13 Best Eczema Remedies

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Eczema is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. And all because eczema has a very characteristic clinical picture. Translated from ancient Greek, eczema means “to boil, bubble, rush out.” The ancient Greeks, of course, did not know all types of eczema, but already ancient doctors could perfectly determine this disease in its typical course. With eczema, inflammation occurs, which is localized in the deep and superficial layers of the skin, and is most often allergic in nature.

Eczema is a chronic disease in which a variety of types of rashes form. Such a rash is called polymorphic. With an exacerbation of eczema, intense, serous inflammation, weeping, and severe skin itching occur. Due to urbanization, the increasing influence of harmful factors on the human environment, eczema is increasingly common in the clinical practice of not only a dermatologist, but simply a general practitioner. If we talk about chronic skin lesions, or dermatoses, then eczema with all its varieties can reach up to 40% of all hospitalizations.

It occurs in middle-aged people, in children and the elderly. Eczema and its course are largely dependent on immunity, and in the XNUMXst century this course has changed. Now the disease is more severe, recurs quite often, progresses, covering more and more areas on the surface of the skin, and, which is especially bad, actively resists treatment, showing its resistance. How does typical eczema manifest itself?

How does eczema manifest itself?

Initially, a spot, or erythema, forms on unchanged skin. This spot is edematous, inflammatory in nature. Then bubbles, or vesicles, and miniature tiny point erosions appear on the surface. Morphologically, on sections of skin preparations, pathologists determine the so-called “serous wells”, through which serous fluid rises to the surface. That is why with an exacerbation of eczema, or with a primary lesion, weeping occurs.

Since the serous fluid contains a certain amount of protein, when it dries, it sticks together, serous crusts form, and scratches, since this process is accompanied by severe itching. Since a patient with eczema has different elements in each unit of time (after all, they arise, change and disappear constantly), the so-called polymorphic nature of the rash is formed.

The classic course of eczema predisposes first to the appearance of a spot, then a tubercle, which gradually turns into a vesicle. The bubble opens, and the weeping stage begins, and then the crust stage. After that, the crusts fall off, usually without any scarring. After the process of exacerbation is replaced by remission, then coarsening of the skin pattern, or lichenification, various scales, tissue infiltration, and after inflammation, changes in pigmentation occur. Eczema occurs, especially during exacerbations, with excruciating skin itching, burning sensation and even soreness.

Ordinary eczema is quite often localized on the limbs, and on the face. In this case, there is an alternation of areas, both healthy and diseased skin, reminiscent of a geographical map. Much more difficult is the course of complicated eczema, which is joined by pyogenic flora.

Dermatologists have several types of eczema. There is a variant in which only the lateral areas of the skin of the fingers and toes are affected, with the formation of itchy blisters. There is eczema, in which crusts do not form at all, and a horny form, in which, on the contrary, deep painful cracks of the palms and soles occur.

Accession of a secondary infection can be suspected by purulent-serous crusts, and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient. There are other types of eczema: nummular, paratraumatic, varicose eczema, which occurs against the background of progressive varicose veins and is a consequence of long-term varicose dermatitis.

Seborrheic eczema can affect the scalp, with the appearance of yellowish-pink spots, peeling, the appearance of oily, yellow scales. Occupational eczema can also occur at work under the influence of occupational hazards. Most often, these are organic chemicals: epoxy resins, dinitrochlorobenzene, various synthetic adhesives and varnishes. Can cause eczema and various drugs, antibiotics, turpentine, phenol formaldehyde, and even precious metal alloys.

Therapy for eczema

We will not dwell on a detailed diagnosis of eczema, but will immediately turn to the basic principles of the treatment of this disease, which greatly impairs the quality of life, and literally causes serious suffering, and especially pruritus. Before starting drug therapy for any form of eczema, it is necessary to eliminate the influence of a harmful factor on the body, and sanitize foci of chronic infection that may be present in the body.

Since eczema most often occurs as a trigger reaction to an external allergen, it is necessary to isolate it and begin treatment with elimination therapy, that is, eliminate contact between the patient and the identified allergen. The easiest way to carry out elimination in the case of an occupational allergen is simply by transferring the patient to another job. It is much harder with household and food allergens, and especially against the background of cross-allergy.

