13 best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Few people imagine the weight of the human head, taken separately from the body. Its mass is not small, and the largest part falls on the brain. It would be even larger if the bones of the skull were solid, while some bones of the facial skull have air cavities limited by relatively thin bone walls. The common name for these cavities is the sinuses, or sinuses. They are paired and unpaired. The largest cavities are also paired – maxillary, or maxillary sinuses.

In addition to lightening the mass of the skeleton of the head, the sinuses warm and moisten the air passing through the nose, and the air that is in them is an excellent heat insulator. If we did not have the sinuses of the facial skull, then our voice would be unusually muffled and dull, and our cry would be quiet. The existing sinuses perfectly conduct sound vibrations, being specific resonators, and with their help we communicate quite comfortably.

What is sinusitis?

Which of these sinuses are affected by inflammation more often than others? These are the maxillary sinuses, they are also the maxillary sinuses and they are also the maxillary sinuses. They were discovered several centuries ago by the English physician Nathaniel Highmore, and received his name. Accordingly, inflammation of one or two of these sinuses is called maxillary sinusitis, or simply sinusitis. This is a rather unique situation when a diagnosis, and even formulated in just one word, bears the name of a scientist. Medicine does not know other analogues.

Nature tried to prevent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses from happening. These sinuses are not closed, they communicate with the nasal cavity, and have rather wide openings. The cavity of the maxillary sinuses is lined with a mucous membrane that secretes class A protective immunoglobulins, which protect the mucous membrane from viral and bacterial inflammation.

But in the event that the excretory ducts cease to function, they become clogged with mucus that accumulates in the nasal conchas. Then there are prerequisites for the occurrence of a violation of the outflow from the sinuses, and together with hypothermia, most often, the actual sinusitis develops. Therefore, the correct definition of sinusitis is inflammation of the mucosa, or more deeply lying submucosa of the maxillary sinuses.

In addition to various inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, accompanied by copious discharge, the cause of sinusitis can be diseased teeth of the upper jaw, the inflammation of which has gone quite far, and the roots of which can penetrate into the maxillary sinus itself in a state of granulomatous inflammation. Both acute and chronic sinusitis, unilateral and bilateral, is very common in the practice of an ENT doctor.

In some cases, it is quite difficult to isolate the diagnosis of sinusitis and rhinitis in its pure form. Between them is an intermediate diagnosis of rhinosinusitis, which can be viral, polypous, bacterial, even fungal, or have a different etiology. In the general structure of morbidity, there are 20-30% of patients hospitalized in the ENT department with a diagnosis of acute or chronic sinusitis. According to statistics, every 10th person has ever suffered from one or another sinusitis.

Manifestations of acute sinusitis

How does a typical acute sinusitis proceed? The clinical picture consists of local and general complaints. Local – these are headaches, discharge from the nose and nasopharynx, difficulty breathing through the nose, odor perception disorders. Headache most often occurs when inflammatory exudate cannot drain through the natural fistula into the nasal cavity, or descend into the oropharynx through the choanae. Its accumulation in the sinus causes an increase in pressure and arching pain. If the inflammation is bilateral, then the headache may be diffuse, and if it is unilateral, then the pain is localized from the side of the affected sinus. A characteristic symptom may be unilateral or bilateral obstruction of nasal breathing, nasal discharge, and the headache may intensify, and is manifested by a feeling of squeezing and heaviness in the paranasal region, especially when bending down. In some cases, attention is drawn to the swelling of the soft tissues of the face, there may be general malaise, weakness, fever, and inflammatory changes in blood tests.

Basic diagnostic methods

For a correct diagnosis, a full-fledged appointment with an ENT doctor with a rhinoscopy is necessary. It allows you to identify edema and hyperemia, discharge in the nasal passages, their blockage. To clarify the diagnosis, radiography is performed, as one of the most common and non-invasive methods. If the radiograph shows a decrease in airiness, or pneumatization of the sinuses, and, moreover, a horizontal level of fluid or exudate, then this is pathognomonic for sinusitis.

