12 weeks pregnant

At this time, the first trimester of the obstetric period ends, the period of formation of the fetal organs is coming to an end. Now nature will improve her work. Early toxicosis stops in most expectant mothers, with the exception of those who endure multiple pregnancies. For them, the discomfort of toxicosis, if any, will end after a few weeks.

What happens to the baby at 12 weeks?

Although the organs and systems of the vital activity of the unborn child are fully formed and are already functioning, they continue to improve. The intestines are already located in the abdominal cavity and are starting to contract little by little. The liver produces bile, the kidneys excrete urine, the nervous system coordinates the work of a small organism.

Fetal parameters at week 12:

  • Weight – 14 g;

  • KTR – fire 6 to 9 cm;

  • The volume of amniotic fluid is 50 ml.

At week 12, the cerebral cortex is formed, at this stage its projection is similar to the silhouette of a butterfly. New opportunities allow the baby to move freely, moving in the uterine cavity, move his arms and legs, touch his face with his fingers, put them in an open mouth, and make a face. The development of skin receptors increases the sensitivity of the fetus, he feels the movements of the mother, her cough, sneezing through the amniotic fluid.

Marigolds have already begun to form on the fingers and a unique skin pattern on the pads has already begun to form. The top layer of the skin (epidermis) began its first renewal, peeling off all over the body. On the face, in the place where the eyebrows and eyelashes will be, as well as on the chin and on the upper lip, the beginnings of vellus hair appear.

Changes also appeared in the circulatory system – the bone marrow began to produce leukocytes, now, together with erythrocytes, they create the immune system.

Fetal heartbeats are clearly audible during Doppler ultrasound. The thyroid gland and pituitary gland begin to produce their own hormones. Small joints are formed, bone tissue matures.

Uterus and abdomen

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus begins to rise above the level of the womb, since it no longer fits in the small pelvis. A pregnant woman will immediately feel these changes, since the uterus no longer presses so hard on the bladder, the frequent urge to urinate stops. Now a new problem may appear – due to the growing uterus, intestinal motility is disturbed, constipation appears.

The width of the uterus at week 12 is approximately 10 cm. The hormonal background of pregnancy is fully supported by the placenta. The hormone estradiol is produced in a volume that is 5-6 times higher than the same indicators before pregnancy. Estradiol and progesterone ensure the growth of the uterus and reduce its contractility.

The belly of a pregnant woman is not yet visible, although in thin women who are carrying a child for the first time, roundness below the waist is already noticeable. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, as well as in the case of twins, an increase in the abdomen can be noticeable by clothes that suddenly become tight.

Weight of a pregnant woman at 12 weeks

From this period of pregnancy, a stable weight gain begins. Every week, body weight will increase by 0,5 kg. If there was no early toxicosis, when a woman loses some weight due to poor appetite, then before this period there was already a weight gain of 1,5-3,5 kg. Too high a rate of gaining kilograms is undesirable, as it is an additional burden for the body, which already has to work “for two”.

The body weight of a pregnant woman increases due to an increase in the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus and placenta, breast tissue and subcutaneous fat. To control the figure, you will have to limit frequent “snacks”, change a sedentary lifestyle to feasible physical education, walks in the fresh air.


Symptoms of toxicosis are a thing of the past, and with them emotional instability and mood swings go away. Due to the growth of the uterus and impaired blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis, there may be a predisposition to varicose veins. To prevent this condition, you should wear compression stockings, stockings, bandage your legs with an elastic bandage. Such measures will help to avoid excessive blood supply to the veins of the lower extremities. An increase in blood flow can also cause dizziness and headaches.

Fluid retention in the body can cause swelling of the face, arms and legs. To prevent this condition, you should reduce the salt content in your food, normalize the drinking regimen.

The hormone prolactin promotes an increase in the mammary glands, their preparation for breastfeeding. At this stage of pregnancy, the first stretch marks may appear on the skin of the chest and abdomen – striae. Their occurrence can be partially prevented by rubbing a moisturizer, olive oil into the skin.

Due to the action of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the tissues of the body of a pregnant woman, the septum between the esophagus and stomach loses its tone. A small amount of gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus, and the pregnant woman feels heartburn.

Possible preventive measures:

  • Drink clean cool water;

  • Drink 1/2-1 glass of milk;

  • Eat often, in small portions.

Feelings in the abdomen, what is happening, ultrasound, symptoms, screening, doctor’s advice:

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