12 Best Throat Sprays

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Quite often, adults and children complain of a sore throat. To choose the right treatment tactics, it is necessary to know exactly the cause of the onset of unpleasant symptoms. Sore throats can be accompanied by discomfort when opening the mouth, dryness, trouble swallowing, hoarseness, or even loss of voice. Ulcers and pustules may appear on the tonsils, and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Possible causes of sore throat

It is necessary to select a medicine for the throat, taking into account the causes of unpleasant symptoms. Pathological conditions can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Viral infection. The throat becomes inflamed most often for this reason. Plus, this is accompanied by headache, rhinitis, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, the temperature rises to 38 ⁰C.

  2. Bacterial infection. Most often joins an existing SARS. It causes soreness and soreness in the throat, swelling of the larynx and tonsils, weakness, fever.

  3. Allergy. When allergens enter the body, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, a sore throat appears, it becomes difficult to breathe. In more severe cases, dry unproductive cough and asthma attacks may join.

  4. Fungal lesions. After treatment with antibiotics or in case of disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system is noticeably weakened, so the growth of candida begins. The mucous throat is covered with plaque, painful sensations appear.

  5. Dry air. A sore throat is provoked during the heating season or during the operation of air conditioners.

In order to correctly diagnose and select adequate treatment, the patient should contact an otolaryngologist, as well as get advice from related specialists.

How do throat medicines work?

Viruses and bacteria most often provoke the appearance of sore throats, so most preparations for the treatment of diseases of the pharynx contain anesthetics and antibiotics. Also, as part of complex agents, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and moisturizing components may be present.

Modern medicines for the throat help to achieve the following results in the shortest possible time:

  1. eliminate pain;

  2. disinfect mucous membranes and tonsils;

  3. suppress the reproduction of pathogenic flora;

  4. activate the process of tissue regeneration;

  5. remove swelling of tissues, moisturize the mucous membrane.

Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis are united by discomfort in the throat area, and all of them are quite successfully treated with drugs that can be purchased at any pharmacy. If desired, you can choose a spray, lozenges, lozenges, lozenges or rinse solutions.

Throat Spray Benefits

Since the sprays are sprayed directly on the back of the pharynx, this allows the active active substances to enter the pathological focus in a matter of seconds.

The main advantages of this dosage form:

  1. Direct spraying on the back of the throat leads to a quick result.

  2. Spray bottles are usually small (25-50 ml), so they are convenient to carry and use anywhere when needed.

  3. Convenient and safe to use at night or just before bed.

  4. Suitable for those whose work activity is associated with the need to talk a lot.

But as soon as after spraying the medicine gets on the back wall of the pharynx, the swallowing reflex is triggered, so part of the active active substance is immediately “washed off”. And yet, throat sprays can perfectly relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, moisturize and act detrimental to pathogenic flora. This review is dedicated to reviewing the best of them.

Rating of the best throat sprays

Nomination Place Name Cost
The best pain relief throat sprays      1 Tantum Verde      255 ₽
     2 Teraflu Lar      287 ₽
     3 Oralcept      215 ₽
     4 Anti-angina formula      190 ₽
The best throat sprays with antiseptics      1 Strepsils Plus      242 ₽
     2 Septolete Plus      329 ₽
     3 Jox-Teva      294 ₽
     4 Stopangin-Teva      230 ₽
     5 Lugol spray      103 ₽
The best natural throat sprays      1 Aqua Maris Strong for the throat      226 ₽
     2 Aqualor throat      273 ₽
     3 Aquirin Oral      115 ₽

The best pain relief throat sprays

In order for the throat spray to give a good analgesic effect, it must contain local anesthetics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often they provide “freezing” of the pathological focus for several hours.

Tantum Verde

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was the Italian spray Tantum Verde. Its active ingredient is benzydamine. It belongs to NSAIDs, so it perfectly relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Tantum Verde has a detrimental effect on a large number of different pathogenic organisms. It is actively used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract of various origins.

Tantum Verde packaging includes a plastic bottle (30 ml – 176 doses) with a pump and a pressure device with a folding cannula. It contains a clear, colorless solution with a pronounced mint flavor. The agent is sprayed in the form of a jet. The taste is sweet with bitterness. Children from 3 years of age can use this spray. The dosage of this remedy varies depending on the age of the patient.

