12 best solar panels

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Alternative sources of electrical energy are developing rapidly in the world. The most promising direction for most of the inhabitants is the development of solar panels. Today, a wide range of panels is presented on the Russian energy market. They differ in cost, overall dimensions and technical characteristics. The recommendations of our experts will help potential buyers choose the right source of electricity.

How to choose a solar panel

Appointment. First of all, the buyer must determine for himself the goals and objectives that the solar panel will solve.

  1. If you want to provide electricity to a country house, standing on a farm, then you need to limit your choice to productive batteries. They must generate electricity with a power of 200-400 watts. This is enough to connect household appliances in the spring and summer. The panel must withstand any atmospheric influences and temperature changes.

  2. Outdoor recreation requires a lightweight and compact solar panel that has a foldable design. Such a current source does not have much power, but it can cope with charging gadgets or flashlights. When choosing a camping solar module, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a waterproof cover.

Photocell type. Manufacturers take several types of photocells as a basis when creating a module.

  1. Polycrystalline cells are the easiest to manufacture and inexpensive. To obtain them, silicon is melted, after which the lava is cooled. The weak side of such elements will be a modest efficiency (up to 15%).

  2. Single-crystal solar cells can boast of high purity silicon. Their cost is quite high, but the efficiency can exceed 20%.

  3. Amorphous elements have high productivity. They are made on the basis of silicon hydride. A panel consisting of such photocells remains effective in twilight, rain or fog.

  4. Flexibility is the main trump card of film elements. Solar panels are mobile and easy to use. The battery can be placed on uneven surfaces. The weak side of film cells is considered to be modest power and low resistance to weather phenomena.

Build quality classification. All solar panels have a certain marking that indicates the quality of workmanship.

  1. If the module is assigned the designation Grade A, then the product belongs to the premium class. It has no defects or flaws, and the warranty period reaches 15 years.

  2. Many Russian and Chinese models are designated with the letter B. This class allows for minor defects that do not affect battery performance.

  3. Most of the shortcomings will be in class C solar panels. The purchase of such products is associated with a certain risk, because along with uneven edges and chips, cracks are allowed.

Our review includes 12 of the best solar modules. All these devices are sold in the trade network of our country. When distributing places, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from Russian users.

Rating of the best solar panels

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best solar panels      1 Seraphim Eclipse SRP-390-E01B mono 390W      29 700 ₽
     2 Mobile solar panel TOPRAY Poly 150W      8 350 ₽
     3 Seraphim Eclipse SRP-320-E01B      18 500 ₽
     4 AXI-Premium 290W 24V Mono      25 300 ₽
     5 Exmork FSM-300M      19 200 ₽
     6 TW-Solar TW325MWP-60      13 900 ₽
     7 Hevel HVL 72 GG 380 Вт      17 800 ₽
     8 Delta BST 380-72 M MIN      13 900 ₽
     9 Feron PS0203 32233      6 500 ₽
     10 Vostok FSM 150-12 P      4 700 ₽
     11 Goal Zero Nomad 7 plus      9 600 ₽
     12 Woodland Mobile Power 40W      6 600 ₽

Seraphim Eclipse SRP-390-E01B mono 390W

Rating: 5.0

The unique “seamless” technology of assembling photocells is implemented in the manufacture of the Seraphim Eclipse SRP-390-E01B solar panel. By increasing the usable area of ​​the module, the manufacturer managed to get more energy. Power generation is 15% higher than traditional panels. The maximum power of the device reaches 390 W at a voltage of 24 V. The solar module can be operated in a wide temperature range (from -40 to +85ºС). Experts drew attention to the reduction of energy losses in the event of external dimming. The declared service life of the panel reaches 25 years. The model wins the gold of our review.

Consumers note the innovative Eclipse technology, high-quality assembly, high performance.



