12 best remedies for teething

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Teething in a child is considered one of the main events of the first year of life, as well as an important stage in its physiological development. It becomes a real torture for both him and his parents. The period of teething on average falls on the age from 6 months to 3 years. But in most babies, the first tooth appears closer to 8 months.

Parents can suspect the onset of teething by redness and swelling of the gums. Usually after 7-10 days they return to their normal state, but a white stripe appears on their top – the first tooth. Other common symptoms include the following:

  1. salivation becomes increased;

  2. gums constantly itch;

  3. diarrhea joins;

  4. loss of appetite;

  5. body temperature reaches 37,5-38,0 ºC.

Even at this stage, the child constantly pulls various objects or his own fingers into his mouth. He sucks and bites them. Most pediatricians consider teething to be a natural physiological process that does not require special medical intervention. And yet, during this period, even if it proceeds without any special complications, the baby is very uncomfortable physically. And this, in turn, has a bad effect on the nervous system of the child.

In such a situation, babies need specially designed drugs that would alleviate their condition. All such products must be safe and proven during rigorous clinical trials. In our review, we have collected the best pain relief gels, as well as the best homeopathic and organic remedies for teething.

Rating of the best means for teething

Nomination Place Name Price
The best pain relief gels      1 Kamistad Baby Gel      305 ₽
     2 Calgel      460 ₽
     3 Dentineil Natura gel      860 ₽
     4 Baby Doctor gel first teeth      340 ₽
     5 Dentinox      320 ₽
     6 Holisal      390 ₽
     7 Pansoral first teeth      402 ₽
The Best Organic and Homeopathic Remedies      1 Dantinorm Baby      540 ₽
     2 Dentokind      570 ₽
     3 Viburcol      430 ₽
     4 Boiron Camilia      700 ₽
     5 Christopher’s Original Formulas Kid-e-Col Extract      1940 ₽

The best pain relief gels

Analgesics that are used during teething can be divided into 2 main groups. The former contain lidocaine, benzocaine, or similar local anesthetics. Others are dominated by natural ingredients.

Kamistad Baby Gel

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was the German gel Kamistad Baby. It contains 2 active ingredients: an extract of chamomile flowers (soothes, relieves inflammation, heals the mucous membrane) and polidocanol (cools and distracts the gums during teething). This tool is suitable for the smallest (from 3 months), when they have the first signs of the appearance of milk teeth.

Gel Kamistad Baby is transparent with a yellow-brown tint. It has a pleasant taste – mint-honey. It is placed in an aluminum tube with a narrow thin neck dispenser. When extruded, the gel does not spread, because it is quite thick. The agent is squeezed onto a clean finger or a cotton swab and distributed over the surface of the gums, rubbing lightly. Manipulation can be repeated 2-3 times a day. It is better to do this after feeding or before going to bed.

According to the parents’ feedback, Kamistad Baby begins to act quickly enough. Many adults have experienced it on themselves, so they note that the gums seem to freeze after applying the gel. And this effect lasts 20-40 minutes. Usually, after applying this remedy, the kids sleep peacefully for 1-1,5 hours, and then they begin to act up again. Parents also note that this gel is quite sticky and it is not comfortable for them to use it.




Rating: 4.8

Polish dental gel Kalgel contains 2 active active ingredients: lidocaine (causes local anesthesia) and cetylpyridinium chloride (has an antiseptic effect). With these funds, it is possible to reduce pain and relieve the inflammatory process on the gums during teething. This medicine is suitable for use if the child is already 3 months old.

Calgel is a homogeneous, soft gel. It does not contain any grains or inclusions. Its color is yellow-brown, close to amber. The aroma of Calgel is quite specific. It is packaged in aluminum tubes in the amount of 10 g. It is enough to take a small pea of ​​the product with a clean finger and gently spread it over the painful area, lightly massaging the gums. After 20 minutes, Calgel can be reapplied. Maximum per day, you can do such manipulations 6 times.

The effect of this tool develops immediately. Lidocaine, which is part of the composition, freezes the gums and all the negative symptoms temporarily alleviate the child’s condition. However, this effect of anesthesia does not last very long and after 40-60 minutes the baby begins to experience pain again. And it should also be borne in mind that lidocaine is a potentially dangerous substance for babies and can cause a number of negative consequences.



Dentineil Natura gel

Rating: 4.7

Italian gel Dentineil Natura contains 3 natural active ingredients: aloe vera juice, boswellia and chamomile extracts. With Dentinale natura, the gums become less sensitive during teething, their irritation and inflammation are reduced. With this tool, the period of appearance of milk teeth will pass more comfortably and at the same time it will be possible to avoid the use of synthetic anesthetics and analgesics.

