12 Best Vitamins for Pregnancy Planning

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Proper preparation of the body at the planning stage of motherhood greatly affects the future health of a woman and her unborn child. Usually this implies a complex of various measures: examination, making adjustments to lifestyle, eliminating existing deviations in health. It is advisable to start planning at least 12 weeks before the intended conception.

Taking vitamins during planning

Modern women cannot always satisfy the daily need of their body for vitamins and minerals only by eating food. This is due to the fact that, taken in food, products contain less and less useful substances every year (the soil is depleted, the crop is harvested early). Also, nutrients present in foods are not always fully absorbed.

To achieve balance naturally, you need to eat a huge amount of food. But since it is not realistic to consume 5-7 kg of food daily, the female body needs to be helped. Taking multivitamin complexes can be an excellent solution. In order for all the necessary substances to accumulate in the body, a woman should take them intensively already 8-12 weeks before the intended conception.

Which vitamins and minerals are most important

Expectant mothers need an extensive list of nutrients. It necessarily contains vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C, D, E. A special place is occupied by vitamin B9 (folic acid). Among the minerals of great importance are: I, Fe, Mg Ca. If a woman passes tests, then a deficiency of other useful substances may also be detected.

When choosing a suitable complex, a woman should pay special attention to the following components:

  1. Folic acid. Proper planning of a child cannot do without this vitamin. It plays an important role in a woman’s reproductive health. Thanks to vitamin B9, the risks of malformations of the central nervous system of the fetus are significantly reduced. At the planning stage, a woman should receive 400-500 micrograms of this vitamin every day.

  2. Iodine. Women who are preparing for motherhood should regularly take 150-200 micrograms of this trace element. Thanks to this amount of iodine, the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is maintained. This is essential for the good functioning of the mother’s reproductive system, as well as for the organic development of the child, both physically and mentally.

  3. Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is fraught with pregnancy complications, from nighttime calf cramps to threatened miscarriage and preeclampsia. Replenishing the deficiency of this mineral even at the stage of pregnancy planning helps to prevent accidental genetic abnormalities. The daily dose is 5 mg of magnesium per 1 kg of body weight.

  4. Iron. Studies have shown that in women with iron deficiency, the normal maturation and release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube is disturbed, therefore, at the stage of pregnancy planning, this microelement must be normal. The daily norm is 30-40 mg of ferrous iron with indicators of 30-70 μg / l of ferritin.

During heat treatment, the amount of nutrients in food is significantly reduced. A woman planning motherhood should coordinate her diet with the gynecologist in whom she is observed. In this case, it will be possible to more competently choose a vitamin complex for her. Pharmacies offer a wide range of both dietary supplements and preparations with vitamins. We will dedicate this review to reviewing the best of them.

Rating of the best vitamins when planning pregnancy

Nomination Place Name Price
The best pharmaceutical preparations with vitamins when planning a pregnancy      1 Vitrum Prenatal Forte      890 ₽
     2 Pregnacare      410 ₽
     3 Multi-tabs perinatal      278 ₽
     4 Complivit trimester 1 trimester      160 ₽
     5 9 months Folic acid      400 ₽
The best dietary supplements with vitamins when planning a pregnancy      1 Elevit planning and first trimester      609 ₽
     2 Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ      540 ₽
     3 Minisan multivitamin mom      770 ₽
     4 Fortevit for pregnant women from A to Zinc      300 ₽
     5 Doppelgerz Active for expectant mothers      554 ₽
     6 Mom’s Health Alphabet      263 ₽
     7 Folionorm      460 ₽

The best pharmaceutical preparations with vitamins when planning a pregnancy

The advantage of vitamins in pregnancy planning, which are pharmaceuticals, is that they have been subjected to mandatory clinical trials. If a drug is registered as a drug, it means that its effect has been confirmed by independent trials and is guaranteed by the regulatory body. Many obstetrician-gynecologists recommend their patients to give preference to them.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was the drug Vitrum Prenatal Forte from the American manufacturer Unipharm. This complex contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. Each dose of this remedy contains 60 mg of iron and 150 mcg of iodine, which some other analogues cannot boast of. But it should also be borne in mind that a total of 5000 IU of retinoids is present here. This is quite a lot for such potentially hazardous substances.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte tablets are capsule-shaped. They are film coated. Their color is light gray, the aroma is quite specific. The vitamins are in a jar made of plastic with a lid that makes it difficult for small children to open. During planning, the dosing regimen of these vitamins implies 1 piece per day. It is advisable to take it in the morning after meals with 100 ml of water.

