12 best warming ointments

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

For various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, warming ointments are used. These are local preparations with a pronounced irritant and analgesic effect. They stop inflammation, normalize metabolic processes, stimulate tissue trophism. Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. And some of them are used in the complex therapy of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Useful properties of warming ointments

Upon contact with the skin, warming ointments provide the following effect:

  1. locally dilate blood vessels;

  2. improve the flow of blood, oxygen, nutrients to pathological foci;

  3. accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body;

  4. relieve muscle stiffness syndrome.

Reducing pain and improving the mobility of bone joints is observed soon after the topical application of such drugs. Due to local hyperthermia, tissues are warmed and irritated, which has a therapeutic effect. Against this background, metabolic processes are activated, inflammation in muscles and bone joints is stopped, and damaged tissue is restored.

Areas of use

Ointments with a warming effect are used to treat pain in patients suffering from the following pathologies:

  1. a change in the cartilage of the intervertebral discs with reactive processes in the tissues surrounding them;

  2. radiculopathy (damage to the roots of the spinal cord);

  3. sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve);

  4. lumbago and lumbago;

  5. disturbances of peripheral blood circulation;

  6. muscle pain.

Such drugs have also proven themselves well when used by athletes. They prevent pain during exercise.

Separate warming agents are used for massage, which is often included in the complex therapy of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spinal column. Warming ointments are also used during the subsidence of the symptoms of major diseases. With an exacerbation of the pathology, they are not used, since this can lead to increased pain.

How much ointment to apply, how and for how long to do it is determined taking into account the composition of the drug, the indications and the general well-being of the patient. Such funds should not be used after hot water procedures or in conjunction with warming compresses. Ointments should be applied carefully and ensure that they do not get on the mucous membrane or on irritated skin. After handling, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

What are the components of the composition

The active ingredients of such ointments usually have a locally irritating effect. They should sharply or gently warm the painful area. Most often, the components of such products are of plant or animal origin (pepper extract, snake or bee venoms). Among the excipients, the following may occur:

  1. salicylates;

  2. NSAIDs (ketoprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac);

  3. essential oils (mustard, eucalyptus, cloves);

  4. hedge;

  5. turpentine;

  6. paraffin, vaseline, glycerin.

The composition may also contain camphor and menthol. They have a cooling effect, so when exposed to the main active ingredients, burning is not so pronounced. Various manufacturers abroad and in Russia produce ointments with the above components. In our review, we will consider the best of them.

Rating of the best warming ointments

Nomination Place Name Price
The best imported ointments      1 Finalgon      330 ₽
     2 Capsicum      312 ₽
     3 Nikofleks      250 ₽
     4 Nyatox      176 ₽
     5 Apizartron      251 ₽
     6 Viprosal B      221 ₽
     7 Dr. Theiss Eucalyptus      310 ₽
     8 Dr. Mom Phyto      146 ₽
The best Russian ointments      1 Salvisar      153 ₽
     2 Espol      180 ₽
     3 bom bengue      37 ₽
     4 Gevkamen      51 ₽

The best imported ointments

Imported pharmaceutical companies provide a wide range of warming ointments. Many of them can be used for medicinal purposes or to help athletes (before, during or after training). Most often they have combined compositions. Among the active ingredients may be present: capsaicin, bee or snake venom, mustard extracts.


Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was the German ointment Finalgon. Its active ingredients are nonivamide (a synthetic analogue of capsaicin) and nicoboxyl (a derivative of nicotinic acid). Both components are able to locally dilate blood vessels, provoking redness of the skin. This effect is clearly felt 2-3 minutes after applying the ointment. The drug is approved for use from 18 years of age.

Ointment Finalgon has a homogeneous consistency. It is translucent and visually resembles a gel. It can be purchased in a tube of 50 or 20 g. An applicator is included in the kit for ease of application. In the beginning, you need to check the body’s tolerance for this remedy by applying its minimum amount. If you use such an ointment often, then the reaction to it becomes mild and you have to increase its amount when applied.

