*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Natural mineral water is extracted from special wells that are protected from anthropogenic impact. This guarantees the preservation of its natural chemical. The drink contains salts, trace elements, a number of biologically active components, which allows it to be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The use of such a food product ensures the removal of toxins, as well as strengthening the body. The experts of the online magazine Simplerule conducted comparative tests, studied user reviews and, based on the data obtained, compiled a rating that included the best types of mineral waters.
Classification of mineral waters
Before being sent to stores, mineral water is bottled in glass or plastic bottles, the labels of which indicate the following data:
natural source, its location;
the date of bottling;
storage period;
chemical composition;
mineralization level.
The last 2 points determine the possibility of using water for the treatment and prevention of specific pathologies. Depending on the composition, 3 classes of the drink are distinguished:
chloride. It is prescribed for cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Pregnant women, allergy sufferers, as well as inflammation of the kidneys should stop drinking such mineral water.
sulfate. Effective for the normalization of the intestines, liver, bile ducts, weight loss. As a prophylactic, it is prescribed for congestion. Contraindicated in pregnant women, children, patients with diabetes.
Hydrocarbonate. Well eliminates heartburn, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Prohibited for gastritis.
There are also 3 subclasses – sodium, magnesium, calcium. These mineral waters are distinguished by the presence of the corresponding cations in their composition. At the same time, mixed drinks are more often on sale, so when choosing a product, you need to take into account their properties.
The concentration of salts is taken into account by physicians first of all when choosing a product, therefore, our rating presents the best types of medicinal, table and medical table mineral water.
Rating of the best types of mineral water
Nomination | Place | Name | Price per liter |
The best healing mineral water | 1 | Given Mg | 120 ₽ |
2 | Mountain range Prolom Voda | 150 ₽ | |
3 | Borjomi | 180 ₽ | |
4 | Leave Mg++ | 111 ₽ | |
The best medicinal table mineral water | 1 | Rychal-Su | 100 ₽ |
2 | Essentuki №4 | 70 ₽ | |
3 | Narzan | 100 ₽ | |
4 | Rudolfuv Pramen | 230 ₽ | |
5 | Sulinka Silicon Sparkling | 95 ₽ | |
6 | Pelisterka | 60 ₽ | |
The best table mineral water | 1 | The legend of Arkhyz mountain | 27 ₽ |
2 | Senezhskaya | 30 ₽ | |
3 | Vittel | 160 ₽ |
The best healing mineral water
It has the highest mineral content. It contains more than 10 g/l of various salts. The indicator can be reduced to 7 g / l, provided that the concentration of a number of biologically active components is exceeded. The use of such mineral water is allowed only after consultation with a doctor in an amount not exceeding 200 ml / day. It is not recommended for daily drinking.
Given Mg
Rating: 4.9
Mineral water is extracted from sources located on the territory of Slovenia. It contains sulfates, bicarbonates, salts of calcium, magnesium, sodium. The degree of mineralization is 13 g/l. A mixture of anions, cations, undissociated compounds allows you to recommend the use of a drink to eliminate the following problems:
diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys;
magnesium deficiency;
high cholesterol;
diabetes mellitus type II;
magnesium deficiency;
nervous disorders.
The product is produced in plastic and glass bottles. The effectiveness of mineral water to stimulate digestion has been proven by scientific and clinical studies conducted by the German company Analyze & realize GmbH. The control group included patients suffering from constipation. More than 94% of the subjects confirmed the good tolerance of the drink, the improvement in the quality of life after taking it.
Mineral water Donat Mg is not recommended for long-term use due to the high concentration of magnesium, an excess of which threatens to reduce kidney function. The advantages of the respondents include a pleasant taste, a good therapeutic effect, gentle cleansing of the intestines. The main disadvantage is the high price, although its reception is cheaper than buying laxatives.
