They are criticized by fans and the press, and at this time, peacefully leaning their elbows on a sports equipment, calmly chewing on their cookies.
37 years old, height 170 cm, weight 85 kg
Last February, America’s highest-paid stand-up comedian married a chef. Now it will be impossible to find fault with her forms at all, and not only because a culinary husband is the best excuse for the absence of a sports figure, but also because Amy is pregnant. The couple are expecting their first child at the end of spring. Being an actress plump and before nothing prevented, but she herself did not like when she was included in the company of donuts. “In America, the fullness starts from the 16th size, while mine fluctuates between the sixth and the eighth,” she protested. The other day Amy quite openly demonstrated a supportive attitude towards her figure, she posted on Instagram photos showing her running in the park … without clothes, completely without clothes. Many users considered the actress’s behavior shocking, and famous colleagues supported the artist, calling her beautiful, strong-willed and courageous.
39 years old, height 168, weight 75 kg
The completeness of the British model and actress did not prevent her from becoming, according to Maxim magazine, one of the first among the sexiest women of the last century. The beauty confidently proclaimed that you need to love yourself for who you are, and if you are overweight, you should not use sports and diets, it is easier to accept your forms and come to terms with them. Her mind changed when Kelly began dating Scottish rugby player Tom Evans in 2010. The athlete not only convinced the artist of the benefits of sports, but also made a tough training schedule for her. Kelly lost weight, but this did not save the relationship – the lovers broke up. Now the chosen one of the beauty is again an athlete – judo instructor Jeremy Parisi, who is captivated by the appetizing forms of the actress. Brooke relaxed and returned to her usual lifestyle in which sports are not required. Well, perhaps as a cheerleader at the stadium.
44 years old, height 163 cm, weight 69 kg
She grew up among the stars: her parents – Hollywood actors John Drew and Jade, baptized her director Steven Spielberg and actress Sophia Loren. At eleven months old, she appeared in advertising for dog food and earned her first money, and at the age of five she starred in the film Other Faces. The girl became famous at the age of seven after Spielberg’s painting “Alien”. Now behind her shoulders, the actress – treatment for addictions, a bunch of novels, three marriages and two children. She has a personalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, her own production company and many awards and awards for acting. Drew Barrymore admits that he sticks to vegetarian food, which is very difficult to combine with a heavy work schedule. Because of this, Barrymore’s weight does not return to normal: “I am a gourmet and love to eat. I travel the world to sample different foods, so I get better again between filming. “
30 years old, height 175 cm, weight 87 kg
The singer is several times listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the long-term presence of her songs in the charts and for the volume of album sales. She is one of the highest paid young stars, Adele’s talent is undeniable. It would seem, what does it matter if a gifted musician is overweight, but the figure of the British singer has always been a subject of discussion. The artist does not try to reshape her body and treats physical exercises with derision. So, once, depicting inconsolable sobs, the singer posted a picture of the exercise machine on social networks. Adele explains that she only forces herself to go to workouts to withstand the touring load: “I hate these damn gyms. I do not get any pleasure from classes. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, when I study, the blood rushes to my face and I turn red. I love to whine – whine, but I do. “
43 years old, height 165 cm, weight 47 kg
Not a single mouth-watering morsel is left of the American Pie star, even in the form of muscle. Kinodiva says that she regularly goes in for sports and adheres to a proper diet, but her friends say the opposite. According to her inner circle, she tortured herself with strict diets, sometimes did not eat anything at all and swallowed drugs to burn fat by handfuls. She admits that she underwent several unsuccessful plastic surgeries. With breast augmentation, the implants sagged asymmetrically; after liposuction in the abdomen and buttocks, the skin became flabby and wrinkled. But, judging by the fact that Tara Reed wears revealing outfits, she is not at all complex about her appearance.