First, the most common allergy-causing foods are excluded. These are spicy dishes and eggs, mayonnaise, citrus fruits, seasonings, poultry meat. Allergens are chocolate, cocoa and coffee, rich meat broths and fatty fish, spinach and legumes, seafood and red wine, nuts, carbonated drinks, peanuts.

Almost always extremely effective for various types of eczema and psoriasis is a short-term, 3-5-day therapeutic fasting, when the patient does not consume anything except plain and mineral water without restrictions.

After non-drug therapy has been carried out, an allergen has been identified, then in some cases treatment with special preparations is unnecessary. Sometimes a patient leading an active and healthy lifestyle is completely cured of this disease. But if the eczema is chronic, if it recurs, and the elimination of the allergen has failed, or the allergens could not be found, then the eczema is treated with drugs. The main goal of the treatment of eczema will be the inhibition of the exacerbation of the process, the elimination or serious reduction of pruritus, the suspension of the appearance of new elements of the rash, and the prevention of relapse.

Drug therapy

Since it is during an exacerbation that the greatest itching, insomnia and irritability occur, the acute stage begins to be treated with sedatives and antihistamines. In this case, the choice is given to first-generation antihistamines, which have a rather pronounced sedative effect, and even cause drowsiness. They are good if given at night. Along the way, reducing itching, they improve sleep.

Then, when the skin itching decreases, they switch to 2nd generation antihistamines, which do not have a sedative effect. But they should also be taken seriously, since many of them have a cardiotoxic effect, and are contraindicated in patients with chronic pathology of the cardiovascular system.

In patients, the ability to allergic reactivity of the body is reduced by prescribing calcium preparations: with exacerbation of eczema in the form of intravenous injections, for example, calcium chloride.

Locally, in cases of limited and unexpressed inflammation, they use various lotions, talkers, drying dyes, which will be discussed in the last part of the article.

If, during an exacerbation, an inflammatory reaction is expressed, then ointments and creams with corticosteroid hormones are used locally, which also have different activities. In the case of a secondary infection, or an increased risk, combined corticosteroid preparations are also used along with antibiotics and antifungal agents, for example, Triderm. It will be discussed in the corresponding section.

Detoxification agents, various sorbents are also of great importance, and in case of especially resistant forms, special preparations, for example, pimecrolimus, can be used. In addition, patients with many types of eczema must be treated without medication. Quite a good effect produces light therapy with soft ultraviolet, or autohemotherapy. They will be discussed at the end of the article.

If the drug consists of a chemical substance or a combination of them, then first, after the serial number, the international non-proprietary name, INN, will be given. The names of the drugs of this INN will be given in brackets, and the first of them will be the original drug, produced for the first time, to which all the others are equal. The original drug is always the most effective and safe, the rest of the drugs are its copies, or generic drugs, generics. They are produced by various companies.

As a rule, the original remedy is the standard of quality, and the cheapest, domestic counterparts, to put it mildly, may not have the same effect as that declared for the original remedy. Naturally, the original drug is the most expensive, and it is for the original drug for eczema that the range of retail prices for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation will be given. Prices are valid for June 2020.

The inclusion of these drugs in the list of drugs for eczema is dictated by national and international clinical recommendations of dermatologists and dermatocosmetologists for the treatment of eczema, modern evidence-based treatment protocols. The information is for informational purposes only, and the appointment of this or that remedy, as well as the diagnosis, is entirely the prerogative of the attending dermatologist.

Rating of the best remedies for the treatment of eczema

Nomination Place Name Price
Sedatives, tranquilizers      1 Persen      270 ₽
     2 Novo-passite      460 ₽
     3 Hydroxyzine (Atarax)      260 ₽
Calcium preparations      1 calcium chloride      60 ₽
Histamine receptor blockers      1 Clemastine (Tavegil)      300 ₽
     2 Mebhydrolin (Diazolin)      22 ₽
     3 Desloratadine (Erius, Lordestin, Blogir-3)      700 ₽
Corticosteroid hormones for topical treatment       1 Flumethasone + salicylic acid (Lorinden A)      500 ₽
     2 Mometasone (Elocom)      85 ₽
     3 Clobetasol (Dermoveit)      590 ₽
     4 Betamethasone+gentamicin+clotrimazole (Triderm)      790 ₽
Other means      1 Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (Enterosgel)      400 ₽
     2 Pimecrolimus (Elidel)      300 ₽

Sedatives, tranquilizers

We start the review with a short list of antidepressants and herbal tranquilizers. Their task is to improve mood, subjectively reduce the perception of skin itching, and these drugs, taken separately, do not affect the dynamics of the rash on the skin. But, reducing the general stress state of the body, in complex therapy they help to make exacerbations shorter, and the “light intervals” of remission between them longer.


