12 tips from people who have managed to lose weight seriously. “There is nothing wrong with being nervous”

Even the simplest advice can be extremely valuable. Losing weight is not only about diet and exercise, but also what we have in mind. That is why those who start their adventure with losing weight often seek support from people who have already overcome this extremely difficult path. Their words give them motivation and hope to achieve equally satisfactory results. Here are their tips.

  1. Adequate diet and physical activity are just some of the basic advice of people who have managed to lose weight
  2. Losing weight, however, is a process that must begin with making an informed decision. Only then can our attempts be successful
  3. Each subsequent day of the diet is one day closer to reaching the weight we set. We should, however, keep a balance in our endeavors
  4. Rational thinking and persistent habits are some of the extremely important tips
  5. People who have managed to lose 20, 30 or even 60 kg also mention breaking the emotional bond with food among their tips.
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Losing weight is often a difficult and long process. The way we approach it should be as rational as possible, and the process itself should be adapted to the individual needs of the organism. Often, however, we have doubts at the very beginning. At such moments, it is worth reaching for the story of someone who has already achieved the goal they set. Participants of slimming programs eagerly share their tips, among others WW (formerly Weight Watchers) and Lose It! Who lost over 20 kg.

Get started now

I collaborated with a trainer on Skype and set up a gym in my garage, so I could exercise without dropping my kids off at kindergarten. My # 1 advice is to just get started and stop procrastinating! underlines Maggie Sutherland, who, according to the well-known website «Eat This, Not That», lost 35 kg.

Make a decision

However, the decision to start the weight loss process is not so easy for everyone. If we are not fully ready to take it, any attempts to lose weight will most likely end quickly. Sometimes they can also bring about the opposite of the expected results.

If you hesitate, you are ready for change. There is nothing wrong with being nervous. Make that leap. The day you start is the day your life will change forever. When you look back 11 months from now, you will be proud to start and not give up admits Amma Okrakru, quoted by «Eat This, Not That», who lost 72 pounds (about 33 kg) thanks to the WW program.

Take action day by day

Small steps bring us closer to a greater goal. Each subsequent day of the diet is one day closer to reaching the weight we set. In moments of doubt, realizing how complex a weight loss process is can be your best motivation. Meghan Fernandes, who lost more than 58 kg thanks to the WW program, advises you not to focus on the future, but on each day that begins.

Focusing on meals and exercise for the day made it easier for me to do it that day, the next and the next, and made the journey less demanding Fernandes quoted by «Eat This, Not That».

Keep your balance

Have patience. This is not a race and there is no ultimate goal. It’s about changing the way you think forever emphasizes Jenni Crutcher, quoted by «Eat This, Not That», who lost 27 kg thanks to WW.

The woman also explains that the changes we introduce should become our eating habits, not just a time limitation. That is why you should not completely abandon the products you like. If this is to be the way you will live for the rest of your life, you need to find a middle ground that allows you to eat what you like and move the way you want! explains Crutcher.

Product persistent habits

Persistent habits are also mentioned by Leslie Saul, who lost 22 kg during her journey. In her opinion, although this method may seem quite slow, rational slimming allows you to develop good habits for years.

In hindsight, I think the number one tip is to take it slowly. Develop good habits that can last a lifetime instead of rushing yourself out and putting on weight again. Two kilos a month, not two kilos a week underlines Saul.

Be realistic

My main advice is to stick to something that is realistic for you. Eliminating something completely is not always realistic, and you can end up binge eating translates Zoey Rowe. According to the website, thanks to the Lose It! the woman lost 130 pounds, or less than 60 kg.

Get rid of the emotional connection with food

Eating is one of the basic things that make our life possible. However, it also fulfills other functions, including cultural, social i psychological. Food can accompany us during the celebration of important holidays and celebrations. Sweet and salty snacks are also often used as a reward, e.g. for getting a good mark or consolation after a more difficult experience. Eating negative emotions and stress is called emotional eating. Compulsive overeating, however, comes with a kind of lack of control that is worth regaining.

I lost weight by learning my mind management techniques to overcome emotional eating. I did this with the help of a life coach who inspired me to become a life coach explains Natalie Fayman, quoted by «Eat This, Not That», who lost almost 36 kg.

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Try intermittent fasting

8 years ago I read about low carb diets and 4 years ago I discovered intermittent fasting. I also started exercising regularly in intervals and running. At that point, I was 30 kg overweight. Thanks to the combination of a low carb diet and intermittent fasting, I have lost the extra pounds and keep my weight so far Betrayal of wellness trainer Jonathan Bennet.

Intermittent fasting, also known as the IF (Intermittent Fasting) diet, is a model of nutrition consisting in maintaining certain intervals between the eating window and the period when we refrain from eating. While this diet can produce some really surprising results, keep in mind that it is not a way for everyone.

Limit your sugar intake

Sugar, also known as the “silent killer”, leads to many serious diseases. He is one of the main causes overweight i obesity. Obesity, in turn, leads to the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, causes sleep apnea, and causes diseases of the joints and the spine.

Regular consumption of sugar also makes us feel more and more craving for it. It is this aspect that Gregory Cole points out, who lost 100 pounds (over 45 kg) during his diet. My number one advice is to eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar was the cause of my dietary cravings. When I put it down, the cravings vanished explains.

To support the fight against extra kilos, reach for Talia Weight – Pharmovit liquid supplement, which you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Give up meat

Our diet should be adapted to the individual needs of the body. Therefore, this tip will not work for all people struggling with overweight or obesity, but for many of them, it may be extremely valuable.

One of the key weight loss tips to help me stick to my resolve is to refrain from eating meat, which also greatly improved my gout. I am more active now, I go for walks and do yoga betrayed Paul Kirchubel.

Gout (aka gout) is a painful form of arthritis that affects the metatarsophalangeal joint, and can also appear as topsoas and kidney stones. Gout is caused by an increased level of uric acid, which, having no outlet, crystallizes and accumulates in the joints, tendons and the surrounding tissue, causing extremely painful swelling and redness.

Gout is caused, among other things, by a poor diet. Among the products that should be avoided, we can find meat, seafood, beverages sweetened with fructose and alcohol.

Remember to be physically active

Increasing my physical activity was crucial for me. Now I feel physically much better and more confident emphasizes Nestor Rene Williams, who lost 92 pounds (41 kg) thanks to Lose It!

Although we are able to lose weight only by dieting, physical activity definitely supports this process. Exercise also affects our condition and overall health. Regular exercise affects lowering the bad concentration LDL cholesterol, better mood, acceleration of metabolic processes i adequate oxygenation of the body. In turn, the growth of muscle tissue has a positive effect glucose disposal.

Focus on building muscle

Muscle growth can also be the driving force behind action. As personal trainer and nutrition coach Larissa Nicole explains, it was only when she began to focus on building muscle and everything that comes with it, i.e. eating the right amount of calories and protein, regular strength training and the right amount of sleep, that she began to observe how her weight gradually decreases.

My # 1 advice for sustained and balanced weight loss has always been to focus not on losing weight, but rather on muscle gain. Before I lost 60 pounds, I was stuck in a yo-yo cycle: “I eat less, exercise more”, hoping to see the weight drop. But I had no idea how much this sabotaged the metabolic rate explains the trainer quoted by «Eat This, Not That».

Strong menstrual pain is not always “so beautiful” or a woman’s hypersensitivity. Endometriosis may be behind such a symptom. What is this disease and how is living with it? Listen to the podcast about endometriosis by Patrycja Furs – Endo-girl.

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