Dentineil Natura comes in an aluminum tube (20 ml). This gel is transparent with a yellowish tinge. It has a pleasant menthol taste. You can apply the medicine with a washed finger. During manipulation, everything should be done very delicately. You can repeat the process of applying Dentineil up to 5 times a day. After that, you should not feed the child or let him drink for half an hour.

From the reviews it follows that Dentinale natura begins to act 5-10 minutes after application. With this tool, the child quickly falls asleep and can sleep peacefully for more than 2 hours. Such a drug is quite economically consumed and with it you can “grow” not a single tooth. This remedy is safe even if a child swallows it. But in some, especially sensitive babies, it can still provoke allergic reactions.



Baby Doctor gel first teeth

Rating: 4.6

Israeli gel Baby Doctor first teeth contains 5 medicinal plants. Together, these plant components can relieve inflammation on the gums, stop the pronounced pain syndrome, heal the mucous membrane, which is damaged during the eruption of milk teeth. You can use this medicine for patients who are already 3 months old.

Gel Baby Doctor is completely transparent, quite thick. It is in a soft plastic tube. Its taste is slightly sour, herbal, with hints of mint. The gel is recommended to be applied to the child’s gums when the first signs of anxiety appear during teething. Do this with a well-washed finger. The manufacturer claims that this product is safe if swallowed by a child.

Usually, the action from Baby Doctor develops almost immediately and lasts for 3 hours. The child at this time stops pulling fingers and toys into his mouth. Such a drug clearly eliminates the itching on the gums for a while. However, there is no lidocaine in the composition, so this remedy does not have a pronounced pain relief. In addition, some parents are confused by the presence of methylparaben in the composition.




Rating: 4.5

Another worthy nominee of our review was the German Dentinox gel. It contains 3 active ingredients: chamomile (excellent relieves inflammation), lidocaine (causes local anesthesia), lauromacrogol 600 (enhances the therapeutic effect of lidocaine). It is actively used in pediatrics during teething, in which the gums become inflamed, irritated and sore.

Dentinox gel is homogeneous, slightly hazy. Its color is greenish-yellow. The aroma is chamomile and menthol. It is packaged in metal tubes in the amount of 10 g. The product can be applied with a clean finger or a cotton swab. It is enough to take a small pea of ​​the product and gently apply it to the painful area, rubbing it in lightly. The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a day. It is right to do this after feeding and before going to bed.

Despite the presence of lidocaine in the composition, which not all parents favor, there are many positive reviews about Dentinox. The agent begins to act 2-3 minutes after its distribution over the area where teething occurs. Its analgesic effect is enough for the child to fall asleep peacefully. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but in some babies it can provoke allergic manifestations.




Rating: 4.5

Polish gel Holisal contains 2 active ingredients: choline salicylate (locally eliminates pain, inflammation, hyperthermia), cetalkonium chloride (has an antiseptic effect). The adhesive base of the product contains ethyl alcohol, so the effect when applying Holisal develops quickly, and the active substances themselves are retained on the mucous membrane longer. This tool is allowed for children from 1 year.

You can buy 10 or 15 g of Holisal. It is placed in metal tubes. The gel is homogeneous, transparent, colorless. The aroma is anise, pronounced. When teething milk teeth, a strip of the product (about 0,5 cm) is squeezed onto a clean finger and gently rubbed into the painful area, gently massaging the gum. It is allowed to apply Holisal 2-3 times a day.

The child usually calms down 3-5 minutes after applying the product to the area where teething occurs. The analgesic effect lasts differently for everyone, but it usually takes 2-8 hours. However, adults note that most often there is a short-term slight burning sensation at the site of application of the drug. Many people like that this remedy is free of lidocaine and sugar.



Pansoral first teeth

Rating: 4.5

French oral gel Pansoral first teeth among the active ingredients contains liquid extracts of chamomile, marshmallow, saffron, and Irish moss. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial action. This product does not contain lidocaine and is suitable for babies from 4 months.

Pansoral first teeth for sale in soft tubes of 15 ml. It is a clear gel with a yellowish tint. The product has no smell. The consistency is moderately liquid. The product is easily squeezed out of the tube and is well distributed over the gums. Apply the medicine with a clean finger and lightly massage the painful area. Manipulation is repeated as needed.

Parents report that in the beginning it is rather difficult to get used to applying this remedy correctly. But when it already starts to turn out, then the analgesic effect becomes more pronounced. From the reviews it follows that Pansoral is spent very economically. But some parents are embarrassed that parabens are present in this product, as well as the fact that there is no instruction in Russian.



The Best Organic and Homeopathic Remedies

When the first milk teeth begin to erupt in babies, parents try to select homeopathic or organic remedies for them. These may be oral, topical or rectal preparations. They are usually well tolerated.