According to reviews, Finalgon can be a real salvation for various pathologies of muscles and joints, but subject to the correct use of this remedy. It is important to avoid abuse, as the burning sensation will be very strong. If you follow the instructions, then a pleasant warming effect reaches its maximum 20-30 minutes after application, and after 1-2 hours excellent pain relief develops. Many people also like the pleasant fragrance of this remedy.




Rating: 4.8

The Latvian manufacturer Grindeks produces a warming ointment Kapsikam. It contains 5 active ingredients: dimethyl sulfoxide, racemic camphor, gum turpentine, benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide. These substances provoke vasodilation and act irritatingly on the nerve endings. Against this background, reddening of the tissues and an analgesic effect are observed.

Ointment Kapsikam has an almost white color, a homogeneous structure and a specific smell. You can buy it in tin tubes of 30/50 g. For joint or muscle pathologies, the ointment is applied to the pathological focus in the amount of 1-3 g. For this, a special applicator is used. Then it is gently rubbed into the skin. Do this 2-3 times a day. Kapsikam is also used before sports training.

A few hours after the application of Kapsikam, the temperature of the skin increases by 1-2 ° C. Pain disappears after 30-40 minutes and this effect persists for 3-6 hours. Usually the ointment just heats the place where it got into very well. There are no unpleasant sensations, only spreading warmth. But if you apply it immediately after a shower or take water procedures in the near future, then it will burn very strongly.




Rating: 4.7

The next nominee of our review was the Hungarian warming ointment – Nikoflex. It contains 3 active ingredients: natural capsaicin, ethyl nicotinate, ethylene glycol salicylate. When this drug is applied locally on the skin, redness occurs and the temperature rises. The ointment is recommended for use by persons over 18 years of age, but some athletes use it even at an earlier age.

Nikoflex is a homogeneous white ointment with a rather specific odor. The drug is sold in an aluminum tube of 50 g, which is additionally packed in a cardboard box. It is important not to abuse the amount of ointment and make sure that the skin is dry and clean before application. With articular pathologies for three days, it is used 1 time per day, and then they switch to application twice a day. This ointment can also be used to warm up muscles in athletes during a massage.

Nikoflex is praised by both athletes and people with various muscle and joint pathologies. They like that this tool perfectly warms up the muscles. Nicoflex is quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving a greasy or sticky residue. The ointment quickly removes pain and helps to cope with the inflammatory process. It is usually well tolerated, but sometimes it can provoke allergic rashes at the site of application.




Rating: 4.6

Vietnamese warming ointment Nayatoks contains dry venom of the common cobra, methyl salicylate, camphor, eucalyptus oil. This remedy irritates sensitive dermal receptors, which contributes to vasodilation, improvement of trophic processes in tissues. Nayatox is an excellent pain reliever. This ointment is used for the treatment of adults and with great care for the treatment of children over 6 years of age.

Nayatox is a thick, homogeneous ointment. It is translucent, white in color with a slight yellowish tinge and a specific smell. It is packaged in tin tubes in the amount of 20 g. The ointment is applied to the skin of pathological foci 1 time per day for 5-10 g. Do this gradually and gently rub the drug. With severe pain, Nayatox is allowed to be used in the morning and evening.

According to reviews, Nayatox ointment warms and anesthetizes very pleasantly. This effect will be enhanced if, after applying the product, wrap the painful area. Its warming effect is moderate, but it distracts quite well. With severe pain in the musculoskeletal system, for a noticeable relief of the condition, it may be necessary to apply this ointment for about 10 days. Nayatox is usually well tolerated, but in isolated cases, itching and rashes may appear at the site of application.




Rating: 4.5

Among the nominees of our review was also the German ointment Apizartron. It contains bee venom, which is fortified with mustard oil extract and methyl salicylate. Thanks to the incoming components, this drug deeply warms the tissues, improves local blood circulation, anesthetizes, relieves the inflammatory process. The ointment is suitable for adults and children from 12 years of age.

