12 week of pregnancy from conception
The first trimester with its hormonal fluctuations, toxicosis and reduced libido has passed, at the 12th week of pregnancy from conception we are already dealing with the second trimester – more calm and comfortable

What happens to the baby at 12 weeks

The baby at 12 weeks from conception continues to grow actively. If earlier his head was half of his entire body, now the situation is evened out due to the fact that the arms and legs of the child are growing. His neck and chin become more distinct, cheeks and the bridge of the nose are outlined.

The body of the crumbs is covered with thin fluffy hairs that protect its skin. All systems of the child’s body begin to work in the same way as in an adult. The liver begins to participate in the production of bile, the spleen – in the production of red blood cells. The tiny heart of a baby at this time is already pumping a little more than 20 liters of blood per day.

The formation of the external genitalia continues. It is still quite difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl, but every day the difference in structure becomes more noticeable.

The nervous system is actively developing, due to which the child can spin, move arms and legs, build faces.

By the end of the 12th week, the cells of the pituitary gland, the endocrine glands, begin to work.

Fetal ultrasound

– At the 12th week of pregnancy, all parts of the body and organs of the fetus are formed and visible on ultrasound. You can assess the anatomy and condition of the baby, the placenta, listen to the heartbeat and observe the movements of the child, determine the sex. From 11 to 14 obstetric weeks (plus 2 weeks from conception), ultrasound screening for Down syndrome and some other fetal chromosomal abnormalities is performed, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Evgenia Bondar.

With an ultrasound of the fetus at 12 weeks of gestation from conception, you can see how the baby squints, frowns, or sucks his thumb.

Screening data at this time will allow doctors to exclude the risk of developing Down syndrome, Edwards and Patau, as well as other pathologies, such as cerebral hernia, hydrocephalus, bradycardia or tachycardia, heart disease and developmental delay.

Photo life

At 12 weeks from conception, your baby is about the size of a ripe apple. At this time, it is about 9 centimeters in length from the crown to the sacrum and weighs 30-50 grams.

As the baby grows, so does the uterus. The expectant mother may notice that it has become more difficult for her to fasten her trousers, and her tummy seems to be slightly swollen. If you compare the photo of the abdomen at 12 weeks pregnant with earlier pictures, the difference will be noticeable. Although this does not apply to all mothers. Some even up to 18 weeks do not betray their position in any way, because a lot depends on the physique of a woman.

What happens to mom at 12 weeks

From the 12th week of pregnancy, energy returns to women: toxicosis usually disappears by this moment, hormones calm down, and the expectant mother returns to her usual state of mind.

At this time, pregnant women notice that their pigmentation has increased. This also applies to the area around the nipples and the tummy. It sometimes appears a dark line going to the pubic bone.

If in the first trimester many mothers lose weight, now the scales can suddenly show a couple of extra pounds – mostly blood, because its volume has become larger. On average, fetal development requires approximately 800 additional ml of blood.

At 12 weeks from conception, doctors advise to undergo an examination:

  • measure weight and pressure;
  • take a urine test for sugar and protein;
  • do a three-factor blood test;
  • puncture the amniotic fluid.

All these tests and procedures will eliminate the risk of developing dangerous pathologies in the fetus and make sure that everything is in order with the woman.

What sensations can you experience in 12 week

At the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, feels much better than in the first months.

Among the possible sensations that pregnant women experience during this period, the following stand out:

  1. Increased Appetite: The baby is growing non-stop and needs a lot of energy and nutrients, so it’s no surprise that a mom might want to eat all the time.
  2. The return of libido: many women in the early stages do not crave intimacy, but by 12 weeks from conception, sexual interest may wake up again.
  3. Stuffy nose – at best, provoked by an increase in blood volume and, accordingly, vasodilation. But you should be more careful, if it is an infection, you need to consult a doctor.
  4. Problems with the stool: most often, expectant mothers suffer from constipation, so doctors advise to lean on foods that weaken the intestines.
  5. The appearance of colostrum. Sometimes it starts to stand out as early as 12 weeks.


Bleeding, which is similar to menstruation, during pregnancy is a dangerous signal.

They can mean anything:

  • placenta previa or abruption;
  • a threat or a miscarriage that has begun;
  • injuries, tumors, polyps;
  • venereal diseases.

Any of these reasons is worth it to immediately seek help from doctors.

“If you go to the hospital in a timely manner, the doctor will conduct an examination, ultrasound in the admission department and will be able to decide on further tactics for managing pregnancy and prevent possible complications in time,” the doctors assure.

If a woman notices pinkish discharge after intercourse, then there is nothing to worry about, especially if there is cervical erosion. The fact is that the mucosa during pregnancy becomes more vulnerable and it is easier to damage it, for example, during violent sexual games.

