We all regularly hear from doctors that the level of cholesterol in the blood should be kept at a constant and fairly low level. As a result, this substance seems to many people far from medicine to be almost a source of evil, the presence of which in the body is associated exclusively with negative consequences. In fact, this is not true at all.
First of all, we recall that cholesterol is an organic compound that not only enters the human body with food, but is also synthesized by our liver. It is necessary in order to prevent premature aging, and also helps the body absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. According to doctors, the normal level of cholesterol in the blood varies from 3,6 to 5,2 mmol / l. In this case, the upper limit may vary depending on the gender of the person and the age category to which he belongs.
One of the natural properties of cholesterol is as follows: during blood circulation, it “sticks together”, as a result of which its accumulations appear on the walls of blood vessels – the so-called atherosclerotic plaques. They interfere with normal blood circulation, resulting in oxygen starvation of the tissues of the brain, heart and other organs. Also, the overlap of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques is fraught with strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, doctors insist that the level of cholesterol in the blood should be monitored regularly.
What to do if the study showed an increase in cholesterol levels? In addition to medications, proper nutrition will help normalize the indicator. Nutritionists are well aware that a number of products have “anti-cholesterol” properties – in other words, they contribute to the breakdown of excesses of this substance.
Teas based on rosehip berries should become one of the constant components of the diet for high cholesterol. These infusions help improve liver function, as a result of which the cholesterol content in the blood also returns to normal. In addition, the high content of vitamin C in rose hips can boost the immune system, increasing the body’s endurance.
It is one of the best sources of natural fiber. Dietary fiber pumpkin “work” as a kind of scrub for the body, removing from it not only toxins and toxic substances, but also excess cholesterol. In addition, as a result, the work of the digestive tract is normalized.
Red rice
Unpolished red rice has long been known for its beneficial properties. One of them is that this product reduces the indicator of “bad” cholesterol. It has a similar effect due to the content of plant statins – substances that block the work of one of the liver enzymes necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol.
All kinds of nuts are an excellent source of healthy saturated fats. Essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 prevent the occurrence of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. Almonds and cashews contain magnesium, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels and promotes the dissolution of plaques. In addition, most nuts contain flavonoid pigments – special plant compounds that help strengthen the walls of arteries. Peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds help to avoid fatty degeneration of the liver, as a result of which its work is normalized.
Please note that with an increase in cholesterol, nuts should be eaten raw, since under the influence of high temperature, beneficial substances are destroyed in them.
Flax seed
Flax seeds and oil from them have long been used to improve the body. First of all, flax seeds contain fiber, which helps to retain fat and cholesterol in the digestive system, as a result of which the content of the latter in the blood is significantly reduced. In addition, vitamins B3 and B9 have a positive effect on fat metabolism, thereby lowering the content of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, which, when oxidized, can form atherosclerotic plaques. Finally, the selenium found in flaxseed helps to increase the level of “good” cholesterol and reduce the level of “bad”. You can use flax seed as an ingredient in salads, in the preparation of cereals and breadings.
Olive oil
This product boasts a pronounced choleretic effect, and the unsaturated fatty acids present in its composition contribute to the production of “good” cholesterol, due to which an excess of “bad” is excreted from the body. In addition, olive oil contains phytosterols – substances that also stimulate the removal of excess harmful lipoproteins.
This fruit boasts a high content of folic acid, monounsaturated fats, magnesium and phytosterols. In combination, all these substances “work”, inhibiting the production of cholesterol in the liver, reducing the absorption of fats in the intestine and promoting the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins.
Chokeberry Rowan
These berries improve the condition of blood vessels, strengthening their walls, and, in addition, normalize liver function, as a result of which it becomes possible to lower cholesterol levels.
Green tea
This drink is a source of catechins. These organic substances reduce the absorption of cholesterol from food. Drink green tea should be half an hour after a meal. As a result, according to the researchers, the risk of atherosclerotic changes will decrease by 70%.
Food legumes
Beans, lentils, peas, beans are one of the best sources of fiber. Dietary fiber prevents the absorption of “bad” cholesterol and removes toxic substances from the body.
This product is useful not only to increase the body’s resistance in the “cold season”, but also prevents blood clots, helps to normalize blood pressure and normalize blood circulation. Phytoncides present in the composition of garlic help to normalize the content of lipids in the blood.
They contain lycopene, a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, or rather: prevents the oxidation of low-level lipoprotein.