“12 hours for life”. Ten people can get a new life

Iza Dudziec, a 24-year-old girl born with a single-chamber heart, has already undergone six operations. The most important is still ahead of her. However, in order for it to take place, the heart transported for transplantation has to survive for more than four hours, because that is how long it can withstand in the ice. Only modern equipment can help Iza.

The collection for The OCS Heart Trans Medic apparatus is underway, i.e. specialized equipment used to transport the collected heart for transplantation. Thanks to conditions similar to those in the human body, it is possible extending the usefulness of an organ for transplantation from four to twelve hours. Every year in Poland, apparatus is needed by a dozen or so patients who require a complex and long-lasting surgery. At this point, the procedures are going to get in the way of their fight for health.

Many artists got involved in the action and recorded the video together.

The cost of disposable equipment needed for one operation is PLN 200. As part of the “12 hours for life” campaign, the organizers made attempts to obtain 2 million zlotys, allowing the purchase of 10 apparatuses, which will enable the saving of 10 patients. The purchase of the rest of The OCS Heart equipment worth PLN 1 million and training in servicing six people is possible thanks to TransMedic.

Organ transplants are still a difficult topic. There are still too few organs for transplantation, and bereaved families are reluctant to donate their organs. Thanks to actions such as “12 hours for life”, #ZostawSerceNaZiemi or the activities of the Foundation for Transplantation, it is possible to spread knowledge about transplantation.

Read our recent publications on transplantation:

  1. Young Poles do not want to donate organs for transplantation. Psychologist: I’m not surprised
  2. Monika was waiting for an urgent heart transplant. Suddenly a miracle happened
  3. Polish transplantology is in trouble. Fewer and fewer donors and transplants

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