13 best books by Lyudmila Ulitskaya

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya is considered one of the most widely read contemporary authors. She became the first woman to be awarded the Russian Booker Literary Prize. The bibliography of the writer includes more than two dozen books that are published in 25 languages. Novels about the lives of various people attract readers with the presence of mystery, which leaves a pleasant aftertaste of reflection after reading. For those who are not familiar with her work, experts from the Simplerule project have compiled a rating of the best books by Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

Rating of the best books by Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Nomination Place Name Rating
Rating of the best books by Lyudmila Ulitskaya      1 Case of Kukotsky      5.0
     2 Sincerely yours, Shurik      4.9
     3 Jacob’s ladder      4.8
     4 Daniel Stein      4.7
     5 green tent      4.6
     6 Medea and her children      4.5
     7 fun funeral      4.4
     8 Sonechka      4.3
     9 through line      4.3
     10 Childhood 45-53. Tomorrow will be happiness      4.2
     11 Girls      4.2
     12 sacred trash      4.1
     13 Poor, evil, beloved      4.0

Case of Kukotsky

Rating: 5.0

The novel describes the fate of a professor-gynecologist and his family against the backdrop of the history of the Soviet state. It consists of 4 parts. The first part tells about the life of the physician himself, his wife Elena and adopted daughter Tatyana. He was a brilliant doctor with a talent for diagnostics, which allowed him to accurately diagnose and save difficult patients. In the post-war years, the professor’s career went uphill, but the era of the defeat of genetics changed everything. The author shows the process of formation and disintegration of the personality of the protagonist, the influence of this component on his fate. Professor’s alcoholism causes the collapse of the family, friendship, leads to loneliness. According to one of the critics, saving other people’s women and children, the professor turned out to be fatally blind to the problems of his own family.

The book is distinguished by the physiology of the narrative, it strikes with an abundance of naturalistic descriptions (the consequences of criminal abortions, abdominal operations). There is also a supernatural line in it, consisting in Elena’s dreams about an intermediate state between life and death, their subsequent incarnation into reality. The Kukotsky case is considered one of the best books by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, which received wide recognition in the absence of a detective story in it. She has collected a large number of awards and prizes, makes readers think about their relationship to loved ones, although some critics consider the novel to be ambiguous. It starts as a family saga, gradually moves to mystical symbolism, a love-adventure story.

Sincerely yours, Shurik

Rating: 4.9

In this book, the protagonist is presented as a “mama’s boy”, who, with his actions and lack of willpower, causes disgust. All the actions of the women of the family are filled with selfishness, selfishness. From childhood, they inspire the child that he is obliged to take care only of them. The novel symbolizes the problem of the relationship between mother and son. In it, the author shows how total control replaces parental feelings, which becomes a consequence of such upbringing. This problem is also relevant for modern society, it is typical even for prosperous families.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya reveals different shades of love in the book – a selfish mother, a disinterested son, the feelings of women whom the hero cannot make happy even if he wants to. At the same time, the author does not condemn the heroes, but invites the reader to draw their own conclusions. After reading the book, fans note that they “swallow it whole, with difficulty finding time for other things.” They constantly want to know if Shurik can find true love, overcome attachment to his mother. First, there is a feeling of concern for the hero, then bewilderment from his actions, and at the end of the story, even hatred for the lack of love for women. Some fans of creativity are struck by a detailed description of the intimate details of Shurik’s life. At the same time, the general impression of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s book remains positive. It makes the reader think about himself and the people around him.

Jacob’s ladder

Rating: 4.8

The novel is a parable with a large number of characters and a plot in which the author skillfully paid attention to subtle details. The book covers the period from the end of the nineteenth century. at the beginning of the XXI century. It describes the life of 6 generations of the family. The main characters are Yakov Ossetsky, who has an irrepressible craving for knowledge, and his granddaughter Nora, who has become a theater artist. They met only once in their lives, but after reading his correspondence with her grandmother from the KGB archive file, the girl will take a fresh look at life, the personality of her ancestor, and discover his deep inner world.

The book is considered an autobiographical novel, but it is not a memoir, but fiction. It is based on letters from the archive of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, the information from which the author turned into the correspondence of a fictional character. According to readers, the storyline of the novel helps to solve eternal human questions about freedom, decency, love. Additional advantages include living with heroes from different eras, the possibility of an independent decision about the correctness of their choice. The book shows interestingly and accurately how events that are considered fateful affect individuals. One of the main advantages of the novel by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, experts highlight the display of a true story in an artistic style, which will make it easier for the reader to perceive it.

Daniel Stein

Rating: 4.7

The book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya was included in the list of best-selling books in 2006. It is based on the biography of a Catholic monk of Jewish origin Oswald Rufeisen, whom the writer met in 1992. The plot tells about the dissimilarity of the appearance and views on the life of the hero with the image of a priest. He provides his assistance mainly to Catholic emigrants from Eastern Europe, and receives money for the maintenance of the community from excursions conducted in Israel. His worldview calls into question the main tenets of the church. He serves Mass in Hebrew, which causes indignation among most of his colleagues. Although Oswald was a Ukrainian Jew from Galicia, during the war years he was able to get a job as an interpreter in the Gestapo, which allowed him to save the people of his nation from death.

