Brevity is the soul of wit. We have collected the top laconic names designed to give the girl a bright destiny.

The name determines the character and fate
The character and future of the girl is largely determined by the name. It must be individual and like the baby. Short and sonorous names give confidence and self-confidence. And in this case, brevity and talent become synonymous.
Long and pretentious names, on the contrary, can ruin the fate of a child. Some Aphrodite Ivanovna or Ofelia Sergeevna will hear all her life – but what is there to hear, to feel with her skin! – chuckles in their direction. It’s good if the girl really is a beautiful goddess with perfect shapes. And if not? You should not chase fashion and compete with other mothers in search of an unusual name for your daughter. After all, short names are also beautiful.
And I
Meaning: delicate violet.
An amazing name with just two vowels. At the same time, Iya has shown a wayward character from an early age. A girl with that name will always have a lot of fans. Men are attracted to her by emotionality, femininity and vulnerability. Oya loves bright adventures, loves to travel. She is active, reckless, hardworking, self-confident, tactful, has a refined taste, while she never follows fashion. Hates stamps.
Meaning: resurrected.
Those who carefully read Turgenev’s story “Asya” remember that in fact the girl’s name was Anna, but the author believed that Asya was more suitable for her. Turgenev’s dreamer can only be Asya. She is kind, gentle, sensitive, used to looking at the world without taking off her rose-colored glasses. Hates lies and falsehood. Asya cannot imagine life without love. For the sake of the only one, I am ready to sacrifice everything. Asya is an ideal wife and mother.

Zoya Berber, a successful actress and just a beauty.
Meaning: life.
Zoe always has an answer to any question, she can easily find a way out of the most confusing problem. And all this thanks to inner tact, a stable psyche, the ability to analyze and reason. Zoya never builds castles in the air, but perceives reality as it is. At the same time, it seems that Zoe follows all the precepts of Carnegie. Her motto is: “If you got a lemon, make lemonade out of it.” This rule also applies in personal life. If it so happened that Zoya did not go down the aisle with the man of her dreams, she will still try – and will be able – to become happy.
Meaning: giving life.
This name is very popular today. If you want your daughter to be funny and mischievous, then there is no better name. Eva will never be quiet, she needs outdoor games with the boys. A certain tomboy in a skirt. Eve has a rather masculine character. Strong-willed, smart, energetic, proud – such women are said to have made themselves. Eve is successful in everything. She easily moves up the career ladder, while being happily married. Just do not try to give Eve advice and do not try to educate her. Useless!

American actress Eva Longoria is successful in her career and happily married
Meaning: decoration.
One of the favorite names for Americans and Norwegians. Some sociologists associate this with the fact that “Ada” is the name of a universal programming language. The name was not chosen by chance, this was the name of the English mathematician, Countess Lovelace, daughter of the poet Byron. Ada is diligent, does a good job at school, always achieves a goal. She does not like gossip and empty talk, so Ada often makes friends with boys. For this, the fair sex does not like her. Ada is in no hurry to get married: she needs to feel free and independent. As a life partner, she chooses a like-minded person who will share her hobbies. Ada knows how to appreciate support, can empathize, is always ready to help her family and friends.
Meaning: ruler of the world.
Leo Tolstoy probably did not know about this name. His Natasha Rostova is a typical Ale. Cheerful, cheerful, charming. She cannot be called the first beauty, but she has a perky sparkle and sincerity that captivate. Lives not by reason, but by feelings. The most important thing for Eli is family. For the sake of loved ones, I am ready for anything. The ideal hostess and mom. Hard going through betrayal and lies. For Eli, there is nothing more terrible than disappointment in the people to whom she is attached. She is never indifferent, does not like calm people who live without emotions.
Meaning: new life, beginning.
Hardy, wise, tactful. She has great intuition, so it is impossible to deceive Yana. Also, you will not be able to piss off a girl with this beautiful name. Yana knows how to control herself and is completely conflict-free. Stubborn and straightforward, but sometimes she can pretend to be a gentle angel. This duality drives men crazy. I am not pleased with the attention of the opposite sex: she believes that everyone should admire her. Maybe jealous. Treason will never forgive. Yana is one of those who know how to put a fat point in a relationship and start a new romance.