Women who take these vitamins during planning share the fact that their general well-being has noticeably improved: vigor has appeared, the emotional state has become consistently good, and the results of blood tests have begun to please. By themselves, these vitamins do not help to get pregnant, but they saturate the woman’s body well with everything necessary by the time this happens. Many people like this complex, but they complain about the size of the tablet (1,8 cm), which is very difficult to swallow.




Rating: 4.8

The drug Pregnacare, which is produced by the British pharmaceutical company Vitabiotics, is very popular among women planning pregnancy. This remedy saturates the body with 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. Folic acid in this complex contains 400 mcg, iodine – 140 mcg, iron – 20 mg. If you take this drug at the planning stage of motherhood, then you can completely compensate for the deficiency of all the most necessary vitamins and minerals.

When buying Pregnacare, a woman will have to take capsules by mouth. They are gelatinous, colored brown. They have a standard size, so there are practically no difficulties with swallowing. They are located on blisters placed in a cardboard box. When planning a pregnancy, it is enough to take 1 capsule of Pregnacare 1 time per day. The optimal time is the morning meal or immediately after it.

Obstetrician-gynecologists often recommend such vitamins to their patients at the planning stage. From their reviews it follows that this complex contains the optimal dosages of vitamins and minerals necessary for successful conception and fetal development in the first month, when pregnancy has not yet been confirmed. Many consumers tolerate this complex well. But there are those who complain of nausea and abdominal pain when using this drug.



Multi-tabs perinatal

Rating: 4.7

The next nominee of our review was the Multi-tabs perinatal complex. It contains 20 vitamin and mineral components. Vitamin B9 it contains 400 micrograms, iodine – 150 micrograms. But in the presence of iron (14 mg), this drug is clearly inferior to Vitrum and Pregnacare. And yet, some gynecologists recommend that their patients who are planning a pregnancy take this drug to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Tablets Multi-tabs perinatal are oval, convex on both sides. They are covered with a yellow shell. Since they are large enough, the swallowing process cannot be called comfortable. Vitamins are located on blisters, additionally packed in a cardboard box. The daily dose is 1 tablet per day. It is better to take them on a full stomach in the morning. They are not recommended to be chewed. Drink the drug should be water or cool drinks without caffeine.

For many expectant mothers, the choice fell on this particular complex, since it has a good composition and suits them with its price. Multi-tabs perinatal has a good effect on the body, and also makes hair, nail plates and skin integuments healthier. If you manage to get pregnant during the use of this complex, then the chances of a successful bearing of the baby increase. These vitamins are usually well tolerated.



Complivit trimester 1 trimester

Rating: 4.7

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard has developed Complivit 1 trimester. This complex is enriched with 12 vitamins, 8 minerals, as well as lutein and lipoic acid. It fully covers the daily requirement of the expectant mother for iodine (0,2 mg), and also contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B9. Gynecologists often recommend this drug to their patients at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Release form of vitamins Complivit trimester – round, convex on both sides of the tablet in a white shell. Although they are rather large in size, they do not create any particular difficulties when swallowed. They have a characteristic vitamin smell. Tablets are placed on blisters packed in a cardboard box. Vitamins are recommended to be taken as a whole, 1 piece 1 time per day, washed down with half or a whole glass of clean water.

Women who took Complivit trimester share the fact that with it they improve their general well-being: vigor, energy, cheerfulness appear. This complex significantly strengthens the immune system. As a pleasant bonus, consumers note that their nails become stronger, their hair “comes to life”, and their complexion improves. These vitamins are generally well tolerated, but may cause nausea and vomiting in some people.



