13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Perhaps there is no such person who would not know what a sore throat is. It can disturb both the baby and the elderly. There is a sore throat when swallowing, pain when swallowing saliva, that is, with an empty throat, pain when swallowing a food lump. It can be different both in character (sore, burning, extremely acute with aphthous-ulcerative stomatitis and pharyngitis), and for reasons of occurrence. A sore throat can be a symptom of a common cold, complicated by acute tonsillitis, or a sore throat. It can be a symptom of monocytic angina, or infectious mononucleosis.

The doctor can sometimes, by the nature of the pain and by the rashes on the mucous membrane, by its color, can make not only an approximate, but even an accurate diagnosis. Pediatricians may recall that the so-called Belsky-Filatov spots are characteristic of a measles infection, and their presence on the oral mucosa may indicate a viral pathology called measles. A bluish tint and swelling on the back of the throat may indicate an epidemiologically formidable and dangerous carriage of meningococcal infection.

A sore throat does not usually occur on its own, and is most often accompanied by various symptoms. With ARVI, or a banal viral cold, it is a runny nose, rhinorrhea, low fever to subfebrile numbers. If we are talking about monocytic angina, or infectious mononucleosis, then this is a pronounced swelling of the submandibular lymph nodes, and especially the lymph nodes of the posterior cervical group.

In the event that we are talking about an acute suppurative process, for example, a retropharyngeal or peripharyngeal abscess, when urgent surgical care is required, then the pain is one-sided. When examining the pharynx, a significant asymmetry of the mucous membrane is visible, its bulging towards the center (especially in the case of paratonsillar abscess), its tension, and pus usually accumulates in the place of this localization in the submucosa. Only a puncture helps, the removal of pus, which immediately causes a sharp relief, then washing with antiseptics and prescribing antibiotics.

Of course, such dangerous conditions require emergency medical care, but we are all so used to the pain syndrome in the pharynx and oropharynx that we always begin to cope with it on our own, and until the general state of health worsens, the patient does not go to the doctor. To a large extent, pharmacies help us in this, since they can buy a significant range of products not only for colds, but also helping to reduce or completely eliminate sore throat when swallowing.

Moreover, these funds are readily available, as they are sold without a prescription. Some of these drugs simply relieve the symptom, such as lidocaine sprays. They even cause characteristic numbness, “freezing” and a decrease in the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, but do not affect the course of a viral or bacterial infection. Other drugs, on the contrary, directly affect the cause of the sore throat, that is, the infectious bacterial or viral process. These are various antibiotics and antiseptics, which are part of the etiotropic, that is, treatment aimed at eliminating the cause, as well as means for prevention during an epidemic.

However, for the average patient without a medical background, it is quite difficult to understand the variety of sore throat remedies, as they are sold in different forms. These are sprays and aerosols for spraying, solid dosage forms and means for preparing infusions for rinsing, these are chewing and sucking tablets, lozenges, lozenges and other forms. Some contain phytoextracts, some contain vitamins, and some contain supplements that increase immunity and enhance the production of endogenous antiviral interferon.

This drug review is intended for ordinary people who want to choose a cure for a sore throat, and at the same time do not go to the doctor, that is, they do not have serious symptoms, except for signs of a banal ARVI, or mild, so-called catarrhal tonsillitis without pus and purulent plaques. plugs on the tonsils. I want to warn you right away that if you have a progressive fever, a significant increase in lymph nodes, or their soreness, asymmetry of the oral mucosa, swelling of the face, inability or pain when trying to turn your head, difficulty opening your mouth, tension in the masticatory muscles, progressive shortness of breath, the appearance of a rash, – then you need to urgently call a doctor. Read this review the next time you recover.

This review is relevant for February 2020, for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation. For each medicinal substance, its form, its commercial name are given, and if it is an original drug, then the international non-proprietary name, or INN, is given first, and then commercial varieties, or generics. There are a lot of medicines for the treatment of sore throat, and it is quite easy to choose the one you like best. They are produced by both Russian and foreign companies.