Tantum Verde effectively eliminates moderate sore throats. The bottle lasts for a long time, and the spray itself is quite comfortable to use. However, this drug may cause dryness, numbness, or burning in the mouth. Nevertheless, pediatricians love Tantum Verde spray and speak well of it. If its use is combined with rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, then literally in 3-4 days you can completely cure a sore throat in a child in unopened cases.



Teraflu Lar

Rating: 4.8

12 Best Throat Sprays

The next nominee was the Swiss drug Theraflu Lar. It has an excellent therapeutic effect due to the presence of such substances in the composition: benzoxonium (acts on viruses, bacteria and fungi) and lidocaine (reduces pain when swallowing). This spray is widely used for infections of the mouth and throat. Patients from the 5th year of life can use this spray.

Bottles (30 ml) with Theraflu Lar are made of plastic and have a spray device, a removable nozzle and a protective cap. The nozzle is not very large and has a rounded edge. Due to this, it is unlikely to damage the mucosa during manipulation. When you press the dispenser, the medicine is delivered in the form of a cloud. Its taste is quite tolerable even for a child. Adults are recommended to do 1 puffs at a time, and 4-2 for children. During the day, the manipulation is repeated 3-3 times.

This drug is excellent analgesic. But the therapeutic effect, according to reviews, it is expressed weaker. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days. And those who have used it for much longer note that their tongue and teeth turned brown. If the spray is used according to the instructions, it is usually very well tolerated. But temporary irritation in the throat immediately after spraying is not ruled out. And in very rare cases, it is possible to develop urticaria, swelling of the face and larynx.




Rating: 4.7

12 Best Throat Sprays

In Macedonia, an analogue of the drug Tantum Verde – Oralcept is produced. It has a therapeutic effect due to the content of benzydamine, which effectively stops inflammation and reduces pain. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. When used locally, the drug quickly penetrates into the inflamed foci.

Oralcept comes in a plastic bottle similar to Tantum Verde. It is designed for 176 doses (30 ml). The container contains a clear, yellow-green solution with a pronounced mint flavor. This spray is approved for use from 3 years. Adults and children over 12 years of age are allowed to use this medicine 2-6 times a day. At one time, you can do 4-8 clicks. For patients of the younger age group, there are dosages.

Oralcept is loved because it eliminates pain very quickly and the “freeze” effect can be observed for 1-3 hours. The taste of this spray is pleasant, slightly sweet, does not tear the throat. It is used economically. If you do everything according to the instructions, then the portability of this tool will be good. But still, during its use in the oral cavity, discomfort may occur in the form of burning or dryness.



Anti-angina formula

Rating: 4.6

12 Best Throat Sprays

Anti-angin formula is produced in the Netherlands. It contains 2 active ingredients: chlorhexidine (causes the death of microorganisms or temporarily suppresses their ability to reproduce) and tetracaine (local anesthetic). It is widely used for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the throat. Children can use this drug from the age of 10.

The container with the anti-angin formula is made of plastic. It has a dosing action valve, but it lacks a long spout. The bottle contains 25 ml of a colorless liquid with mint flavor. It is designed for 100 doses. The dispenser sprays the medicine powerfully. Adults and children over 15 years of age should take 1-2 injections per dose up to 6 times a day. Children from 10 to 15 years old – 1-2 injections per reception up to 3 times a day. Manipulation is important to carry out on inspiration.

Spray Anti-angin formula when irrigated, the throat is very pierced. Some users report that they even shed tears during manipulation. However, such discomfort passes rather quickly and an analgesic effect sets in, and a pleasant minty aftertaste remains. The action of the drug is enough for 2-3 hours. If you start using this remedy when the first symptoms appear, you can prevent the aggravation of the pathological process.



The best throat sprays with antiseptics

Throat medicines related to antiseptics contain substances that have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect against a large number of pathogenic organisms. Typically, such funds in the composition have other useful components.