9 months Folic acid

Rating: 4.6

The Russian pharmaceutical company Valenta Pharma produces a drug for 9 months Folic acid. This is a one-component remedy, but it contains the most important vitamin – B9. Without it, motherhood planning will not be complete. Folic acid is present here 400 micrograms. It is highly purified and comes from Switzerland.

Such vitamin B9 from Valenta Pharma is a small, round, convex tablet on both sides. They are coated in yellow. Such vitamins are swallowed without problems. They are not in the bank, but on blisters. The package may contain 30 or 90 tablets. They should be used 1 time per day after eating 1 piece 1-3 months before the planned pregnancy.

Many are very satisfied with this inexpensive preparation with the optimal dosage of folic acid. Such vitamins are very convenient to use and they are well accepted by the body. But some consumers report that with prolonged use (more than 1 month) of this remedy, they had disorders of the digestive tract.



The best dietary supplements with vitamins when planning a pregnancy

In the case of dietary supplements containing vitamins, only their safety has been proven and guaranteed. This does not mean that there will be no positive effect, just no one has tested it. But according to some doctors and women who were planning to become mothers, individual vitamin supplements perform much better than some pharmaceutical drugs.

Elevit planning and first trimester

Rating: 4.9

In France, dietary supplements Elevit planning and the first trimester are made. It is enriched with 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. This product contains metafolin, which is a special form of folate that is better absorbed by the body. Unlike Elevit Pronatal, this supplement contains iodine and selenium. And iron and other components are presented in more adequate dosages. The finished product does not contain GMMs.

Such an additive is produced in the form of rather large (1,8 cm in length) tablets. They are oval, covered with a white shell. Not everyone can easily swallow them. Such vitamins are located on blisters. One package is designed for 30 days of use. At the planning stage of motherhood, it is recommended to consume these vitamins 1 piece 1 time per day. It is better to do this during breakfast.

In the reviews, many women praise this supplement from the Bayer brand very much. They like the surge of strength and vigor that these vitamins give. Even expectant mothers note that this complex of vitamins significantly increased their body’s resistance to colds. They either do not get sick at all, or recover faster. Their hair, nails, skin are transformed for the better.



Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ

Rating: 4.8

The German dietary supplement Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ contains vitamins B9 and metafolin (a biologically active form of folate that is easier to digest). It is also rich in vitamins (9 pieces) and iodine. All components practically cover or even slightly exceed the average daily allowance for women of reproductive age. This supplement is intended for those planning motherhood and those who are already carrying a child (until the end of the first trimester).

Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ is an almond-shaped tablet, quite convenient for swallowing size, light peach color. One package is designed for 30 days of use. It is recommended to take 1 tablet daily with a small amount of liquid. This complex is usually easily absorbed and does not cause unwanted reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

Consumers note that Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ allows you to feel a surge of strength and vigor in a fairly short period of time. This remedy perfectly saturates the body with folic acid, supports the functioning of the thyroid gland. Some users have successfully conceived with this supplement and have continued to take it into the first trimester. But some are upset by the complete absence of magnesium in the composition.



Minisan multivitamin mom

Rating: 4.7

Finnish dietary supplement Minisan multivitamin mom contains 11 vitamins and 6 minerals. The composition does not contain retinols that are doubtful for planning pregnancy, but folic acid contains 500 mcg. This supplement boasts the presence of iodine (140 mcg), iron (14 mg), magnesium (150 mcg). It is great for women who are looking forward to getting pregnant.

Minisan multivitamin mom is available in the form of tablets. They are oval in shape and covered with a pink shell. They are swallowed, despite their size, quite easily. During pregnancy planning, it is enough to take these vitamins 1 per day. It is better to do this in the morning, during meals. Usually this dietary supplement is well absorbed, but in some consumers it can cause an allergic rash.

Many people speak very positively about these Finnish vitamins. They like a well-thought-out composition and how it affects their body. Against the background of the use of this supplement, they noticeably improve the results of blood tests. They become more cheerful, more energetic. Their emotional state stabilizes. The condition and color of the skin also improves, nails are strengthened, hair splits less and falls out.



