- Recommendations for selection
- Which water heater is better – instantaneous or storage
- Which water heater material is better – enamel or stainless steel
- Какой водонагреватель лучше – газовый или электрический
- Rating of the best manufacturers of water heaters
- Лучшие фирмы-производители недорогих водонагревателей
- Лучшие фирмы-производители водонагревателей по соотношению цена-качество
- Лучшие производители водонагревателей в премиальном сегменте
*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
It is difficult for the modern generation of Russians to imagine life without hot water. Even short-term shutdowns lead to disruption of the daily routine of the whole family. Boilers can solve the problem with hot water supply. They can be installed in private houses, apartments, laboratories and production prices. A wide range of water heaters from different manufacturers is presented on the domestic market. The recommendations of our experts will help you choose the most efficient, reliable and stylish device.
Recommendations for selection
Вид энергии. Начать выбор бойлера следует с имеющегося энергоносителя.
If natural gas is supplied to the house, then it is most profitable to purchase a column. A gas boiler quickly and cheaply heats water, but there are difficulties with installation and operation.
Many apartment owners purchase electric water heaters. They are easy to connect and easy to manage. However, their heating cost is higher than that of gas models.
Design. Бойлеры отличаются своей конструкцией.
Flow models have time to instantly heat the water, which allows you to do without a storage tank. However, powerful gas models can cope with such a task. There are high-performance electrical appliances, but not every electrical network is able to withstand a large load.
Storage boilers have one drawback – large overall dimensions. Although manufacturers offer a wide range of containers, from compact 5 liters to capacious 400 liters. Most often, the water in the tank is maintained in a certain temperature range, and the heating element automatically turns on and off.
Features of heating elements. Современные водонагреватели оснащаются двумя видами ТЭНов.
“Мокрые” нагреватели работают по принципу кипятильника. Они долго служат в том случае, если вода в магистрали отличается высоким качеством.
“Dry” heating elements are more expensive, but due to the durability, the money is more than paid off. The heating element is hidden in the flask, it does not come into contact with water. Therefore, its degree of purity does not play an important role.
Materials. Since the water heater is constantly faced with the damaging effects of corrosion, the service life directly depends on the effectiveness of the protection against moisture. Many manufacturers use stainless steel as materials. In order to reduce the cost, ordinary enamel coated steel can be used.
Control. All water heaters have a control system.
Механический регулятор температуры отличается простотой и надежностью. Это самый дешевый вариант.
Электронное управление позволяет минимизировать участие человека в процессе нагрева воды. Производители осознанно идут на удорожание продукции, т. к. потребитель получает взамен максимум удобства и комфорта.
We selected 13 of the best manufacturers of water heaters for our review. All of them sell their products on the Russian market. When distributing places, the editors of the magazine simplerule proceeded from the opinions of experts, taking into account the feedback from domestic users.
Which water heater is better – instantaneous or storage
Конструкция бойлера | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Flowing | + compact dimensions + быстрый нагрев воды + удобство и комфорт в применении | – high energy consumption – limited amount of hot water |
Cumulative | + there is always enough hot water + durability + economical energy consumption | – bulkiness – continuous water heating |
Which water heater material is better – enamel or stainless steel
Water heater material | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Stainless steel | + high resistance to corrosion + ease of maintenance + reliability and durability | – rise in price of the boiler |
Enamelled finish | + более низкая стоимость бойлера + the ability to purify water from bacteria | – Coating may peel off – difficult cleaning |
Какой водонагреватель лучше – газовый или электрический
Вид энергии | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Gas | + low cost of heating + high heating efficiency | – complicated connection -requires human involvement |
Electricity | + battery life + environmental friendliness and safety + easy installation | – high cost – limited performance |
Rating of the best manufacturers of water heaters
Nomination | Place | Name of product | Rating |
Лучшие фирмы-производители недорогих водонагревателей | 1 | Thermex | 5.0 |
2 | Zanussi | 4.9 | |
3 | Ariston | 4.8 | |
Лучшие фирмы-производители водонагревателей по соотношению цена-качество | 1 | Bosch | 5.0 |
2 | Baxi | 4.9 | |
3 | Electrolux | 4.8 | |
4 | Vaillant | 4.7 | |
5 | Gorenje | 4.6 | |
6 | timberk | 4.5 | |
Лучшие производители водонагревателей в премиальном сегменте | 1 | Stiebel Eltron | 5.0 |
2 | AEG | 4.9 | |
3 | American Water Heater | 4.8 | |
4 | Drazice | 4.7 |
Лучшие фирмы-производители недорогих водонагревателей
One of the main criteria when choosing a water heater for domestic consumers is the cost. Several manufacturers successfully operate in the budget segment. Experts drew attention to the following trio.