Mountain range Prolom Voda
Rating: 4.8
Mineral water of volcanic origin is obtained from a source located in the south of Serbia. It belongs to the category of non-carbonated alkaline (pH 8,8) waters with low salinity (1,5 g / l). The composition contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium cations, anions of sulfate, chlorine, fluorine, bicarbonate. The hardness of the drink does not exceed 1 mg-eq / l.
It has good balneological properties, therefore it is recommended in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, kidneys and urinary tract, stones, infections), skin (psoriasis, dermatitis), peripheral blood vessels. Mineral water is effective for the following problems:
swelling, acts as a diuretic;
the risk of developing acidosis in diabetes mellitus;
alcohol, drug and other intoxication;
Recommended for recovery of the body during excessive physical exertion. Approved for use by children from 1 year of age. Taking into account body weight, the daily volume of drinking is 0,5 – 1,5 liters. There are no restrictions on the duration of admission.
100% of respondents recommend purchasing Planinka Prolom Voda. They note a soft, pleasant taste, effective healing of the body, and the absence of restrictions on consumption. The disadvantages include the high price, sale in specialized stores.
Rating: 4.7
Mineral water, which is produced in the south of Georgia, has a high mineralization (from 5 to 7,5 g/l). The composition includes cations of sodium, calcium, magnesium, anions of chlorine, bicarbonate, as well as more than 80 different components. Taking into account the number of basic elements, the drink is classified as bicarbonate-sodium water. The production of Borjomi is carried out by the only company that has received the international standard for environmental control.
The presence of a high concentration of salts does not allow recommending mineral water for daily use. Indications for its use are:
overweight, obesity;
diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, chronic gastritis);
endocrine disorders;
nervous disorders;
diseases of the liver, gallbladder;
ARVI (inhalation with cough, rhinitis);
slagging of the body.
Therapy with Borjomi is allowed only outside the exacerbation phase. Although there is no scientific evidence for the therapeutic effect of mineral water, most doctors recommend this particular drink for the above pathologies. Among the contraindications are arthritis, low acidity, pancreatitis, heart disease, pyelonephritis, kidney stones. Daily use can lead to fluorosis, which will negatively affect the condition of the teeth and bones.
The drink is produced in plastic and glass bottles. Not everyone likes it to taste, there are a large number of fakes on sale.
Leave Mg++
Rating: 4.7
The source of mineral water is located in Serbia. 1 liter provides the body’s daily need for magnesium (286 g), so it is often recommended for patients with micronutrient deficiencies. The drink is allowed to be consumed by people of all ages, without limiting factors. The composition also contains cations of sodium, calcium, potassium, anions of bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, fluorine. The benefits include an osmolality level that matches the osmotic concentration of bodily fluids, which ensures the safety of the product.
Among the therapeutic indications for taking mineral water, there are:
cardiovascular pathologies;
diseases of the digestive system;
endocrine disorders;
diseases of the genitourinary system.
You can drink a drink only after consulting a doctor. It is produced in plastic bottles in a slightly carbonated or carbonated version. Consumers note a pleasant taste, benefits for the body. The only downside is the high price.
The best medicinal table mineral water
This product differs from the previous one in the degree of mineralization, which is 1 – 10 g / l. It can be used for treatment and normal drinking for a short time. For therapeutic purposes, mineral water is taken in a volume of not more than 0,5 – 1 l / day, without preliminary heat treatment. The duration and regularity of the courses of admission are recommended to be clarified with the attending physician.
Rating: 4.9
Gravity low-thermal source of mineral water is located in the mountains of Southern Dagestan. Before reaching the surface, it circulates for centuries in rocks, which enriches its composition with mineral elements and gives it healing properties. The quality of the product is confirmed by international certificates, controlled by the plant’s own laboratory.
The optimal balance of minerals allows you to recommend water intake in the presence of the following health problems outside the exacerbation phase:
liver disease;
nervous disorders;
disturbed metabolism;
slagging of the body.
The degree of mineralization is 4 – 5 g / l. Given the number of the main components of the composition, the drink is classified as hydrocarbonate sodium chloride mineral water. The combination of components guarantees the prevention of iodine deficiency, the normalization of the water-salt balance, the acceleration of metabolism, the removal of harmful radionuclides from the body. The effectiveness of the product for medicinal purposes is confirmed by scientific research. In the reviews, consumers note the taste / benefit ratio, high quality, low price.
