12 habits of healthy people. You will be amazed at some of the rules

There are several habits worth introducing into your life that characterize healthy people. Several of them have become a permanent feature of Poles. Some, however, may surprise even those who consider themselves to be people who should inspire others in terms of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Many people have healthy habits that help them keep their bodies healthy
  2. One of them is breakfast eaten in the morning. Others include, for example, doing sports every day, as well as planning your meals always at the same time
  3. A walk is preferable to coffee. During the day, healthy people drink several glasses of mineral water
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

What does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle? Habits that are worth introducing right now can help in carrying it out. These are a few simple rules that affect not only physical health, but also help to ensure a proper mental condition.


Mindfulness, i.e. learning to be mindful, has become a permanent feature of the mainstream. And rightly so! You can start practicing it from the basic level. At the beginning, it is enough to stop once in a while, whether at work or during household chores, and then consciously enjoy something that is within our sight. We can, for example, focus on the taste of tea, which we usually drink on the go, or take a few deep breaths while listening to the sounds of our body. Mindfulness helps reduce stress by a few percent in just a few weeks. It also has a positive effect on well-being and concentration.

Take care of motor coordination

With age, it becomes more and more difficult for us to control our body. Some people find it difficult to balance when they find themselves in unusual situations, such as when driving a bus, when the driver brakes sharply. However, it turns out that yoga or tai-chi influence physical fitness. These types of classes improve our motor apparatus, thanks to which we will be fully healthy for many years. Next time we will not flip over another person on the bus.

Go to the sun

The pandemic has made many of us take less advantage of being outdoors even despite the favorable weather. This is a mistake. In this way, we do not provide our body with vitamin D, necessary for well-being or keeping our bones in good condition. Doctors encourage you to spend at least a few minutes in the sun every day, and preferably about half an hour, to significantly increase the level of vitamin D in your body.

Strength exercises

Regular strength exercises, not necessarily in the gym, strengthen the muscles and make it easier to burn fat. So it’s worth doing exercises such as push-ups or pull-ups on a regular basis.

Healthy sleep

Healthy sleep means not only well-being or better concentration during the day, but also maintaining body fat at the appropriate level. Sleep, which lasts a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 9 hours, makes us feel less appetite during the day. To get the best possible sleep, be sure to get up and go to bed at the same time each day. Ideally, the temperature in the room should be around 18 degrees Celsius. In the morning you will feel refreshed.


If you smoke cigarettes throw them up. Healthy people don’t smoke. It is worth taking steps to deal with this fatal addiction as soon as possible. After years of smoking, smoking causes lung cancer and a host of other cardiovascular problems. Already a few months after the last cigarette smoked, our body is in better health in clinical trials.

Learn something new

Learning new things keeps our brain in good shape. Nothing has a positive effect on his work, such as learning a new language or solving crosswords. This type of activity can even slow the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Don’t stay online all the time

Facebook, Instagram or YouTube are portals where millions of users hang out for several hours a day. Unfortunately, although such activity causes a surge of dopamine, it is only temporarily. Ultimately, being online will make us feel worse in the long run. It is much better to set aside a few hours off the Internet a week and “log out to life”. Meeting with friends or family, and therefore building relationships in real life, will make us feel much better. Social media is also great time wasters. After turning them off, you will magically have time to perform postponed duties or even other pleasures.

Movement exercises

Healthy people, instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, stretch or go for a walk. Physical activity is a great stimulant, and also affects our physical fitness and reduces the risk of obesity.

Drink water

Water is the basis. We need to be properly hydrated in order not to feel constantly tired or even lose weight. People who drink little water often also suffer from chronic headaches.

Plan your meals

In order to control constant hunger, it is worth planning your meals. Eating them at the same time will make our body get used to the hours when food will be delivered to it. In addition, knowing what we eat, we will have control over what foods we provide ourselves, as well as what content of micro and macro elements. So if we suffer from too little potassium, we can start eating tomatoes or bananas more often.

Control how much you eat. Use the dietary kitchen scales available on Medonet Market and check the weight and composition of the meals you eat.

Eat breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is not a cliche, but the whole truth. Healthy people know that you need to have breakfast in the morning to start the day well. Fats and proteins will work best in the morning. So the perfect meal would be scrambled eggs with bacon and half a tomato.

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