This review is not intended to promote any particular pharmaceutical company or any particular drug. There is also no purpose in creating anti-advertising by not mentioning any popular drug in this review. The only criterion by which the drug was included in the review is the official instruction, the presence of the active substance, clinical recommendations, and the presence of the drug in the state pharmacopoeia. Thus, homeopathic preparations were excluded from the list, as they do not have an active substance, as well as biologically active additives distributed in Runet using aggressive marketing methods that have unproven effectiveness, or do not have it at all.

Also, in this review, preparations containing antibiotics will practically not be listed, since any antibiotics are now prescribed by a doctor by prescription and have disappeared from free over-the-counter access. They, taken without indications, will be harmful, because they will form intestinal dysbacteriosis and resistant strains of pathogenic microbes.

Also, in conclusion, we will consider the cheapest of the drugs that will be available to all social groups, but at the same time having popularity and fairly high efficiency. And we will begin to consider medicines for sore throats with such a convenient local dosage form as spray aerosols, or sprays. They allow you to quickly and efficiently apply the product over a large area, and help faster than even with the resorption of tablets and lozenges.

Rating of the best local remedies for sore throat

Nomination Place Name Cost
The best aerosols and sprays       1 Inhaliptus      87 ₽
     2 Proposal: bee gifts      186 ₽
     3 Hexetidine (Gexoral, Maxicold Lor)      277 ₽
     4 Yoks – a modern take on Lugol      195 ₽
     5 Miramistine      391 ₽
The best tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sucking      1 Pharyngosept      170 ₽
     2 Septuagint      175 ₽
     3 neo-angin      148 ₽
     4 Grammy      289 ₽
     5 Lizobakt      243 ₽
cheap remedies for sore throat      1 Table salt and tincture of iodine: disgusting, but effective      35 ₽
     2 Furacilin      37 ₽
     3 Cameton      72 ₽

The best aerosols and sprays

Various aerosols and sprays are indeed considered a first aid for sore throats, they quickly relieve pain and reduce swelling in the throat and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. With one press of a button, you can get a spray of a drug, such as an anesthetic and an antiseptic, immediately over a large area.

What is the difference between an aerosol and a spray? The aerosol contains the medicine under pressure, so it is enough to press and hold the spray button for one or two seconds, and the job will be done. As for the spray, this is a “hand pump” mechanism: you need to rhythmically press the spray button, and the liquid will be supplied through the nozzle to the oral mucosa. The physical mechanism of aerosol delivery means that the droplets are smaller than those of a spray, and this mist has a much larger area, which allows it to be applied under pressure to distant areas, and especially to the tonsils. It is known that the tonsils are covered with crypts, and pathogenic microorganisms can hide in their crevices and depths, which form inflammation and form purulent plugs and raids.


Rating: 4.9

One of the popular and inexpensive aerosols can be considered Ingalipt. It contains a complex composition of various synthetic and plant components. Together, they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, Ingalipt is able to be an antiseptic, and at the same time it does not contain any antibiotics. The composition of Ingalipt includes eucalyptus and peppermint oils, and norsulfazol and streptocid have a local effect. They are not absorbed inside, do not harm the intestines, and, moreover, they are not antibiotics, but belong to antiseptics.

Ingalipt is indicated for various inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, accompanied by severe hyperemia, enlarged tonsils, in the presence of stomatitis and ulcers in the mouth. For example, stomatitis can occur under the influence of salmonella toxins, and although salmonellosis is usually referred to as intestinal infections, the toxic effect of pathogens can manifest itself in the form of stomatitis with severe soreness during meals. Ingalipt can also be used for laryngitis, and it is sprayed three or four times a day, and before applying the drug, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water if the patient has recently eaten the day before.

Ingalipt is produced in Ukraine, this is the pharmaceutical company Micropharm, one 30 ml bottle, which will last for a long time, can be purchased in the winter of 2020 for 80 rubles. There is also a domestic analogue produced by Vips-Med, but it is a little more expensive, and the amount of medicine is less: a 20 ml bottle will cost about 100 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug is in its natural composition, and in those antiseptics that can cope with the usual microbial flora, or are used as a means of prevention. In addition, it is refreshing, it has a good taste, it is used in pregnant women, lactating women and children. Only people who have an individual intolerance to peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil, or any other kind of special sensitivity, do not tolerate it, but this is rare. Of the minuses, one can name the presence of rather old antiseptics in the composition, because streptocide began to be used on the fronts of World War II. But in the event that the patient has a sore throat, lacunar and follicular tonsillitis is caused by a pathogenic flora resistant to even modern antibiotics, then this drug will be ineffective, unlike the last century. But if you have a common cold and sore throat associated with SARS, then Ingalipt will be very useful for you.