Rating: 4.9

Persen can be completely replaced with medicinal valerian, lemon balm and ordinary peppermint, if you make herbal tea from them and drink it 3 times a day. But Persen is dry extracts of the above plants, packaged in tablets. Each tablet contains 100 mg of these extracts. Persen is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Lek from Slovenia, and for 40 tablets you should pay an amount from 340 to 420 rubles. Persen soothes, reduces spasms of smooth muscles, and is able to stop irritability, insomnia and increased nervous excitability, which naturally occurs with exacerbations of eczema. Adults should be prescribed 2-3 tablets 3 times a day, and in the presence of insomnia associated with itching, with eczema, these three tablets are taken one hour before bedtime. In no case should you exceed the daily dose of 12 tablets, and take the medicine without interruption for more than two months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Persen is an exclusively herbal preparation, but still it should not be taken in case of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age, and with low blood pressure. Contraindications are also cholelithiasis, cholangitis and other pathology of the biliary tract. Along with hypersensitivity, the drug can occasionally cause bronchospasm, with prolonged use – constipation, peripheral edema, and skin rash as an allergic reaction. With eczema, an extra skin rash is completely unnecessary, so in this case, the drug should be stopped. On the other hand, the drug is well tolerated, side effects are extremely rare. After the end of the course, the withdrawal syndrome does not occur.


Rating: 4.8

Novo-Passit is a liquid, syrup, and the syrup is absorbed and acts faster than tablets. This medicine also contains an extract of valerian, lemon balm, but instead of peppermint, St. John’s wort, hawthorn, hops and passionflower, as well as elder flowers, are included in the composition. Additionally, guaifenesin was added to Novo-Passit in the amount of 200 mg per 5 ml of syrup. The result is a hazy reddish-brown liquid with a characteristic odor.

It is indicated in cases of insomnia, headaches in cases of nervous tension, neurosis and neurasthenia, irritability, fatigue and fear. A special indication is itchy dermatoses, which include eczema. Also, the drug has proven itself in chronic recurrent urticaria. The medicine is prescribed for adults 5 ml 3 times a day before meals, if necessary, as directed by a doctor, you can increase the dosage to 10 ml 3 times a day. This drug is produced by the Czech division of the Israeli company Teva, and one bottle with a glass volume of 200 milliliters will cost from 280 to 340 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Novo-Passit is a syrupy form that is quickly absorbed, and has a healing effect faster than tablets. However, due to guaifenesin, there may be muscle weakness, or even tremors in the limbs. Rarely, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, abdominal cramps, heartburn, and stool changes occur. In this case, the medication must be stopped. Novo-passit is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, chronic alcoholism, since the syrup contains alcohol, as well as in chronic, progressive liver pathology and epilepsy. Since the medicine contains St. The medicine helps well in the complex therapy of itching together with antihistamine drugs for exacerbation of eczema.

Hydroxyzine (Atarax)

Rating: 4.7

Atarax is one of the few prescription drugs used as a daytime tranquilizer to treat eczema. It not only normalizes mood, but also has a certain antihistamine activity, which allows you to smoothly move on to the story of histamine receptor blockers. Atarax is perhaps the only prescription drug among all the drugs on the list.

Hydroxyzine is usually prescribed for neuroses and anxiety, for restlessness, anger, agitation and irritability. All this, of course, is present in a person who is tired of eczema. But one of the individual indications is itching. The fact is that the active substance of Atarax has not only a sedative, but also an antihistamine effect, blocking the central receptors. The effect comes quickly, within half an hour. The medicine can improve attention and memory, but with eczema, the main goal is to eliminate itching, or to significantly reduce it.