Mobile solar panel TOPRAY Poly 150W

Rating: 4.9

To receive electricity in places remote from civilization allows a folding solar panel TOPRAY Poli. Peak power reaches 150 W at a nominal voltage of 12 V. The experts liked the compactness of the model (370x340x130 mm) and low weight (3 kg), which will be especially important for hikers. The module is able to keep working both at high temperature (up to +85ºС) and at low temperature (-40ºС). The advantages of the solar battery include an anodized aluminum frame, a convenient case for transportation and storage. Along with the battery comes a charge controller, with which you can charge your gadgets. The module becomes a silver medalist.

Domestic consumers appreciate compactness, lightness, ease of transportation and operation. The downside is the high price.



Seraphim Eclipse SRP-320-E01B

Rating: 4.8

Another premium solar panel from a Chinese manufacturer made it to the prize podium. The Seraphim Eclipse SRP-320-E01B module is in the Tier1 list, which underlines the high status of the development. Experts praised the product for its high output power (320 W) with modest dimensions of 1623x1048x40 mm. The efficiency of the power source reaches 18,81%. The manufacturer gives a 10-year warranty for the model, which indicates the high quality of the product. A feature of the Eclipse series is the use of black anodizing to protect aluminum elements from corrosion. The junction box is completely closed and sealed.

Domestic consumers speak flatteringly about performance, high-quality assembly, and spectacular appearance. Of the minuses, they note non-repairability.



AXI-Premium 290W 24V Mono

Rating: 4.7

AXI-Premium solar panels demonstrate high efficiency. They consist of 60 photocells of single-crystal origin, the overall dimensions of the module are 1640x992x35 mm. The output power of the current source reaches 290 W, while the positive tolerance is 0-5 W. The reviewers liked the high build quality, very solid construction of the aluminum frame. Anodizing technology was used to protect the metal from corrosion. The manufacturer gives a 12-year warranty on its product. And the declared capacity for 25 years will not fall below 85% of the nominal value.

In the reviews, many flattering words are addressed to German quality, a high degree of dust and moisture protection (IP67), and durability. A small minus is the weight of the product (18 kg).



Exmork FSM-300M

Rating: 4.6

The most modern technologies for the production of solar panels have been mastered at the Chinese enterprise Sunny Energy Science and Technology. The company supplies several modules to the Russian market, experts consider Exmork FSM-300M one of the most modern. Their declared service life exceeds 30 years, while up to 25 years the power remains within the limit of 80% of the nominal value (300 W). The manufacturer’s warranty is 10 years. The panel can be operated in a wide temperature range (-40…+85ºС), it has a high degree of dust and moisture protection of the junction box and housing (IP 65). The model loses to the review leaders in overall dimensions (1956x992x45 mm) and weight (23 kg).

Domestic consumers highly appreciated the quality assembly and durability. The weak side of the panel, the owners consider an impressive weight.



TW-Solar TW325MWP-60

Rating: 4.5

The TW-Solar TW325MWP-60 solar module is based on high-quality premium photovoltaic cells. Experts drew attention to the unique PERC technology, thanks to which solar energy is efficiently converted into electrical energy both in the morning and in the evening, and in cloudy weather. The maximum module power is limited to 325 W, while the panel dimensions are 1665x1002x35 mm. The product is not inferior to the leaders of the review in such components as the temperature range of operation (-40 … + 85ºС), the degree of sealing (IP 67), while winning in cost. The model closes the TOP-6 of our review.

The solar battery pleases users with a democratic price, high efficiency, unpretentiousness. Of the minuses, they note only a large weight (18,6 kg).



Hevel HVL 72 GG 380 Вт

Rating: 4.4

Innovative developments have allowed the Russian manufacturer to compete adequately in the solar battery market. The Hevel HVL 72 GG module was created using heterogeneous technology (HJT), which combined the strengths of thin-film and crystalline photovoltaic cells. Panel size 1996x1002x30 mm consists of 72 cells, it generates electricity up to 380 watts. The experts appreciated the high efficiency of the solar panel (22,3%), wide temperature range (-40…+85ºС). The degree of sealing of the junction box is quite high (IP65).