The final diagnosis (usually in the primary, acute process) is made by puncture of the paranasal sinuses. Its value is that it is possible to carry out a bacteriological and virological study, and determine the presence of a particular pathogen by PCR, or grow a pure culture based on the results of sowing discharge from the sinuses, and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. This allows you to start rational antibiotic therapy. Currently, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are widely introduced into diagnostics.

Modern treatment of sinusitis

Any treatment should set specific goals. In this case, it is necessary to completely remove or evacuate the pathological discharge from the maxillary sinuses. To do this, it is necessary to restore normal drainage, and air communication of the maxillary sinuses through natural openings (using puncture or flushing). It is necessary to have clear indications for puncture treatment. Timely, quickly and correctly performed puncture allows you to eliminate purulent discharge, reduce pressure in the sinus, and wash the sinus with antibacterial, enzymatic and antiseptic agents, acting directly on the inflammation site. The second stage will be the final elimination of the focus of infection and the relief of general inflammatory symptoms. Hospitalization of the patient is required in severe cases, with severe general symptoms, a high risk of complications, as well as against the background of immunodeficiency.

What drugs allow you to do without a puncture, if they are prescribed in a timely manner? First of all, these are:

  1. drugs called anticongestants, which reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses, facilitate nasal breathing, restoring drainage function;

  2. anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane;

  3. antimicrobial, and if necessary, antiviral agents that eliminate the immediate cause of inflammation;

  4. symptomatic remedies that eliminate discomfort in the face, aches, headaches, nasal congestion;

  5. mucolytics to improve the fluidity of the nasal secretion, as well as the secretion of the maxillary sinuses. Nasal secretions are secreted according to the same rules as sputum in the bronchi, and systemic mucolytics can be used, which change the physical and rheological properties of sputum.

This list contains 13 of the most effective and popular drugs that are used in the complex therapy of acute and chronic sinusitis according to indications. The list of drugs is provided with prices relevant for spring-summer 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation.

For each drug, its international non-proprietary name, INN, or a list of components is given. Then some of the most effective representatives of this tool are listed in brackets. If there is an original, that is, the very first drug, on which the largest number of studies on efficacy and safety has been carried out, then it is named first.

All drugs included in the list are present in the National and clinical guidelines, in the protocols for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, and sinusitis in particular. This list of funds is not an advertisement, or an invitation to purchase medicines, which should be bought only on doctor’s prescription, when making an appropriate diagnosis, taking into account indications and contraindications.

Rating of the best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

Nomination Place Name of product Price
Intranasal anticongestants      1 Nafazoline (Sanorin with eucalyptus oil, Naphthyzin)      130 ₽
     2 Xylometazoline+dexpanthenol (Septanazal)      57 ₽
     3 Tramazolin (Lazolvan Ryno)      310 ₽
Fighting inflammation: intranasal corticosteroids      1 Budesonide (Tafen Nasal)      380 ₽
     2 Fluticasone (Flixonase, Avamis),      760 ₽
     3 Mometasone (Nazonex, Nosefrin)      810 ₽
Antimicrobial topical agents      1 Umckalor      450 ₽
     2 Polydexa      310 ₽
     3 Framycetin (Isofra)      430 ₽
     4 Miramistine      320 ₽
Symptomatic therapy and secretion liquefaction      1 Caffeine + Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Chlorphenamine (Rinza)      205 ₽
     2 Sinuforte      2 130 ₽
     3 Acetylcysteine+tuaminoheptane (Rinofluimucil)      320 ₽

Intranasal anticongestants

A group of drugs is used, as with various types of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, with various types of sinusitis, including sinusitis. Medicines affect the swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the amount of discharge, and even stop nosebleeds. “Anticongestants” in translation means “decongestants”. They act due to components that excite adrenoreceptors of the vascular wall and lead to narrowing of blood vessels. This causes a decrease in the amount of fluid in the soft tissues and inhibition of secretion.

These are drugs such as xylometazoline, naphazoline, and others. An antihistamine, or a combination thereof, may also be included in the anticongestants. Application for sinusitis leads to a decrease in swelling of the mucosa, this reduces pain symptoms and increased pressure inside the sinuses. The drug facilitates nasal breathing, and improves drainage between the maxillary sinuses and nasal passages.