The novel is presented in the form of letters, thoughts, conversations of the hero himself, as well as his friends and acquaintances. Many note that at first the book of Lyudmila Ulitskaya may seem difficult, but upon subsequent reading it is impossible to tear yourself away from it. Intermediate between fiction and documentary form of storytelling explains the popularity of the work. The reader looks at the history of the war in a new way, learns interesting things about the fate of different peoples. The author presented a different view of religion. At the same time, she repeatedly noted that she does not consider herself a theologian, but only talks about the courage and honesty of a person. In her book, Lyudmila Ulitskaya revealed the topic of mutual respect between adherents of different religions.

green tent

Rating: 4.6

The novel includes 30 stories about the birth of dissent in Soviet society. The psychological novel presents the history of the fate of people in the period 1953 – 1996. School friends from different social groups were united by an aversion to violence and, under the guidance of their teacher, they joined a circle of Russian literature, which gave impetus to the choice of their way of life. The book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya makes us think about the importance of survival and conscience in difficult conditions. The author reveals the character of the characters in their actions, deeds, raises the problem of the impossibility of self-realization due to the pressure of various circumstances.

The book attracts with a combination of serious attitude and self-irony to complex problems, interweaving of historical realities with fiction. The name suggests the universal forgiveness of the people of our civilization. When reading a novel, the reader experiences a whole range of emotions. Like most of Ludmila Ulitskaya’s novels, the stories touch on the theme of history. They tell about the formation of Russian culture. In their reviews, readers note the ease of reading the book, complete absorption by the realities of the described time. Novels of this type, although they seem gloomy, can save many from moral errors.

Medea and her children

Rating: 4.5

The book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya was the first experience of creating a family novel. In it, against the background of mythology, the author tells about the life of a real woman. For her relatives, the childless Greek woman Medea, who was born on the Crimean peninsula, becomes a deity. They see her as the rod that holds them together. Unlike the prototype, she does not kill anyone and does not destroy family ties, but tries on her own, to glue the torn threads with blood, to unite everyone, to unite into a single whole. The woman, like the ancient Medea, does not have children, therefore she calmly treats loneliness or the influx of guests to the family estate. Relatives understand that without her they will be lost, forget about each other. The name of the work is connected with this, all family members perceive Medea as a mother.

The novel combines different historical eras, human destinies. The book attracts Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s ability to combine the stories of a private person with a peculiar vision of mythology. The author finds relevance in everything. The work attracts with vivid descriptions, a light style, an interesting transfer of the atmosphere of the last century.

fun funeral

Rating: 4.4

The interesting title of the book could not fail to attract fans of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s work, who note the realism and vitality of the work. The novel tells about the talented artist Alik, who was born in Russia but moved to America. An incurable disease did not make him give up. He tries to use the remaining time for the benefit of himself and others. Having gathered all friends, wives and former women, the artist becomes a central figure for them. He manages to connect all broken ties, reconcile friends who have long quarreled, a rabbi with an Orthodox priest, so even after death the memory of Alik remains with everyone.

The last days of the artist fall on August 1991, when Russia was shaken by a political conflict. Ludmila Ulitskaya highlights the contrast between light-hearted American music and TV battles in Moscow. The book tells about the role of one person in the lives of others, because most of us often become dependent on loved ones. Even in his last message, Alik, who loves life, urges his friends not to be sad. The plot seems tritely simple, but only a brilliant author was able to twist it into something intricate and thoughtful. When reading, you feel sadness, joy, resentment. There are even tears at the end, but through the laughter, as life goes on, it will bring many more amazing things.


Rating: 4.3

In the novel, Lyudmila Ulitskaya describes the story of a girl who has been fond of literature since childhood. Her thoughts completely fill the read works, in which she hides from her ugliness, the realities of life. The first half of the book tells about her growing up, unexpected marriage and family life. Sonia’s experiences are largely untouched, so it’s not uncommon for readers to find this part of the plot boring, but then it becomes more dynamic. There are new heroines that affect her life. Sonin’s husband falls in love with one of them before his death, which leads to the collapse of family happiness. Reading this book, many women wonder if they could treat cheating like that, just accept and forgive.

The advantage of the second part is the description of the experiences, thoughts and emotions of the heroine. Her actions during the ongoing events breathe with female wisdom, tranquility. She again plunges into her world of literature, in which you can always feel needed and beautiful. Ludmila Ulitskaya’s book was awarded the French Medici Prize and inspired Russian theatrical figures to put on a play, which is considered the highest degree of recognition for a work. Readers find the plot interesting, but there is a description of early sexual experiments, body trafficking, adultery, which not everyone likes. At the same time, the novel teaches you to rise above circumstances, even if they are not in your favor, never lose heart, cultivate happiness in your soul.

through line

Rating: 4.3

The book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya is a collection of stories about a similar life phenomenon among representatives of different ages and social status in society. All the heroines are united by the fact that they constantly lie, even in small things. At the same time, the writer draws them as dreamers and inventors who lack romance and bright events. This is the reason for their frequent lies. At times they don’t even realize they’re telling imaginary stories. The heroines are teachers, teenage girls, professors, women in the family, prostitutes. Fantasies help them realize their ambitions, bring new colors to life. Such an existence seems to them more interesting than the usual routine.

