12 unusual uses for potatoes

12 unusual uses for potatoes

We met her relatively recently. Peter I brought this newfangled fun to Russia at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. People did not immediately understand how it is and ate the green fruits of potatoes. And bouquets of potato flowers were pinned to the chest by the ladies of the court, going to the ball.

Since then, we have long and firmly got used to it and even call it the second bread. After all, you can make so many wonderful things from potatoes! Especially now, when the young one has gone. But potatoes are good not only for direct use. She has a lot of pleasant “side effects” that will pleasantly surprise any housewife.

1. Easily get rid of rust

Cut the potato in half. Dip one half in baking soda, table salt, or dishwashing liquid and scrub the rust stain. You will be surprised how quickly it disappears! Then rinse the surface with water and forget about rust.

Take a couple of potatoes and cut them into small pieces. You can also grate them or grind them in a blender. Apply pieces or gruel to the burned area, securing such a compress with gauze, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove and rinse the area with cold water. This method is ideal for sunburn. In the case of more serious burns, such as boiling water, the pieces will not work, but potato juice and gruel will work wonders, although it may take longer. This is a great emergency method. But he still does not cancel the visit to the doctor.

Grate a couple of raw potatoes and cover with half a liter of water. Then strain the resulting “cocktail” and dilute it with another half liter of water. Wait 10-15 minutes. Soak a sponge in potato water and wipe the stains, then rinse the treated areas with clean cold water. If you get your hands dirty with berries, beets, or other foods, simply cut the potato in half and wipe your hands with it.

4. Retains the shiny look of leather shoes

Cut the potato in half and rub it over the entire surface of your shoes or boots. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Your shoes will look dull at this point, but don’t worry about that. Simply wipe with a soft dry cloth and it will shine like new again. advises Bright Side.

5. Will save silver spoons and forks blackened from time

Cut and boil a couple of potatoes, then remove – you only need water. Place spoons and forks in potato water and let sit for an hour. Then remove and scrub thoroughly with a brush, then rinse and lay to dry on a paper towel.

Summer is in full swing and we all want to look great in open dresses and tops (and more). If your armpits appear dark in appearance, it’s time to fix it with potatoes. Just don’t expect immediate results, as all folk remedies take time. Apply the potato gruel to your armpits for ten minutes, or massage them in slices for three minutes. Then wash and dry with a towel.

Place the raw potato pieces at your temples and secure them with a gauze bandage or even a bandana. Lie down with your eyes closed: the headache will subside in a matter of minutes.

Potato juice is full of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. Thanks to this, it strengthens the immune system and has a number of other beneficial properties. Scientists from the University of Manchester have discovered that potato juice contains a molecule that heals ulcers and heartburn, as well as prevents bacteria from growing in your stomach. It also lowers cholesterol levels, reduces cancer susceptibility, relieves constipation and promotes weight loss. To obtain juice, grind raw potatoes in a blender and pass the resulting gruel through a gauze filter to obtain juice. It doesn’t taste particularly good, but you can fix it by adding juice from other vegetables.

Antioxidants, vitamin C and starch contained in potatoes moisturize the skin and nourish it with essential elements. Rub the potato, add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil, apply the mixture to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

10. Will relieve glasses from fogging

If you are bespectacled, then you are undoubtedly annoyed that in winter, when you enter a warm room, you go blind for a few minutes. But don’t worry – potatoes will help here too. Cut the potato in half, rub it over the glass, then wipe it off with a soft dry cloth.

11. Makes windows spotlessly clean

You no longer need household chemicals for windows. Rub the glasses with half a potato and wipe with a dry cloth – you will be surprised how quickly they will shine.

12. Will become both cold and hot compress

It is known that heat and cold can eliminate cramps, muscle pains, improve blood circulation, and potatoes are perfect for hot and cold compresses. Apply cold potatoes to the bruise to relieve pain. Bake or boil a potato, wrap it in cheesecloth and apply it to your skin as a hot compress. Potatoes hold heat very well, so your compress will last longer.

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