12 facts about cats that few people know

It turns out that an amazing creature lives next to you. And not only because it prescribes somersaults and drinks tap water.

1. Today there are 63 recognized cat breeds in the world.

2. Cats do not taste sweet. The fact is that cats lack the T1R2 protein, which is necessary for the functioning of the taste receptor to determine sweet taste.

3. Cats have 12 times more olfactory receptors than humans. On the other hand, there are 18 times less taste buds.

4. Cats tolerate changes in diet very poorly, which is due to the limited intestinal flora, in contrast to the diverse intestinal flora of humans.

5. Cats should not be fed the same way as humans. The intestines of cats are very short and can reach only 1,7 m, while the intestines of humans reach 6,5 m, so the duration of digestion in cats is 2 times less than in humans. This fact explains the need for an easily digestible food with a low carbohydrate content.

6. For cats, the so-called buffet type of feeding is characteristic, in which the cat eats in small portions, but quite often, from 15 to 20 approaches a day. Cats drink just as little, but at about the same frequency as they eat.

7. Even with proper feeding, the cat remains a predator and is ready to attack birds and rodents on occasion.

8. In contrast to the established opinion, a cat does not see in pitch darkness, but in comparison with a human, it suffices 6 times less light in order to distinguish with the same clarity what is being done around.

9. Sometimes you can find out what a cat is thinking only by its ears. Straight, slightly forward, mobile speak of the friendly state of mind of the animal. If both ears are directed towards the source of the sound, this means that the cat is alert. Flat ears, pressed to the head, indicate the cat’s strong anxiety and its readiness to defend itself. If the auricles are looking back, watch out!

10. The characteristic feline sound, which we call rumbling, is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords and always expresses an intense emotional state, be it pain or pleasure.

11. Cats always fall on four legs.

12. Contrary to stereotypes, both cats and dogs are equally attached to the owner. The intensity of this attachment does not depend on the type of animal, but on its breed. Sphynx, Bengal and Abyssinian cats are very social, active, communicative and require a lot of attention.

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