12 simple and reliable ways to take care of yourself in the heat of the day

Everyone around you is talking about how important it is to find time for yourself, but in your day there is not a single free minute? We have collected for you some tips on how to do something useful for your body and mind “on the job”.

1. Make time for lunch

If you’re working from home, chances are your lunch usually consists of a sandwich snapped up between Zoom calls. And if you still returned to the office, you hardly allow yourself a full break for lunch, so that you can enjoy the taste of food with feeling, really, with arrangement. But, even if you have very little time at your disposal, try to concentrate on what you eat.

“By focusing on the taste, smell, and texture of food, we stay in the present moment, in the here and now, rather than mentally rushing to solve the tasks before us,” explains psychologist Amira Johnson. “Knowing that our needs are being met in the present moment, we feel more calm and happy.”

So put your gadget aside and direct your attention to the dish you are going to eat. Breathe in the aroma, chew each bite thoroughly. Ideally, do this at every meal, but start at least with lunch or a snack.

2. Go for a walk at lunch

It would seem that the advice is illogical, especially if there is barely enough time for this very lunch. But the truth is that this may be your only opportunity to take a walk throughout the day, and the benefits of fresh air and exercise cannot be overestimated.

“Movement resets our brains, so consider this practice essential to staying productive,” suggests psychotherapist Imani Crawford. “Physical activity has been proven to help manage stress, so if you have an hour lunch break, set aside at least 15 to 20 minutes for a walk.”

3. Talk to those you care about

Send a warm message to your partner, take a couple of minutes to call a friend – all this will positively affect your mood. “During communication with loved ones, our body produces oxytocin, and thanks to this we feel warm and calm,” explains therapist Leila Levinson.

If you work in an office, invite a colleague you like for coffee or lunch: socializing with others increases the level of endorphins and dopamine, and they, in turn, are the key to well-being and relaxation.

4. Take a mental pause at every traffic light

“Do you drive a car or travel by land transport? Every time the red light turns on, take a little mental pause: instead of immersing yourself in your thoughts or impatiently adjusting traffic lights, try to relax, advises psychotherapist Michel Risser. “Relax your jaw muscles, straighten your back and lower your shoulders, inhale slowly, hold your breath, and then exhale even more slowly.”

Actually, a traffic light is needed only so that you form a habit: subsequently, you will begin to make such pauses during the day without even thinking about it.

5. Write down everything that worries you.

If you feel that your thoughts are racing faster than usual or that you can’t concentrate, family therapist Samantha Kingma advises getting out a notebook and writing down everything that you think about, all the tasks that you are currently facing, all your experiences. “By freeing up your brain in this way, you can move on and solve problems, rather than endlessly chewing the same thinking gum.”

6. Listen to your favorite podcast or audiobook on your way home.

Especially if it’s been a hard day and you just can’t get away from work. “To avoid bringing work problems home when you leave the office, listen to a podcast, radio show, or audiobook — they will distract you better than music,” explains family therapist Ashley Hudson. “If you work from home, then do it while walking the dog or preparing dinner.”

7. Help the brain switch from work to rest

Drawing a dividing line between work and personal life can be difficult, especially if you work remotely. Think about what could help you switch from one mode to another.

“Go to the shower to wash off the problems of the day, drink water, listen to the same melody for several minutes. The ritual can be anything, the main thing is to give your brain permission to forget about work problems at least until the next morning, ”explains psychotherapist Roxanne Francis.

8. Plan a time on your calendar to take care of your psyche

If you are very busy, the only way to give yourself and your mental health the attention and care it deserves is to make time in your schedule for it. Let 15-30 minutes, but every day. You can spend this time as you wish – drink tea, walk the dog, meditate. The main thing is not to let yourself waste at least a minute of precious time on work.

9. Return from the virtual world to the real one

Use analogue items as often as possible: schedule and list in a notebook instead of notes on your phone, knit or draw instead of playing games on your tablet. “Neuroplasticity is the key to brain health, and the only way to ensure it is to spend as much time as possible away from the smartphone,” recalls Francis.

10. Stretch

“Turn your head from side to side, roll your shoulders, stretch your arms over your head, try to bend over and reach for your toes,” suggests social worker Bronwyn Schiffer. “Any activity is useful, especially if you spend the whole day in a static position.”

11. Take 21 inhales and exhales

“Making time for a 45-minute meditation can be difficult, although its beneficial effects on the body have long been known: due to it, the level of cortisol and blood pressure, we experience a surge of serotonin. Start by just breathing for a minute, Schiffer advises. Close your eyes, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do 21 repetitions. The more often you do this practice, the faster you will get used to it.

12. Ask yourself what you need right now.

“Sometimes we seem to find time to take care of ourselves, but this care is that we don’t need it at all right now. That’s why it’s so important to learn to listen to yourself and recognize the needs of your body, explains family therapist Emily Purdy. “For starters, you can set a timer twice a day and, when the alarm sounds, ask yourself how you feel and what you need right now.

Are you lonely? Then a walk is not the best solution: it is better to call a colleague for coffee. Tired? Get outside for some fresh air.”

As you can see, all this is not difficult and will hardly take you much time. But the effect can be enormous.

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