12 tricks to look younger than your age
Staying beautiful, slim and young is impossible without working on yourself. But this is the cherished desire of every girl – to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. has collected valuable advice from experts. A cosmetologist and nutritionist from Chelyabinsk knows everything about face and body care, and each has its own original recipe that will be useful to you too.
External and internal factors of aging – how to deal with them
Olga Filkova, Chief Physician, Jeternel Group:
“Aging of the skin is a process that affects the skin on the entire surface of the body, but its manifestations are especially noticeable in the area of the face.”
Chief Physician of the Jeternel Group
The main causes of premature skin aging are:
free radicals
UV radiation
dehydration of the skin
improperly selected home care and neglect of a visit to a beautician.
25–40 years is a period of stabilization of age-related changes.
After 40 years, there is a physiological decrease in the content of hyaluronic acid and a change in the balance of female sex hormones.
Internal and external factors lead to aging
internal associated with physiological processes that can be defined as inevitable and irreversible. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to influence them:
genetic factor, heredity (chrono aging)
hormonal factor (menopausal aging)
Deficiency of female sex hormones during menopause accelerates skin aging due to epidermal atrophy and damage to the elastic fibers of the dermis. Dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens allow to compensate for the deficiency of hormones. They should be taken regularly.
Internal factors lead to chrono aging.
External Factors – various factors that either directly affect the skin, or provoke changes in the body itself. These include:
Factors associated with the particular lifestyle. Intoxication from smoking, aging of the skin accelerates stress, as they contribute to the formation of free radicals and cause the resulting disruption of the blood supply to the skin.
7 tricks to look younger than your age
At any age you need:
- Eat right and monitor your body weight.
- Be physically active.
- Attend preventive procedures with a beautician. Today, cosmetology is at a high level and can cope with many problems, stop aging and reverse it.
- Drink at least two liters of water per day.
- Undergo medical examination.
- Eliminate bad habits.
- Smile more often.
25–40 years old: it is necessary to adequately moisturize the skin, protect it from UV radiation, use antioxidant creams and maintain natural skin lifting. This is the most favorable age when the maximum effect will be observed from the procedures.
Methods: aesthetic care, manual and hardware massages, hardware rejuvenation. The right home care. If mimic wrinkles are expressed, creams with muscle relaxants can be used or botulinum toxin injections can be performed. This will slow down the transition of mimic wrinkles to static ones, which are visible in a calm state and so upset us.
After 40 years: wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, indistinct facial contours, nasolabial folds appear. Stimulation of the skin is necessary, since there is a slowdown in the renewal processes, correction of cosmetic defects – hyperpigmentation and rosacea, lifting of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, correction of mimic wrinkles with the help of botulinum toxins and folds, with the help of fillers, the return of tissue volumes due to volumetric modeling.
Secrets of a beautiful body and proper nutrition
Olga Mladentseva, nutrition specialist, head of a balanced daily food delivery company:
“Today, fast results are popular in everything. If you lose weight, then quickly. This trend will not lead to health and longevity. High-protein diets and mono diets are a reflection of the “I want everything right now” trend.
A healthy diet is a diet that contains all the nutrients in the proportions the body needs (a balanced diet). “
Nutritionist, CEO of a balanced daily food delivery company
Healthy eating: what is possible and what is not
We minimize the consumption of products that are hazardous to health: food from fast food establishments, margarine, sausages, products containing white sugar, preservatives, dyes.
More fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meats, nuts, natural vegetable oils (not heat-treated), natural spices are what makes your ideal diet worthwhile.
The main secret to being slim is to spend exactly as much as you eat.
If weight correction is necessary, then a calorie deficit is needed. For a long-term result, the calorie content cannot be drastically reduced. But reducing the calorie content of the diet by 20-25 percent will give a smooth and guaranteed result.
To maintain a slender body for years to come
- You need to build a diet of healthy foods and dishes that are satisfying and really tasty for you.
- Spend as much as you eat. To do this, you need to understand these numbers, you can contact a nutritionist or study the literature and figure it out yourself.
- There is when you really feel hungry. Seizing problems, eating out of nothing to do, or eating six meals “because you have to” may not be good for your figure.
- Forget about diets and the pursuit of quick results.
- Remember other factors of a healthy lifestyle that are no less important for a figure than nutrition: good sleep, daily physical activity (at least 15 minutes a day), water regimen, and, oddly enough, a good mood.
What else?
Dietary supplements, vitamins, nutrients are needed, but this is secondary. They can help each person at different stages and in different situations, but all this is very individual.
Learn more about yourself, about your body, read books, consult with experts. This will make it possible to form your diet as efficiently as possible and maintain your health and shape until a ripe old age. If you do not know what to do, do not look for an answer from your friend and on Instagram.