You don’t want anything, you feel sad, you look at the gray sky outside the window with apathy and melancholy? These are typical symptoms of autumn depression, which can turn into something more serious than just seasonal blues. Do not wait and use these simple ways to fight a worsened well-being.
- Do not give up physical activity! Often, during the autumn gloom, a visit to the gym is the last thing we want to do. It’s a mistake. Physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which are responsible for a good mood. Although the road to training in the rain and wind can be unpleasant, after training you will feel like a newborn.
- Try products that contain substances similar to the “happiness hormones” present in the human body. Bananas, chocolate and cocoa contain them.
- Symptoms of a deficiency of specific vitamins and minerals are often taken for depression. An example is vitamin D, which is responsible for proper sleep and good mood. The “sunshine vitamin” in autumn and winter does not reach the body with the sun and we have to reach for its alternative sources, such as fatty fish or vegetable oils.
- Another ingredient whose deficiency can be mistaken for depression is magnesium. Without it, the work of the brain slows down, we are distracted, we lack strength, we cannot sleep and we have problems remembering. It is worth reaching for products rich in magnesium – dairy products, natural cocoa or meat.
- You should also look at your lifestyle. Coffee or alcohol flush out magnesium from the body, which means that despite a proper diet, we can feel distracted, depressed and sleepy.
- Many of us miss warm sunlight in the fall. Gray skies and dark days make the mood drop instantly. If you belong to people who are depressed by the autumn aura, try illuminating. Solarium, salt cave, weekend in a warmer region of Europe or replacing light bulbs with those with a warm glow – there are many ways!
- If your diet is far from ideal or you find it difficult to limit stimulants, reach for dietary supplements. Magnesium or vitamin D should bring the first positive effects after a few weeks.
- Often, when it’s foggy outside the window and it’s dark, the only thing we want to do is lie down in front of the TV with pizza or powdered dishes. Such dishes, however, have almost no nutritional value and the simple fats, sugar, salt and white flour contained in them make us sleepy and lack strength. It is worth eliminating such products.
- But that doesn’t mean we can’t eat our favorite foods in the fall! Pizza can be made at home from spelled dough and vegetables, fries and crisps from the oven can be spiced up with homemade sauces and grilled carrots or zucchini, and for dumplings you can choose groats or spinach stuffing. Healthier, and still tasty and filling.
- People who are on a diet have a separate problem. Although in the summer citrus juices and light soups may be good for them, in the winter their cooling properties can only harm. It is worth combining products that “warm” the body to the diet, such as groats, lentils, peas, vegetable fats and boiled vegetables.
- Spices known for their warming properties should also be included in the diet. Tea with ginger or coffee with cinnamon (cinnamon is served with coffee in many restaurants and even gas stations) make the body feel warm and going out into the cold and rain seems a bit less scary.
- Appropriate clothing is also important. A weakened body is susceptible to infections, and wet feet or cold ears can spoil every day. Take care of good shoes, warm socks, practical gloves, a scarf and a hat.