Strepsils Plus

Rating: 4.9

12 Best Throat Sprays

The first nominee among the best antiseptic sprays was the British drug Strepsils Plus. It has a combined composition, including: amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol, lidocaine. It also contains levomenthol and essential oils of mint, anise. The drug fights pathogens, eliminates pain and swelling.

Strepsils Plus is available in glass bottles (20 ml) containing a red solution. They have a large plastic cap that covers the spray tip. The spray has a rather specific smell. One dose of medicine is produced by pressing the head of the dosing device twice. Adults and children over 12 years of age may irrigate the painful area every 3 hours. A maximum of 6 manipulations can be performed per day.

From the reviews it follows that Strepsils Plus perfectly relieves pain. Immediately after irrigation, there is a feeling of “freezing”. At the same time, the drug very well relieves the inflammatory process and fights pathogens. Many praise this spray because it has a rather pleasant taste and a very compact and convenient bottle. Some are only embarrassed by the fact that immediately after irrigation, the sensitivity of the tongue disappears.



Septolete Plus

Rating: 4.8

12 Best Throat Sprays

Septolete Plus throat spray is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical brand KRKA. It contains 2 active ingredients: cetylpyridinium chloride (antiseptic) and benzocaine (local anesthetic). This drug is popular for various diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx or larynx) in people over 18 years of age.

Septolete Plus is sold in plastic bottles. They are equipped with a spray head and dosing tube. The bottle is filled with an almost colorless transparent liquid. Each time during the manipulation, 2 presses on the sprayer should be performed. During the day, the drug can be used 8 times. The duration of therapy should not exceed 1 week. After opening, this spray is good for 3 months.

Many speak well of the Septolete Plus spray. They note that this drug effectively helps to cope with the onset of a cold in the shortest possible time. After irrigation, a burning sensation appears, which quickly passes and “freezing” occurs. Pain is not felt, but there is a possibility of biting the tongue or cheeks due to numbness, so you should refrain from eating in the near future.


  1. quickly anesthetizes;



Rating: 4.7

The pharmaceutical brand Teva has Yoks in its assortment. It contains povidone-iodine and allantoin. When this spray comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, iodine is released. It relieves inflammation and has a detrimental effect on a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. In pediatrics, this remedy has been used since 8 years.

Yoks-Teva is sold in plastic bottles of 30 ml. They have a mechanical sprayer with a protective cap and an applicator. The contents of the vial is a clear red-brown liquid. It is recommended to place the applicator nose 2-3 cm into the oral cavity, hold your breath and press it twice, spraying the medicine once to the right side and the other to the left. The spray is recommended to be used 2-4 times a day.

In the reviews, patients note that the taste of Yoks-Teva resembles iodine mixed with menthol. When sprayed, a strong burning sensation immediately appears. However, such discomfort passes quickly enough, and the therapeutic effect of this spray is not long in coming. The drug instantly anesthetizes and gives noticeable relief in a matter of days. This remedy is usually well tolerated, but with prolonged use, a metallic taste may appear in the mouth.




Rating: 4.6

Another effective drug from Teva is Stopangin. It contains hexetidine as an active ingredient. And among the auxiliary components there are such essential oils: anise, eucalyptus, orange, sassafras, mint. The drug acts on various pathogens, including fungi, and also effectively anesthetizes. Getting on the mucous membrane, it envelops it well.

Stopangin-Teva is packaged in the same way as Yoks. But the bottle is filled with a clear solution that has a specific smell due to the presence of essential oils. The drug can be used for children from 8 years. The medicine is sprayed on the right and left sides in the oral cavity. Manipulations are allowed to be repeated 2 times a day. The drug should be used between meals. The duration of the therapeutic course can be 5-7 days.

Patients respond very well to Stopangin spray. Although they note that his taste is very specific and you need to be patient during the procedure. But they like that this drug instantly relieves pain and promotes faster recovery. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, the action of this remedy is enough for 2-8 hours. Tolerability in Stopangin is usually good, but in people with hypersensitivity, an allergic reaction may occur.