48 years old, height 157 cm, weight 94 kg
Twice Oscar nominee, having received a personalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, decided not to stop only at her cinematic career. The actress, comedian, screenwriter and producer recently became a fashion designer, launching a line of designer clothes for women in plus sizes, she herself weighed over 100 kilograms. But recently, Melissa decided to be a good example for her two daughters (9 and 11 years old) and began to lose weight by switching to a high-protein, low-carb diet. Fish, poultry, avocado, nuts are present in her daily diet. And also, according to the stand-up girl, she stopped thinking too much about being overweight, and this helps her lose weight, because high levels of cortisol – a stress hormone – can negate all dietary efforts.
29 years old, height 165 cm, weight 64 kg
She has written songs for Eminem, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas. Rexa hid behind the backs of high-profile stars until she released her first singles, debut album and went on a major tour of America. In 2018, the singer-songwriter was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Artist category. Bibi frankly says that she could never confess her love to herself, because the stars should always be perfect: slender, thin and with luxurious hair. Bibi Rexa hates her big thighs and doesn’t wear false hair: “I don’t look like the perfect pop star. I have butt, I have thighs, I love to eat cookies. But! But I have beautiful eyes. And I want to be accepted for who I am. “
The forms of the rap diva are so extraordinary and seductive that in Las Vegas, in the Madame Tussaud’s wax museum, they had to put a guard near the half-naked sculpture of the singer. After the artist launched the twerk trend (a dance in which the work of the buttocks is actively used), skinny girls try to repeat this fashionable trick, but it turns out not so spectacularly – not the hips, that is, Nikki emphasizes her original appearance with outlandish costumes and wigs. As one online publication stated, the world will undoubtedly be very quiet without Miss Minaj. By the way, the star herself never tried to fit her figure to the standards, she, on the contrary, always emphasizes her bulges with tight clothes.
38 years old, height 161 cm, weight 87 kg
A talented actress only wants to be praised, because she is a mother of many children. She has the same weather – a daughter and a son, and on March 19, 2019, a daughter was born. During the last pregnancy, the weight of the actress was much higher than the norm. Jessica complained on social networks about feeling unwell and swelling of her legs, posting photos with swollen ankles. Unfortunately, Simpson has been showing the presence of an unsportsmanlike figure for years. But she advises women not to be ashamed of their body that has changed after pregnancy and recommends not to torture themselves with food restrictions while expecting a baby: “You are creating a new life, and this is not easy. You deserve ice cream and pancakes! “
32 years old, height 160 cm, weight 72 kg
The screenwriter of the popular comedy series “Girls” calls herself a lazy woman and does not hesitate to show her imperfect figure on social networks. Like many crumpets, the famous feminist teaches subscribers to love themselves and their bodies as they are. She recently posted a video where she tragically says goodbye to someone with whom she lived for 25 years. As a result, it turned out that the main character of the video was the bathroom scales, which Dunham mercilessly threw away. That’s right – there is nothing to be upset about your weight if you do not want to get rid of it. “I never liked to play sports and always had a hundred arguments ready why it wasn’t for me. Starting to run is just ridiculous and ridiculous. It always seemed to me that sport is like learning a foreign language: you need to start from childhood, ”says body-positive Lina.
31 years old, 157 cm, 69 kg
The actress and singer has always been inclined to be overweight and has been struggling with extra pounds throughout her artistic career. Last year, during her second pregnancy, she recovered greatly and after the birth of her daughter, she still cannot restore her previous shape. At the same time, Hilary admits that she loves to eat very much and does not deny herself sweets.
39 years old, height 159 cm, weight 107 kg
One of the few actresses who conquered Hollywood from the distant Australian continent. She turned her considerable weight into multimillion-dollar contracts. Thanks to her non-standard figure, sparkling sense of humor and amazing charisma, the actress found herself in the comedy genre and became the star of the films “Bachelorette Party in Vegas”, “Bachelorette”, “Pitch Perfect”. Rebel cannot be called unsportsmanlike, she often works out in the gym with a personal trainer, tries to adhere to proper nutrition and believes that the ideal weight is 80 kg. But she does not succeed in losing weight, especially since when working on some projects, the producers forbid her to lose weight. They really like a donkey with a perky character.