However, it is desirable to use these drugs in short courses, since adrenomimetics have one unpleasant effect: if they are used for a long time, then a gradual decrease in effect occurs, a larger dose is gradually required, and when the drug is discontinued, on the contrary, deterioration may occur. This is a well-known gasoline or naphthyzinic addiction, which should be avoided.

Nafazoline (Sanorin with eucalyptus oil, Naphthyzin)

Rating: 4.9

Of course, Naphthyzin is the most popular and well-known drug for facilitating nasal breathing. One of the most expensive (in comparison) can be considered Sanorin with eucalyptus oil. It also contains naphazoline, and also eucalyptus oil, liquid paraffin for softening, boric acid and methyl paraben in the form of a fragrance. However, despite the greater comfort in its use, the main active ingredient is exactly the same: naphazoline nitrate, contained in 1 ml in an amount of 1 mg. Affects nafazolin, activating alpha-2 adrenoreceptors, which cause contraction of blood vessels lying in the deep layers of the nasal cavity. As a result, the secretion of mucus decreases, rhinorrhea is eliminated and the process of nasal breathing is facilitated.

The drug is widely used for various diseases of the ENT organs, including rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis and other sinusitis, for example, frontal sinusitis or ethmoiditis. Adults are prescribed medicine in each nasal passage, one to three drops, 2 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is not longer than 1 week. Shake the bottle before each use. If we consider the simplest naphazoline, then domestic analogues can be found at a price of 10 rubles. per bottle, and Sanorin with eucalyptus oil will cost from 140 to 180 rubles. for a bottle of 10 ml of a 0,1% solution. Sanorin with eucalyptus oil is produced by the Czech division of the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of naphthyzine is in its “popular” popularity, low price and unconditional effectiveness: the drug acts quickly, but not for long. In the event that it is dripped for longer than a week, then the above-described tolerance develops to it, a person unconsciously begins to use it more often, this leads to the development of atrophy of the nasal mucosa and the development of atrophic rhinitis. As a result, a permanent dependence is formed, and without naphthyzinum, the patient can no longer comfortably exist: without it, problems with nasal breathing begin. Therefore, it should be remembered that with various types of rhinitis and sinusitis, an immutable rule should apply: less is better, but better. Like other adrenomimetics, the drug can cause tachycardia, increased blood pressure, rash, and even nausea. Adrenomimetics will be contraindicated in thyrotoxicosis, hypertension, in the case of chronic atrophic rhinitis and in children under the age of fifteen.

Xylometazoline+dexpanthenol (Septanazal)

Rating: 4.8

If we take a more perfect, longer-acting analogue of naphazoline, namely xylometazoline, and add dexpanthenol to soften it, which is widely used in cosmetology and medicine in the form of ointments and creams for application to the skin, we get Septanazal. This form of nasal spray for adults, which are produced by Krka from Slovenia, can be purchased at prices ranging from 150 to 310 rubles. A clear, colorless solution acts as a local vasoconstrictor, and restores free breathing, eliminates congestion due to xylometazoline. The drug can act up to 10 hours when using a single dose. The second component, Dexpanthenol, promotes mucosal regeneration and produces a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is shown for various types of sinusitis and rhinitis, including for diagnosis and facilitating rhinoscopy. Assign medicine for adults, one injection in each nostril, but not more than 4 times a day. Before the first use, you need to press the dosing device several times.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the drug causes adrenomimetic effects, it also cannot be prescribed for tachycardia, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, increased thyroid function, in case of atrophic rhinitis, prostate hyperplasia, pregnant and lactating women. There may also be side effects, such as dry mucous membranes, tingling and burning in the nose, or increased pressure and increased heart rate. A slight anti-inflammatory, plastic and regenerative effect due to the action of dexpanthenol can be considered an advantage. We can assume that without exception, all contraindications and side effects are associated with xylometazoline. Dexpanthenol is a completely harmless component that practically does not cause side effects and contraindications.