Lugol spray

Rating: 4.5

12 Best Throat Sprays

In Lithuania, the pharmaceutical plant Valentis produces Lugol in the form of a spray. It contains iodine, potassium iodide, glycerol and purified water. The drug is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx. This remedy has a pronounced antiseptic effect. But people with hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) or dermatitis herpetiformis should refrain from taking this medicine.

Spray Lugol can be produced in dark glass bottles with an applicator. Its contents are a clear, viscous red-brown liquid with the smell of iodine. The drug is applied topically 4-6 times a day. One press on the spray head is enough to treat any one pathological focus (oral mucosa, pharynx, pharynx). At the time of injection, it is recommended to hold your breath.

Patients share that Lugol’s spray has a sugary sweetness, a specific smell and stains everything around. But it is quite comfortable to use. After applying to the mucous membrane, it stings a little, but this sensation quickly passes. This is the same time-tested Lugol, only in a more modern presentation. But since it contains iodine, they should not be abused, so as not to provoke a burn or laryngobronchospasm.



The best natural throat sprays

Medicines with compositions close to natural often imply the presence of sea water, essential oils, extracts and extracts from medicinal plants among the components. Their main purpose is hygienic care and prevention of serious pathologies. In severe cases, they will be weak.

Aqua Maris Strong for the throat

Rating: 4.9

12 Best Throat Sprays

The pharmaceutical company Jadran (Croatia) produces Aqua Maris Strong for the throat. The basis in its composition is sea water (concentration 3-7%). It is rich in natural salts and minerals. This remedy is often prescribed both for the purpose of prevention and for the treatment of various acute and chronic diseases of the throat.

Vials with Aqua Maris Strong are made of dark glass. Their volume is 30 ml and they have a special spray nozzle. The bottles contain clear solutions with a slight marine odor. This spray is suitable for use by adults and children over 1 year of age. Also, this drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The spray is used 4-6 times a day for 3-4 injections.

This remedy is great for dry throat. Also, if you start using it on time at an early stage of the disease, you can prevent the aggravation of the pathological process. The spray creates a salty aftertaste. The drug is usually tolerated without any problems. But in babies, it can cause a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx, so it must be used with caution.



Aqualor throat

Rating: 4.8

12 Best Throat Sprays

In Sweden, Aqualor throat is produced. It contains a solution of sea water (salt concentration 3-7%), enhanced with extracts of aloe and chamomile. Thanks to such components, Aqualor eliminates puffiness, effectively stops inflammation, repairs damaged tissues, and fights pathogens. The product is free of preservatives. It is intended for adults and babies from 6 months.

Aqualor throat is produced in an iron container equipped with a special nozzle for the throat. With its help, it is possible to achieve spraying in the form of a “shower”. The container is filled with a clear liquid that has a slight chamomile smell and a slightly salty taste. The nozzle is put on the balloon. The sprayer is directed to the focus of inflammation and washing is carried out for 3-5 seconds. Manipulation is repeated up to 4 times a day.

Many people like that this tool can be used both for treatment and for prevention. It is safe at any age. It is very soft and pleasant to use. Even small children love it. But some adults note that they do not like the rather flimsy nozzle, and also that this remedy is consumed rather quickly.



Aquirin Oral

Rating: 4.7

12 Best Throat Sprays

Trademark Bionor (Russia) produces Akvirin Oral throat remedy. It contains specially purified water, 4 types of extracts of useful plants, 4 types of essential oils and 3 infusions. The manufacturer positions its product as hygienic. It can be used to prevent serious throat diseases. In pediatrics, this spray is approved for use in children in the third year of life.

Aquirin Oral is produced in glass bottles with an applicator. They are filled with a light brown liquid with a specific herbal aroma. During deep air intake, the solution is sprayed for 1-2 seconds. Before the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water. Manipulations with Aquirin Oral spray are carried out 2-3 times a day. Once opened, the contents of the vial should not be stored for more than 2 weeks.

Consumers disagree about the taste of this remedy. To some, it seems quite tolerable and even pleasant, while others describe it not in the best way. But all of them are unanimous that Aquirin Oral effectively stops the beginning pathological process at an early stage. It perfectly soothes perspiration, stops the inflammatory process, makes breath fresh. However, during the irrigation process, a short-term burning sensation occurs, which also confuses some.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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