The medicine for eczema and its exacerbations is prescribed at a dose of 25 mg, and then you can increase it one tablet up to 4 times a day. In the case of the elderly, it is necessary to start with one half of the tablet at a dose of 12,5 mg. Atarax is produced by the Belgian company USB Pharma, and is not available in all pharmacies. The cost of this drug will be from 250 to 300 rubles. for a pack of 25 tablets, which can last about a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, the drug is able to improve mood, sleep, and eliminate itching. But the remedy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, and there are also a number of diseases when it is necessary to use it with caution, due to anticholinergic and antihistamine activity. These are glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, prostatic hyperplasia, liver and kidney failure. The drug can cause dry mouth, urinary retention or constipation at high doses. Atarax is usually prescribed in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. The appointment of Atarax allows you to reduce the dose of antihistamines, and, as a result, the load on the liver. A certain negative point will be the need to have a prescription on hand, and you need to find out in advance the information in which pharmacy you can buy Atarax, since there are practically no domestic generics of this drug in Russia. An alternative way out is to order medicines in online pharmacies or drug ordering services.

Calcium preparations

Why do you need calcium supplements for eczema? They have an anti-inflammatory effect, restore ionic balance, and normalize tissue metabolism. Calcium is the element that takes part in the formation of an adequate immune response, and affects the vessels, reducing their permeability. As a result, edema decreases, the release of biologically active substances, and itching also decreases. Therefore, calcium preparations are indicated in courses for exacerbations of urticaria, angioedema, allergic dermatosis and serum sickness, and, of course, eczema. The most common is calcium chloride.

calcium chloride

Rating: 4.9

Calcium chloride is a drug produced in ampoules, it is administered exclusively strictly intravenously. In the case of eczema, we are not talking about a pronounced deficiency of calcium in the body, the doctor is interested in reducing the permeability of the vascular wall, anti-allergic effect. Calcium chloride is administered in the form of droppers or intravenously slowly, the dosage is determined by the day hospital doctor. Calcium chloride is one of the most affordable drugs: it is always found in pharmacies, and a package of 10 ampoules of 10 ml each will cost mere pennies: from 45 to 70 rubles. domestic production. This is the most affordable and cheapest tool in today’s list.

Advantages and disadvantages

Calcium chloride must be administered correctly and slowly. It belongs to the “hot injections”, like aminofillin. Initially, after its rapid introduction, there is a heat in the mouth, and then all over the body. There may be a taste of chalk in the mouth, nausea, and a decrease in blood pressure. Calcium chloride must necessarily be administered only slowly, since with a rough and rapid administration, cardiac arrest may even occur. The medicine should be administered by an experienced nurse, because if calcium gets into the muscle, or into the subcutaneous tissue (if you miss the vessel), then very severe irritation and necrosis of the corresponding tissues can occur.

This is manifested by a sharp reddening of the skin, pain near the injection site, pain, which indicates the introduction of the drug past the vein. It is necessary to take into account a large number of contraindications: an increased concentration of calcium in the blood, severe cardiac arrhythmias, chronic renal failure, pregnancy, childhood, and so on. However, if calcium chloride is used competently, and in a short course during an exacerbation of eczema, together with other drugs, this will reduce disability for several days, improve well-being, and significantly reduce the severity of skin itching, especially in conjunction with Atarax and antihistamines, which we are talking about. will go lower. Plus, it’s cheap and affordable.

Histamine receptor blockers

Treatment of an exacerbation of eczema should begin with more rough preparations, since the sedative effect, together with the anti-allergic, will improve sleep and reduce the perception of itching and skin irritation. These are the well-known Diazolin, Suprastin, Fenkarol, Tavegil and even Diphenhydramine. They cause a sedative effect, since they easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier of the structures of the central nervous system, and therefore are appropriate for insomnia and severe itching.

But it must be borne in mind that those patients who drive a car or their work is associated with fine motor skills (jewelers, and especially magicians and musicians), various machines and mechanisms, then these drugs are contraindicated for them. In this case, it will be necessary to prescribe the same Atarax with second-generation histamine blockers, for example, with Erius. Consider two drugs of the first generation of antihistamines, these are Tavegil and Diazolin. and then – a modern antipruritic drug, aka Erius, one of the best remedies for skin itching.

Clemastine (Tavegil)

Rating: 4.9

Tavegil is a high-quality imported drug that is produced in Switzerland by Novartis. Each tablet contains 1 mg of clemastine, which is a selective histamine receptor inhibitor. Tavegil shows its activity, reaching its maximum effect after 7 hours, and after a single dose, the effect lasts up to 12 hours. It reduces vascular permeability, reduces itching, stops the progression of edema, and at the same time causes a sedative effect, although not as pronounced as that of Diphenhydramine.