Proposal: bee gifts

Rating: 4.8

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

Experts consider propolis to be a real “pantry” of health, it contains more than 800 different healing compounds, many of which are not yet fully understood. These are essential oils, various amino acids and aromatic compounds, phenols and flavonoids, and even various rare earth metals and vitamins.

Proposol is an alcoholic solution of propolis, and if you are not allergic to honey and bee products, then it can be successfully used for various diseases of the oral mucosa, the characteristic symptom of which will be a sore throat. These are various catarrhal conditions, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, chronic periodontal pathology, aphthous and ulcerative gingivitis. Proposol is successfully used in the complex treatment of diseases such as laryngitis and nasopharyngitis. To use the medicine, you need to spray it while inhaling, in 2 seconds. If there is a pronounced inflammatory process, then irrigation should be carried out three times a day, and after the acute pain has disappeared, you can spray the product only in the morning and evening. In the case of a simple catarrhal condition, a course of treatment of 7 days is enough. Proposol is produced by the domestic Siberian company Altaivitamins, and an aerosol containing 50 ml of the product can be bought for 140 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage of Proposol was mentioned above. There are a fairly large number of people who cannot tolerate honey and bee products in general, due to allergies or hypersensitivity reactions. But usually those who are allergic to honey know about it in advance. In addition, the medicine contains a large percentage of ethyl alcohol, and so that you do not have problems with the traffic police inspector, it is better not to use it while driving a car. It is precisely because of the presence of alcohol that it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as people with alcohol dependence and severe liver damage. Yes, Proposol is a very useful medicine, but you need to remember that it does not contain any antibiotics or antiseptics, and therefore the most correct decision would be to use it together with other drugs, or during prophylaxis in various epidemics.

Hexetidine (Gexoral, Maxicold Lor)

Rating: 4.7

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

In the Russian Federation, this remedy is known as Hexoral, and it is produced in France, the main component is a modern antiseptic. Maxicold is a domestic analogue, but the palm for the French original remedy. This antiseptic, hexetidine, affects not only bacteria, but also inhibits the reproduction of viruses and pathogenic fungi, which is very important for severe immunodeficiencies. The aggregate state of the drug is a reddish liquid with a slight smell of mint. A big plus of this tool is that, in addition to disinfection, it also anesthetizes, and immediately relieves severe pain as an anesthetic.

Indications for use are pharyngitis or tonsillitis, dentists and orthodontists love it, since the drug is indicated for stomatitis, as well as for the prevention of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction. The remedy is used twice, in the morning and in the evening, after eating and hygienic treatment of the oral cavity. The drug must not be swallowed. This product is produced by the French company Famar Orleans, but of course it costs more: a 40 ml aerosol will cost about 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main thing is that Geksoral does not contain alcohol, and it can be prescribed even to children. But children should understand that, despite all the tasty contents of their oral cavity, Hexoral cannot be swallowed, so this age is somewhere from 3-4 years and older. The remedy is very well tolerated, but if you use it for a long time, for example, several months in the fight against bad breath, then dulling of the taste buds may occur.

Yoks – a modern take on Lugol

Rating: 4.7

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

Our grandparents are well aware of the antiseptic effect of iodine, in the form of Lugol’s sweet solution. Lugol (Lugol’s solution in glycerin) was usually applied with a cotton swab wound around tweezers or a stick, and gently smeared on the tonsils. The children loved it, because after it a long sweet taste remained in the mouth, only the procedure for applying it was unpleasant. Lugol’s solution contained inorganic iodine, and Yoks spray contains its organic form, the so-called povidone-iodine, together with allantoin for better application and distribution on the mucous membrane and better absorption. Citric acid and menthol are added to the composition to improve the taste. It also contains ethyl alcohol along with water: it is a red-brown liquid, a modern antiseptic, and after being applied to the mucous membrane, povidone-iodine decomposes, releasing elemental, or atomic iodine.