Tramazolin (Lazolvan Ryno)

Rating: 4.7

Lazolvan Rino is an example of a drug name that is far from the original predecessor in its action. Regular Lazolvan is a drug that helps thin sputum and contains ambroxol, it is used as a mucolytic. Lazolvan Rino has nothing to do with mucolytics, but contains tramazolin, which can also be considered an anticongestive alpha-agonist. this medicine actively constricts blood vessels, reduces swelling, and restores the patency of the nasal passages. Accordingly, the connecting passages between the maxillary sinuses and the nasal cavity also open, the accumulated inflammatory exudate leaves the maxillary sinuses, alleviating the patient’s condition. The drug is produced by the Italian company Institute de Angeli under the patronage of Sanofi, and one 10 ml nasal spray package can be purchased at a price of 270 to 330 rubles. Adults need to use the medicine one injection in each nostril, but not more than 4 injections per day. As in other cases, you can not use the medicine on your own for longer than 1 week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of this drug are common to all adrenomimetics: the drug is contraindicated in glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, hypersensitivity. Side effects also come down to the systemic effect of adrenomimetics, and include headache, insomnia, palpitations, increased blood pressure, nasal discomfort, and hypersensitivity. However, at the same time, Lazolvan Rino is a modern drug that is able to act after one injection much longer than naphazoline, and at the same time it causes atrophic rhinitis less often.

Fighting inflammation: intranasal corticosteroids

Anticongestants, or drugs that constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling, and swelling, plethora, or hyperemia are signs of inflammation. Other classic signs of inflammation are redness, swelling, soreness and heat, and dysfunction. What drugs can completely suppress the symptoms of inflammation, and eliminate the unpleasant signs of acute sinusitis, or, for example, acute allergic rhinitis? First of all, these are corticosteroid hormones, their synthetic analogues.

In the event that the inflammation is pronounced, there is a large exudative component, severe swelling and fever, then it is necessary to use glucocorticosteroid hormones as inhibitors of inflammation, at least in the first days of the disease, but always as part of complex therapy. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, special forms of hormonal preparations have been created, and for sinusitis, intranasal forms of glucocorticosteroids are most often used. We list some of them, the most effective for various types of sinusitis, and, first of all, for sinusitis.

Budesonide (Tafen Nasal)

Rating: 4.9

Budesonide is a well-known synthetic hormone that is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and various forms of bronchial asthma. Tafen Nasal is a medicine manufactured by LEK in Slovenia, and the owner of the registration certificate is the world famous Sandoz company from Switzerland. One dose of nasal spray contains 50 micrograms of budesonide, without any additives. Injection into the nasal passages eliminates inflammation and allergy symptoms. The medicine is prescribed not only for severe inflammation, but also for frequent signs of allergy, for example, with hay fever, and various forms of allergic rhinitis, including in the early phase. A significant improvement in the condition is observed approximately on the second day after the start of treatment.

For adults and children, Tafen nasal is prescribed at the rate of 2 doses in each nostril in the morning, and 2 doses in the evening. Then they switch to a maintenance dose: once in each nostril, twice a day. It is desirable that the maintenance dose be as low as possible, and no more than 400 micrograms per day, that is, 8 doses, or four doses in each nostril daily, should not be given. There is one bottle containing 200 doses, from 310 to 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is very important that this hormone is not absorbed into the blood, and practically does not have systemic side effects. It does not stimulate mineralocorticoid activity, and, if indicated, can be prescribed for a long time. However, it should be remembered that in acute sinusitis it is desirable to prescribe medications in as small portions as possible, and take into account contraindications: this is an active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as any respiratory tract infections, ranging from viral to fungal. The medicine may irritate the mucous membranes or cause dryness, but these side effects are extremely rare. Tafen Nasal is undesirable for pregnant and lactating women, and you need to be especially careful if the patient has already been treated with systemic corticosteroids for a long time.

Fluticasone (Flixonase, Avamis)

Rating: 4.8

Flixonase contains only fluticasone, that is, it is monocomponent, it contains only a glucocorticosteroid, as in the case of the previous remedy. It interacts with hormone receptors on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and inhibits the cellular links of immunity. Reduces the activity of macrophages and neutrophils, mast cells stop releasing inflammatory mediators such as histamine and cytokines. This suppresses the allergic reaction and reduces the symptoms of hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the nasal cavity.

Flixonase effectively fights symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing, itchy nose and watery eyes, itchy eyes and a feeling of fullness in the upper jaw and paranasal region associated with overflow of the maxillary sinuses with exudate.