Apizartron ointment has an exceptionally homogeneous consistency. Her color is white, the smell is specific due to methyl salicylate. This medicine is sold in tubes of 20 or 50 g. A strip of ointment (3-5 cm) is recommended to be evenly distributed on the skin until a feeling of warmth and hyperemia appears. It usually takes 2-3 minutes. Then slowly rub it until completely absorbed and wrap this place with a scarf.

Patients share that the pain syndrome Apizartron stops immediately after the initial use. And completely eliminates it in 4-5 days of therapy. The warming effect of this ointment is very pleasant. It can be used not only for treatment, but also for warming up muscles before, during and after sports training. However, some people are put off by the pungent odor.



Viprosal B

Rating: 4.4

The Latvian manufacturer Grindeks produces Viprosal V ointment. The main component of this remedy is dry viper venom. It is supplemented with camphor, turpentine and salicylic acid. The ointment has a local irritant effect and anesthetizes. After its application, blood vessels expand, trophic processes improve.

The texture of the Viprosal B ointment is quite dense, but not greasy. Its color is absolutely white, the smell is specific. This remedy is suitable for the treatment of persons over 12 years of age. When applied, the size of the pathological focus is taken into account, but usually no more than 5-10 g of ointment is used at a time. It is allowed to use this warming ointment in the morning and in the evening.

If we compare Viprosal B with Finalgon or Kapsikam, then in terms of the warming effect, it is clearly inferior to them. Nevertheless, it effectively anesthetizes in combination with other drugs for neuralgia, arthralgia and myositis. According to reviews, this ointment is easily distributed over the skin and quickly absorbed. During its use there is no risk of staining clothes.



Dr. Theiss Eucalyptus

Rating: 4.3

German ointment Dr. Theiss eucalyptus is a warming agent for a different purpose. It contains such active ingredients: eucalyptus and pine needles oil, as well as camphor. This remedy has anti-inflammatory, locally irritating and expectorant action. It is actively used in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis and other pathologies of the respiratory tract. Ointment can be used from three years.

Dr. Theiss eucalyptus is a homogeneous ointment. It is translucent with a light yellow color and a specific smell. The ointment can be purchased in brown glass jars of 20 or 50 g. The agent is applied to the skin of the back / chest and rubbed by gently massaging. After that, this place is insulated with a scarf. Manipulation is repeated 2-3 times a day.

About Dr. Theiss ointment, many speak very well. According to them, this tool works in two directions. It perfectly warms up the places where it was applied, and also radiates the healing aroma of essential oils. With such an ointment, both adults and children are much easier to experience various symptoms of a cold. Usually this drug is well tolerated, but in rare cases it can provoke allergic reactions or bronchospasm.



Dr. Mom Phyto

Rating: 4.2

Indian warming ointment Dr. Mom has many areas of application: symptomatic therapy of acute respiratory infections, pain in the back, head, muscles. It contains 3 types of oil (eucalyptus, nutmeg, turpentine), levomenthol and camphor. It is approved for use from 3 years.

Dr. Mom Phyto is sold in plastic jars of 20 g. The ointment itself is translucent, almost white with a specific smell. The consistency is similar to Vaseline. If the muscles or back hurt, then the ointment is applied to this area. To achieve a better result, cover the pathological focus with a warm scarf. If you are worried about headaches, then the ointment is applied to the skin of the temporal region.

Ointment Dr. Mom Phyto gives a mild warming effect. But at the same time, this remedy effectively eliminates pain in muscle fibers. It is used very economically. If not applied to irritated skin, it does not burn. In action, this ointment is very similar to the “asterisk”, but it acts more delicately. It is usually well tolerated, but rarely causes allergic reactions.



The best Russian ointments

Among Russian warming ointments there are very effective nominees. Moreover, they not only act no worse than imported analogues, but also have a more attractive cost.


