- 1. Correctly fill out the questionnaire
- 2. Block without a twinge of conscience
- 3. Call up within one to three days
- 4. Make an appointment not immediately, but after 5 days
- 5. Meet no more than once every 5 days
- 6. Get to know your partner better
- 7. Respect your boundaries
- 8. Be yourself
- 9. Be friendly
- 10. Put relationships on play
- 11. Listen to yourself
- 12. Immerse yourself in a world of abundance
- About the Developer
Today, there are more and more happy couples who met through the Internet. The virtual world is one of the richest resources, where there are chosen ones for every taste. However, if your goal is a family and a full-fledged relationship, then you need to be aware and careful. Psychologist Anastasia Ryazanova tells how to find a partner in the Internet space.
1. Correctly fill out the questionnaire
Do you want to be taken seriously? Fill out the questionnaire without negativity and provocations. Aggressive statements are repulsive. Potential partners should not read that you are offended by this world. Show a mature and happy part of yourself.
Instead of hundreds of photos, tell us more about what fills you, what makes you happy. And no sexy bikinis. Let the interlocutor wait for a meeting with your personality, and not with the body.
It is important to set intentions and weed out those who are looking for an easy relationship. This will save time and nerves. There are a sufficient number of men and women on the Internet in search of a family and marriage.
2. Block without a twinge of conscience
You do not need to explain why this or that person is not suitable for you. It is not worth arguing about whose approach to life is more correct. It is impossible to please everyone and everyone. In the same way, you cannot be satisfied with all candidates. You don’t owe anything to strangers.
Any savvy blogger will tell you that he often deletes unnecessary comments and always blocks negative users.
3. Call up within one to three days
Say “no” to lengthy texting. It just doesn’t make sense. There are people who are only interested in virtual communication. For example, these are prison inmates who added photos of some handsome man from the Internet to their profile. Instead of fictitious love, talk on the phone. In 5 minutes of conversation you will understand more about a person than from kilometers of chatting. For example, not everyone agrees to communicate with a person who swears or is rude.
You can get an additional phone for security.
4. Make an appointment not immediately, but after 5 days
Who would you like to meet? With a person who consciously goes to meet you, or with someone who simply suffers from boredom and is ready to take the evening with anyone? Since the purpose of dating is a serious relationship, let the partner expect a meeting. To do this, ask to plan in advance the first dates.
5. Meet no more than once every 5 days
If in a stormy romance everything starts quickly and ends just as quickly, then in our case a bit of prudence will not hurt. When it comes to a serious relationship, it is impossible to trust only a hormonal surge. So, for example, during PMS and ovulation, the chemical reaction between partners will be different. It is necessary to see the chosen one in a different mood and under different life circumstances.
6. Get to know your partner better
Consider why he insists on a very intense program if you barely know him. Here he scored Strike in bowling, and this is an occasion for squeals and hugs, and then passionate kisses. As a rule, the hottest men are pick-up artists or married gentlemen whose spouses are out of town for a couple of days. They need to reduce the distance to a minimum in a short time.
Do not rush into the pool with your head. A mature person understands that relationships become complete over time. Make sure that you are interested in the inner world of the interlocutor, and vice versa. Pay attention to whether emotional intimacy is being created, whether there is trust, confidence in a partner. When you are in a serious mood, it is important to check compatibility in all areas, not only in sexuality.
7. Respect your boundaries
What to do when you are asked to send a photo in a bikini, come to visit, see you right now, or, for example, go out of town with an unfamiliar man? Do you need to prove your trust, confirm that you are interested in a partner? No. When you set boundaries, 99% of manipulators who are demanding of their person are instantly eliminated. According to the feedback on the refusal, it becomes clear whether they are ready to respect you or are trying to push through.
8. Be yourself
This is one of the most important needs in a relationship. To love means to accept each other for who we really are. One of the worst scenarios in life is getting into a relationship where you can’t be yourself. Try to be sincere and real from the very beginning. However, do not “bare” the soul too early. Frankness grows as the relationship develops.
9. Be friendly
Show respect. The Internet is a space where you can meet useful people. Don’t snort: “I came to meet the man of my dreams, and then you came in.” Not all meetings will be equally pleasant. However, dating is useful. You will clearly understand what you are definitely not ready to put up with and what qualities you are looking for in a future partner. Tune in to the fact that you are just getting to know each other. Including with herself: with her values, limitations and limits.
Do you feel like this is not your person? Be sensitive and honest: “I doubt that we are the same in some aspects of the relationship.” Thank you for your attention and your time. If conflict is inevitable, see point 2.
10. Put relationships on play
This is one of the key techniques of family therapy. 5 minutes of watching a couple communicate can reveal more than a four-hour conversation about their difficulties. During the diagnostic phase, the therapist does not intervene in the family quarrel in order to allow everyone to express themselves in a natural way. Play means to allow the familiar to happen.
You only need one single person who will be right for you
Observe the natural course of relationships. What themes are lining up? Where is the partner going? He calls you to the club, but you are not a nightlife lover? He likes to philosophize, but do you get bored with his long monologues? Are you in the same clouds? Resist the temptation to give the keys to your heart yourself. If you immediately share all your preferences, then at the stage of conquest, the chosen one will adapt to your desires. But you need to see reality. Believe in actions, not words.
11. Listen to yourself
He is a good person, he offers a lot of things, but you feel in your heart that this is not yours. What if he insists on another meeting? If you do not want to communicate with him, admit it to yourself. Of course, you can give a second chance, suddenly you like it. But if one or two more dates could not convince you, you should not go against yourself.
Be honest with yourself: if this is not the person you were looking for, do not live in illusions. Don’t force yourself into a relationship that won’t make you happy. You can’t hide from the truth. Always listen to your inner voice.
12. Immerse yourself in a world of abundance
Believe in your happy marriage. Every salesperson knows that “no” does not mean “no, never” – it means “no, not now.” Many people cannot make you happy. Someone will not answer the message or call back, someone will not come on a date. But this does not mean at all that you will not find your betrothed. Understand that you only need one single person who will be right for you. Don’t settle for less. Determine your height and match it.
While waiting for a meeting with this, it is useful to increase gratitude, attentiveness, sensitivity, tact, and the ability to express love. Upgrade the missing qualities.
About the Developer
Anastasia Ryazanova is a counseling psychologist specializing in weight loss and family therapy. Her