All this allows you to act as an antiseptic, as a means for prevention and anti-inflammatory drug. Atomic iodine kills fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. It is used both for prevention and in the complex therapy of various inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, with various forms of catarrhal and purulent inflammation. It is desirable to apply Yoks from 2 to 4 times a day, but in the acute period it is possible more often, for example, after 4 hours. The drug is produced in the Czech Republic, and a 30 ml spray will cost no more than 250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in the previous case, there are quite a few people who are allergic to iodine, and then the remedy will be contraindicated for them. You also need to be very careful about its purpose and use in case of thyroid pathology, for example, in hyperthyroidism, because an excess of iodine in the body can be added. Yoks should not be mixed with other antiseptics and topical throat preparations, since active iodine will “negate” the effect of another medicine. The drug should not be inhaled, swallowed, it should also not be used in pregnant and lactating women. It can only be prescribed to children over 8 years old. But its efficiency is quite high, and exceeds the effectiveness of Ingalipt.


Rating: 4.7

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

The review of sprays and aerosols is completed by the domestic panacea, or Miramistin. This is a remedy that came out of secret laboratories and was positioned as a drug for astronauts. He showed his high efficiency. But in an interview with the developers, it turned out that the original Miramistin, which was created in the USSR for astronauts, contained not one, but three components. And Miramistin in our pharmacies has only one component. Therefore, the comparative effectiveness of “that” and “that” means has not yet been clarified.

Miramistin is indicated for use due to its high tolerability and effectiveness in a variety of diseases of the dentition, oral cavity and pharynx, for prevention, when wearing dentures. The tool has a high activity against a variety of viruses, including hepatitis and HIV, antiherpetic action, antifungal and antibacterial. You can use Miramistin as often as you like, but usually not more than 4 times a day, and, in addition to irrigating the throat and, if necessary, rinsing the mouth, Miramistin can also be sprayed into the nasal cavity. The spray can be purchased in a variety of bottles, of various volumes, and the average price of a 150 ml package will not exceed 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Miramistin is that it is a tasteless and odorless liquid, not capable of irritating the mucous membrane, and very rarely causing allergies. Miramistin is not prone to resorption, and is not absorbed into the blood. Of course, there is also individual intolerance, but apart from it, there are no contraindications. It can be used in pregnant women, nursing children, it is safe and effective. And the fact that it is used to prevent various sexually transmitted diseases further increases its popularity.

The best tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sucking

Let’s move on to the most popular group, which is represented by solid dosage forms for resorption. These are various tablets, lozenges and lozenges. What are the general pros and cons of this form? After all, we found out that sprays are applied most quickly, completely and effectively, and even more so – aerosols. Here, the duration will be a plus, and the concentration of the medicinal substance will remain high on the mucosa for a long time. In addition, there is no need to retire, put a sprayer in your mouth, thus attracting public attention, especially in the hysterical time of fear of coronavirus infection. You can just put something like candy in your mouth and go about your business.

But these drugs also have disadvantages. For example, they will still harm the teeth, if used very often, because they contain either sugar or its substitutes. And if you have diabetes, you will either have to look for special lozenges, or limit yourself to this type of treatment. Tablets, lozenges and lozenges are contraindicated for small children, because babies can accidentally swallow them, and even worse, they can inhale them. But a large pharmacy assortment of these medicines will be an indisputable advantage: if in a pharmacy you may not find any aerosol or spray for a sore throat, you will always find lozenges or lozenges for a sore throat. Consider the most effective and popular means in Russia.


Rating: 4.9

This is a long-used and reliable drug for the treatment of sore throat of various etiologies. Its active ingredient is ambazone, an antiseptic. But Faringosept tablets have a brown color, due to the introduced cocoa butter, which improves the taste and aroma properties. There is also Pharyngosept lemon. Ambazon does not kill microorganisms, it simply stops their reproduction, that is, it produces a bacteriostatic effect. It is most pronounced half an hour after the start of use, and the scope of Faringosept is not only the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, but also their prevention. Tablets are used half an hour after meals, but not more than 5 tablets per day. Children can be given them from 3 years old, no more than three times a day, and the average course of treatment is about 4 days. Faringosept is produced in Romania, and a pack of 10 tablets will cost no more than 120 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is very well tolerated, has a large therapeutic breadth, it is unlikely that anyone will take it more than 7 tablets per day. It can be combined with other local preparations, and only high sensitivity, which rarely occurs, will be a contraindication. It can be used by both pregnant and lactating women, but only diabetics should be careful, because the medicine for sore throat contains sugar.