Rating: 4.9

The Russian manufacturer Biochemist produces Salvisar warming ointment. It is a domestic analogue of Viprosal V. The ointment contains common viper venom, salicylic acid, synthetic camphor, gum turpentine. It is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system. This remedy is contraindicated up to 6 years. And persons under 18 years of age should use it with great care.

Salvisar is a white ointment with a slight yellowish tinge with a camphor and turpentine odor. It is sold in aluminum tubes in very different packaging – from 15 to 100 g. The ointment is applied in parts to pathological areas and gently rubbed 1 time per day. If the pain is severe, then this remedy can be used in the morning and evening. The maximum period of application of this ointment without consulting a specialist should not exceed 10 days.

Consumers note that Salvisar acts no worse than imported Viprosal. This ointment perfectly warms up the painful area and anesthetizes it. And if, after applying the product, you still wrap the pathological focus, then the effect will be many times stronger. Some do not like the fact that the ointment is quite oily and poorly absorbed. And sometimes it provokes skin allergic reactions.




Rating: 4.8

The Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm produces Espol. This ointment contains thick capsicum extract as the main active ingredient. Among the auxiliary components are lavender and coriander oil. This remedy has a locally irritating, “distracting”, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, enhances local blood circulation.

Espol is available in the form of a reddish-brown ointment with a slight specific odor. It is sold in aluminum tubes in various packaging to choose from. The ointment is used externally in the area of ​​the pathological focus. Lightly rub 2-3 g 2-3 times a day. The effect is enhanced by the application of a dry warming dressing. The duration of treatment is 1-10 days. The ointment is approved for use from 2 years.

From the reviews it follows that when the ointment is rubbed in 10-15 minutes, hyperemia (reddening of the skin) and a feeling of warmth appear. At the same time, consumers note that Espol should not be applied in a thick layer in order to avoid burns. This drug perfectly warms and anesthetizes. Some do not like only that this ointment can leave marks on clothes. And at the site of application, itching and peeling of the skin may occur.



bom bengue

Rating: 4.7

Various Russian pharmaceutical companies produce Bom Benge ointment. It contains 2 active ingredients: menthol and methyl salicylate. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. Under the influence of the ointment, vasodilation occurs. The initial cooling sensation is replaced by a slight burning sensation and tingling.

Bom Benge is a white or yellow ointment with the smell of menthol and methyl salicylate. It has a thick consistency. Sold in orange glass jars or tubes. It is recommended to apply the ointment to painful areas of the body with a layer of approximately 1 mm, and then rub into the skin. Depending on the intensity of pain, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Many praise this time-tested remedy in their reviews. This ointment is suitable for rubbing adults and children. It helps to cope with both muscle pain and colds. If Bom Benge is rubbed well, then the warming effect will be pronounced. But some people don’t like taking it out of a glass jar and prefer tubes.



  1. difficult to get out of the bank.


Rating: 4.6

Closes the review of the best warming ointments drug Gevkamen. It is produced by various Russian pharmaceutical companies. The ointment contains 4 active ingredients: levomenthol, peppermint leaf oil, eucalyptus rod oil and camphor. Carnation flower oil acts as an auxiliary component. The drug is approved for use from 12 years.

Gevkamen is a homogeneous white ointment with a yellowish tinge and a specific smell. It can be purchased in dark glass jars or in tin tubes. A small amount of ointment should be applied to the painful area and rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. The procedure is carried out depending on the intensity of pain 2-3 times a day.

It follows from the reviews that with good rubbing of the area of ​​application of Gevkamen, a significant warming effect is observed. It is more pronounced and lasts longer if this place is wrapped with a scarf. The drug perfectly anesthetizes and relieves the inflammatory process. Some note that they are confused by the primary burning and tingling after applying this ointment, but these uncomfortable sensations pass quickly enough.


  1. helps in the treatment of colds.


Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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