12 Ways to Cultivate the Leadership Qualities of a Successful Person

In order to be successful and achieve what you want, you need to be able to take responsibility not only for your life, but also for the life of the team, the group of people in which you are currently and are trying to realize yourself. There is no way without this, so today I will tell you about how to cultivate leadership qualities in yourself so that each of your goals is achieved.

A little information

What is it like to be a leader, and what qualities distinguish a person who is able to take responsibility from someone who cannot cope with it? To begin with, let’s determine exactly where a person can show his character in order to understand where to start and in which direction to move:

12 Ways to Cultivate the Leadership Qualities of a Successful Person

  • To myself. This is when a person is responsible for his actions, he is disciplined, knows how to manage his time effectively, understands himself and is able to make choices without fear of responsibility and freedom. They say that leaders are not born, they become during life, and so, this is the first step from which you need to start, otherwise, if you are not able to answer for yourself, how can you lead other people, motivate them?
  • In a situation. Are there cases when, for example, someone became ill on the train, and people cannot find a doctor? Then some person is called who does not have a medical education, but is trying to do something to help. After all, often at such moments thoughts arise that “this does not concern me”, that “what if I do something wrong, and then it will be even worse”, etc. So, the next step is to learn how to act, and not stop yourself, and in difficult situations to show your abilities. You may not know how to do artificial respiration, but you have excellent organizational skills and you can stop the panic of others who will help you find a specialist.
  • In a collective. This stage is more difficult, but also real. You need to be able to win the trust and respect of employees. To do this, there is no need to run around and shout to everyone so that only you are listening, since you know what to do. No, you just need to become efficient. Again, take responsibility for the workflow and consequences.
  • In a team. This is already a championship at the macro level, when a person is able not only to inspire confidence, but also, thanks to his ambitiousness, to lead.

Top Ways to Develop Leadership Qualities

The qualities inherent in the leader and which should be emphasized in the development process.

1. Ability to set goals

12 Ways to Cultivate the Leadership Qualities of a Successful Person

Yes, it is the one who knows what he wants and how to achieve it that is able to lead the team. Have you ever met a leader of the pack who does not know what goal he is pursuing? When you don’t know where you’re going, you end up in the wrong place. Yes, and satisfaction arises when you get what you want, and not just like that. So take this article on proper goal setting into service.

2. Purposefulness

Do you think all people who know how to set goals become leaders? No, it is also important to be purposeful so as not to go astray to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that arise on the way to what you want. Absolutely everyone faces problems, it is only important to be able to rise after the blow of fate and move on, then you will be able to conquer the world.


You need to be not only reliable, but also efficient, so you must have the flexibility to adapt to new conditions. So learn to listen to other people and change your mind, plans, if this ensures the survival of not only you, but the whole system.


Agree, it is unlikely that people will listen to you if you cannot connect two words together or if you are afraid to speak to them. Cultivate sociability, it will help to achieve success and create close relationships, both family and friends.


Confidence can be traced not only in a firm voice and a calm look, but also in gait, gestures, it is read on a subconscious level.


Yes, a lazy leader will not last long in his post, he simply has to be half a step ahead of competitors, consumers, and so on.

7. Self-control

12 Ways to Cultivate the Leadership Qualities of a Successful Person

You must have endurance and control. Otherwise, if you periodically break down on colleagues, scream, sob, you will not be perceived as a reasonable person who is able to take care of the interests and future of others. If you understand that stress makes itself felt and knocks the ground out from under your feet, subscribe to updates. You can read about how to put the nervous system in order here.

8. Authority

Why do you think they become leaders? But because such people have high ambitions, they are able to offer something new, they plan to change the world, and, of course, they want recognition and power.

9. Ability to refuse

You should not be afraid to lose someone’s favor if you refuse a service. By sacrificing your time and energy, “leading” to manipulation, you won’t get far, so stop limiting yourself and do as you see fit, and not because you are being pressured.

10. Justice

You will lead the team if it is confident in your fairness, that you will not start to cover up and push forward relatives or “favorites”, that your decisions will be balanced and honest.

11. Ability to inspire

Even leaders are those people who can inspire accomplishments and actions. If you manage to motivate others to act, moreover, jointly and harmoniously, there will be no price for you. And for this, humanity and compassion, attentiveness and good intuition are important. Do you know what for? To understand how to encourage your employees and how to improve their working conditions. Feeling cared for and perspective, they will give all the best.

12. Be confident

12 Ways to Cultivate the Leadership Qualities of a Successful Person

It is important to overcome your fears, in extreme cases, not to succumb to them, hiding from experiences. How will others perceive you if you nervously huddle in a corner before every speech? You should charge with confidence and energy, not fear and anxiety. Check out this article on fighting fear.


  1. Be sure to read How to Become a Leader by Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas. They studied leaders from different generations, such as those who grew up watching war firsthand and those who fought opponents in computer games. So, together they found out what exactly influences the formation of leadership qualities. A very interesting publication, it will be useful for both managers, executives, and all those who just want to get the championship.
  2. To cope with enormous responsibility and stress, you must be in excellent health. So take care of yourself, get rid of bad habits, sleep for the number of hours your body needs, drink purified water, review your diet and go in for sports. You are a role model, so teach others to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Another interesting book worthy of attention is The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, written by John Maxwell. Using simple examples, life stories of other people, with a successful outcome and not so, he talks in detail about each law, which will help to understand the very philosophy of primacy and take the first steps towards it.
  4. Write down a list of reasons why you still haven’t won the championship. Think about what’s bothering you? And is it possible to convert them into an advantage, your personal feature? Be honest with yourself, in extreme cases, you can burn this sheet.
  5. And make another list of 15 sentences beginning with «I am responsible for…». Write whatever comes to mind. This exercise will show you how you sometimes underestimate yourself, considering yourself incapable of being responsible for various processes.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I hope the above methods will help you win the championship, recognition and success. Once you have already won the competition from millions, having been born, so you have the experience of winning, remember this.

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