Fortevit for pregnant women from A to Zinc

Rating: 4.6

The Russian manufacturer Vneshtorg Pharma produces a complex for planning and pregnant women from A to Zinc Fortevit. This dietary supplement contains 14 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, as well as 11 mineral components. One serving of the supplement contains 300 micrograms of folic acid, 16,5 mg of iron, 110 micrograms of iodine, 60 mg of magnesium. This dietary supplement is able to provide the female body with the most important micronutrients during pregnancy planning.

Fortevit is a fairly large, round white tablets. They are packaged in blisters and placed in a cardboard box. Those planning pregnancy are advised to consume these vitamins 1-2 pieces 1 time per day during breakfast. Fortevit is easy to swallow and does not cause a gag reflex. Available in packs of 30 or 60 pieces.

From the reviews it follows that this budgetary domestic product may well compete with imported counterparts. The dietary supplement has a good combination of nutrients with good dosages. During the use of such vitamins, women note a surge of strength and energy, an improvement in mood. Blood tests also show that Fortevit has a good effect on the health of those who hope for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Such a complex is usually well tolerated, but occasionally provokes allergic skin rashes.



  1. can cause allergic skin rashes.

Doppelgerz Active for expectant mothers

Rating: 4.5

The German dietary supplement Doppelgerz Active for expectant mothers contains 16 useful substances. Vitamin A is present here 333 mcg, folic acid – 400 mcg, iodine – 150 mcg, iron – 10 mg, magnesium – 100 mcg. Other components are also presented in reasonable dosages. This complex is optimally suited for women planning pregnancy and childbirth.

This dietary supplement for expectant mothers is available in the form of capsule-shaped tablets. They are quite large in size, so swallowing can be difficult. When planning conception and successful pregnancy, it is recommended to take these vitamins 1 time per day, 1 piece. The duration of admission is 3 months. After a break of 1 month, re-admission is possible. One package is enough for 30 days of use.

This German remedy is liked by many consumers. Some in the reviews share that during the use of such vitamins they felt very good and saw the cherished 2 strips on the test. They like the dosages of the active ingredients in this supplement, so they are less worried about whether the baby has enough of all the essentials for successful development after conception.



Mom’s Health Alphabet

Rating: 4.5

Trademark Vneshtorg Pharma produces a popular line of vitamins Alfavit. Among them there is a complex Mom’s health, also designed to prepare for conception. This dietary supplement contains 25 useful components. Folic acid is present here in total 600 mcg, iron – 20 mg, iodine – 150 mcg, magnesium – 50 mcg. This tool effectively promotes successful conception and the normal course of pregnancy.

BAA Mom’s health is a set of 3 tablets of different colors for every day. Each of them includes its own set of useful components. All of them have a round shape, convex on both sides. Despite their rather large size, they are swallowed almost without problems. For a day, the expectant mother should take 1 tablet of each color. The break between each new portion should be 4-6 hours. One package is enough for 20 days of use.

This Russian dietary supplement has many positive reviews. The tablets do not cause nausea or other discomfort during use. This supplement perfectly helps to nourish the body with the most necessary nutrients in preparation for the long-awaited pregnancy. Alphabet Mom’s health significantly strengthens the immune system, normalizes the quality of sleep, relieves chronic fatigue. Many people like that this complex takes into account the compatibility of components.




Rating: 4.5

The Russian dietary supplement Folionorm contains 3 active ingredients: folic acid (600 mcg), iodine (150 mcg), vitamin B12 (3,0 mcg). This dietary supplement has an unloaded composition, but at the planning stage it replenishes the body with especially important substances. However, women with thyroid disease should first consult with an endocrinologist before taking Folionorm.

Folionorm supplement is a small, round yellow colored tablets. They are on a blister. The package contains 30 pieces. During pregnancy planning, it is enough to take these vitamins 1 time per day, 1 each. It is best to consume them with meals during breakfast. They swallow without problems. They do not cause nausea or other discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. However, the emergence of individual intolerance is not ruled out.

Some gynecologists insist that at the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman should receive the maximum amount of vitamins from food, so they do not need complexes with a large number of components and it is enough to take Folionorm to avoid folic acid and iodine deficiency. Consumers share the fact that with these vitamins they increase their efficiency and normalize their emotional state.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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