Flixonase acts quickly, after an hour and a half the patient feels relief, and the action lasts for a whole day after a single intranasal administration of one dose of fluticasone. Adults should use Flixonase by injecting two doses into each nostril in the morning. As a result, the total daily dose will be 200 mcg. After relief of symptoms, the dosage can be halved. The maximum dose is 400 mcg per day, that is, no more than 4 injections in each nostril during the day.

This drug is manufactured by GlaxoSmith Kline, and a bottle containing 60 doses of a hormonal spray will cost 420 rubles, one dose contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fluticasone is one of the mildest and most effective hormonal synthetic corticosteroids, and if the doctor’s recommendations are followed, it does not cause “side effects” and overdose symptoms. But there may be interaction effects with other drugs taken at the same time, especially with antifungals (fungicides) and drugs for the treatment of HIV infection. Therefore, at the first appointment of Flixonase, a doctor’s consultation is required. Flixonase and analogues can be used without prescription for no longer than a week, but if it is prescribed for a longer period, then it is necessary to regularly check the function of the adrenal glands.

Mometasone (Nazonex, Nosefrin)

Rating: 4.8

The third representative of intranasal corticosteroids for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis is Nasonex (Nosefrin), the active ingredient of mometasone furoate. The mechanism of action of Nasonex is common to all GCS. It inhibits the release of histamine and metabolites of arachidonic acid, other biologically active substances, reduces the migration of neutrophils and macrophages to the site of inflammation, reduces allergic symptoms due to inhibition of the cascade of inflammatory reactions.

Nasonex is indicated for the treatment of exacerbations of chronic sinusitis, while it should be used in combination therapy with other drugs. Nasonex also actively fights the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and especially seasonal, caused by hay fever. Nasonex can be used for prophylaxis. Nasonex or Nosephrine is prescribed for adults according to the standard scheme: two doses in each nostril, twice a day. As with other intranasal hormonal sprays, the daily dosage should not exceed 400 micrograms (One dose is 50 micrograms). Produces Nasonex pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough (UK). A bottle containing 60 doses can be purchased at retail for prices starting from 395 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of mometasone, like budesonide, include extremely negligible absorption into the blood, and the complete absence of systemic effects. Even if a certain amount of this drug is swallowed orally, a small amount of mometasone will be absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. That is why you should not be afraid to swallow excess medicine that accidentally got into the throat after injection into the nose. Despite the high safety, it is still not recommended to use it in pregnant and lactating women due to general contraindications. Mometasone may have side effects, but only local ones. It is a burning sensation in the nose, a feeling of irritation.

Antimicrobial topical agents

Clinical practice shows that almost any sinusitis, exacerbation of a chronic process or primary acute, is most often caused by various pathogenic flora. Therefore, the most effective and efficient way to eliminate the growth of pathogens is considered to be a puncture of the maxillary sinus, aspiration of inflammatory exudate, and the use of proteolytic enzymes, solutions of various antibiotics and antiseptics for washing the sinus.

But sometimes conservative treatment is also effective. After nasal breathing is restored with the help of anticongestants, the introduction of an antibacterial drug either inside or into the nose, that is, intranasally, has an antimicrobial effect and alleviates the patient’s condition. Naturally, in a difficult situation, when the patient is hospitalized, and there are purulent complications, then systemic antibiotics are used: intramuscularly, or even intravenously. We will not describe these standard regimens for treating patients in a hospital, but we will limit ourselves to outpatient antibacterial or antimicrobial agents that are sold in pharmacies and are used to treat acute and chronic sinusitis.


Rating: 4.9

The first antimicrobial, but at the same time herbal preparation intended for the treatment of any sinusitis, can be considered Umckalor, produced by the German company Dr. Wilmar Schwabe. It is an extract of pellargonium roots in an alcoholic solution, a light brown or reddish brown liquid. The drug is not an antibiotic, but enhances their effect, so Umckalor must be used in conjunction with antimicrobial drugs. Pellargonium root increases the flow of nasal mucus, improves drainage between the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinuses, and improves overall immunity by increasing the body’s non-specific resistance to infections. Pellargonium roots contain a large amount of phytoncides and biologically active substances.

