12th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, changes in the body, tests

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You are just starting your 12th week of pregnancy. This is the last week of the first trimester, but it is groundbreaking not only from a “formal” point of view. The baby’s organs are already developed and at this point the risk of miscarriage drops sharply. Find out how your baby’s body changes at week 12 and what symptoms you can expect.

12th week of pregnancy – course

You certainly welcomed the 12th week of pregnancy with relief. For obvious reasons, many women look forward to this moment, because with the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage decreases. Of course, this does not mean that you can suddenly start eating and drinking whatever you want and engage in extreme physical activity – if you are not careful, you can still miscarry. However, the period of frequent miscarriages, independent of the mother’s lifestyle, is coming to an end, as they result from fetal malformations.

Therefore, at the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, many couples decide to inform their loved ones that they are expecting a baby. The fetus is now about 6 cm (CRL length), soon your tummy will start to round more and more and it will become impossible to hide this information anyway. Especially if this is your next child and changes in your figure have already begun.

By the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, some of the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, also disappearalthough it is not a rule and many women feel it even in the advanced stages of the second trimester.

Also check: Fetal development stages – the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

12rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

Your little one already has all the organs in place. Of course, they are still not fully functional and are constantly changing, but from then on, they will mainly grow and mature.

Your baby’s appearance at week 12 is amazing. It resembles a miniature newborn the size of a lime. The head has a very nice profile with a protruding nose and chin clearly separated from the neck. There are also external sex organs already, however the ultrasound examination at this stage is not very reliable – they are so small that an attempt to evaluate them resembles “reading tea leaves”. The skin is milky, with clear gaps.

The limbs, which can measure up to 10 mm, have already developed very well! The skeletal system, which is still mostly made of soft ankles, begins to harden. In the 12th week, the baby is constantly kicking them, but is still too small for mom to feel it. Interestingly, your little one is already responding to the touch on your belly, so while you don’t feel his response, you can start building a bond with him.

The digestive and excretory systems have developed significantly. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, which is then excreted in the urine. It also teaches you how to move the muscles in your chest, which it will need in six months to make your first breath. In the 12th week of pregnancy, the rectum also develops, thanks to which the digestive system becomes more open. The intestinal muscle is already starting to work to prepare for normal peristalsis when you eat food.

While you are having too much saliva, your baby is developing the glands that produce it.

The brain and other elements of the nervous system develop very intensively. The pituitary gland is already producing hormones!

Be sure to read: Pregnancy trimesters, or how does a baby develop?

12th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body

Even if this is your first pregnancy and in the 12th week you haven’t seen any changes in your waist yet, there is a revolution going on inside your body. The uterus is the size of a large grapefruit, and the doctor can feel it by touching your belly. Due to the fact that it is constantly growing, it has to move slightly from its usual place upwards and towards the anterior abdominal wall. Thanks to this, the pressure on the bladder can be reduced, which you will certainly take with relief.

However, do not be too happy – some symptoms disappear and others appear. By the 12th week of pregnancy, the high levels of progesterone in your body make a bit of a difference to the way your blood normally circulates. Much of it is now directed to the placenta, which can cause pressure changes and leave the brain slightly hypoxic. This in turn makes you feel dizzy. To alleviate their symptoms, you should walk in the fresh air if possible and rest with your legs slightly raised (e.g. on a pillow).

Additionally, there may be fluctuations in blood sugar levels that will negatively affect your well-being. The best way to avoid them is eating products containing complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars. Remember to eat smaller portions but more often. It can also help you relieve the annoying heartburn that is common in your 12th week of pregnancy.

Some women feel sick again by the end of the first trimester (week 12). However, this is not necessarily the case, especially if you are pregnant with multiple births. Intense odors can become irritants, so try to avoid overexposure to them (for example, you may not use excess chemicals used to clean the house).

You may also experience more vaginal discharge than usual in the 12th week of pregnancy. As long as they don’t have an unusual color or odor, there’s nothing to worry about.

we recommend: Twins and triplets. Where does a multiple pregnancy come from?

Especially important in the 12st week of pregnancy

By law, you are already covered by the privileges of pregnant women at work. However, if you did not want to inform your supervisor earlier due to fear of miscarriage, this is a good time to schedule an interview. Remember that this is not only associated with formal benefits (e.g. protection against dismissal), but also with the fact that you are entitled to a slightly different work mode. If you work at a computer, your employer may only require you to spend four hours using it – they must schedule other responsibilities for the remainder of the day.

Though you cannot feel your baby’s movements yet, by the 12th week of pregnancy, your baby will respond to your behavior, such as stroking the belly. Therefore, if you have not yet started to bond with your owl, you should start now.

See also: Is the cat pregnant?

Tests in the 12st week of pregnancy

If you haven’t had a genetic ultrasound yet, make an appointment immediately. They should be done before the start of the 14th week of pregnancy, and the waiting time for an appointment with the doctor means that you should not put it off until the last moment. The test will show, among other things, whether the baby has serious malformations.

A Doppler ultrasound done in the 12th week of pregnancy will surely allow you to hear your baby’s heartbeat fast.

Genetic ultrasound screening should be performed between 11th and 13th week and 6th day of pregnancy, according to the recommendations of PTG. So if you haven’t done this test yet, week 12 will be a good time to do so. This is a non-invasive prenatal test, called a first trimester study, that assesses:

  1. risk of developing genetic defects of the fetus (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau’s syndrome)
  2. developmental defects (e.g. of the heart, digestive system, nervous system, genitourinary system)
  3. gestational age

It is recommended to perform this test together with the determination of the PAPPA protein, which increases its sensitivity. In Poland, unfortunately, the PAPPA test is still payable.

Other obligatory additional tests during this period are:

  1. general and gynecological examination,
  2. pap smear,
  3. assessment of the risk and severity of depression symptoms.

12th week of pregnancy – baby’s sex?

You are certainly eagerly awaiting this news. Unfortunately, you have to be patient. The child’s gender is formed much earlier, but it can be diagnosed with 16% certainty only around the XNUMXth week of pregnancy. In patients who are very overweight or in those whose fetus has an unusual shape, we recognize the sex of the child later.

Check it out: When is it possible to recognize a child’s gender on ultrasound?

12th week of pregnancy – how to take care of yourself?

  1. Start preparing for the birth of your baby. If you have not already done so, you can choose a health visitor. She does not have to practice in your doctor’s facility – you can choose the midwife recommended by your loved ones, mothers you know or one you know. It is connected with the necessity to submit an appropriate declaration to her.
  2. Relax your body. A warm shower, relaxing music, gymnastics – learn to relax your body. Relaxation in pregnancy is just as important as diet. Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles and increase your body’s endurance. This way you will prepare your body for childbirth. If you keep fit during pregnancy, it will also be easier for you to return to your former shape after the birth of your baby.
  3. Inform the employer. The 12th week of pregnancy is a good time to inform your employer about your condition and find out about your privileges. Completing all formalities requires a medical certificate confirming pregnancy. This will protect you against dismissal and will be the basis for regulating working conditions and hours during pregnancy.

Also read: Is stomach flu harmful to my baby during pregnancy?

An interesting fact about the 12nd week of pregnancy

Have you ever wondered why some babies are born with long enough nails? No wonder, since they develop already in the 12th week of pregnancy!

See also:

  1. 11rd week of pregnancy
  2. 13rd week of pregnancy

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