The indication for use is exacerbation of eczema with intense skin itching and worsening sleep. Tavegil tablets also help with hay fever and urticaria, with dermatitis, with insect bites and with various drug allergies. Tavegil is also available for intravenous administration, it can be used for severe anaphylactic reactions. It is necessary to use the medicine in adults according to the doctor’s prescription, so we will not indicate the dosage, method of administration, and duration of use here. Tavegil is produced in a dosage of 1 mg, a package of 20 such tablets will cost from 190 to 230 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tavegil is a quality drug, and all its shortcomings are determined solely by anticholinergic and antihistamine effects. These are drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth, sometimes blurred vision, difficulty urinating or a feeling of pressure in the chest, extrasystoles and other reactions that are much less common than in 1% of patients. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with individual intolerance and in other classic cases.

It is important to remember that when taking Tavegil, as well as other 1st generation drugs, alcohol is prohibited, and additional sleeping pills are not recommended. If this remedy is used together with other sedatives or hypnotics, then this will additionally depress the central nervous system, and reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions. But the first days during an exacerbation, Tavegil is very effective, just like the next drug from the first generation of antihistamines, namely Diazolin.

Mebhydrolin (Diazolin)

Rating: 4.8

This old histamine receptor blocker can be considered a budget treatment option. Diazolin is produced only by domestic companies, and currently Diazolin of the Ozone company is sold in pharmacies. For one package of 10 tablets of 100 mg, you will have to pay quite a bit: from 40 to 70 rubles. The price is comparable to the cost of a package of calcium chloride.

What does Diazolin do? it fights allergies, exudation, swelling and itching. The sedative effect of Diazolin is weaker than that of Tavegil, and even more so than that of Diphenhydramine. Also, the drug has an anticholinergic effect, due to the cross-effect on the receptors. In addition to eczema and intense pruritus, it is indicated for hay fever, skin reactions after stings of various insects, for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, and in other similar cases. The medicine is given to adults from 1 to 3 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is set by the doctor, but usually after a few days, the patient is transferred to other, more modern antihistamines.

Advantages and disadvantages

Diazolin is generally well tolerated. However, its side effects can occur in the amount of 1% of cases: dry mouth, epigastric discomfort, mild drowsiness and fatigue, urinary disorders, with a tendency to possible urinary retention. Diazolin should not be taken with prostatic hypertrophy, in the case of a diagnosis of angle-closure glaucoma, with epilepsy, and various heart rhythm disorders. Diazolin inhibits the function of the vagus nerve, which innervates the heart, and at this expense can provoke the development of various types of supraventricular arrhythmias. Diazolin is also prohibited in pregnant and lactating women, and in persons with hepatic and renal insufficiency, it should be taken with extreme caution. As in the previous case, while taking diazolin, alcohol is strictly prohibited, and you should not take it together with other sedative and hypnotic drugs, and in the case of eczema, Diazolin should be prescribed as short a course as possible, and the result of its use will be a decrease in skin itching.

Desloratadine (Erius, Lordestin, Blogir-3)

Rating: 4.7

Finally, Erius and its many analogues are the modern standard for the treatment of pruritus of various etiologies, and not only for eczema. It is available in both tablets and syrup form. 2 ml of this syrup contains a dosage of 1 mg of the active drug, and in a 60 ml bottle there is 30 mg of the drug. The Belgian company Schering-Plough produces Erius syrup, and the cost of one such bottle will be from 2020 to 340 rubles in the summer of 660.

Erius is a second-generation drug, a long-acting agent that can inhibit the cascade of allergic inflammation. The use of Erius inhibits the release of cytokines, interleukin, Erius inhibits itching well, prevents swelling of tissues and the development of eczematous erythema. The drug does not cause drowsiness and has no sedative effect. Erius begins to act within half an hour after ingestion and is valid for one day.

Erius is indicated primarily for the relief of various types of itching, with eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, with itching in the nose and mouth. Adults need to take 5 mg syrup, that is, 10 ml of syrup once a day. The syrup form is convenient in that it can be prescribed to babies, and even from the age of 6 months. True, there the dosage is five times less: 2 ml 1 time per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Erius is a much more advanced drug than the first generation drugs. It can be used by toddlers, it is taken only once a day, it works for a long time, and it has no sedation. However, it should be borne in mind that the medicine can cause side effects, and most often it is fatigue, dry mouth and headache. On the part of the cardiovascular system, side effects such as tachycardia and prolongation of the QT interval according to ECG were extremely rare. Erius should not be used only by pregnant and lactating women, children under 6 months of age, as well as persons with individual sensitivity to the drug.

