12 signs of low self-esteem

Self-respect is not only how we treat ourselves, but also what forms the basis of the attitude of others around us. Those who do not respect themselves are often “unlucky”. From this bad luck, you can determine that it is time to start restoring self-esteem.

We are so busy with daily activities that we often do not even have time to think about our needs. And in vain, because self-esteem and clear personal boundaries determine relations with the world. Much depends on the degree of self-esteem. What are the signs that it is not enough?

1. You let others decide for you. There are a lot of fans around to give advice and tell how to do it. Those who always follow their lead lack self-respect. You do not have to listen to everything they say and live according to someone else’s orders.

2. You don’t listen to your intuition. Used to shrug off the sensation of “sucking in the pit of the stomach”? In vain, this is how the survival mechanism works. The instinct of self-preservation tells you how to behave better and safer. Learn to hear the inner voice.

3. You are often used. Unfortunately, some people manage to capitalize on other people’s kindness and sensitivity. Be careful and don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. This will require work on yourself, but only in this way can you learn how to help others correctly.

4. You hide your feelings. Opening up to another person is scary and difficult, because it makes us vulnerable. But by acknowledging real feelings, you show respect for yourself. Learn to recognize emotions: they can tell a lot.

5. You try very hard to please. If you constantly stifle inner protest and take on something that you don’t want to do at all, you won’t be able to become happy. Saying “no” is completely normal.

6. You put off success until later. If dreams and personal goals always end up somewhere at the end of the to-do list, think about it: is this why you are offended by the whole world? Of course, helping others is great. But one who always forgets about his own desires is hardly able to respect himself.

7. You waste time doing things you don’t like. If you are doing something just for the sake of someone’s praise, it’s time to reconsider your behavior. To fulfill onerous obligations in order to earn approval from the outside is useless. The condition for a healthy relationship is when everyone wins.

8. You are addicted to self-criticism. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. But why bother with unnecessary claims to yourself? It is unhealthy and unreasonable to endlessly lament over what you do not know how or what you did not succeed.

9. You drown out your needs. When you listen to your inner voice, you suddenly begin to understand what you really want. Taking care of yourself and respecting your needs is vital.

10. You are too worried about other people’s opinions. Good relationships are important, but no one has the right to encroach on our dignity. Anyone who wants to be happy does not need appreciation.

11. You are quick to judge others. The one who is too self-critical treats everyone reprehensibly. But no one gave us the right to condemn other people’s actions, and if you agreed to accept yourself, try to reckon with the rest. Let others make the choice.

12. You are stuck in a destructive relationship. Those who do not respect themselves easily fall into dysfunctional, and sometimes toxic, destructive relationships. But you can show concern for other people without forgetting your own needs and desires.

It may sound strange, but as soon as you and your happiness are in the forefront, there will be reasons to respect yourself. Listen to your heart, do what you think is right. It’s okay to be who you want to be, it doesn’t require anyone’s permission. Trust yourself and protect the boundaries, then others will begin to treat you with respect.

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