Russian consumers speak flatteringly about the build quality of the domestic module. They praise the panel for its effectiveness on days when the sun hides behind clouds. But the battery does not reach the declared capacity.



Delta BST 380-72 M MIN

Rating: 4.3

Another Chinese solar panel is capable of generating electricity up to 380 watts. This is the Delta BST 380-72 M model, created using the innovative PERC technology. Battery size 1979x1002x35 mm consists of 72 monocrystalline cells. The experts have no complaints about the build quality of the product (Grade A class). The frame of the panel is made of anodized aluminum and comes with a cable length of 900 mm (section 4 sq. mm). The advantages of the module include a sealed terminal box (IP68) and the presence of tempered glass 3,2 mm thick. The practical efficiency of the module reaches 17,09%, the product weighs 23 kg.

Users are satisfied with the technical characteristics of the panel, low price, workmanship. Only the service life of photocells leaves much to be desired.



Feron PS0203 32233

Rating: 4.2

To keep numerous gadgets working away from populated areas, Feron developed the portable solar panel PS0203 (article 32233). The strength of the model, according to experts, is its compactness and mobility. In the transport position, the module has overall dimensions of 200x250x45 mm, and in the working position, the length increases to 950 mm. Due to its low weight (0,79 kg), the product will not weigh down the traveler’s backpack too much. The rated power of the device is limited to 14 W, which is enough to charge devices via the USB connector. It is allowed to operate the Russian-Chinese product at temperatures from -10 to + 40ºС.

Since the device has a degree of dust and moisture protection IP40, it is important to protect the panel from rain in nature. And users are most attracted by low price and mobility.



Vostok FSM 150-12 P

Rating: 4.1

The Vostok FSM 150-12 P solar panel stands out from its competitors at the most attractive cost. It is made of high-quality single-crystal photocells (Grade A). The module consists of 36 cells, the efficiency of the entire node is 15,13%. The junction box is reliably protected from dust and moisture (IP65), the battery is equipped with a long electric cable (900 mm). Panel power rating is limited to 150W. The device operates in a wide temperature range (-40 … + 85ºС), the company gives a 10-year warranty for its product. The model closes the top ten solar panels.

Russian users are satisfied with the low price, reliability and good equipment. Their only concern is the gap between the frame and the glass from the outside.



Goal Zero Nomad 7 plus

Rating: 4.0

The American manufacturer has developed a lightweight portable solar panel Goal Zero Nomad 7 plus. In the transport position, it takes up a minimum of space in luggage (165×222,2×12,7 mm), making it only 0,363 kg heavier. Experts emphasize the versatility of the module, to which you can connect different devices. Most of the gadgets are perfectly charged via the USB connector, the connection of the branded Guide 10 Plus charger is also provided. The model does not have high power (7 W) and voltage (5 V). The asset of the product should include a convenient case with fastening on the belt and a pocket with a zipper for storing cords. If necessary, the pocket can act as a stand.

Users liked the compactness and lightness of the model, the presence of an intensity indicator, and a convenient case. Not enough for some owners of the mini plug in the kit.



Woodland Mobile Power 40W

Rating: 4.0

The Russian development of Woodland Mobile Power 40W stands out from the competition with an extended package. Batteries, lighting devices and smartphones can be connected to the power source. The nominal power of the module is limited to 40 W at a voltage of 18 V. The experts liked the soft substrate that protects the solar cells from mechanical damage. The model has a folding design, when folded it takes up little space (350x330x30 mm). The model is inferior to similar portable panels in weight (3 kg). The asset of the product should include a waterproof cover, the presence of a pocket and eyelets.

Users liked the rich equipment, the panel comes with clips for direct connection, as well as 10 plugs with standard connectors. But they consider the price too high.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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