12 food myths we readily believe in

Most often, our friends give us this advice, they say that they read it in some newspaper, they saw a lot of positive reviews there. Have you ever wondered why write all this fiction? It’s just that it is profitable for journalists and editors of magazines and newspapers when their material is sold like hot cakes. So, let’s begin.


Many people argue that juice is the healthiest and lowest calorie product, so you can use it as much as your heart desires. This is not entirely correct opinion. Juices contain many colors, preservatives and, of course, sugar. If you are so hungry for vitamins, then it is better to eat some kind of fruit. After all, they are rich in fiber that saturates our body.

There is also another misconception. According to the modern press, liquid diets reduce the stomach and promote accelerated weight loss. According to doctors, this cannot be called true, because the stomach consists of muscles, it can stretch when eating, and then return to its main position. And it can only be reduced with a scalpel on the surgical table.


The next myth is that we are surrounded by many products that can burn excess fat on our figure and make it perfect. We have to upset you, there are no products that simply and easily burn fat that has been accumulating for so long. The myth concerns pineapples, grapefruits, and other exotics. Yes, undoubtedly, they increase the metabolic rate in the body, but this is not for long. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to combine several methods at the same time.

Another myth on our list is that green tea can help you lose weight. This opinion is wrong. Tea contains some substances that prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries.

The most interesting myth is that flour and sweet products cause irreparable harm to our figure and the arrow of the scales. This is also not true. Colossal and repeated studies have shown that if food is low in fat, then it is impossible to get better from it. This has long become a central rule in the dieticians’ notebook.

People who are trying to lose weight very often replace regular oil with lean oil because it contains less fat. This is not true. Vegetable oil contains over 97% fat.

The argument that any fish can be eaten while losing weight is also not entirely correct. You need to know that some types of fish contain as much fat as there is, for example, in ham. Fish is a huge source of protein. A huge amount of fat is found in salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring. Try replacing fried fish with one that has been grilled or steamed. This is part of a healthy diet.


Eating apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight. This is also a myth. Yes, some unverified sources say that if you take a glass of water with two tablespoons of vinegar every day, you can easily lose those annoying pounds even without diets. But just vinegar can exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This must be borne in mind if you do decide to try this method of losing weight.

The next fact that misleads us is that white bread contains more calories than bran bread. This is not true. They contain roughly the same amount of calories. The only good thing is that bran bread brings more benefits to our body.

We also want to tell you that an apple, orange and other delicious fruits are not able to overcome our appetite, but rather the opposite. Although, if you are in a different mood, perhaps your self-hypnosis will be stronger. Yet fruit helps some.


For fruits and desserts to benefit our body, they are best eaten not for dessert, but between meals. This is due to the fact that fruits can stay in a full stomach, while they lose many useful substances.

Also don’t believe that eating red meat is unhealthy and worsens weight loss. Red meat, as well as fish, pork and chicken are rich in protein, iron and zinc.

We hope that we have dispelled your doubts and allegations. And henceforth you will trust only proven advice, not word of mouth. After all, each product is unique and useful in its own way. You can’t just stop using this or that dish. All these games can be bad for your well-being, health and later life. And health cannot be bought for any money. Therefore, be vigilant. Good luck.


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