12 best remedies for toothache

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Acute toothache, which can be difficult to get rid of, can greatly ruin plans and affect overall well-being or emotional mood. A person suffering from it cannot sleep, fully eat food or work. Often, toothache is accompanied by inflammation of the gums, fever and a general deterioration in well-being. In this case, the best solution is to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Possible causes of toothache

Usually, pain in the teeth occurs against the background of the development of the inflammatory process and the violation of the integrity of the neurovascular bundle (pulp). Aching pains also often indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or all kinds of damage in the periodontal tissues.

Most often this occurs against the background of the following pathologies:

  1. carious process. If the tooth has begun to collapse recently, then the pain is usually not noticeable. It is felt when eating hot or cold food/drinks. It can also be triggered by sour or sweet foods. With the aggravation of the carious process, the teeth hurt with every hygienic cleaning or while eating.

  2. Hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of the hard tissues of the teeth). This pathology develops when the tooth enamel is thinned or when cracks form on it.

  3. Pulpitis. Unpredictable pain can occur against the background of an inflammatory process in the soft tissue of the tooth along with the nerves localized in it. They often make themselves felt at night and radiate to the ear or temple.

  4. Periodontitis. If the tissues that surround the top of the tooth become inflamed, then the pain is usually pulsating. It becomes stronger if you touch the tooth or adjacent gums. With severe periodontitis, loosening of the teeth often occurs.

  5. Periodontitis. With inflammation of the bone tissue around the teeth, a pronounced pain syndrome also appears. Such a pathological process often occurs due to the penetration of pathogens into the tissues.

Another likely cause of toothache can be a traumatic fracture. In the area above the gum or under the gum, the tooth is mechanically damaged. Such an injury is fraught with breaking off part of the crown, as a result of which the nerve fibers are exposed. In this case, a person experiences severe toothache constantly.

Means and methods of dealing with toothache

6 main methods help to reduce or eliminate toothache completely:

  1. oral use of NSAIDs or combined painkillers;

  2. local application of anesthetics;

  3. use of folk methods;

  4. acupressure technique;

  5. seeking help from a dentist-therapist;

  6. tooth extraction operation.

The first 4 methods only temporarily alleviate the condition. In addition, a number of possible contraindications should be taken into account. In our review, we will consider the best monocomponent NSAIDs, combined drugs, as well as local pain relievers.

Rating of the best remedies for toothache

Nomination Place Name Price
The best monocomponent NSAIDs for toothache      1 Ketanov      63 ₽
     2 Dexalgin 25      263 ₽
     3 Nalgesine      211 ₽
     4 Nimesil      310 ₽
     5 Nurofen Forte      112 ₽
The best combination remedies for toothache      1 Solpadein Fast soluble      124 ₽
     2 Trialgin      289 ₽
     3 Ibuklin      139 ₽
     4 Panoxen      137 ₽
The best topical remedies for toothache      1 Kamistad      330 ₽
     2 Holisal      390 ₽
     3 Lident Baby      130 ₽

The best monocomponent NSAIDs for toothache

NSAIDs are widely used in dental practice to relieve pain. They have analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. However, such drugs should not be abused, as they often adversely affect the digestive tract and kidneys. Popular active ingredients: ketorolac, dexketoprofen, naproxen, nimesulide, ibuprofen.


Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was the Indian drug Ketanov. Its active substance – ketorolac – has a pronounced analgesic effect, and it is also able to relieve inflammation and moderately reduce temperature. Ketanov does not have a sedative or anxiolytic effect. And also it does not cause respiratory depression or drug dependence.

Ketanov tablets are small, round, white, odorless. They are covered with a smooth shell. Each of them contains 10 mg of ketorolac. The tablets are easy to swallow. They are located on blisters. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 40 mg. Depending on the severity of the toothache, it is sometimes enough to take Ketanov once or several times a day.

Many in the reviews note that Ketanov helps them with toothache of moderate and severe intensity. It is effective for pulpitis, after tooth extraction, after gum surgery. This remedy begins to anesthetize approximately 1 hour after taking the pill and reliably relieves pain for 4-6 hours. With the abuse of this medicine, gastric bleeding may begin if there is a history of peptic ulcer.



Dexalgin 25

Rating: 4.8

The pharmaceutical company Berlin Chemie produces the drug Dexalgin 25. This drug contains dexketoprofen, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It reduces or completely eliminates toothache within 15-30 minutes after taking the drug inside. This effect persists for 4-6 hours.

Dexalgin is a relatively small, round, biconvex white film-coated tablet. On both sides they have a separating risk. Each of them contains 25 mg of active ingredient. The maximum daily dose of Dexalgin is 75 mg (3 tablets). With severe toothache, you can take this remedy for half a tablet every 4-6 hours or a whole one every 8 hours. This drug should not be used for longer than 3-5 days in a row.

Dexalgin has many positive reviews. He is praised for the fact that the effect of anesthesia occurs quickly enough. But some say that if you take this remedy, having eaten tightly before that, then the onset of pain relief will have to wait longer. It is best to take this NSAID 30 minutes before meals. Deksalgin shows itself well after dental operations. The drug has a fairly extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects.