Essentuki №4
Rating: 4.8
Mineral water, saturated with carbon dioxide, is considered the most popular in medical practice. Its composition is represented by anions of bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium cations, boric acid, dissolved carbon dioxide. The complex of elements is effective for normalizing the work of all organs and systems, so the drink is recommended to be used as a prophylactic to reduce the risk of developing various diseases.
Salt content (7 – 10 g/l) and zero calorie content guarantees a good result in the fight against excess weight. The following healing effects of mineral water are also noted:
normalization of metabolism, hormonal levels;
increased endurance;
cleaning the respiratory tract from mucus during inflammatory processes;
improve digestion;
restoration of intestinal microflora;
reducing the risk of negative effects of stress and external factors on the body;
elimination of puffiness;
removal of toxins;
improvement of the nervous system, kidneys, liver.
Therapeutic baths, rinses help normalize blood circulation, have a sedative, anti-inflammatory, sedative effect.
It is recommended to take Essentuki only outside the exacerbation phase with the permission of the doctor. The daily volume should not exceed 1,2 liters. 1 hour before taking the drink is poured into an open container to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide. The duration of the course is no more than 1 month. Contraindications include diseases of the kidneys, heart, hypertensive crisis, the need for a salt-free diet, hepatic colic.
The advantages of consumers include a good therapeutic effect, availability, average price. At the same time, not all buyers like the salty taste.
Rating: 4.7
Mineral water is mined in the wells of Kislovodsk. According to its composition, it is referred to hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium-sodium drinks. Narzan is formed from the melting of the Elbrus glaciers, accumulates in underground lakes and comes to the surface. Natural gassing is caused by a mixture of carbon dioxide and inert gases. The composition contains 20 components, but the degree of mineralization is 2 – 3 g / l. This is rarely found in nature, for which the product is valued.
For prevention and therapeutic purposes, it is used for the following diseases:
chronic gastritis;
pathology of the urinary tract, liver, gallbladder;
diseases of the intestines, esophagus.
The use of mineral water helps to improve memory, eliminate allergies, depression, strengthen bones and teeth.
The drink is produced in glass and plastic containers. Consumers note a pleasant taste, low price, balanced composition. Due to the presence of a number of contraindications and a high content of potassium, mineral water is recommended to be consumed with the permission of a doctor in short courses.
Rudolfuv Pramen
Rating: 4.6
The healing properties of mineral water from a Czech spring with natural gas were confirmed as early as the 18th century. The total mineralization is 2,3 – 2,5 g/l. The composition contains anions of bicarbonate, sulfate, chlorine, fluorine, cations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ferrous iron.
Rudolfuv Pramen is one of the 10 most valuable mineral waters in the world. It has a diuretic, antihistamine, sedative effect. The drink is used as a natural diuretic for arterial hypertension, pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys. Its intake promotes the dissolution of stones, increases the level of hemoglobin, normalizes metabolism, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The main contraindication is phosphaturia.
The daily dose for adults is recommended in the amount of 0,2 – 0,7 liters. Duration of admission is determined by the doctor. Therapy is carried out in courses, on average 3 r. per year for 21 days. Produced in PET bottles with UV protection.
Sulinka Silicon Sparkling
Rating: 4.6
Mineral water with low salinity (2 – 3 g/l) is extracted from the north of Slovakia. Given the number of main components, it is classified as a hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium-sodium drink. The name is due to the presence of silicic acid in the composition, which helps to strengthen teeth, nails, hair.
For medicinal purposes, it is recommended for use in the following pathologies:
diseases of the digestive tract;
viral hepatitis;
chronic pancreatitis;
urolithiasis disease;
violation of protein, salt metabolism;
alimentary obesity;
gallbladder disease;
The daily dose is not more than 0,6 l / day. During treatment, water should be drunk slowly, the temperature should be 23 – 25 degrees. It is preliminary recommended to partially release the gas. There are a number of contraindications, so it is better to discuss the dosage and duration of drinking with your doctor. According to the rules, store the product in a supine position. According to consumers, the product has no cons.