Stomach ache

– It is normal if during pregnancy there are slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen after physical and emotional stress, which pass at rest. It is not normal if the pain in the abdomen is severe, disrupts the quality of life of the pregnant woman and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding – in this case, you should consult a doctor, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Evgenia Bondar. – Also, abdominal pain can be a symptom of trouble in the gastrointestinal tract, not associated with pregnancy.

Severe, unrelenting abdominal pain can mean a possible miscarriage, missed ectopic or miscarriage. It may be the result of injury or other damage. If you are faced with just such sensations – run to the doctor.

Brown discharge

Slightly more abundant than usual, whitish discharge, odorless or with a faint odor, is quite normal. They are provoked by fluctuating estrogen levels and increased blood flow to the vagina and cervix.

However, any other discharge, especially those in which blood is present, should be a cause for concern.

They may hint at the fact that there is a pathology of the uterus, for example, myomatous or fibromatous nodes, mechanical damage, the threat of miscarriage or missed pregnancy.

Popular questions and answers

Is constipation dangerous during pregnancy and how to deal with them?

Bowel problems during pregnancy are a common complaint. Constipation can indeed be dangerous, for example, to provoke premature birth, fetal growth retardation, infection. Because of them, the risk of birth injuries and purulent-septic complications after childbirth increases.

The culprit of the problem is the hormone progesterone, which provides relaxation of smooth muscles. At the same time, the growing uterus puts pressure on the large intestine, and the woman begins to move less – hence the constipation.

To remedy the situation, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, while including more bran and fermented milk products in the diet. More often walk, swim, do yoga – well-dosed physical activity. You can resort to laxatives that do not affect intestinal activity, but it is better to forget about vaseline and castor oil.

Can pregnant women take dietary supplements?

It is important for women who are expecting a child to understand that by taking dietary supplements, they take responsibility for their own health and for the health of the child. Dietary supplements are registered differently than drugs, they do not need clinical trials, while drugs withstand many tests before entering the market. In the instructions for dietary supplements, you most likely will not find items about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, that is, an explanation of what effect this or that component has on the body and what will actually happen to it in our body. There will also be no contraindications. So no one will undertake to predict how your body will react to the next dietary supplement.

Pregnancy against the background of dysplasia – is it dangerous?

The threat of abortion, as well as the risk of premature birth with dysplasia, are quite high. However, you should not panic with a mild degree of dysplasia. Doctors should monitor a woman’s condition every three months of pregnancy.

Another thing is severe dysplasia. Against this background, pregnancy may be at risk. In this case, the doctor will determine the course of action, based on a specific clinical case, how many pregnant women, so many options for the development of the situation.

Is it possible to have sex?

Gynecologists are already accustomed to questions from the category “is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?”, “And sex will not harm the baby?”, “Can it provoke a miscarriage or premature birth?”. You can answer them like “yes”, “no”, “no”.

After the first trimester, when libido is at zero due to toxicosis and weakness, the second trimester is the time for comfort.

“In a healthy pregnancy, having sex will not hurt anyone,” the doctors assure. – Sex will even be useful, as it will improve the psychological state of partners, allow them to feel increased intimacy.

The baby, on the other hand, is reliably protected by the fetal membranes and the walls of the uterus, so that he will not even notice your active pleasures.

But it’s still not worth doing acrobatics in bed, leave the extreme for an intimate life after childbirth.

Who better to wait with sex:

women who have a threat of termination of pregnancy;

those who have already experienced miscarriages;

women who have noticed unusual vaginal discharge, whether it is spotting or cheesy with an unpleasant odor;

those who are not sure about their partner – whether he is definitely healthy;

mothers who are expecting several babies at once (sex is not forbidden to them, but it is better that it be as soft and gentle as possible).

What to do if the temperature rises?

– An increase in temperature can be a symptom of infectious diseases, so you need to seek medical help. The use of antipyretic drugs during pregnancy is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Yevgenia Bondar.

If it turns out that the temperature has jumped due to a common cold, you can do without pills altogether. The fever will usually subside on its own. You can “help” him with this by making compresses with cool water, constantly wiping with a damp towel and ventilating the room.

How to eat right?

Some products are simply necessary for a pregnant woman. As a rule, these are vegetables, fruits and greens that are rich in vitamins A, C and K and folic acid. Legumes should also be included in the diet, because beans and lentils contain a lot of dietary fiber and protein, and if you have problems with stools, they are necessary. It is good to eat fish and meat. The first contains a lot of fatty acids, and the second contains protein, which is needed for the development of organs and tissues of the child. Be sure to consume milk and dairy products that contain calcium, as well as bread and bakery products (preferably from rye flour).

What should be removed from the table during pregnancy:


coffee (no more than 1-2 cups per day, and preferably grain);

raw eggs, and indeed unprocessed foods, there is a risk of catching some kind of bacteria;


bacon, ham, sausage.

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