It should be used for sinusitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis inside, half an hour before meals, with a small amount of liquid. For adults, the dosage is 25 drops 3 times a day, for children from 6 to 12 years old – 15 drops, for children from 6 to 7 years old – 3 drops 10 times a day. The course of treatment is 50 days, necessarily as part of complex therapy. One 400 ml dropper bottle costs from 580 to XNUMX rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Umckalor is not the medicine that alone can cope with sinusitis, especially with the primary, acute microbial process. The purpose of its use is to improve the effectiveness of the antibiotic, reduce the dosage of anticongestants, and strengthening the immune system will prevent the acute process from becoming chronic. Also, the drug is very well tolerated, it is prescribed for babies from 1 year old. Of the side effects, epigastric discomfort may occur, but this is less than one case in a thousand appointments. Of the contraindications should be called severe liver and kidney failure, a tendency to bleeding, and the simultaneous use of warfarin and other anticoagulants, as well as children under 1 year of age and individual intolerance.


Rating: 4.8

Polydex is a highly effective antibacterial drug for the treatment of sinusitis. Polydex contains two antibiotics – polymyxin B and neomycin. This combination allows you to significantly expand the spectrum of antibacterial action that cause inflammation of the sinuses. Polydex also contains the hormone dexamethasone, which suppresses concomitant inflammation, and reduces pain and swelling.

There are two forms of medication: a drug that is instilled into the ears for otitis media, and Polydex drops with phenylephrine in the nose, which, in addition to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, cause breathing relief due to vasoconstriction as an alpha-adrenergic agonist.

Adults should drip Polydex into the nose 3-5 times a day, injecting into each nasal passage. For children under 15 years of age, the number of doses should not exceed three doses per day. The course of treatment with Polydex lasts from 7 to 10 days. A 15 ml bottle of Polydex with phenylephrine can be purchased for 280 rubles, and this drug is manufactured by the French company Bouchard Ricordatti Laboratory.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polydex is a multicomponent drug, it acts immediately on inflammation, on various strains of microorganisms that cause sinusitis, including those resistant to framycetin, as well as a vasoconstrictor component – phenylephrine. This allows Polydex to quickly stop uncomplicated sinusitis in the first days of the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications include age up to 2,5 years, severe pathology of the heart and kidneys, hypertension. Polydex can also cause allergic reactions, burning and discomfort of the nasal mucosa. The tool can not be used for longer than 10 days without a doctor’s prescription.

Framycetin (Isofra)

Rating: 4.8

Isofra is an aminoglycoside framycetin. Framycetin acts as a sulfate and is commercially available as a nasal spray (spray). In addition to the bacteriostatic effect, Isofra has a bactericidal effect, it not only prevents the reproduction (bacteriostatic) of pathogenic microorganisms, but also contributes to their destruction (bactericidal effect). When a sufficient concentration of the drug is created on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, bacteriostatic activity first manifests itself, and then the destruction of pathogens.

Isofra is used for adults by injection of one dose per day, into the right and left nasal passages, 4-6 times a day, the number of injections for children is reduced to 3. The maximum course of treatment with Isofra without consulting a doctor is no more than a week. This drug is also produced by the Bouchard Ricordatti Laboratory, France, and the cost of one spray bottle (15 ml) is from 275 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Isofra include a wide range of antibacterial activity, a rare development of side effects in the form of mild skin allergic reactions. The negative effect is the destruction of the natural biocenosis and the appearance of dysbacteriosis on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, but again, with prolonged use. Also, long-term use can contribute to the emergence of drug resistance in microbes, so the ideal duration of a course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. Of course, since Isofra contains only one antibiotic – framycetin, it is advisable to first conduct a bacteriological study or PCR, and also, based on the results of sowing, to identify the sensitivity of pathogens to framycetin from the very beginning. If there is no effect from Isofra, then it is possible to switch to Polydex, since it was developed by the same company as a second-line drug for microorganism resistance to framycetin.