Rating: 4.7

The next review nominee is Nalgezin, produced in Slovenia by the pharmaceutical company Krka. This medicine contains naproxen. This is another representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect. The active substance is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The drug has proven itself well for toothache of mild or moderate severity.

Nalgezin is available in the form of oval, biconvex, blue film-coated tablets. They are swallowed without any problems. Each of them contains 275 mg of naproxen. The average daily dose to relieve toothache is 2-4 tablets (550-1100 mg). In case of acute pain and in the absence of gastrointestinal pathologies in the patient’s medical history, an increase in the daily dose to 1650 mg is allowed.

According to reviews, toothache becomes less pronounced or completely disappears within 15-20 minutes after using Nalgesin. Some note that with this remedy you do not have to swallow painkillers every hour, since it works for a long time. If you do not exceed the dosage, then Nalgezin is usually well tolerated. But when using more than 4 tablets per day, nausea, epigastric pain, constipation / diarrhea may occur.




Rating: 4.7

Another worthy pain reliever is Nimesil, manufactured by Berlin Chemie. Its active ingredient is nimesulide. This substance is able to relieve the inflammatory process, stop pain and lower the temperature. Nimesil works well for acute toothache. The drug is allowed to be used by persons over 12 years of age.

Nimesil is a light yellow granular powder with an orange smell. The granules are packaged in sachets. Each of them contains 100 mg of nimesulide. The contents of the sachet are poured into half a glass of water at room temperature. As a result of dissolution, a white or yellowish suspension is formed. For pain in the teeth, it is recommended to use 1 sachet no more than 2 times a day after meals.

This remedy is an excellent pain reliever for various dental problems. But not everyone likes the taste of the drink obtained by dissolving the granules. Despite the presence of sugar in the composition, the solution turns out to be sour-bitter. Drinking it without adding honey or sugar can be problematic. Tolerability of the drug depends on the presence of concomitant diseases. In some people, Nimesil causes heartburn, stomach pain.



Nurofen Forte

Rating: 4.6

The British drug Nurofen Forte contains the active ingredient – ibuprofen (400 mg). This remedy is great for relieving toothache. The effect of anesthesia becomes noticeable 30-45 minutes after the use of the drug and is felt for 8 hours. Nurofen Forte tablets are approved for use from the age of 12. But before resorting to his help, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications (it is quite impressive).

Nurofen Forte tablets are round, convex on both sides, white sugar-coated. This allows some to swallow them even without water. But this is only in emergency cases, and in all other cases, this painkiller should be washed down with water. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. People with gastrointestinal problems should take this medicine with meals. The interval between taking a new dose should be at least 6 hours.

Some consider Nurofen Forte to be the best pain reliever and trust only him with their teeth. Also, this drug is considered by many to be universal, since it is able to eliminate various other pains in the body. If you do not exceed the dosage and do not take it on an empty stomach, then side effects are unlikely. But occasionally, this NSAID can provoke nausea, dyspepsia, and abdominal pain.



The best combination remedies for toothache

Combined toothache remedies usually include non-narcotic analgesics in combination with NSAIDs. They can also be supplemented with caffeine and other ingredients.

Solpadein Fast soluble

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee among the combined remedies for toothache was Solpadein Fast, produced in Greece. It contains 2 components: paracetamol (500 mg) and caffeine (65 mg). Among the excipients there is sorbitol and citric acid. Paracetamol has pronounced antipyretic and analgesic properties, and caffeine enhances them. The drug is approved for use from 12 years.

Solpadein Fast is available in the form of white soluble tablets. Their shape is flat and they have a dividing line on one side. One piece is dissolved in 100 ml of pure water. Do not take more than 2 tablets at a time. And per day it is allowed to take them no more than 8 pieces. 4 hours should elapse between each new dose.

According to reviews, Solpadein Fast is quite comfortable to take – after dissolving the tablet, you get a little carbonated water. Although some of its taste is still embarrassing. It is in this form of release that Solpadein begins to act very quickly. It effectively relieves toothache, headache and menstrual pain. Usually the drug is well tolerated. But if it is abused, then dyspeptic disorders, increased excitability, and sleep problems may occur.




Rating: 4.8

The Czech drug Trialgin contains 3 active ingredients: metamizole sodium (300 mg), caffeine (50 mg) and phenobarbital (10 mg). This combined remedy has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. The analgesic effect develops after 20-30 minutes and reaches a maximum after 45 minutes. This remedy can be used by persons over 18 years of age.

Trialgin is a round, flat cylindrical tablet with a separating risk. Their color is white or closer to cream. In diameter, they reach about 1 cm, but are swallowed almost without problems. Trialgin should not be chewed and at the same time you need to drink at least 100 ml of water. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets.

From the reviews it follows that Trialgin begins to anesthetize quickly enough. With a slightly pronounced, aching toothache, he stops it completely. In acute pain syndrome, it noticeably reduces it. This remedy is not addictive, but it should not be abused. Especially carefully such a drug should be used by people with stomach ulcers. It can provoke an exacerbation.