Rating: 4.8

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

Many people know the light green pastilles of Septolete, which can be called “dry Ingalipt”. It also includes eucalyptus and peppermint, but on the other hand, antiseptics are already slightly different, more modern. And it’s benzalkonium chloride and thymlo. Microbiologists have found that the scope of Septolete is, first of all, gram-positive flora, it is she who most often causes tonsillitis in various forms. It treats Septolete and thrush, because it has a fungicidal or antifungal effect, additionally anesthetizes and gives freshness to the breath.

Additionally, eucalyptus oil reduces the secretory function of the bronchi, reduces mucus secretion and the patient breathes easier. It is recommended to dissolve one lozenge after 3 hours, but not more than 8 pieces per day. These lozenges are produced by Krka from Slovenia, and a package of 30 pieces, calculated on average for 5-6 days of use, will cost no more than 150 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is very well tolerated, Septolete is highly effective, it is used in a small course, but each lozenge contains sugar. The instruction is drawn up quite competently, and warns that it is better not to combine the absorption of Septolete and the intake of fatty milk, and in general, dairy products, due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the antiseptic. This sound advice can be applied to other local remedies for sore throats, and it is true. It is possible to use these lozenges for pregnant and lactating mothers, but always outside the meal, so that the remedy is as effective as possible.


Rating: 4.7

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

Neo-Angin immediately disinfects and exhibits antiseptic properties. Alcohol works as an antiseptic, but not ethyl, but dichlorobenzyl. Amylmethacresol acts as a disinfectant. But, despite such intimidating chemical names, the sore throat remedy tastes quite good, as it contains menthol to freshen the breath, tartaric acid, anise and peppermint oils, and, very importantly, the remedy does not contain sugar. Due to one of the components, Neo-angin also anesthetizes, that is, it anesthetizes the mucous membrane, which allows it to be very widely used for sore throats that have arisen for various reasons. It can be viral infections, pharyngitis and stomatitis, various tonsillitis. It is necessary to apply Neo-Angin, slowly dissolving it one tablet after three or two hours, but not more than 6 tablets per day. The remedy is shown, including children over 6 years old. The drug is produced in Germany, it is inexpensive, and a package of 16 pieces will cost you no more than 130 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of this drug are about the same as the average in their group. It is well tolerated, there are few side effects, it can be used for a long time. It does not affect other drugs, and its components are quite well tolerated by small children, as well as pregnant and lactating women. The only thing is that when prescribing it to children, age must be taken into account so that the baby does not accidentally swallow or inhale the pill, but this is a general rule.


Rating: 4.6

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

This local drug stands a little apart, since it still contains an antibiotic, albeit somewhat peculiar. This is gramicidin, or gramicidin with the addition of a local anesthetic – lidocaine. It is the second option that eliminates pain much faster, for example, with a brightly flowing catarrhal sore throat or with aphthous stomatitis. The pain decreases or completely recedes, the drug acts within half an hour after taking 1 tablet.

Gramicidin is a rather weak, and even “ancient” antibiotic, which is not absorbed orally, but is still able to destroy and stop the reproduction of microorganisms, and also enhances the secretion of saliva. Increased salivation clears the oral cavity of plaque, mucus, and exudate. Of course, it is advisable not to swallow this saliva, but to spit it out. Indications for the appointment of grammidin are the same. This is a “standard” sore throat with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa. It is necessary to prescribe Grammidin in tablets, no more than 4 times a day. Adults can take two tablets, half an hour each, so the analgesic effect lasts at least an hour, and so four times a day. For children under 12 years old, one tablet is enough. Grammidin is produced in Russia, and is not cheap: 20 tablets will cost from 350 to 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Grammidin can be considered a combination with an anesthetic lidocaine in solid form, the duration and quality of anesthesia, increased cleaning of the oral cavity. But at the same time, after all, Gramicidin is an antibiotic, and it is not prescribed to women during breastfeeding, and during pregnancy it should be used all the more carefully. There is such a characteristic side effect as a slight numbness of the tongue and oral mucosa due to lidocaine, but this is not scary, because if your tongue or mucous membrane is numb, then the pain has definitely passed. A significant plus from Grammidin is the increased effectiveness of other antimicrobial agents, as well as disinfectants that are used together to rinse the throat.