Since the syrup contains sucrose and sorbitol, it is not recommended for use by persons with impaired glucose metabolism, or sucrose deficiency. An overdose of Erius was not observed, even in the case of taking a dose of 5 times more. Erius, unlike previous medicines, does not require refraining from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment. But a conscientious and intelligent patient with eczema would not take alcohol at all under any circumstances. Therefore, Erius can be considered a first-class remedy for combating itching.

Corticosteroid hormones for topical treatment

Topical corticosteroid hormones are available in creams and ointments. Ointments are thick, viscous compositions, often on a vaseline basis, which are deeply but slowly absorbed and therefore it is advisable to apply them at night, including under application dressings. The cream is an emulsion, it is absorbed much faster, does not stain clothes, and can be used several times a day (but frequent application does not apply to hormonal drugs).

Four hormonal drugs for eczema are arranged in ascending order of hormone activity. The transition from the previous remedy to the next should be if and only if no methods of treatment help, an exacerbation occurs, and this transition is approved by the doctor. If you immediately start self-treatment with the most potent hormone, clobetasol, and apply an ointment or cream for a long time, then after the initial improvement in the patient’s condition, the patient understands that he is “addicted” to this hormone, no treatment methods work anymore, and more and more of it is needed. . There is a kind of “steroid dependence” on potent substances.

Therefore, in no case should you use, especially Dermovate and Elocom, on your own, without the permission of a doctor. Finally, the last drug – Triderm – is a combined remedy that simultaneously protects the skin from microbial infection and the addition of fungi, since all topical corticosteroids depress skin immunity.

Flumethasone + salicylic acid (Lorinden A)

Rating: 4.9

Lorinden A is a rather weak hormonal drug, but, nevertheless, it is a hormonal ointment, and it must be treated with all caution. In its composition, in addition to the hormone flumethasone, there is salicylic acid, which is a keratolytic. The hormone has a moderate anti-inflammatory activity, successfully fights itching, exudation, and reduces the manifestation of all inflammatory processes, from hyperemia to itching. Salicylic acid improves the penetration of the hormone deep into the skin.

The use of Lorinden A is shown for eczema, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other itchy dermatoses. It is necessary to apply the medicine no more than once or twice a day, the course of treatment should not last more than two weeks. If an ointment is applied under the bandage at night, then it is advisable to do such bandages every other day. You can buy Lorinden A ointment, which is produced in Poland, from 330 to 430 rubles. for a tube weighing 15 g.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flumethasone is a rather weak hormone, but, nevertheless, there may be atrophy of the epidermis, dry skin, pigmentation disorders, skin irritation, the appearance of telangiectasias as a side effect with a long course. With prolonged use, salicylic acid can cause dermatitis. Sometimes, and especially when applied to a large area, manifestations of systemic hypercortisolism may occur under large dressings. This is an increase in blood sugar, increased sugar in the urine, symptoms of adrenal suppression, increased blood pressure, decreased immunity. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of skin infections, including tuberculosis and syphilis. You can not apply ointment for precancerous diseases, the presence of trophic ulcers, and for varicose phlebitis. All hormonal ointments are not used in the stage of exudation and acute weeping. Lorinden A and other similar hormonal ointments should also be used with caution in the localization of eczematous skin changes on the face, and application to the skin around the eyes in patients with glaucoma or cataracts should be done with extreme caution.

Mometasone (Elocom)

Rating: 4.8

Elokom is a much stronger hormonal drug containing mometasone. In 2019, Elocom in the form of a cream was entered into the register of vital medicines, and the price of this highly effective cream was truly ridiculous: 70 or 100 rubles. for a tube weighing 15 g. Therefore, this drug very quickly became a large deficit, and disappeared from pharmacies. Only the ointment remained on sale. With the same amount of 15 g, it is sold at a price 10 times more expensive: 937 rubles, and it is also rarely found in pharmacies. But if you are lucky enough to find a cream, then know that this highly effective cream from the Belgian company Schering Plough can help eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, exudation, and skin itching. The drug is absorbed into the bloodstream in a very small amount and acts mainly locally. The ointment or cream should be applied in a thin layer to the eczema area once a day. The duration of the course should also not exceed 7-0 days, and the shorter the course, the higher the effectiveness, and the less the possibility of developing resistance to hormones.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, even the most modern and effective Elocom will be useless if intense secretion of serous fluid continues, if the eczema area is infected (this is a contraindication!), There is a viral or bacterial or fungal infection. Do not use the drug in pregnant women if it is intended to apply an ointment or cream to large areas of the skin and for long periods. Also, with very great care, you should use all hormonal preparations if they are applied to the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe natural friction zone, that is, in the groin and armpits. There is very thin skin, and the drug can, easily absorbed, realize its side effects, ranging from thinning of the subcutaneous tissue and ending with the possibility of developing telangiectasias.