Rating: 4.7

The Indian drug Ibuklin contains ibuprofen (400 mg) and paracetamol (325 mg). Each of these substances separately manifests itself as a good pain reliever. And the effectiveness of the combination is even higher than the individual components. The drug has a long list of indications, including toothache. This remedy can be taken by persons who are already 12 years old.

Ibuklin is available in the form of orange-coated capsule-shaped tablets with a score line on one side. The latter may come in handy as the tablet is large and can be difficult to swallow. Ibuklin is recommended to be taken 2-3 hours after a meal. The maximum single dose can be 2 pieces, and the maximum daily dose – 6 pieces. You can take them every 4 hours.

Those who took Ibuklin for toothache note in their reviews that the drug noticeably alleviates the condition within half an hour. The pains become less or recede completely for 4-6 hours. The drug is usually well tolerated, but may adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and liver with prolonged use in high dosages. But with rare, single applications, the appearance of side effects is unlikely.




Rating: 4.6

Another nominee from India was Panoxen. It contains diclofenac sodium (50 mg) and paracetamol (500 mg). In tandem, they prove to be an excellent pain reliever. Panoxen has a long list of indications for use, which includes toothache. The effect of anesthesia is achieved within 40-60 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours.

Panoxen tablets are capsule-shaped with a score line. Their color is almost white. Take Panoksen inside without chewing. It is best to do this while eating and drink a quarter glass of water. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. If rapid pain relief is required, then, as an exception, the drug can be taken half an hour before meals.

Panoxen is praised by many for being 100% effective when used to relieve toothache. The tablets are quite large, but if you use the separating risk, then there will be no problems with swallowing them. Many are attracted by the affordable price of this medicine. At the same time, they are well aware that such drugs have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, so they should not be used without special need.



The best topical remedies for toothache

If toothache is associated with teething “eights” or is associated with periodontitis, then the use of local anesthetics and NSAIDs can be an excellent solution to the problem. They act very quickly, but sometimes require concomitant oral pain medication.


Rating: 4.9

The German drug Kamistad contains lidocaine and chamomile extract. Due to these components, there is a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. This tool is great for relieving pain during teething “wisdom”, as well as after orthopedic operations in maxillofacial surgery. Kamistad is approved for use from the age of 12.

Kamistad is produced in the form of a yellow-brown gel. It is housed in an aluminum tube with a screw cap. The gel has a pleasant chamomile aroma and a bittersweet taste. The tool is easy to use. A small amount should be applied to the painful area. Immediately after this, numbness begins, and the pain goes away. The procedure can be repeated 3 times a day. The action of the remedy is usually enough for 4-6 hours.

Many praise Kamistad in their reviews for helping them survive the process of teething “eights”. Along with the elimination of pain, this remedy effectively relieves the inflammatory process. Swollen gums return to normal in 2-3 days. She ceases to interfere and cause discomfort. Usually Kamistad is well tolerated, but in some patients it can provoke allergic reactions.




Rating: 4.8

The Polish drug Cholisal contains 2 active ingredients: choline salicylate (local analgesic) and cetalkonium chloride (antiseptic). The adhesive base with ethanol provides a quick onset of effect and long-term retention of the drug on the mucous membrane. This remedy has worked well for pain associated with teething, as well as for various periodontal diseases.

Cholisal is a colorless, transparent, homogeneous gel. It has an anise flavor. The gel is placed in an aluminum tube. For pain relief, Holisal is used 2-3 times a day 30-60 minutes before eating. It can also be used after meals or before going to bed. The gel is applied with a finger with light massaging movements in the affected area. After application, you immediately feel coolness and rapid pain relief.

Holisal is a real find for those who have “wisdom” teeth erupting for a long time. With this tool, this process delivers much less discomfort. The analgesic effect occurs after 2-3 minutes, while its duration is 2-8 hours. The drug is economically consumed and is usually well tolerated. Some are only embarrassed by the burning sensation that occurs immediately after application and soon disappears on its own.



Lident Baby

Rating: 4.7

The Russian manufacturer Akrikhin produces Lident Baby. It contains lidocaine (a local anesthetic) and cetylpyridinium chloride (an antiseptic). The composition also contains a flavor of chamomile and caramel. This should be taken into account by persons prone to allergies. This drug is often prescribed for teething in children from 3 months. But some parents who are teething “wisdom” willingly borrow it from their kids.

Lident Baby is a light yellow homogeneous gel. It tastes sweet, but not cloying. In an aluminum tube, it can contain 5 or 10 g. A small amount of gel is squeezed onto the tip of a clean finger and gently rubbed into the painful area. If necessary, the manipulation can be repeated after 20 minutes, but not more than 6 times a day.

According to reviews, Lident Baby is great for kids. And if it is used by adults, then they also manage to significantly reduce the pain syndrome during the eruption of the “eights”. Immediately after application, a chill is felt for 1-2 minutes. The gel lasts for a long time and is not washed off with saliva. If you use the product in accordance with the instructions, then the occurrence of undesirable effects is unlikely.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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