12 things we will stop buying in 2021

12 things we will stop buying in 2021

Our life will never be the same again. After all, we are the generation that has survived the pandemic.

Now we all, of course, have already calmed down a little and have ceased to fanatically wash everything that we brought home from the shops. Perhaps in vain. Perhaps this is the only way to avoid becoming paranoid. In any case, our life has changed once and for all: we carefully consider the composition of sanitizers, we do not leave the house without a medical mask, disinfectants are not transferred under the sink, and delivery services are our best friends. However, we buy some things less and less, and soon we will stop buying altogether.


The paper format is becoming a thing of the past: we buy less and less magazines, calendars, newspapers, books. And indeed, why? It’s one thing if you’re building a family library and collecting cool publications. But if you are traveling from one apartment to another, paper books become a heavy burden.

Almost any book can be read electronically or listened to in audio format. If you just can’t give up the pleasure of holding a real book in your hand, then you can borrow it from the library, and not buy it into your home forever.


Colds “from under the air conditioner” are quite common. And if the split system is also cleaned irregularly, there is a chance, in addition to colds, to develop allergies or lung diseases. Now, when literally every second person is diagnosed with pneumonia, such an additional burden on the immune system will be absolutely unnecessary. Better to take care of yourself.


More precisely, complex designs with lambrequins, multilayer tulle and other excesses. Curtains can kill the interior and decorate incredibly, which is why it is so important to choose the right ones. And now simplicity and elegance are in vogue.

Better to get stylish blinds or roll-up curtains, which can be often wiped with a sponge and changed if you get tired of the pattern. Light filters will become an original design solution for your interior.

Plastic bags

Did you know that plastic is now literally everywhere – it is found even in our blood? And because of the pandemic, the amount of plastic produced in the world has increased even more – masks, gloves, antiseptic bottles … Plus thousands of packaging bags in which the products of the delivery service are brought to us. We’ll start shopping ourselves soon anyway. And it is much more convenient and humane to do it with a cloth string bag, especially since they are back in fashion. Of course, this will change our life to some extent, because every apartment has long been accustomed to a bag with bags. But is it really that scary?


Since it has not been in your house until now, it means that you somehow managed without it – you can do it further! TV does not give you such a wide choice of programs, series and shows as the Internet, where you can find anything, and without breaks for advertising and “blurring” certain scenes that are prohibited on TV. And the costs are several times lower.

Cloth handkerchiefs

That is, those in which you can blow your nose during the day and store along with germs in your bag. Make sure to switch to disposable paper handkerchiefs in 2021 if you haven’t already!

Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer

Suddenly? But we’ll explain. In many restaurants, shops, other establishments, a mask is issued at the entrance for free. Yes, it is disposable, it looks pathetic, but it’s a mask. It’s the same with gloves. An antiseptic is freely available almost everywhere, so it makes sense to carry a bottle with a sanitizer in your purse only if you are going on a trip. And at home it’s better to wash your hands with soap and water – it’s better than an antiseptic.


It is outdated. Nowadays, the opinion is held in high esteem that nothing can replace natural stones, gold and silver. So it’s better to spend money on one or two, but valuable jewelry. Leave the jewelry to the teenagers.


Look in your closet – how many clothes are there “at one time”? This is wasted money, time, resources. Now these things stupidly take up space in the closet and spoil the mood – there is still nothing to wear. So purchases under the influence of momentary emotions should remain in the past once and for all.

Monofunctional gadgets

They are already gradually disappearing from our kitchens: why do we need a meat grinder, mixer and food processor if one good blender is enough? Devices that perform only one function are becoming obsolete – they require too much space.

But there may well be two coffee makers – drip and capsule.

Disposable items

There are a lot of things that we buy literally at once: from dishes to cotton pads. But they can be reusable! It is not for nothing that all over the world they are gradually abandoning things “to be discarded”: diapers are replacing reusable panties, menstrual cups are bought instead of pads, and even cling film and straws for drinks can be reused.

Music Discs

They have been with us for so long that it seemed like forever. But nothing lasts forever, as it turned out. Music has long ceased to be bought on physical media – everything can be listened to on streaming services for relatively little money. And even at concerts, where it is a sacred thing to sell albums with the artist’s recordings, they are sold on flash drives, not on disks. And where can you get a laptop with a floppy drive now? Do not buy a music center for him.

Elena Milchanovska, Natalia Evgenieva

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