It should be borne in mind that if Elocom is used for a long time, the reverse form will occur: intense contact dermatitis, burning sensation and redness of the skin will appear. Against the background of eczema, this is sometimes not very easy to discern, and therefore if the patient has been using Elok for a long time, then the drug should be discontinued gradually.

Clobetasol (Dermoveit)

Rating: 4.7

To date, Dermovate can be considered the strongest local hormonal preparation containing a synthetic analogue of natural corticosteroid hormones, or clobetasol. The drug acts with a powerful antipruritic, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect. Since the drug is very highly active, it should be used only in short courses. Eczema, lichen planus, psoriasis – in these diseases, Dermovate can be used, but only in conditions of resistance, progression, and resistance to treatment with less active hormones.

It is necessary to carefully rub the ointment in minimal quantities, with great savings, once or twice a day until the condition improves. As soon as there is an improvement, you should immediately stop applying Dermovate and switch to a less active hormone. It is also not prohibited to apply Dermovate under an occlusive dressing at night, but only if there is pronounced hyperkeratosis and absorption through the skin is reduced. Within one week, you can not use more than 50 g of ointment, Dermovate should be canceled slowly. It is produced by GlaxoSmithKline, its Polish division. A tube weighing 25g will cost from 470 to 570 rubles, which is quite affordable.

Advantages and disadvantages

In very active drugs, the disadvantages are a continuation of the advantages. The same can be said about Dermovate. there may be itching, skin atrophy, dryness, telangiectasia, the appearance of wrinkles and thinning. With prolonged use, there may be increased hair growth, dermatitis, on the contrary, the manifestations of eczema may worsen, hives or a rash will appear. Resorptive symptoms, hypercortisolism, weight gain and other systemic effects are very rare. Almost all side effects come down to local signs. Dermovate should not be used against the background of infection, rosacea, in children under one year old and with hypersensitivity. The medicine is especially recommended in the form of an ointment rather than a cream if there is dryness of the skin, hyperkeratosis and thickening.

Betamethasone+gentamicin+clotrimazole (Triderm)

Rating: 4.7

Triderm can be considered a balanced combined local remedy that contains an antibiotic, a fairly active hormone betamethasone, and an antifungal agent. As a result, we get a very good medicine that fights inflammation, itching, allergic symptoms, relieves swelling and exudation, protects the skin from candidiasis and other fungal infections, as well as the addition of pathogenic secondary flora with the development of suppuration.

Indications may be conditions when eczema is complicated by an infection, or the presence of a fungal infection of the skin, which can occur with a decrease in local immunity against the background of prolonged application of hormonal ointments and creams. Triderm should be applied in the morning and at night both on the affected area and on a small peripheral belt of healthy skin. Betamethasone is a hormone with moderate activity, therefore it is desirable to carry out the course of treatment for no more than three to four weeks, if possible, the duration of treatment should be reduced. Cream Triderm is produced by the well-known company Schering-Plough, and a 15 g package will again be more expensive: from 620 to 730 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

We will not list all the disadvantages that are characteristic of the combined remedy. We already know about hormones that they should be used as a shorter course, and as far as side effects are concerned, they are exactly the same as with other hormonal agents. Clotrimazole can lead to peeling, tingling sensation, skin irritation. Usually, the same adverse reactions occur against the background of the use of gentamicin, but this is quite rare.

Of the advantages, we can assume that by purchasing Triderm, a person saves on the purchase of two more products: antibacterial and antifungal ointment or cream. As a result, the purchase can be considered profitable. After all, the Schering-Plough company is one of the leaders in the global pharmaceutical market, and high-quality gentamicin and clotrimazole are also used. You should not use Triderm if there is only acute eczema, but there are no signs of fungal infection and bacterial infection.