Rating: 4.7

13 best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

Miramistin solution roams under a variety of articles, since they can wash the nose, wounds, spray into the oropharynx, and even use it in the form of eye drops. The drug okomistin is the same miramistin. It was developed in the Russian Federation, this medicine belongs to ammonium compounds. The medicine is used for a variety of sinusitis, but only if the drug can penetrate into the sinus cavity, through natural communicating passages or by puncture. They irrigate the nasal passages, carry out a toilet in the oropharynx, nasopharynx, and are used as drainage of the maxillary sinuses. The drug is effective in a variety of microbial inflammatory processes, inflammation of viral and even fungal etiology. Let’s not forget that Miramistin is used as a drug that destroys protozoa. No wonder one of the most important indications for Miramistin is an emergency means of prevention against sexually transmitted diseases during unprotected sex.

It is necessary to use Miramistin for irrigation of the nasal passages and for gargling with sinusitis three times a day per day. You can buy Miramistin in the form of a spray, there are bottles from 50 to 500 ml in volume for sale. The average cost of a 150 ml bottle is 390 rubles. Miramistin is produced by the domestic scientific enterprise Infomed K.

Advantages and disadvantages

Miramistin does not irritate the nasal mucosa. It is a slightly foamy liquid that has neither taste nor smell, and this can give rise to falsifications. Miramistin is not capable of causing allergies, with the exception of rare individual intolerance. Miramistin does not have a systemic effect, it is not absorbed through the mucous membranes, and acts where it is applied. There are no contraindications to the appointment of Miramistin, and it is used to treat various forms of sinusitis without restrictions. In terms of the ratio of effect and safety profile, this remedy is one of the best for treatment. At the same time, the cost of Miramistin is constantly growing, since it is used as a means of preventing coronavirus infection. If a year and a half ago one bottle cost 270 rubles, now its average cost has increased by 120 rubles, and this is far from the limit.

Symptomatic therapy and secretion liquefaction

You should not think that you need to dilute the secret only when it comes to diseases of the lungs and bronchi. The mucous secret everywhere in the human body is produced according to a single mechanism, and, stagnant inside the maxillary sinuses, it acquires excessive viscosity, density, clogs the natural excretory openings, and becomes infected as a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms containing a lot of protein.

To prevent thickening of the secretion, increase its rheological properties, improve fluidity, it is necessary to split the very long mucin molecules that make up the mucus into short fragments. For this, mucolytics are prescribed. Consider the most popular and effective remedies, including combined ones, which are used to treat various forms of not only sinusitis, but also other types of sinusitis.

Also in this section, we will consider some drugs for general therapy, which not only help reduce temperature, but also improve free nasal breathing and reduce mucosal edema. And let’s start with this drug, which is called Rinza.

Caffeine + Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Chlorphenamine (Rinza)

Rating: 4.9

13 best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

The task of Rinza is to alleviate the general well-being of patients with various pathologies of the ENT organs. Each tablet contains 500 mg of paracetamol, 30 mg of caffeine, 10 mg of phenylephrine and 2 mg of chlorphenamine. Each component has its own therapeutic effect: paracetamol reduces fever and pain relief, caffeine stimulates, reduces drowsiness and fatigue, and improves performance. Phenylephrine acts in the same way as adrenomimetic anticongestants. they constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling and plethora of the mucous membrane, including in the maxillary sinuses, and facilitate nasal breathing. Chlorphenamine is a histamine receptor blocker that works well in case of allergic rhinitis, but in the case of ordinary sinusitis it also relieves swelling and hyperemia, according to the second mechanism: the vessels do not constrict, but it eliminates the phlogogenic, that is, inflammation-stimulating effect of histamine.

Assign Rinza to adults 1 tablet 3 times a day, no more than 4 tablets and no longer than 5 days. Rinza is produced by the Indian company Unique Pharmaceutical, and a package of 10 tablets, designed for a short course of 3 days, costs from 140 to 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is advisable to use this drug only when there is a general malaise, subfebrile temperature, weakness and weakness, otherwise paracetamol will simply be superfluous in this combination. This drug is inexpensive, effective, but since it consists of 4 active components, each component has its own side effect and contraindications. Their list is quite impressive. So, you can not take Rinza with severe atherosclerosis, severe hypertension, portal hypertension, with severe diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating women, before reaching the age of 15, and in other cases.

