet can increase life expectancy by 12-15%. [10]. In the course of these experiments, scientists found that vegetarians are 29-52% less likely to suffer from cancerous tumors, from diseases of the heart and urinary system. They are less likely to experience hormonal disruptions in the body.

Moreover, some studies show that the risk of premature death and certain diseases increases with increased meat consumption. [11].

In general, eating fresh food grown in favorable environmental conditions cannot harm the body.

Keep physical activity

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Hypodynamia is the main problem of modern society. Lack of physical activity is the cause of many health problems. To live longer, you need to exercise.

It has been proven that just 15 minutes a day of physical activity can increase life expectancy by 3 years. The risk of premature death is reduced by 4% [14].

Recent studies suggest that it is possible to become a long-liver if the following conditions are met:

  • If you exercise a little less than 3 hours a week, you can extend your life by 22%.

  • If you train 3 hours a week – by 28%.

  • If you train more than 3 hours a week – by 35% [15].

So, physical activity is an important condition for longevity. Even short workouts are good for health. Therefore, the habit of playing sports should be one of the priorities.

Give up cigarettes

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

There is no doubt that smoking is the main enemy of health. Smokers themselves reduce their life expectancy by 10 years or more. They are 3 times more likely to die prematurely than non-smokers. [16].

Even if a person has been smoking for many years, it is never too late to get rid of this addiction. Quitting cigarettes before the age of 35 has been shown to increase life expectancy by 8,5 years [17].

If you do this by the age of 60, then you can delay the death by 3,7 years. It is useful to give up cigarettes even at the age of 80.

Quitting smoking can significantly extend your life – and it’s never too late to quit [42].

Limit your alcohol intake

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Alcohol abuse negatively affects all body systems. Alcohol poisons the brain, destroys the liver and pancreas. All this contributes to a reduction in life expectancy. [18].

This does not mean that you should give up alcohol altogether. For example, moderate wine consumption can prolong life by 18%. This is possible due to the content of polyphenols in it, which are powerful antioxidants. [19].

A 29-year study was recently completed. It found that men who drink wine rather than beer or other spirits live longer. Wine helps reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and insulin resistance syndrome [20].

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation: up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men [21].

Learn to live happily

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Negative emotions destroy a person from the inside. These are not just words, but a fact proven by science. Feeling happy can significantly increase life expectancy [22].

Scientists observed a group of people for 5 years and found that happy men and women live 3,7% longer [23]. Many such studies have been carried out.

After analyzing the data of 35 experiments, interesting conclusions were made. According to scientists, happy people live 18% longer than their unhappy counterparts. [24]. This is great news to be happy about.

Learn to Avoid Stress

Stress and increased anxiety reduce life expectancy. Women suffering from depression and stress are twice as likely to die from heart attack, stroke and lung cancer [25]. For men, the risks are 3 times higher [26].

Optimists live 42% longer than pessimists [27]. Therefore, you can not succumb to the blues and stress. You need to learn to avoid negative emotions and switch to positive.

Make new acquaintances

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Communication with new acquaintances and with positive people helps to live longer by 50% [28]. And having only three new connections can reduce the risk of premature death by more than 200%. [29].

Studies conducted on this subject prove that sociable men and women practically do not suffer from heart and brain diseases. They have fewer hormonal disruptions, and the immune system works better. [30].

Close people will always support in a difficult life situation. Together, any problems are solved faster, which means that even the strongest stresses are easier to bear.

Another interesting thing, one study reports that giving support to others may be more rewarding than receiving it. [31]. A good deed done brings a lot of positive emotions that help to increase life expectancy. Therefore, whenever possible, you need to come to the rescue of loved ones.

Develop self-discipline

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

It is necessary from childhood to develop in oneself such qualities as: self-discipline, organization, purposefulness, perseverance. According to a study of 1500 people who were considered persistent and disciplined, they lived 11% longer than their less conscientious counterparts. [32], [33].

Problems that can be avoided if you work on your discipline:

  • Mental illnesses.

  • Diabetes.

  • Hypertension and hypotension.

  • Diseases of the joints.

Scientists attribute the reduction in the risk of dangerous pathologies to the fact that disciplined people are less likely to experience stress, know how to get out of it correctly, build their lives competently, go in for sports and take better care of their health. [34].

It is never too late to develop discipline. You can start with simple steps, like tidying up your desk and never disturb the created order again.

Drink tea and coffee

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

Drinking natural coffee and tea helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. Green tea is a source of catechins and polyphenols. These substances help reduce the risk of developing diabetes, cancerous tumors and cardiac pathologies. [35], [36].

Coffee, in moderate doses, is beneficial in the prevention of certain cancers, metabolic disorders, and heart attacks. Coffee drinkers have been shown to be less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s [37], [38].

In general, their brain functions better and their risk of early death is reduced by 20-30%. [39].

Sleep at least 8 hours a day

13 Scientific Facts to Extend Your Life

The mode of sleep and wakefulness must be impeccably observed. To live longer, you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. [40].

Scientists have proven that the optimal sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours. Exceeding these indicators is no less dangerous than understating.

Lack of sleep (less than 7 hours) leads to cardiac pathologies, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory processes, increases the risk of early death by 12%.

At the same time, sleeping more than 8-9 hours a day can lead to depression, reduced physical activity and a reduction in life expectancy by 38%. [41].


Increasing life expectancy is possible for everyone. This does not require much effort. It is enough to play sports, drink coffee, give up tobacco and alcohol, and get enough sleep at night. These good habits will help you stay healthy and live to a ripe old age.

Live to 100: 20 science tips!

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