Rating: 5.0
Электрические водонагреватели являются специализацией международного концерна Thermex. Бренд имеет глубокие исторические корни, датой рождения можно назвать 1947 г. Но современное название Thermex появилось только в 1995 г. Эксперты считают главной причиной успеха бренда агрессивную рыночную политику. Уже в 1997 г корпорация завоевала лидирующие позиции в России. Отечественных потребителей водонагреватели привлекли своей мощностью, многообразием моделей, разными объемами накопительного бака. Торговая марка становится победителем в нашем обзоре за высокое качество, доступные цены и богатый ассортимент.
Пользователи отмечают эффективную защиту приборов от коррозии. Одни детали делается из нержавейки, другие – из стеклофарфора, внутри устанавливается магниевый анод.
affordable prices;
variety of models;
own laboratory;
stylish design.
not found.
Rating: 4.9
Антонио Занусси в 1916 г открыл небольшую компанию, которая занялась производством кухонных плит. Позднее появилась и другая техника для дома. По мнению экспертов, секрет успеха бренда кроется в продуманном итальянском дизайне. В сочетании с оригинальными инженерными идеями производителю удается создавать продукты, опережающие время. В каталоге Zanussi есть накопительные и проточные водонагреватели, среди них можно найти много доступных по цене моделей. Торговая марка завоевывает серебро нашего обзора.
Domestic users liked the combination of Italian design and functionality. The disadvantages of Zanussi water heaters include the appearance of cracks on the control unit and the lack of hoses in the kit.
affordable price;
good quality;
Italian design;
с годами появляются трещины;
нет шлангов в комплекте.
Rating: 4.8
Еще одну призовую позицию занял известный итальянский бренд Ariston. Эксперты отмечают богатую географию поставок (более 150 стран мира). Основана фирма была в далеком 1930 г Аристидом Мерлони. А нынешнее название торговой марки было зарегистрировано в 1960 г. В Россию компания поставляет несколько линеек бойлеров. Одни из них работают от электросети, другие подключаются к газовой магистрали. Потребителю предлагаются как накопительные, так и проточные модели.
Analyzing numerous reviews, we can conclude that Italian boilers are highly popular among Russian users. They praise the brand for affordable prices, anti-corrosion treatment, good thermal insulation. Of the minuses, one can note high power consumption and the absence of a wire in the kit.
a wide range of boilers;
acceptable prices;
stylish design;
high power consumption;
incomplete set.
Лучшие фирмы-производители водонагревателей по соотношению цена-качество
Много фирм-производителей водонагревателей работает в среднем ценовом сегменте. Бойлеры отличаются надежностью, долговечностью и привлекательным внешним видом. Экспертам понравилась продукция нескольких торговых марок.
Rating: 5.0
A lot of household appliances are produced by the famous German manufacturer Bosch. Brand water heaters are in steady demand in 150 countries around the world. Branches of the company have been opened on different continents, there is an assembly plant in Russia. As for the range of boilers, the experts drew attention to the line of flow models with a capacity of 10 to 27 l / min. Electric water heaters with a storage tank from 10 to 150 liters are not inferior to them in design and efficiency. Some boilers can be mounted both horizontally and vertically. The brand receives the laurels of the winner in our review.
Most Russian consumers are satisfied with the combination of quality and price of German water heaters. Sometimes there are complaints about the Russian or Chinese assembly.
optimal combination of price and quality;
variety of models;
mounting versatility.
there are comments on the build quality.
Rating: 4.9
Итальянская компания Baxi начала свой путь к славе в далеком 1924 г. Первой продукцией бренда была эмалированная посуда. Сегодня фирма специализируется на производстве отопительного оборудования, где почетное место занимают бойлеры. На российский рынок продукция с логотипом Baxi стала поставляться с 2002 г после открытия официального представительства. Производитель предлагает долговечные газовые водонагреватели, сделанные из нержавейки или стали с эмалированным покрытием. В каталоге можно найти проточные и накопительные бойлеры. Эксперты отмечают многообразие дизайнов, форм, мощностей и объемов.
In reviews, consumers praise Baxi water heaters for their beautiful appearance, durability, and quiet operation. The disadvantages include an inconvenient water supply (non-standard angle).
high-quality materials;
Beautiful design;
quiet work;
variety of models.
inconvenient water supply.
Rating: 4.8
The Swedish company Electrolux has been operating on the European market for a long time (100 years). The manufacturer is trying to create household appliances that can help consumers at every step. Based on their motto, the company’s designers have come up with a variety of water heaters. The catalog contains gas and electric versions, storage and flow models, indirect heating boilers. The buyer can choose models with mechanical or electronic control. High quality of production is confirmed by a 7-year guarantee. Although some products work out for 15-20 years.
At thematic forums, participants praise Swedish water heaters for their efficiency, reliability, and economy. The disadvantages of the devices are complex maintenance and high price.
wide range of models;
7 year warranty;
fast heating.
high price;
complicated service.
Rating: 4.7
The German company Vaillant was founded in 1874. The brand’s products have been known to Russian consumers for 25 years. The company offers a comprehensive range, from water heaters to ventilation systems. The experts appreciated the manufacturer’s desire to create a unified control system that can be implemented both in a private house and at an enterprise. The brand’s products are distinguished by a recognizable design, where there is a separating gold element Vaillant Smiley.