We do not have the opportunity to fully give contraindications here, they are all very clearly indicated in the official instructions. It should be said that the use of Rinza as part of the complex therapy of various types of sinusitis reduces the number of days of incapacity for work, and improves well-being throughout the course of treatment, but, as a rule, it is necessary to prescribe it in the first 2-3 days, while there are pronounced general symptoms.


Rating: 4.8

13 best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

The high efficiency of Sinuforte is based on the ability of the cyclamen flower, or rather its tubers, to cause abundant secretion of mucus into the nasal cavity from the sinuses. Such excessive secretion of mucus is called hypersecretion, and at the same time, the mucus liquefies, the mucus independently begins to move through the outlet channels from the sinus cavity to the nasopharynx. At the same time, the drug has no selective effect only on the maxillary sinuses. From all the sinuses, an active outflow begins and the drainage function normalizes. Along the way, the drug enhances the capillary blood supply to the mucosa. The tool acts quickly, after a few minutes its effect begins to appear, which lasts up to two hours. This drug is indicated for all types of sinusitis, both acute and chronic. In addition to sinusitis, it is used to treat ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis and other similar diseases.

Sinuforte is applied in each nasal passage, spraying 2-3 drops. It is necessary to use the medicine for sinusitis once a day, daily or every other day, depending on the doctor’s prescription. With daily use, the average duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week, and if Sinuforte is injected every other day, then the duration of the course can be doubled to two weeks. Sinuforte is produced by the Spanish pharmaceutical company Pharma Mediterranea. Sinuforte is a rather expensive drug. The bottle costs from 1920 rubles. and above (up to 2200 rubles). In this case, the dried concentrate is diluted into 5 ml of liquid. Each milliliter contains 10 drops, respectively, with daily use of two drops, one package is enough for 25 days of treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Sinuforte is its unique effect on the sinuses: they begin to synthesize a large amount of mucus, which is a cleansing procedure, and can completely replace the puncture of the maxillary sinus. But the drug Sinuforte has contraindications.

So, in the case of the presence of cysts or polyps in the sinuses, if there is a blockage, or obstruction by the tissue of the excretory ducts, then the resulting excess secretion will not be able to find a way out. This is fraught with a serious deterioration in the condition: the appearance of persistent headaches, a feeling of fullness in the face, and other unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, the ambulance will be an urgent bilateral puncture of the sinuses to remove the secret. Therefore, before using this expensive and highly effective remedy on your own, you need to be sure that the path for the formed secret into the nasal cavity has no obstacles. And this can be revealed only by an ENT doctor.

Acetylcysteine+tuaminoheptane (Rinofluimucil)

Rating: 4.8

13 best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

Rinofluimucil can be used both for bronchopulmonary pathology and for various types of sinusitis. It is a mucolytic and anticongestant. Acetylcysteine ​​is able to thin various thick purulent and mucous secretions, relieves the symptoms of inflammation by reducing leukocyte activity, and acts as an antioxidant. The second component, tuaminoheptane in the form of sulfate, works as a sympathomimetic, constricts the vessels of the nasal cavity and eliminates edema and hyperemia of the mucosa.

Among the indications are a variety of types of sinusitis, including those with thick, purulent-mucous secretions. Rinofluimucil is injected into the nose in the form of an aerosol, for adults – two clicks on the valve, that is, two doses in each nostril 3 to 4 times a day, and for children – 1 dose, that is, one click on the valve 3-4 times a day . The duration of the course should not exceed a week. Rinofluimucil is produced by the Italian company Zambon, and a 10 ml nasal spray bottle costs from 270 to 320 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rinofluimucil can be prescribed if there is no pronounced general reaction, and the patient has intolerance to adrenomimetics, because tuaminoheptane is a sympathomimetic and has a smaller range of side effects. However, the drug is used with caution in children under three years of age, and is contraindicated in glaucoma, thyrotoxicosis, while taking tricyclic antidepressants and hypersensitivity to the components. The agent is indicated in complex therapy, since it does not have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, but it may well replace a single anticongestant, for example, naphthyzinum. The scheme works quite well: Tofen nasal, and then Rinofluimucil + Polydex.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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