Rating: 4.5
Mineral water is obtained from Macedonian wells located on Mount Pelisterka. The balanced chemical composition provides the healing properties of the drink. The presence of calcium and magnesium helps to relieve nervous overload, stress. In a small amount there is bicarbonate, sulfate, fluorine, potassium, carbon dioxide. Pelisterka is considered low-mineralized, high-temperature water.
The product goes on sale in glass, plastic containers with a volume of 0,25 and 0,5, 1,5 liters, respectively. It is used for drinking and therapeutic baths in case of metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes affecting the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and peripheral nervous system.
Studies have shown that the taste and smell of the drink meets the standards, but the level of calcium and carbon dioxide exceeds the values specified by the manufacturer. Reviews about mineral water consumers leave mostly positive.
The best table mineral water
The drink is suitable for daily consumption by healthy people, as it contains the least amount of salts in comparison with the previous rating nominees. The total mineralization does not exceed 1 g/l. The advantages include good thirst quenching, the absence of a specific taste, smell, which allows you to use the product for cooking.
The legend of Arkhyz mountain
Rating: 4.9
Mineral water without gas, produced in Karachay-Cherkessia, does not come into contact with groundwater. It is characterized by a low degree of mineralization (0,1 – 0,25 g / l), bacteriological purity, mild taste. It belongs to the bicarbonate sodium-calcium group. It also contains magnesium and potassium cations. Conducted studies confirm compliance with safety standards. Suitable for daily consumption, preparation of drinks and food.
The shelf life of the product is 12 months, after opening – 10 days. It is recommended to store it at a temperature of 5 – 30 degrees in dark rooms. The advantages of mineral water include good organoleptic properties, low price, pleasant taste. The disadvantage is the low content of magnesium, the absence of fluorine.
Realization is carried out mainly through online stores, it is rare in large supermarkets. Produced in plastic or glass bottles from 0,33 to 19 liters.
Rating: 4.8
Non-carbonated mineral water is obtained in the Solnechnogorsk region from wells with a depth of 230 m. The total mineralization is not more than 0,5 g / l. The benefits for the body are due to the presence in the composition of magnesium, fluorine, calcium, bicarbonates. Water is extracted under conditions that guarantee its microbiological purity. Before bottling, it undergoes only chemical cleaning, which allows preserving the taste and useful properties. During the filtration stage, suspended particles are removed.
The medicinal property of the product is to normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthen bones, teeth, improve blood clotting, and have a sedative effect in case of nervous disorders. They produce a drink in glass (0,25 l) and plastic containers (0,35 – 5 l). Shelf life – 24 months, after opening – 5 days. It is recommended to store in places protected from sunlight.
In the reviews, consumers note the pleasant taste, affordable price, healing effect on the body, balanced composition, safety. The downside is the high concentration of fluorine.
Rating: 4.8
Mineral still water is produced by Nestle Waters Supply Est, which extracts the product from a French source. The composition contains anions of bicarbonate, sulfate, fluorine cations of magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, potassium. The conducted studies confirm the compliance of microbiological and physico-chemical indicators with safety requirements. At the same time, the content of sulfates was fixed in 2 r. below specified.
Approved for use without boiling, as the high calcium content contributes to the formation of scale on the heating elements. The product is produced in plastic and glass containers. The pluses include a balanced composition of trace elements and mineral salts, which contributes to the healing effect. Substances present in water help to cope with stress, fatigue, increase the endurance of the body.
The analysis of the above data allowed the experts of the online magazine Simplerule to identify a number of the best mineral waters in the rating. In terms of magnesium content, among the other nominees, Mivela Mg ++ wins, in terms of therapeutic effect – Borjomi and Essentuki, in terms of price / quality ratio – Rychal-Su.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.