Dantinorm Baby

Rating: 4.9

The French drug Dantinorm Baby is homeopathic. This tool contains 3 active ingredients: chamomile (eliminates irritability, inflammation), phytolacca (stops pain during teething) and rhubarb (improves the digestion process). The composition does not contain ethanol, sugar and synthetic dyes. When teething milk teeth, it can be used for the smallest.

Dantinorm Baby is a solution for internal use. The clear liquid is in plastic nebules, which are placed in 5 pieces in sealed foil bags. One nebula contains only 1 ml of solution. It is recommended to give 1 dose to the baby 2-3 times a day in between feedings for three days. You can pour the solution only in a sitting position so that the baby does not choke.

When teething, parents prefer to give this homeopathic remedy as a course. And it fully justifies its purpose – kids endure this period much easier. But also some give it one-time (at the time of acute pain). In this case, the drug also works, but less effectively. This tool will be a godsend for those who are against lidocaine in the composition.




Rating: 4.8

The German homeopathic remedy Dentokind contains: belladonna, hammomil, ferrum phosphoricum, hepar sulfuris and pulsatilla pratensis. A set of such components helps with the painful symptoms that accompany the eruption of milk teeth in children. This drug is not suitable for patients with lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Dentokind comes in the form of small lozenges. They have a flat cylindrical shape and a sweetish taste. They are placed in the amount of 150 pieces in a brown glass bottle. Dentokind is suitable for children from 0 to 6 years old. For children under two years of age, it is recommended to pre-dissolve the tablet in a teaspoon of water. When in contact with liquid, it quickly begins to “melt”. The number of tablets allowed per day depends on the age of the child.

According to reviews, Dentokind primarily acts as a sedative. It perfectly eliminates whims, which usually increase during teething. With this remedy, children sleep better, and it also reduces painful sensitivity, swelling and inflammation of the gums. Some manage to “grow” a single tooth with these pills without the additional use of anesthetic gels.




Rating: 4.7

The German pharmaceutical company Heel produces the drug Viburkol. It contains 6 active homeopathic ingredients. This tool is actively used to relieve clinical manifestations during the eruption of milk teeth. Viburkol has a pronounced antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, as well as a slight analgesic and sedative effect.

This German remedy is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. They are torpedo-shaped. They are white in color and have no smell. Children under 6 months are recommended to use 1 suppository 2 times a day. From 6 months at a body temperature above 37,5 ° C, 1 piece 4 times a day, and at a temperature above 38 ° C, 1 piece up to 6 times a day.

Many parents willingly purchase Viburkol, despite its high cost, as it helps to survive the period of teething. These candles are quite convenient to use and they very quickly remove pronounced discomfort in a child during this period. This remedy is usually well tolerated, but in some babies it can cause mild diarrhea.



Boiron Camilia

Rating: 4.6

The American analogue of the drug Dantinorm Baby contains the same homeopathic components: chamomile (calms, reduces pain), phytolacca (eliminates pain), rhubarb (normalizes digestion with minor problems). This remedy is suitable for teething for children from 1 month and older. This product does not contain benzocaine or preservatives.

Boiron Camilia is packaged exactly like Dantinorm Baby. The homeopathic solution for oral administration is in plastic nebulae. The maximum daily dose is 9 nebulae. They break off the nose and all the contents are sent to the baby’s mouth. If necessary, after 15 minutes, you can give another dose and so on up to three pieces in a row. Children usually take this medicine without resistance.

Grateful parents speak very well of this homeopathic remedy. They note that with such drops it is much easier to calm a capricious baby during teething. Boiron Camilia improves the sleep quality of a suffering child and normalizes digestion. Usually this remedy is well tolerated, but occasionally it can provoke an allergic rash or loose stools.



Christopher’s Original Formulas Kid-e-Col Extract

Rating: 4.6

The American brand Christopher’s Original Formulas produces an organic dietary supplement Kid-e-Col Extract. It perfectly relieves colic and pain that occurs against the background of teething. The product contains organic cat root grass and organic fennel seed. Suitable for babies over 3 months old.

Kid-e-Col extract is a drop that is placed in a dark glass bottle, equipped with a dosing pipette. The solution has a pleasant taste and herbal aroma. It is recommended to shake the bottle well before use. With colic, you need to give 10-15 drops 3 times a day. You can give them every hour as needed. When teething, it is allowed to rub 3-4 drops of this product into the gum.

According to reviews, this remedy from Christopher’s Original Formulas eliminates colic perfectly. But the analgesic effect is less pronounced, but for some children this supplement helps very well. In addition, this tool soothes the baby well and helps him sleep soundly. However, parents note that such droplets quite often provoke loose stools.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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