12 simple and effective exercises for the development of leadership qualities of a person

Good afternoon, dear readers. A leader is a person who is confident in himself, his strengths and capabilities. He sets goals and confidently follows the chosen path.

Would you like to become such a person and achieve what you want? There are leadership development exercises. They are quite simple, but very effective.

By doing them regularly, you will be able to hone the qualities and skills that will help you in life. Today we’ll talk about this.


Not everyone is a leader. The person to be followed by others must be:

  • purposeful — clearly outline the goal and achieve it by any means;
  • persistent — in case of failure, he does not stop, as he focuses not only on the final result, but also on the process itself;
  • over active — always half a step ahead of the rest;
  • flexible — can adapt to almost any situation or conversation, while respecting the individuality and following their interests;
  • sociable — communicates everywhere and with everyone;
  • self-controlled — even in the most unforeseen situations, remains the only master of his emotions and actions;
  • organized — always and everywhere clearly organized, acts according to its own plan;
  • able to convince, as well as lead his team;
  • able to constantly motivate subordinates to achieve results.

Every leader must be a leader, otherwise his management will be far from perfect. However, not every leader by nature holds a leadership position.


12 simple and effective exercises for the development of leadership qualities of a person

Leadership traits can and should be developed. There are exercises that make it possible to hone this skill almost to perfection.

Talk to your reflection

The ability to speak and convince is an indispensable quality. Be sure to do this in front of a mirror.

The first time you will not be very confident. But every time it gets better and better. After 2-3 weeks you will notice the result.

Also, check out this article, it shows ways to argue your opinion and convince your opponent that you are right.

Build Your Confidence

We analyze and identify our strengths. Self-confident individuals almost always achieve results.


  • relax;
  • be interesting to others;
  • be aware of your worth — for this purpose, you can keep a notebook of achievements and positive events (revise it at every opportunity).

Do not apologize

The leader is the one who is balanced in both praise and criticism in his address. Some living conditions lead to psychological discomfort. We become critical of ourselves, constantly pitying someone else. We apologize, adjust our words and actions for the benefit of others, while forgetting about ourselves.

If you notice your everyday life in this description, stop. Pick 60 minutes a day where you don’t apologize, feel guilty, shame, etc.

For some people, such a toughness of character will be a difficult task. But a real leader cannot do without this quality in real life.

And do not think about the fact that others may consider you ignorant or boorish. At least because:

  1. Firstly, if you, having lived to your age, did not become one, then, for sure, you will not become one.
  2. Secondly, for a leader who is able to lead, the opinion of others does not play such an important role. How many people, so many opinions.

Take initiative and be active

If you are used to being in the shadows and not taking responsibility for any decisions, then it’s time to get out of it. Come up with and offer games and other entertainment while relaxing with family, friends, colleagues. Exude independence and autonomy.

Analyze your criticism

A smart person will never take offense at criticism. On the contrary, for him it is an opportunity to reconsider his behavior, values ​​and limitations.

Criticism is groundless and based on something. Learn to find hidden messages and motives that «drive» those who criticize you. Sometimes people tend to devalue others just because they have low self-esteem and thus show envy.

Therefore, the opinion of many is not even worth listening to. But constructive criticism of an emotionally mature person must be listened to. Perhaps it will help you realize something and move further in your development.

12 simple and effective exercises for the development of leadership qualities of a person

Take risks every day

The life program of most of us does not include risks or they are present in small quantities in some force majeure situations. But it is when we encounter the unknown that new neural connections are established in our head. As a result, we develop, improve willpower and endurance.

Risk involves:

  • A clear statement of the purpose of the future act — this is how your motivation is determined.
  • An assessment of the consequences and their damage to the physical, financial and emotional state.
  • Convincing yourself and those who are not indifferent to this issue that you are in control, and that any outcome of the situation will be acceptable.
  • Simulation of different outcomes, both success and failure. It is also important to choose possible solutions to problems;
  • Immediate action. You can at least somewhere clearly fix the date of the event for yourself.
  • Elimination of the possibility of re-analyzing what has already been analyzed. You will surely discover something new and get back to tuning and preparatory work instead of just acting.
  • Life today and now, as well as thoughts about tomorrow. But there can be no question of any scrolling of past events in your head: in this way you will only lose faith in yourself and you can get hung up on your past failures. For more information on the «here and now» principle, click here.
  • Support search. Surely there are people who support you in any decision — they will be your “beacon in the darkness” for you. Believe in yourself and know that you will be supported, you are not alone in this vast world.

Remember — no one owes you anything

Only weak by nature, as well as dependent people, use the phrase: “You must do for me …”

This is your life. You and only you are responsible for it. Do not wait for someone else to solve your problems instead of you.

Yes, shifting responsibility is easy, but it won’t do you any good. Don’t wait for support and approval. You are responsible for everything. And whatever you need, you can do yourself. Take it as a rule!

Learn to see alternatives

Learn to choose several alternatives in any situation or question that arises. At first, of course, it is better to write them down. Then you will generate them at lightning speed.

You will see that there is always a way out in every situation, and more than one. It’s just that most people grab the first option that comes to mind. And they consider him the only one. Compare risks, evaluate benefits. You will quickly learn from the mass of options to choose the most optimal.

Please yourself every day

You know exactly what makes you happy. Make time for these things daily. At least 5-20 minutes of joy for yourself can energize you for the whole day.

Find out what’s stopping you from moving forward

You need to make a list of what prevents you from achieving your goals, getting joy from life. Try to remove it, or at least optimally shield yourself from these things and responsibilities. You will see that it works, it will become easier and easier for you to achieve what you want.

12 simple and effective exercises for the development of leadership qualities of a person

Learn to refuse

Many people do unnecessary and uninteresting things for them only because someone asks them to. Or they are afraid to disappoint anyone. Remember that it’s okay to say no. In this way, you do not offend anyone, but simply protect and defend your boundaries.

To prevent rejection from turning into resentment, try:

  • talk about your feelings;
  • justify the reason for your choice;
  • offer your own version;
  • be sure to listen to what they say to you;
  • repeat “no” again if, after all that has been done, you are asked again for the same thing.

Remember the above exercise? Nobody owes you anything. And you don’t owe anyone anything. If you are completely deprived of this skill, an article on how to learn to say no will help you develop it.

Develop purposefulness and assertiveness

To develop these two qualities, you need to carry out significant work on yourself:

  • highlight the main and the unimportant;
  • arrange tasks in the list by priority;
  • do not spray on trifles;
  • see the end result and constantly follow the goal.


Some mistakenly believe that when a person wants something, then all of the above he gets automatically. But that’s not the case at all. Often the fear of the unknown, the complexity of the issues, the lack of a single correct solution, delay the achievement of the desired for many months, or even years.

The above exercises will help you achieve the desired features in a few weeks. And then it all depends on you and what you will do with the accumulated knowledge and skills.

Remember that it’s not so scary to make mistakes and fail. The worst thing is to live your whole life in fear, never trying to follow your dream.

The leader knows for sure that achieving the desired is a difficult and thorny path, but he never gives up and constantly moves towards the intended goal. It is constantly being improved and developed.

Everyone can develop these so valuable and important qualities. Planning your life in a new way, as well as turning it in the direction you need.

Good luck and see you in new posts!

Also, we recommend reading an article about ways to ignore unwanted people.

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