12 Foods That Slow Down Your Metabolism

12 Foods That Slow Down Your Metabolism

Good health and slimness of the figure depend on the speed of reactions in the body. To keep your metabolism from slowing down, try to limit your intake of these foods.

Metabolism slows down with age. To slightly speed up metabolic processes in the body, adjust your menu: reduce the amount of foods that inhibit metabolism, and add those that are easy for the body to process. Do not forget about the drinking regimen (and the regimen in general), exercise, and the result will not be long in coming.

A favorite product of vegetarians and those who follow the Ducan diet, and has earned respect for a large amount of protein (up to 50%) and the presence of vitamins and minerals such as B, iron, calcium, fatty acids and amino acids. For those on a protein-rich diet, soy is a healthy alternative to meat and dairy products. But for those who want to quickly lose weight or get rid of puffiness, it is better to refrain from dishes with soy – the protein in the composition is processed longer by the gastrointestinal tract. 

Artificial sweeteners and sweeteners

Zero-calorie sweet soda is more of a marketing gimmick than a truth. These drinks contain artificial preservatives and sweeteners. Lemonade tastes good, but has side effects, such as a sharp rise in blood glucose levels. The chemical processes triggered by the artificial sweetener affect the feeling of hunger and the metabolic rate: after a glass of sugary soda, a person again wants to drink or eat something, while the metabolism slows down. As a result, it is easy to gain extra calories.

Wheat bread and white rice

In the composition of these products, starch is a carbohydrate that, after processing, loses its beneficial properties. Both bread and white rice are fiber-free and nutritional value is kept to a minimum. These foods provide satiety, but slow down metabolic processes. It is best to opt for whole grains in whole grain breads and crispbreads and brown rice. Complex carbohydrates are found not only in whole grains, but also in vegetables, fruits and legumes.

Refined foods that have gone through multiple stages of processing are a story of taste, not health benefits. Pastries, pastries, confectionery and white sugar – all of them have a high glycemic index, they firmly settle in the body and interfere with metabolic processes to work efficiently. The first thing that needs to be abandoned if there is a goal to speed up metabolism is from all confectionery.

Many people take the rule of limiting fatty foods too literally, choosing only low-fat foods for their diet. But in order to maintain the correct balance and vital functions of the body, the correct fat, along with proteins and carbohydrates, is imperative. The only question is its quality and quantity. Pork is definitely a high-calorie and fatty food. This type of meat is processed in the digestive tract for a long time, the body is under stress. Leaner meats such as chicken, turkey or rabbit are much healthier for metabolism.

Pickles in the form of pickled mushrooms or cucumbers, pickled tomatoes or sauerkraut should not be included in the daily menu. They contain a lot of salt and preservatives that affect the metabolic rate, and most importantly, the fluid retention in the body, swelling after a portion of salty is provided.

Fragrant berries in the East are eaten as a dessert, washed down with green tea. But sweet apricots and melons are fraught with fat build-up. Due to its high glycemic index – almost 70 units – and easily digestible sugars, melon quickly raises blood sugar levels. The same goes for apricots.  

The product is rich in saturated fats and many useful substances, but it is recommended to eat no more than 10-30 grams per day. Agree, this is quite a bit. But regular consumption of oil in large quantities raises cholesterol levels, can form vascular plaques and is fraught with a slowdown in metabolism. If you want to lose weight, give up butter for a while in favor of vegetable oil. By the way, if you are buying butter, then choose a quality one – which brands you should not take, you can read here.

Everyone knows that fast food is too high in calories and unhealthy, but nevertheless, few people are ready to give up a portion of juicy freshly made pizza or a three-story burger. It’s all about the sauces, preservatives and additives that make the fast food taste bright. But for the entire gastrointestinal tract system, such food is a heavy burden.

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