12 Traits of Really Cool People

Who do you admire? Those who easily find a common language with others and instantly become the soul of the company? Or those who go through life laughing? Psychologists know that many of us would like to become “cooler”, and this is not at all about wearing more expensive brands or driving a status car. It’s about a special sense of self. How to purchase it?

Correspondence of the external with the internal, the ability to be yourself in any situation without embarrassment and fear, the ability to accept yourself as a whole, to understand needs, desires and weaknesses – among us there are people who are characterized by all these qualities. To become one of them, you need to understand what other features distinguish them. Here are a dozen of the most important.

1. They are flexible

They easily adapt to changing circumstances. Changing plans, canceling meetings and events does not unsettle them. They do not need to know everything clearly in advance and keep the situation under control in order to enjoy life. They look at any uncertainty as an opportunity and they can take advantage of it.

2. They love people but don’t need them.

“Cool” people are distinguished by the ability to genuinely be interested in others. They ask their interlocutors deep questions and listen carefully to the answers, gladly respond to invitations, but they also know how to say no. Companies are usually a joy to them, but spending time alone with them is a pleasure for them.

3. Their clothes emphasize individuality

Looking at such a person, you will never think that he spent two hours in front of a mirror, even if he actually did. At the same time, in any situation, clothing (even if it is an official suit or uniform) necessarily says something about this person, tells what he is.

4. They take criticism easily.

All because they do not take other people’s words too close to their hearts. They understand that what the other says about them is more about him, it is a reflection of his own history, experience, beliefs. And don’t let other people’s comments knock them off course.

5. They live in the present and don’t think too much about the future.

They know perfectly well that the past has largely determined their present and it is worth learning from it. They also understand that the past can be a trap, and try not to fall into it. They, like all of us, have plans, dreams and hopes, but this does not prevent them from enjoying life here and now, without postponing it for later for the sake of a higher goal.

6. They know when to stop

Food, alcohol, workouts, work, emotions – these people know perfectly well how not to overdo it all when it’s time to say “enough” and go home or switch to something else.

7. They are curious

They are interested in absolutely everything, they love to learn and do not miss a single opportunity to learn something new.

8. They do not take revenge on offenders

And they do not make scenes for those who are unfair to them. They just get out of that relationship. Cool people know that the world is full of those who will not discuss and condemn them and put spokes in their wheels. They know how to part with toxic people and attract into their lives those with whom it becomes better.

9. They are interesting

All because they are very curious. It is interesting to talk with them and watch what they are doing. I want to know more and more about them.

10. They don’t judge others.

They will offer help and advice if asked, but will not impose themselves. They understand that each of us is responsible for our own lives and that others should not be treated like little children.

11. They are happy with simple things.

When necessary, they know how to be serious, but it is easy to make them laugh. They generally relate to life very easily – that’s why it’s so nice to be in their company.

We literally want to surround ourselves with such people – get in touch with them, call them, invite them somewhere. We feel good with them – all because they also like our company.

How to become one of these people? As Oscar Wilde said: “Be yourself – all the other places are already taken.” And yet, knowing what qualities we especially like in others, we can at least try to cultivate them in ourselves.

12. With them you want to visit as often as possible

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