12 penny little things for home that make life easier

Sometimes it’s even surprising what seemingly insignificant details comfort depends on. They are really worth spending on, especially since they are unlikely to ruin you.

Sometimes we get so used to the inconvenience that when it suddenly disappears, something seems to be missing. And there is also bewilderment: what, it was possible? And almost effortlessly and without spending? We’ve put together a collection of inexpensive items that will dramatically improve your daily life. Maybe your home is missing something from this list?

Knife sharpener

A sharp knife is not a luxury. “Once I had a friend who volunteered to help me cook. Next time I came with a knife sharpener and refined everything. It turns out that you can cut carrots without effort, and so can meat. And I didn’t think how much effort I was spending on chopping everything up! ” – an unthinkable story overheard in the office kitchen. But the truth is, dull knives are another reason to get angry. Do we have little reason to be angry anyway?

Comfortable pillow

Optional orthopedic or memory posture. Just a pillow that really makes you feel comfortable. Doctors say that because of the uncomfortable posture in sleep, the neck muscles are constantly tense, and therefore we wake up broken, tired and as if we had not slept all night. Sleep is one of the few free pleasures. Why not make it even better?

Watering can for a shower

A normal watering can, through which the water beats in cheerful trickles, and does not barely flow. It costs literally from 120 rubles, and the pleasure of a morning shower is completely different! Such a waste is especially relevant for regions where the water in the pipes contains a lot of iron: watering cans quickly deteriorate.

Scraper for cleaning windows

Spend half a day washing windows, rubbing and polishing them with old newspapers – leave this memory to tell your grandchildren. There are also more interesting activities. And windows can be cleaned with a regular scraper with foam rubber on one side and an elastic band on the other. You won’t even need window cleaner – plain water with a drop of dishwashing detergent will be enough to wash everything without streaks.

Lighting for corners

It turns on at night in response to movement. Thus, she protects your little fingers from meeting the corner of the bed or table legs. Thanks to the soft light, you will not really wake up, but you will notice the danger.

Toilet lighting

From the same series as the previous item. There is no need to turn on the light in the toilet, squint and cover your eyes – the soft spotlight will help you navigate in the dark and return to bed, still half asleep.

Roll-out curtain with black-out effect

An irreplaceable thing if you don’t like to get up early. However, as well as for those to whom the light from the street poisons life. Scientists say that you need to sleep in complete darkness, otherwise the production of melatonin is disrupted, and you will not be able to get enough sleep. And without normal sleep, even a day is not a joy.

Warm light bulbs

In offices and shopping malls, lamps with cold light, harsh, ruthless and unpleasant are often used. Eyes get tired of him so that it seems as if sand was poured into them. At home, there is no need to expose yourself to such stress – you just need to pick up light bulbs with a warm spectrum. They cost the same as the “cold” ones, you just have to take a closer look. By the way, in the warm light people seem even more beautiful.


Sturdy, preferably metal, and long enough so that you don’t have to sit down or double up while putting on your shoes. Such happiness costs 70-80 rubles, but sneakers and sneakers can never be untied.

Clips for bags

And no more scattered cereals on the shelf. Or vegetables in the freezer. Anyway, anything. We simply fold the cut package, fasten it with a special clothespin – and that’s it, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the products. As well as the cleanliness of the shelves.


Recently, there was a real sensation on the network – someone suddenly discovered that you can peel vegetables in two directions with a vegetable peeler. Carrots, for example, are very convenient to peel, making a movement towards yourself and immediately away from yourself. It turns out much faster than cutting off the peel only towards you. And it is definitely more convenient than using an ordinary knife for this.

Pot lid plug

Such a thing, which is attached to the side of the pan, and a lid is placed on top – and the broth will no longer boil away. And nothing drips onto the stove from the lid, and the soup is in place – a brilliant invention. By the way, not the only one that can be found on Aliexpress – more cool kitchen gadgets HERE. Everything, by the way, is up to 100 rubles.

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