Rating: 4.5

Another extremely interesting drug is Lizobakt. It contains a rather rare combination of active ingredients: vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, and lysozyme. Lysozyme is our human endogenous enzyme, a substance of protein nature. Its task is to protect our body from microbial intervention, it destroys the bonds between the polysaccharide residues of a bacterial cell, and also has an effect on viruses. Being applied to the oral mucosa, it is integrated into the local immune system and increases its activity, including the production of so-called class A secretory immunoglobulins, the main task of which is to protect the mucous membranes.

In addition, vitamin B6 in the composition of the drug is able to have a trophic effect, and helps to heal mucosal defects, for example, with ulcers. The tool is available in tablets, they need to be absorbed, and dissolve slowly, the tablet cannot be chewed. However, this recommendation is universal, for all lozenges and lozenges for sore throats. The list of indications for the use of Lysobact is exactly the same, ranging from stomatitis and necrotic ulcerative lesions, to typical pharyngitis with sore throat and tonsillitis. Usually two tablets 3-4 times a day are enough, and for children from 3 to 7 years old, it is enough to use one tablet three times a day. Lizobakt is produced by the Bosnian company Bosnalek, and 30 tablets will cost about 250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Lyzobact are in the content of lysozyme, which is immunogenic, and at the same time is not alien. And this means that the remedy will be well tolerated, helping both pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children. Lizobakt practically cannot be overdosed, it relieves pain well, but at the same time this remedy does not anesthetize at all due to the anesthetic, and not due to the antiseptic. It works on a different level, improving the immunological status of the mucous membranes. And this means that when prescribing, in addition to lysobact, an antibiotic or antiseptic, they together will cope with microbes even faster, and suppress the activity of the infectious-inflammatory process on the oral mucosa

cheap remedies for sore throat

But are there any remedies that can be found at hand that do not cost a few hundred rubles, and at the same time are just as effective? Of course, these medicines exist, but they are no longer sprays and aerosols, not lozenges and lozenges, but gargles. What improvised means can be used to gargle, and reduce or completely eliminate the pain in the throat? Here are some of them.

Table salt and tincture of iodine: disgusting, but effective

Rating: 4.5

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

This rinse solution can be prepared from improvised means, this is the usual iodine tincture and table salt. We take hot water (but tolerable for rinsing), one glass of 200 or 250 ml, drip one drop of iodine, and one teaspoon of table salt. After the salt has dissolved, it is necessary to slowly gargle with a hot solution every hour, and after 3 days the pain in the throat will completely disappear, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes will decrease.

How can one explain the effects of such a simple remedy? Hot temperature improves blood circulation and metabolism, and a hypertonic, concentrated salt solution draws fluid from swollen tonsils and mucous membranes, its friability decreases, irritation of pain receptors decreases, and inflammation is eliminated. The principle of action is exactly the same as a hypertonic saline solution on the surface of the wound, which cleans and draws everything from the inside. As for iodine, it is a common antiseptic, disinfectant. However, instead of iodine, you can use a few crystals of potassium permanganate, which create a light pink color, or a drop of brilliant green. You can take fuchsin or fukortsin, there are many options. But we must remember that this solution cannot be swallowed, and it is better to do without iodine in case of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, or its other pathology.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this method are obvious. The remedy is always at hand, the ingredients are cheap and available, the person decides for himself how many times to gargle a day. The disadvantage is also understandable. This is the need to prepare the medicine every time, before each rinse a new solution, warm it up, and dose the iodine. You should not be afraid that inorganic iodine tincture is used. Since the entire solution is spit out, it does not have a systemic effect, and is not absorbed into the blood. However, children do not really like to gargle in this way, because salty, hot water seems terribly tasteless to them, despite the fact that it is spat out. Therefore, such treatment can be done in the first days of the disease, and only for adults.