Other means

Quite often, eczema, psoriasis, and other itchy chronic dermatoses occur on the basis of habitual intoxications, alcoholism, and smoking. When the body is cleansed of various toxins, the condition of the skin also improves, eczema can even go away by itself. Therefore, sorbents, and Enterosgel, as their representative, are prescribed from the very beginning, during elimination therapy, against the background of a diet, and in the intervals between short courses of therapeutic starvation. Of course, other sorbents can also be used. Pimecrolimus is the “aerobatics” in the treatment of eczema, and it is used only for the treatment of a single form, but it has great potential, and belongs to the topical immunosuppressive agents.

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (Enterosgel)

Rating: 4.9

Enterosgel is one of the best domestic sorbents, an organosilicon compound, which has been successfully produced by the domestic company OOO TNK Silma for a long time. A huge, weighty plastic tube weighing 225 g will cost from 375 to 430 rubles.

The effectiveness of this enterosorbent is due to the fact that it absorbs only toxic metabolites of medium molecular weight, from 70 to 1 kilodalton. Therefore, it can remove food allergens, organic salts of heavy metals, bacterial toxins and harmful substances such as urea, cholesterol, excess bilirubin, lipid complexes and others.

It is very important that Enterosgel does not interfere with the normal absorption of various trace elements and vitamins in any way, because they have a lower molecular weight, does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, since microbes, on the contrary, have too high a molecular weight.

The drug is indicated for a variety of skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis, acute poisoning, intestinal infections, purulent-septic diseases and conditions, and in many other cases. Adults should be given one tablespoon 3 times a day of Enterosgel. A tablespoon of the drug is dissolved in a glass of water, and taken orally, the water should be at room temperature. Since Enterosgel is a tasteless and odorless paste, it seems to many to be especially disgusting, and therefore it is advisable to drink a glass of water in one gulp. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, with prolonged use, constipation may occur, and aversion to the drug will be with severe liver and kidney failure. The drug is contraindicated in case of reduced intestinal tone, and its intake should be separate from the intake of other tablet preparations, syrups and spaced apart in time by 3-4 hours. In addition, Enterosgel itself should also be taken no later than 2-3 hours before a meal, and no earlier than 2-3 hours after a meal, so that it would be useful.

If it is used against the background of a diet, elimination therapy, then it will help to make the manifestations of eczema more limited. Remissions will be longer, exacerbations will be shorter, and itching will be less pronounced. In some cases, treatment with only antihistamines and taking Enterosgel allows you to completely get rid of eczema without hormones, and potent drugs that can have severe side effects.

Pimecrolimus (Elidel)

Rating: 4.8

Finally, the last drug is Elidel, aka pimecrolimus for the treatment of certain forms of eczema. It is produced by the German company Meda Pharma, and a small tube weighing 15 grams will cost from 820 to 950 rubles. It is a topical topical, immunosuppressant, second generation tacrolimus. It inhibits the function of special cells, mastocytes, they begin to reduce the synthesis of cytokines. For the first time, tacrolimus, as its predecessor, was used successfully for eczema of the hands and feet, and the substance pimecrolimus has a greater affinity for fats, or lipophilicity. As a result, the drug is better absorbed into the skin, avoids penetration into the systemic circulation. It successfully fights inflammation, relieves allergy symptoms, because it does not allow the release of inflammatory cytokines that trigger the inflammatory cascade. Elidel is indicated for only two diseases: atopic dermatitis and eczema. The cream should be applied in a thin layer on the feet and hands twice a day, and gently rubbed in. The cream can be used for a long time, until the symptoms disappear completely. If after a month and a half there is no improvement, then it is necessary to repeat a thorough diagnosis.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug can be used only for these forms of eczema, which is located on the hands and feet, on especially thick areas of the skin. Elidel may cause a feeling of warmth or burning, but it is quickly passing and not critical. In some cases, alcohol intolerance may occur during treatment, when, after taking it, the face will turn red, a rash, burning and itching will appear. Elidel should not be used in children under 3 months of age, as well as applied to the area of ​​pronounced weeping of the skin, to areas of the skin that are affected by fungi, viruses or have suppuration. Elidel is one of the “big guns” for treating eczema, and it usually doesn’t get to the point. But still, it must be remembered that if a person has treatment-resistant eczema of the hands and feet, then this medicine will help restore working capacity and improve the quality of life.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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