The title of the book is connected with such circumstances, because the lie was a red line through each story, led to special consequences. Readers note in the works verbal and stylistic “charms”, subtle humor, unique portraits of heroes inherent in the work of Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Sometimes there are obscene expressions, but they are always in place. Sometimes you just can’t say it any other way. The author calls the lie in the book easy and harmless, since it is aimed only at decorating life. Often a lie becomes a doctor, allowing you to get rid of various complexes, fears. Fans of Lyudmila Ulitskaya have no negative reviews about the book.

Childhood 45-53. Tomorrow will be happiness

Rating: 4.2

In this work, the writer describes the memories of people whose childhood passed in the post-war period. At school, history is usually taught dryly, so we cannot understand how they really lived, what they felt. The purpose of writing the book is to support the subtle connection between generations, bringing to the youth many forgotten concepts – party meetings, communal apartments, a kerosene stove. Lyudmila Ulitskaya wanted to show that there are no “hard times”, each period is interesting and difficult in its own way. The stories of individual years are small windows through which people can look at the world in a new way. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve all the knowledge and values ​​transmitted to us by previous generations.

All stories are taken from real life, so Lyudmila Ulitskaya can be called the artistic designer of the work. The popularity of the book is due to the presence in almost every family of people who survived those times. Their memories always seem interesting, but thanks to the stories of a large number of children, a general picture of that life and the world appears before their eyes. Separate parts of the book are recommended to be read to children so that they already now learn to draw the right conclusions about everything that happens to them.


Rating: 4.2

Another book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya about childhood describes the stories of different girls. At a young age, they are full of emotions, which with age are transformed into experiences or vivid memories. Childhood is characterized by the presence of colorful colors, fabulous thoughts and sensations. When you are a child, you describe everything that happens in an exaggerated form, with violent emotions. Even a small event can change your life. The author describes the characters of the heroines in such a way that one can predict the further development of fate by their actions. The book also helps to understand the experiences and worries of girls of those years associated with events that seem insignificant to today’s youth.

The plot also contains negative properties of the characters of the heroines – rivalry between sisters, inciting others to rash acts, fantasies that are unusual for childhood. The stories reveal all their naivety before adulthood. When reading a book, you often compare yourself with the heroines, you understand that we once were like that. The work of Lyudmila Ulitskaya makes you plunge into your childhood, remember your first love, relationships with friends, rivalry.

sacred trash

Rating: 4.1

Autobiographical prose, which contains the rules of life of Lyudmila Ulitskaya. In the book, she tells how she became a writer, creating literature from the “garbage of life.” The author has been writing it for more than 20 years, for the first time she let the reader into her world, entered into a dialogue with him not through artistic images, but through frankness and trust. The collection highlights positive and tragic moments in the life of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, her philosophy and beliefs. Having received her education as a biologist, she did not immediately enter literature. On her life path, she met wonderful people, among whom were celebrities, poets and dissident writers. She still respects and appreciates their work.

In stories about people around her and acquaintances, she gives them an accurate description, notices inconspicuous, but fundamental features of behavior. The book is filled with excerpts from various interviews about childhood, Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s family, and her thoughts about old age. For many fans of her work, the tragic moment of the book was the recognition of the diagnosis of cancer, which has so far been stopped. At the same time, the writer understands that sooner or later the disease will return, but she tries not to waste time in vain. Readers note that after reading, there is a feeling that he spoke with a person wise with great life experience.

Poor, evil, beloved

Rating: 4.0

The collection brings together 16 stories written by Lyudmila Ulitskaya in different years. They are presented in the cycles – “Poor Relatives”, “Girls”. The book also includes 2 stories (“Sonechka”, “Merry Funeral”, which brought popularity to the author, various awards. The characters and actions of the heroes of the works evoke a lot of emotions in the reader. At the same time, in each character you can find features inherent in real people.

Many recommend starting acquaintance with the work of the writer from this book. In it, Lyudmila Ulitskaya is revealed as a talented psychologist and storyteller. Readers note the simplicity of the plots, the presence of a subtle sadness in each of them, the penetration to the most intimate. The description of the characters of the characters is given in small details. You begin to understand them, even if the life position is alien to you. The book makes you think about your life, compare the past and the present, note the advantages and disadvantages. The works do not make a tragic impression, but leave a mark on the soul.

With her books, Lyudmila Ulitskaya raised “women’s literature” to another level. Everyone evaluates her works in their own way, but everyone understands that they touch upon eternal life problems. After reading, rarely anyone remains indifferent to the work of the writer. If you are not yet familiar with the books of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, then be sure to take the time to get acquainted with them.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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