Rating: 4.5

13 Best Local Remedies for Sore Throats

In the pharmacy you can buy a sterile solution of furacilin, in large yellow bottles of 400 ml, but it is better to buy small yellow tablets and prepare the solution yourself. Furacili is an old and reliable disinfectant with an antimicrobial effect from the group of nitrofurans. For one glass of water, you need to take two tablets, and you can prepare the solution yourself for the future. As a result, we get a 0,2% solution, the frequency of rinsing is four times a day, one glass each. The course of treatment is about a week, a pre-prepared solution can be stored for 3 days in a glass jar, it only needs to be warmed up in the volume of one glass before the procedure.

As for the finished solution, it will be economically unprofitable. In a pharmacy, it is prepared with distilled water, sterilized, and therefore pharmacies ask for a lot of money for such a simple procedure. As a result, one bottle is about 200 rubles. We don’t need an initially sterile solution for gargling, we don’t wash wounds and cavities! Therefore, it is much easier to make furatsilin for rinsing yourself, otherwise this remedy will be the most expensive in the ranking.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this method in the case of tablets will be low cost, good efficiency, impact on various microflora, which most often causes inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and sore throat. However, it is impossible to gargle with furacilin for children under three years old, for the simple reason that they simply do not know how to rinse it, and sometimes they do not know how to rinse even at the age of four, and this must be taken into account. There may also be an individual intolerance to nitrofurans, and this can manifest itself as an allergic rash, additional irritation of the throat, urticaria, and even nausea and vomiting.


Rating: 4.4

Perhaps, the most affordable aerosol for the treatment of sore throat, which is sold in the Russian Federation, should be included in the list of cheap remedies. There is such a drug, it is Kameton, it is an aerosol and it will cost you less than 100 rubles, and even 50 rubles. In fact, despite the cheapness, the tool is quite effective. Cameton contains eucalyptus oil, camphor, which cools and anesthetizes, levomenthol and chlorobutanol, which disinfects.

Kameton can be used for all the above pathological processes, which are accompanied by sore throat, in the presence of redness, pain when swallowing, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes. A big plus of Kameton is that it can be used for rhinitis and sinusitis, and sprayed not only in the mouth, but also in the nasal cavity, always during inhalation.

Cameton is used no more than 4 times a day, and you should not be afraid of the possibility of an overdose. You press the valve once, and exactly one therapeutic dose comes out of it. Aerosol Kameton in one small bottle of 45 ml from a domestic manufacturer will cost you from 55 rubles. per package, and a small bottle of 20 milliliters, for example, which you can take to work, will be even cheaper – starting from 36 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are few shortcomings in Kameton. Good and correct dosing, convenient form, low price made it quite popular and loved by the people. This remedy, however, cannot be used alone in severe pathological processes and serious forms of angina, but if the sore throat has occurred recently, then this drug will be indispensable in a home first aid kit.

Naturally, it is advisable for children not to use Kameton, and in general, aerosol cans themselves, and adults should “puff” into their mouths so that the unexpected does not come out. It can also be considered that this drug is not used in pregnant and lactating women, but not due to any particular harmfulness, but simply due to the fact that the necessary clinical studies have not been carried out and treatment experience has not been accumulated.


In conclusion of this short review, we can recall that there are many more ways, including physical, physiotherapy, to eliminate sore throat. For example, these are physiotherapy, ultrasonic inhalations, and so on. However, the main classes of drugs for sore throat have been given in this material, and a person can choose a medicine for himself, based on his needs and the severity of a particular symptomatology.

If it is pain, then we use a drug with a local anesthetic, if it is a lack of finances, then we rinse with salt, and if you have gastritis and you cannot dissolve lozenges and lozenges for a long time due to heartburn, then we use sprays and aerosols.

However, remember that in any case, it is necessary to visit a doctor, especially if sore throat is only one of the symptoms of the disease, accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, and even more so if a rash appears, the temperature steadily rises with chills, nausea and vomiting appear.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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