12 foods rich in iron

According to statistics, a deficiency of this trace element occurs in 25 percent of people around the world. Most often, preschoolers, pregnant women and girls during their periods suffer from it. A separate risk group is vegetarians and vegans.

Signs of iron deficiency include dry skin, brittle layered nails and hair, fatigue, weakness, and pallor. In addition, hair does not grow well, the immune system suffers, and if iron deficiency is persistent, anemia may develop. 


There is a lot of iron in all sea creatures, but mussels, scallops and oysters are especially generous with it. 100 grams of these shellfish will provide the body with 3 mg of iron, which is about 17 percent of the daily value. Seaweed contains even more iron, 16 mg per 100 grams of product. This is even more than the daily value. But we must remember that our body absorbs iron from plant sources worse than from animal products. 


Incredibly healthy greens, which nevertheless need to be careful with for people with kidney disease. 100 grams of spinach contains about 2,7 milligrams of iron, about 15 percent of the daily value. In addition, greens contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron. And given the fact that spinach is very low in calories, high in calcium and antioxidants, proponents of a healthy diet strongly advise including it in your diet. 


Beef, chicken, pork liver is a valuable source of iron. Like other organ meats: lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, even the brain. 100 grams of beef liver provides 6,5 milligrams of iron, 36 percent of the DV. In addition, organ meats are rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, selenium and copper, as well as protein. True, there is also a lot of fat in the liver, so you shouldn’t abuse it. 


Soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans are not only vegetable protein, but also iron. True, in a form that is more difficult for the body to absorb than iron from the same liver. The champion among legumes is lentils, with 100 mg of iron per 11,8 grams of dry product, 84 percent of the daily value. True, in order to fully replenish the iron deficiency, you will have to eat a lot of lentils, because they swell a lot when cooked. Like soybeans, 100 grams of dry grains contain 9,7 mg of iron, 69 percent of the DV. 

Red meat

You can argue about the benefits or dangers of red meat forever. On the one hand, scientists have shown that its frequent use can cause rectal cancer. On the other hand, supporters of the keto diet are ready to eat it raw and prove the benefits of red meat by their example. In any case, the iron in one hundred grams of red meat is about 2,6 grams, it is well absorbed, and the product itself is readily available. In addition, meat provides the body with protein, zinc and selenium. 


Just 100 grams of seeds provides 16 milligrams of iron, 114 percent of the DV. True, such a portion of sesame seeds also contains a lot of calories – 573. But you can afford 30 grams a day: add to a smoothie, for example, or sprinkle porridge with sesame seeds. It will turn out to be satisfying, nutritious, and healthy. 


In protein, of course, there is no iron, but in the yolk – very much even. There are 100 mg of iron per 6,7 grams of egg yolk, 48 percent of the DV. But, of course, there is a “but”. The yolk in an average egg weighs only 18 grams. It is not worth eating more than two a day – neither a dietitian nor a fitness trainer will advise you otherwise. It turns out that we can get only 15 percent of the daily iron requirement from egg yolk. However, a little of everything – and it will be typed. 

Buckwheat and quinoa

A 185-gram serving of cooked quinoa contains 2,8 mg of iron. Buckwheat – slightly less, only about 2 mg. Better than nothing, but it is still difficult to make up for the iron deficiency exclusively with plant-based products. However, the option is not bad, besides, these cereals do not contain gluten and are rich in useful vitamins and minerals. 

Turkey and chicken

100 grams of poultry meat is 1 to 3 mg of iron. Moreover, it is absorbed from turkey and chicken much better than from the same spinach. Which, by the way, will be an excellent addition to poultry dishes: this combination will allow the gland to be absorbed in the best possible way. Dark meat – legs will be especially useful. There is less iron in white meat, which is why it is colored paler. 


Wheat bran contains the most iron: 14 mg per 100 grams of product. That is, a portion completely covers the daily requirement for this trace element, but on condition that the iron is absorbed completely, which is unlikely. Yes, and it is not easy – to eat as much as 100 grams of bran. Usually their daily serving is 3-4 tablespoons. But oat bran contains almost three times less iron: 5,4 mg per 100 grams. 

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