12 things only mothers of boys know

These things moms of daughters will never know.

1. Circumcision, whether for medical or religious reasons. To have lived it (twice), I can say it, there is not more distressing for a mother.

2. Lighter. The toilet flooded with pee. It’s like that, little boys want to pee standing up, like at school, except they put it everywhere.

3. The good side of the thing is that you can stop anywhere in the street if you feel like it, just open the fly and lower your jeans and let’s go! With girls, it’s much more complicated.

4. The pants rapped to the knees after only a poor month of use. Yes, in the playground, the favorite game of little boys is to throw themselves on the ground. And during this time, the girls are chatting.

5. The queuleuleu of small cars. Until recently, I did not know this strange word. Now, I am no longer surprised when I see lines of Indian vehicles passing through my living room.

6. The heroes of the cartoon Cars. So ask a mother of girls if she knows Lightning McQueen, Martin or Sally? I reassure you, my boys also love Frozen.

7. The obsession with meat, and preferably red. Like their father, my sons still want steaks. Moreover, it is not me who is saying it, it is Florence Foresti.

8. The fiery declarations of love like: “I want to marry you mom”, “it’s you my queen (after the king’s cake)”, which make me melt with happiness. Long live Oedipus!

9. The fascination with trains, tow trucks, tractors, backhoe loaders, garbage trucks and so on. And to think that I don’t even own a car.

10. The Museum of the Navy, the Army, the Cité du train… In short, only places that fascinate mothers.

11. The improvised ball games as soon as a quarter of the pitch arises.

12. The endless evenings in the emergency room. Open forehead, broken arm, broken tooth… mini boys have more than one trick up their sleeve.

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