Yana Rudkovskaya, in spite of everything, knows how to be happy
Meaning: from Hebrew it is translated as “confident”, and from Arabic – “consolation”.
Thanks to the famous drinking song about the gypsy girl Aza, whom everyone asks to tell fortunes, it seems that the owner of this name should have black hair and brown eyes. This is not necessary at all. Aza is mentioned in both Catholic and Orthodox saints. Christians especially venerate the holy martyr Aza, who perished in the name of faith. Aza fully justifies the meaning of the name. A girl with character. She is persistent, shows leadership qualities already in childhood. She is capricious, as she is always surrounded by care and attention. He knows about his attractiveness and skillfully uses it. Often Aza achieves big positions, knows how to easily lead a team. In her personal life, Aza is also happy, since she will go to the registry office only for great love. Aza is one of those who not only dreams of a prince, but is also waiting for him.
Meaning: graceful.
The whole world should revolve around Leah. She does not hide selfishness. He who loves himself can also love others. The image of the beauty Audrey Hepburn from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” would be very suitable for her. Yes, Leah can also be an adventurer (or even a swindler), but she has a good heart. In marriage, values independence and freedom. Housekeeping, cooking, handicrafts – all this is not for Leah. She loves beauty salons, travel, parties. At the same time, Leah is always faithful to her husband. She is not capable of a double life. Leah will be happy with someone who will relieve her of her routine and give her vivid emotions. She herself is also able to give a truly sweet life.

Liya Kebede, Ethiopian supermodel, designer and actress.
Meaning: generous.
Earthly girl. Hardworking, calm, modest, inquisitive, punctual. Faya in a team always becomes the soul of the company. At school age, Faya often helps classmates with homework, at the institute she writes term papers for her girlfriends, and at work she is ready to sit an extra hour to explain to colleagues how to make a report. Men are respectful, but a little afraid. It is difficult to live with an excellent student. Responsibility, kindness, discipline prevent Faya from becoming happy. She definitely needs a man with whom she will decide to do something wrong and forbidden. Such a hooligan shirt-guy who is not at all distinguished by exemplary behavior, but is capable of sincere feelings, is very suitable for her.
Meaning: young.
This name has a very strong energy. From birth, Yuna will receive such qualities as generosity, kindness, intelligence, justice, modesty, sociability. The only negative trait is unpredictability. It’s hard to even imagine what this Yuna might do. For example, she may at the very last moment change her mind about entering a university for which she had been preparing for two years. Yuna is not afraid to take risks. She doesn’t know what complexes are. Yuna is always a daddy’s daughter, who adores and worships her. The father inspires the girl that she is the most beautiful. This confidence helps in relationships with men. Yuna is a princess who knows her own worth and is picky in her choice of suitors. As a result, her tale is always with a happy ending.
Meaning: goddess.
Many people think that Taya and Taisiya are the same name. But there is a separate name for Ty, which came to Russia from Great Britain. Taya is a real lady. Feminine, sensitive, gentle, educated, intelligent. Even if Taya was born into a poor family, it will seem that this girl is of blue blood. Taya does not believe in miracles, so she creates her own fairy tale on her own. She lives by the principle “if you want to be happy – be her.” Everything works out for her. Taya loves family. She will never say a bad word to her spouse and children (even if the husband is far from ideal). Taya is the woman for whom men are ready to change. Usually they also say about such “fatal”.
By the way
You can come up with a name for the baby yourself, but it is not always possible to legitimize this name. In the capital’s registry office, they told what names children should not be called, and the omens have nothing to do with it.
“In the child’s name, parents are prohibited from using numbers, alphanumeric designations, numbers, symbols and non-letter signs, with the exception of the hyphen, or any combination of them, and also you cannot use swear words, indications of ranks, positions, title” , – explained the experts.
That is, it will not work to name the child X Æ A-12, as Elon Musk did. However, in our country, parents rarely go to such inventions. But you can call Belchonk – a boy with that name was registered in Moscow in July. In addition, Milan, Donald, Kai and Keanu, Spartacus and Solomon were born.
Girls are also called creatively, but not that much. Among the rarest girls’ names are the following: Lada, Martha, Rada, Lyubava and Okeana. And three more girls received names derived from men – Arkady, Arseny and Georgy.