The brand stops a step away from the pedestal due to the noisy operation of many boilers, the problematic adjustment of gas models. Users are satisfied with the efficiency of water heating, compactness, simplicity and reliability in operation.
rich assortment;
efficient water heating;
simplicity and reliability.
noisy work;
inconvenient temperature control.
Rating: 4.6
The Slovenian company Gorenje occupies a leading position in the European household appliances market. It has been operating since 1950, starting its path to success with the production of agricultural equipment. Today, electric water heaters, gas water heaters and stoves are supplied to 90 countries around the world. Experts drew attention to the recognizable rounded shape of many models. The brand should include the development of innovative technologies that are implemented in new models as an asset. For the high build quality and reasonable price, the brand will get into our review.
Users in the reviews praise Slovenian boilers for the active use of dry heating elements, recognition, and a convenient display. Among the shortcomings, there is a high consumption of energy carriers, water flow from the safety valve.
high quality;
recognizable design;
convenient display;
innovative technologies.
high energy consumption;
safety valve is leaking.
Rating: 4.5
The idea of creating the Timberk brand was born in Sweden, when a group of constructors, designers and technologists began developing storage boilers. The brand’s products appeared on the Russian market in 2004. Today, the concern is considered an international holding company with offices in Finland, China, Israel, and production sites built in Southeast Asia. The main part of the products is supplied to the CIS market, the range includes flow and storage models. The combination of an affordable price and a variety of models allowed the brand to get into the TOP-6 of our review.
Отечественным пользователям понравилась эффективность нагрева, стильный дизайн, хорошая теплоизоляция. К недостаткам следует отнести короткий гарантийный срок и высокий процент брака.
stylish design;
reasonable prices;
rich assortment;
good thermal insulation.
нестабильное качество сборки.
Лучшие производители водонагревателей в премиальном сегменте
Premium class boilers have maximum reliability and durability. There are not many manufacturers in the world who are able to develop and manufacture elite products. The experts identified the following brands.
Stiebel Eltron
Rating: 5.0
The history of the German company Stiebel Eltron began in 1924. The Russian consumer got acquainted with the brand’s electric water heaters in 1997. After another 10 years, an official representative office was opened in the Russian Federation. Today, the range of products has expanded to include household appliances and industrial equipment. Experts appreciated the variety of heating and water heaters. The manufacturer pays much attention to safety and energy efficiency. The power of electric boilers varies in a wide range from 4 to 27 kW, the capacity of storage tanks ranges from 5 to 400 liters. The brand receives the gold of our review.
Domestic users praise German water heaters for a two-tariff mode of operation, eternal titanium anodes. The only downside is the high price.
German quality;
variety of models;
titanium anodes;
operational safety.
high price.
Rating: 4.9
The founding date of the German company AEG is considered to be 1883, when the enterprising engineer Emil Rathenau acquired the rights to produce incandescent light bulbs from Thomas Edison. The modern name of the brand appeared in 1887. Since then, the manufacturer has mastered a wide range of household electrical appliances. The captured AEG generator was installed at the first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. Most of all, the experts were pleased with the environmentally friendly approach, as a result, a series of household appliances with the designation “OKO” appeared. Since 1994, the brand has been operating as part of the Electrolux concern, giving preference to premium products.
The second position in our review is explained by the need for periodic maintenance of water heaters. Magnesium anodes are subject to replacement. Otherwise, users have no complaints.
economical energy consumption;
high-quality assembly;
Ease of controls.
the magnesium anode needs to be replaced.
American Water Heater
Rating: 4.8
American Water Heater is a recognized world leader in the field of water heating equipment. Experts consider the manufacturer to be a trendsetter, since many unique developments have found application in devices of other brands. Engineers and designers do not get tired of coming up with new energy-saving technologies, and manufacturers are successfully implementing them. The manufacturer also takes care of the post-warranty service of its products. A separate plant produces spare parts for the entire model range. Most often in Russia there are industrial boilers with a storage tank volume from 114 to 379 liters. But there are few household models in the trade network of our country.
Пользователи подтверждают ограниченность модельного ряда. К качеству изготовления нареканий нет.
high-quality assembly;
own developments;
Energy Saving Technologies;
operational safety.
modest range.
Rating: 4.7
The Czech concern Drazice has recently become a major player in the European market for water heating equipment. The company has been known since 1900, but the first boilers appeared only in 1956. Today the company can offer the Russian consumer a wide range of electric, gas and combined models. The catalog includes instantaneous and storage water heaters with vertical and horizontal installation options. Experts drew attention to quality certificates, environmental friendliness and product safety.
Domestic users liked Drazice boilers for an adequate price, high build quality, and fast water heating. The disadvantages include the need for periodic cleaning of the boiler and replacement of the anodes.
adequate price;
variety of models;
versatility of installation;
quality assembly.
periodic maintenance is required.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.